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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Dril SHELT0 ELECTIIC Govey Bldg. PhOn! I Nells-- Test Hole. KANS.,PGOAR,NTEEO ! PINE STREET  IIIllJ JlllAL MOBILGAS PRODUCTS 200 E. PINE urmmg .... I RENCE BE°ELL I"SPEED¥" by OLYMPIC MOTOR SALES .rly Davidson Drilling Co.)  _ .-...--= /  --I1 eLLo eeov? .t] ,ute 3, Box 101, Shelton ;'I'.+ENr¢t'-,OIa.B2T {" "A'M_ / Ill "fUR,IEDTHE "'°l " ,TT' K'Y " wu=. cA COb4PLETELY use cA  ouR s e ' ..... " .................. " ' ,440T00¢,A/i:¢ |1( SYHANOTOSE IF ) II"K'-_ . . i ..... ; r J II .... :, , q,-wm,B |'r't.L STAI:IT. ' .$ . SUPPLIE00000000 t For. Better Automot,ve Serv,ce00..00. !RICAL SUPPLIES Ponder and Body Repairing " " Wheel Aligning • BUT -- GIVING IS PAST We are Remind! ' " gtl hnstmas Tree g i Decorations rious Kinds as Well as ECTRICAL GIFT MATION ON ELECTRIC oos _ supp.o00 --E. f n r: Phone 645 y, November 27, 1947. SttELTON-MAS0N" COUNTY JOURNAL 0"°A wAN A.s. " DiesH°°dsp°rt Ma,Iat His Home IAMOHG YOUR MERCHANTS Philatetter l ., 00!t[iforA!!' -----'- -'- H O m E Dave Cyril Matthews died at {atb2! net id :hideut  el m:7 egl:e2ttrt " ' 7 ;h his home in Hoodsport Saturday. z 1 rCvOive;l Our readers will probably we-  1 a Hc had lived thcrc for seven and 1 andise storing,sp?% come this announcement. The i ling Tuberculosis L 0 A N S a half years. Tuberculosis. illing more than He was born February 14, 1881, Mountbatten's wedding Mrs. A. 0. : ' Walther League, the young peo- Killmer will be glad 'to play it for A small Shelton business estab- ple's organization of Mount Olive 50,000 Americans a year, is a | I in Osage, Minn. He leaves his wife, l J Helen, three daughters, Mrs. Rca them at the Killmer Electric Store lisbment changed ownership early Lutheran Church, will put on a grave threat to the health of our ) |l Shecdy, Mrs. Ernestine Berry and at 207 Cota street, this month with the purchase by craft and hobby show next Sun- people. It is a communicable dis- nvenient Terms I lMrs. Joycc Scott, all of Shelton, Mrs. Killmer made"'a record Mintie Ahern of the First Street day afteYnoon and evening be- ease caused by a germ and peo- [I and a son, Nell, of Dallas, Texas. from the radio broadcast of the Grocery and Lunch from W. C. tween the hours of 5:00 and 9:00. pie catch it by breathing the I I Other survivors include a sis- wedding vows and ceremony last Knight, the founder of the store. The show will be set up in the germs which have been coughed easonable Rates I I ter, Mrs. V. J. Alexander, ScaLd week. , , • i parish hall of Mount Olive Luther- up by people with active ptflmon- .......... es made t I an Church, Highway and Cascade. cry tuberculosis. Valley, Calif., two brothers, Ben- An amusing sidelight to the re- , xueae.gpurcnas  a.lThe public is of course, cordially Since tuberculosis is commun- jamin and Earl C., both of Call- cording was related by 1V[rs. Kill- ne mcuonKey 'narmacy at ourtnl i,vltof] tn viow tho ohlhifu icable it presents a problem not • " an ............................. , • i DELAY fornia, an uncle, George Vails, met to this colmun scrivener early and Railroad will be wrapped d] Your columnist will take ad-, only to the patient and his tam- Vancouver, Wash., 11 grandchil- this week. Mrs. Killmer was play- handled in.a special ChRristmgg:ft/vantag e of this opportunity to give ily but to the community as a dren and one great-grandchild, ing the record over for her two annex winch Owner  ,Y ._ "1 Shelton its first major stamp ms- whole. A case of tuberculosis in The funeral was held at 10 a.m. youngest daughters at the Killmer Key has jus compietea m me ex-,nlav If you are in any way in- the cdmmunity is a danger to the yesterday in the Hood Canal Com- home when little 7-year-old Janet panded space which the addition of [ergsted in philately, you will entire community unless proper inanity church under the direction said, "Mother, I feel sorry for the former Burgoyne Photo studio nrobablv eniov our fourteen-foot precautions are taken to prevent of the Rev. Mr. Sweeney. Inter- Princess Elizabeth." quarters has given the pharmacy, exhibit- " - the spread of the infection. men, was in Sheltozx Iemorlal "Why do you?" Mother Killmer * * * WE ILI) HOPED to lay out a This is one reason that every park.  asked. Beautiful new display cases thousand dollars .worth of stamps, state has sanatoriums for the tu- "Now she has to leave her mo- were installed this week immcd- but have not been able to find the berculous where safeguards arc thor and father, Janet replied. Lately inside the main entrance of time to organize our