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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JACK MOFFETT Invitation.,.,, Extenae,l .... Skoko-nsh. .. P+¢&apos;..,  dr'i| i |. ' .............. Federated' " ClUbs Friendship Chlb. . . Meets,.. D .... A N C I N " Garden Club Members , . + .,, - + , x.  Makes Achvlty Plans t A l:tiof ri';oved l, st ,,, ck from vlans Meeting _ II 1 II | I1 Ii. 117  l I- I ! II _! H011oay lSDlav Tho r','iendsbip Cl',h met .'t the W "WTY' 6"1 [-'1.7C31 111( Cell|.ral District o[" Garden " s" "*), . -,> .. E. .m ! sit   t Il  il EM _ : • _ t- ,J S(uthstd tIfll :No\\;qmb(l lqwil l+ J b b u IN J ci++ ,, Lew,.+ c.,,unty ,,lv,tes tile o, ....... + ....... : " ..... ,,+ ++oo, ..... --',,,, .............. --' - bet Ilecemlt}er t m ++,.s. ,.a,,s as l,,+++tcs..+. Children an a AdUlt ......... ' .... ,,,,+u ........... , ..... ,:,c  ..... +" 'el "he ] "nOn'h .............. ' " ' ..... Tht + '  , Pl'ins A(,I'O n+l'ide to collect Itself u + + . . nl "t J' L l' +. + +.y ,.uuu.g. , "   r I "sigh the colnbillcd elf<>rL.+ ' ' , ¢ + ; .-.  , +,: ,rn: ------+-,. -el Mrs lrailtz Nollaltlm<,)' (1. • ' RAINBOW GIRLS GIVE 0RIENIAL +f olli;stalldillg artists itl Wash- to>s to be S(IIL to tilt," (hlld,(lls ---' --" '+''=" ' t' "n ' ' rim treat c nnittee repoFled BALLROOM, ACROBATIC M ,tccr I, land le'knre and denies- ' -°d/ ...... a.d. A,, Styles stl'a+eti,,.s. +:h,+istm+s ,+,,lid+. ,,,.c,+a- pl,,,,stbal tI,e.,adeea,,e.f+:,'etl, eorde,'ed+bristm.+a,,d TEA HONORING' + GRANDPARENTS, The Shetton g'dnhow Girls gave Rlmdes rots'ned theln to their Every Wednesdty 1 to 6 p.m, Shelton Eagles HMI Phone Union 385 Mrs. N(hamrnel' ig k ] n w n th}<mgllout the Northwest for her artLqLh" flowcl + arrangement,s Tile meetirt,, will be held at: p.m. \\;Vednesday, December 3, in the Cht'b:,)Iis Civi Auditorium at Ptt)"k and |ailt'o;d Streets. KEEP YOUR DOLLARS AT HOME By Shopping With Your Local Merchant We Own and Operate A MODERN, UP-TO.DATE MILK PLANT Bottling Grade A Pasteurized =,, Milk Homogenized EMPLOYING LOCAL HELP . . . Money spent with us helps Shelton grow! FOR HOME MILK DELIVERY, PHONE 215-J-2 {rest. A relmrt by the. finance com- trill.tee 01<)wed that tbe play- ground equipment Will be deliv- ered in ,Ianltary. A musical sclection was offered hy Leonard JaeobSon on the saw accomllsnied by his daughter, Nancy, at the piano. Following the program a num- ber of galhe were played, by the group and the pies were she- tic)ned off. . AltKough the turnouz was small I+hc (!tub made approximately $35. The date previously annotlneed for the December meeting llas been chnnged to Decentber O at 8 p.m. This will be ftn open meeLing to whictl tile children are Invited. k moving pleture Will be .tlown and a variety sale witll fish will be held. Tim public In Invited as there are to be homemade pies, cakes. Fancy work, toys and vartotl 6th- er articles will also be sold tllat en be used as Cllrlstmas gifts. Prominent Couple Wed in Sequim Artlmr L. Ward and Lillian Robbins, both of Shelton, were united in marriage Sunday, No- vember 23, at Sequim+ Clallarn connty, in the As.embly of God cilurch. With simple formality Reverend Ernest A. Welk, pastor of the clmrch, read the marriage vows before the son and family of tle bride and son of the groom, Both parties to the marriage contract are long thne residents of this community and will make their tmme in Shelton where Mr. Ward is engaged in the Civil En- gineering profession as the county engineer of Mason county. LATZEL DAIRY George H, Babcock and son, Jim, Owners NOW YO2U SAVE STILL MORE AT Month End BOYS ALL WOOL STRIPED Sleeve Jackets Three color combinations (Mess $7.00) $5,00 MEN'S WOOl, Jersey Sweater Navy and Oxford Grey ........................ $.00 8 ONLY -- MENS Wool Jackets Leather Sleeves. Sizes 36- 42 ............... S.O0 Zip Front Jackets $4.00 5 ONLY ..... Ml?n's Wool ........................ 6 ONLY .... MEN'S Baseball Jackets Red and Black comb. Sizes 38-42=, ..... Womens Fall Suits: I Only size 14 .... $15.00 1 Only size 16 .... $20.00 6 Only 12- 20 $25.00 CHILDRENS Fall Coats A good selection $5.00 to $12.00 Girls Dresses 15 ONLY -+-- Sizes 3-6 $1,00 Womens Anklets White and Colors 25¢ pair Ladies Full Fashioned Rayon Hose m¢ U IIIII I I I I Dress Hats olt $].00 4 ONLY  Men's Ftlr ..................... $3.00 14 PAIR Mens Slacks Med. brown, all wool flmmel Sizes 29 - 36 =S.O0 , i i iiii 4 PAIR -- Men's Grey Flannel Slacks Sizes 30, 31, 32 and 36 $10.00 3 PAIR -- Men's Bedford Cord Slacks Size 29 $2.00 nn nnustlal tea honorlng their mlopted grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpll Ward of Zeutth last: Sunday front 2 to 4 at the Masonic Tcnlplb. The tleme for the tea was orien- tal, a Setting hi a ChineSe tea garden. Many-colored lanterns and hutterflies added to the oriental atmo.pllere. ']'he tables were cen- tered With miniattwe rickshaws, buddhas and othr such figurenes donate(I by Mt's'. William Batchelor for tllc occasion These were placed on silk handkerchiefs beat.lfully embkoidered. Each of the gMs saucing or in the progra)n came costumed in brilliant Chinese finery adding; a radiant touch to the ah'eady col- orful scene. The girds even fash- ioned their bait' in Chinese styles. A pantomined skit, written by Mrs. Ollie Cleveland was preseh{- ed by Norms Lelgh Davidson, Le- Erma Dtmbar, Olive Parrl Kathy Carlson witn Margaret Walton acting as the reader. Baekgrdnnd music Was provided tllPoii'ioiit the tea by Loraine Andi'eWs a)Id Jerry Carlon. Jerry carlson saig- a olO en- fttled "The Sere,tilde of the Balls." Mai'ettt Wallirl gave two iceoi'dlan pieces which Were e|l received by member,*, and Were "Chill Biri Bin" and "Norwegian Folk Song." Two other Soloists weie L0ralne Andt;ews ptayihg "Scotch loem 'i as a piano solo aild Margaret WaN tort the "Wh!ffenp0of Song." The reception lihe was formed bs, the Worthy AdVlsoi , Barbara Butler; Junior Past: Wdrthy Ad- visor Ltlaflne Adams; boai'd mem= hers. Mt'S. L. A. Waltori, Mrs. FlosSy Weeks, Mrs. George An- drews hnd the ,hofiof grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs. lgalph Ward. Other guests from Zenith were Miss Eck-hart and Mr. TayRir, Mrs. Eli McCulloch motored to zenith to bring .the guests to Shel- ton ,and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Yess|rl We Use GENUINE FORD PARTS ToService r Carl SAVES you MbNEY Fit Right-- Last LOnger Your car deserves Gonuine Ford Parts and thaCa what we use whu we service your car. They fit better and are made of better materldls. They |st longei- and keel5 ihaintenance ¢ots dowi. Gnuine Ford Parts are avail° able now for your car.., our stock of parts i8 hmple to keep Ford cars and trucks roiling in this territory. • To b sure of the .best, bring your car for guine Ford sdrvtceand GenuineFordParts. HUERBY MOTORS 5th and Railroad Phone 16 SAVE TIME [ TAKE A FERRY Lv. Lv. 8attle Bremert0n 1:10 a.m. 12:55 a.m *5:45 5:55 6:15 *7:00 7:15 7:30 8:10 8:30 9:00 9:25 10:00 10:15 10:40 11:15 11:30 11:55 12:00 12:45 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 1:15 1:05 1:45 2:00 2:20 2:30 3:15 3 .,00 3:45 3:30 4:15 .4:30 4:55 5 i00 5:45 5:30 6:15 6:15 6:45 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:15 9:00 9:15 10:30 10:15 11:45  11:45 *Daily except Sundays and Holidays BOYS SPORT AND Casual Coats Sizes 8 - 20 ................................................ I I, Boy's Sweaters Slipover and Coat S:sile.,:.r ................. Men's Ski Sweaters $,00 Green and Wlite ..................................... Work Pants $2.00 8 PAl R -- Men'S Blue Twill .................... Men's Robes $.00 3 ONLY -- 100% Wool ....... : ................ $1[.00 BLAOK BALL LINE holnos. Pouring at tlm tea for the fit"st hour was Mrs. L. D. H'tek and Mrs. "William Brisdale. For the ,'econd hour, Mrs. Archie Adams and Mrs, Lawrence Munson pour- ed while line officers, Neva Joyce Dm'lcee and Ernestine Crane pre- sided over the lmneh bowl The combined group of Rainbow girls served, During the tea the honor grand- mother was presented with an of chid corsage by the Worthy Ad- visor,, representing all of the girls. Co?sages were also 1)resented to the board mcmber and the ladies that poured. The grand- father and Mr. Taylor received boutonnieres. *" "' =" ....... llITii dlJi'" + ....... "" '.,,r , Back :L;< .... Fe.00e Chatter (by ShiHey ThOrpe) well, only 23 sh0pping (ltys 'ill Crlstmas ad as usual ev- everyone says, "We're not go- ing to lmy mneh for Cbrlsttnas thl. yeir." YO(i koir, it's funny ]mW crOwdb, d ttt stores cab gbt with n0boly. Mr. and Mrs. Albert C,, Lord i+eceiVed word last week that their son, Byron Lord, has arrived ill San Diego frets China and Will be Sent tO ihStructors school for three weeks after which he will act as instructor i!h California for two years. Byron has been in the Nav. seven years and this is his first shore duty. He doesn't expect a leave until July. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cooper of Hillsboro, Oregon, formerly of Livermore, Iowa, were guests at the L. D, Hack home last week. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were frietids of the Hacks in their youth. Mr. Cooper and M. C. Stark of Uniqn were classmates in LVermoi,e, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Jessup re- turned to their home S/nday evening after a ),vekeml spent with friend at yakima. 'W-iiih In 'timCetltral ¢ash'ing- ton a plflecapital they witnessed the B'retm,rton high ,chool foot- I ball team win the state chanl- pi0nShip liy defeating Yakima in t 27 to 0 thrllhr. In the Camp Fire Girls ticket sale to give away a 31-pound tur- key last week Bessie Hall leld the winning ticket. As a coinci- dence her mother, Mrs. Rose War- ren, won the Elks turkey in Olyh- pie. Mr. and Mrs. Itarvey Robertson are beginhing to g'et settled this week in their new home on the former Clyde Jones property, re- cently subdivided, after their move the middle of this-month from their hofne at Arcadia Potnt. Mr. R0bertson is master mechan- ic and superintendent of the Sirl]p- son Logging Company machine shops. Their home at Arcadia was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickie, who moved into it last weekend. Postcards to The Journtl stff received the past few days fell of the good times being en- joyed by Mr. and Mrs. Walt Eckirt of Gi'tpeview on their nation-circling trip, the ltest postmarkl rom the historic old c01onlal town of Willias- burg, Virgitfla. Walt writes, +'Cliie down here by bus from Richmond . . . it's very pretty • . . go|hA to et at tile famous TraVls H0ile and then dO some sight=seeing . not t single Houd In sky I>ttt cold a,d Windy • . . having a Side trip so far." The Eckerts are following roughly in the footsteps . . . or should it be tire-tracks . . . of Prof. and Mrs. H, Enzp Loop, wtm returned to Shelt0n ust last weekend after Circling the nation by car. They visited relatives on both Sides Of the family in many art, s of