display along employed to keep the disease from the Lumbermen's Mercantile store those lines. Perhaps the display being spread. Another reason for Things look a lot brighter at- in which feminine accessories, will be all the more interesting on sanatoriums is to provide the best SO We Give o,,nd the M & S Food Store now. costume jewelry, and lingerie will that account, medical treatment for the patient. It has nothing to do with econ- be displayed and purveyed by Mar- You will see the 5c carmine or- TitE MODERN attitude toward For omics, food prices, or lower rent, ion Elliot Mauerman and Peggy ror of 1917, old and new regular tuberculosis reveals the advances T H A N K S either. Klasell Mackey. postage issues, the Famous Amer- which have been made during the The lighter aspect is brought The new cases are of light-col- Leans, a complete parcel set, a last two generations. Even at the with Our Sincerest grati- about byan entire new store light- Prod wood with indirect lighting page or two of revenues and on- beginning of this century most ing system of fluorescent tubes and make a tmfly attractive addi- velope cut-squares, people believed that tuberculosis tude to all our customers for which were installed Monday tion to the store's main floor court- We'll have out our almost corn- was incurable. • The communicable nature of the favoring us with their pc- night at the behest of Owner Har- ter displays, plete set of Seattle precancels, tronage during the past year. old Sutherland. , , . some blocks and plate blocks. In disease was not clearly nnder- the novelty line, there will be a stood, With the result that the • * * Gas Graf has come up with an- page of perforated initials  tuberculous patient did not take L. W. JOHNSON And speaking improvements to other of those premiere showings mounted face down, And, of the necessary precautions to pro- store interiors, a major rearrange- at his Paramount Theatre here in course, we'll have out some for- vent spreading his germs to his SERVICE ment project is in the last stages Shelton, quite a feat for a town of eign stamps--probably Canadians. family or friends. At the same of completion at the Eells Auto such limited population and for a YOUR COLUMNIST will be time, he grew progressively worse. Parts firm, where proprietors Roy! Eells and Los Fields have com- pletely changed the shelving set-up and Color Matching • • Steam Cleaning • Estimates Gladly Furnished on Any Job "THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON" TER--NOW !! m :PLUS iEl) COATS--  d for--ideal for work  • Alpaca Lined • Sizes 36-38-40-48-50 2.95 .r ROPE L COTT01 3-B" WHITE !1UIYI¢lOUS uses ill tile home alld y amount. Foot KNIVES,- NAVY  knives make the ideal steak cannot afford to mi§s tlese. ....I..: ....... I 'HY PAY M010000!J ;, IOO% Wool O D ......... a !'J "S, Leather Faced, Wool ...'| : pa,r ........... : ............................ ;,] 3ANS, 5-gal. with Spout ........ ...:1 ,r HAMMOCKS; each .............. i" ANS, Stainless Steel. ................ iii.,:I (ETS, 100% Virgin Wool ......... | "clue • 32' reed Seams, Fire cost $221 .4. ............... SPECIAL / you Plaint Concrete in damp weather! When you use MEDUSA Cement Paint on your concrete wails or buildings, you don't have to worry about damp weather spoiling the job. As a matter of fact, it's really BETTER to paint concrete in the cool spring and;fall months when surfaces are not too dry. More and more structures are being painted with MEDUSA, one of the finest brands of cement paint on the market• We stock it in ten colors, in 10 lb. and 50 lb. cans. Call us for information! Full information gladly on coverage, prices, and application methods for MEDUSA. Just phone, or drop in and see us! 2½¢ Medusa is inexpensive to use -- for materials only, cost is less than PER SQ. FT. Mm Is To Serve o Painting I I ............... I Illl I I II [ Illl II Illlll I I IF YOU NEED GLASS FOR Your CAR To Keep Those Wintry Winds Out and the Warmth ip-- We Have in Stock Plenty of Windshield and Window Safety Glass Eaton Body & Fender THIRD AND GROVE STREETS PHONE 84 Oil theatre of such limited seating ca- present to answer any questions Organization of the National parity, and to explain anything in the ex- Tuberculosis Association in 1904 O O O Personal friendship with Roy hibit that require explaining, marked the beginning of a llan - Rogers, Republic Production's We're also looking forward to ned, nation-wide attack on tuber- Nice Christmas Present western star, who twice visited meeting more of our local collect- culosis. Throughout its history Shelton on personal appearance ors, both young and old. Don't the Association has been dedi- tours before the war, accounts for miss the Craft and Hobby Show rated to research "about tubercu- AT HALF PRICE the fact that the Shelt0n theatre- at IV[Punt Olive Lutheran Church losis, .to keeping the public in- man has succeeded in landing the next Sunday. f o r m e d concerning measures R Pacific • Coast premiere of the lat- Bad news for those thinking of which can be taken to prevent its A Small adio and Phonograph est Rogers picture "Springtime in starting a collection or of giving spread, to finding all cases of la- the Sierras," filmed in tru-color, an album for Christmas. Retail-r berculosis, to insisting upon pro- Combination Set' which will be shown for the first era, jobbers and the manufacturer per care for the tuberculous and time on the entlrePacific Coast of ilustrated albums all have the the provision of adequate facili- Thanksgiving evening through this same story: No albums available ties for that care. $55.00 SET $J  coming Saturday night in the Par- and none to be published before DEFINITE progress has been amount Theatre here. spring, made in the campaign against tu- for ................ r-.ii,V The Republic western star made You might try the mail order berculosis. The most impressive a lot of friends during his two houses or watch in out-of-the-way evidence of progress is to be found g out of the radio bus visits to Shelton and his shows al- places. But even the $2.00 bound in the 80 per cent decline in the ese' sets left. Place you ways draw well whenever Mr. Graf lY[odern album is scarcer than the death rate since 1904. delivery of one for XMAS. r schedules one at the Paramount. invertedair plane. Nevertheless, tuberculosis still * * * I CHECK THE copyright date on kills more young adults than any A dozen Shelton accountants at-, the back of the title page before other disease, is still one of the buying any album, particularly leading causes of death among S.L. PEARSON tended the regular meeting last when buying from someone other all ages. T.hursday evening in Olympia of than a reputable stamp dealer. The campaign against tuber- 120 E. PINE We are going out of the radio business and have just a dozen of these sets left. Place your order now to insure & SON PHONE 676 the, Accountants Association of Albums are issued annually so culosis begun in 1904 has been re- Olympia, whose president is a for- that any album with a copyright inforced by the affiliation of 3.000 mer Shelton resident, Charles date prior to 1947 is already out:v°luntary associations, organized Pearson. of date. on a state or local basis, with the The Sheltonians heard Maurice If you have an old album be National Association. In coopera- B" Lake' assistant c°mptr°ller of satisfied with it until the 1948 ti°n with public health agencies' Friendly the Seattle-First National bank's edition hits the market. If you these associations are conducting Seattle offices, speak on "Cost Ac- have no album and want to get effective programs directed at the counting as Applied to Banks." started with your collection, mount complete eradication of tubcrculo- The local contingent included your stamps on 8 by 11 blank sis. Elliot B. Spring and Herb Rotter, paper in a loose leaf binder. The Thc work of the voluntary as-Service who operate their own public ac- blank album, in our .estimation, sociations is supported entirely by counting businesses here; Carl is still the best album, the sale of Christmas Seals---and Quarnstrom, William H. Anderson GaLl Ahlskog is the newest every dollar raised through the • • • and Warren Moo, all of the Shel- member' of the Mason County sale of Christmas Seals is used ton branch of the Seattle-First Stamp Club. Gall has a very nice in the fight against tuberculosis. ,.a; .,th t it to National bank; Cliff Ounseath, Ron general collection which has al- one of man's oldest enemies, ve us e oppor un • Oodds and M. L. (Joe) Holt, all ready reached the stage where it This column is sponsored, in. of Rayoniers Shelton office; Jim is demanding a large and more theThe intereStMason County°f, by , t" terms of our modern, Hiliier and Mere Winger,, both of adequate album than Gail's bound lU0,,v ,, losis League. the Lumbermen's Mercantile; and Modern. Jim McComb of the Eddy Business See you at the Craft and I-Iobby' " [l Service. Show Sunday, _rmer Resident ' low-cost home loan. an. The Mason County Stamp Club will meet next Tuemlay Passes in Seattle County Pioneer evenlngatS:O0o'eloekstMount We are specialists in home financing, Olive Lutheran Church, High- Mrs. Bert Gibson, a former reaL- Dies at Pe Ell way a,,1 Cmscade. We will con- dent of Shelton, passed away sud- arid invite you to see us before you tinue our study of the funda- denly in Seattle last Friday. Mr. menials of philately. Bring your and Mrs. Gibson lived in Shelton Ernest L. Anderson died Monday questions and problems along, and Skokomish valley for several borrow to buy or build your home. at the Rock Creek Nursing home years before leaving here to make in Pe Ell. He was a logger by their home in Seattle, trade, and had lived in the county Commissioners Take She is survived by her husband 55 years. ,, He was born June 20, 1870, at Bid on Power Shoyel and two grandchildren. Carol and Jim, all of Seattle. Funeral ser- ., ,.,, Austin, Minn. Survivors include A bid of $4,685 was accepted by vices were held in Scuttle Monday, f two brothers, Arthur, Skokomish the county commissioners at their followed by cremation.  Valley, and Anton, Agate, and two meeting Monday for the purchase  sisters, Mrs. Hannah Petcrson and of a new quarter-yard shovel. The Belt l" w"' Mrs. Lillian Libby, both of Shel- bid was submitted by Nelson a r oman ton. Equipment company. The commissioners also passed Passes Monday Thurston County Federal The funeral will be held at 2 an emergency appropriation reaP- p.m. Saturday in Witsicrs funeral home with the Rev. Wayne Wright lution providing $550 for the office Mrs. Myrtle Hatton, of Bclfair of the  county assessor and for the passed away Monday, the day fol- S ] O" & conductingGraveside ritesthe willchapelbe underServices'the county commissioners, lowing her 67th birthday, av.ns Loan Association direction of the Odd Fellows with Permission was granted to the She had lived at Belfair for 25 Mason County PUD No. 3 for the years, and had no known roll- Security Bldg., Olympia, Was. pall bearers from the lodge. Inter- ment will be in the Odd Fellows use of the Harstine ferry in laying tives. She was born in Ltttle Rock DIRECTORS cemetery, electric power cable to the island, Arkansas, November 23, 1880. CARLTON I. SEARS V. BRIDENSTINI following the request from Corn- Funeral services were held Tues- G.W. DRAHAI K.L. PARTLOW missioner T. W. Wbb and Mann- day followed by cremation. Her ONE MARRIAGE LICENSE ger Claude Danielson. ashes were placed in the ]Ioun- HAZEL WALMER FRED HOL I-L C. BROD1E An application for a marriage A hearing on the platting of tain View Memorial park at Ta- license was filed in the office of i Nello Beach was postponed until coma. County Auditor Susie ,Pauley on 10:30 a.m. December 1, because the , , , N°vember 24 by William D" Price' r°adst°thepr°pcrtyhaven°tyetl] We Have 0N[DISPllIY N0W 22, Shelton, and Delma Adnabelle been graded. Sprihger, 19, Quilcene, Wash. This was the only application re- ccived by the auditor's thi Fiv Estates In week. e .  =, o Co Thi W k A baby girl was born to. Mr. urt s ee and Mrs. Richard Vaughn, 1402 The appointment of appraisers, East Elinor St., Saturday, Novem- an executor and an administrator her 22, at the Shelton General and two decrees of distribution of Hospital. estates were among the many cases involving estates which [ peared before Judge D, F. Wright: Model KB6F 6-wheel in Mason County Superior court Saturday. Appraisers iv. H. Dichl, H.G. .ax e Angle and Phii Bayley were ap- Model KBS-6 2 1 pointed for the estate of the late • Van Groshong. For the estate of Bertha L. Fisk, Tray is M. Fisk was appointed cx-  # y ecutor after an order admitting the will to probate was signed. Decrees of distribution were • • @ , signed for the estates., of Frank What's your desire in A. Moore and Charles I. Hamar. For the AddLe I. Bishop estate, shellfish? Satiate it tester E. Bishop was appointed to drop into our showroom administrator. and methods of cook- The entire estate of Gustaf A. Becker was awarded to the sur- and INSPECT THESE LATEST here -- where the ac- riving spouse, Mrs. Myrtle M. comanvin s a u c e s Becker in an order signed by    Judge Wright. cry mke a good thing ....................... INTERNATIONAL MODELS better. Lunch or din- SMALL FIRE REPORTED The Shelton city fire department nor temptations, was called out at 1:30 Sunday ,morning for a chimney fire at the home of R. J. Mahoney, 30:} Sar- HEINIE HILOERMAN'S gison Street. There ,was no dam- ag'e caused by the fire, according to Chicf T. E. Dccr of tile fire dc- KIMBEL MOTORS CAFE partmcnt. CHATTERBOX .,,s o oN , ' Mr. and MrS. James E. Barrom, South First and Mill Streets Phone 465-W P.O. Box 66, became parents of Third and Railroad a son Monday, November 24, at the ShelLon General Hospital. - ................... I [ I I II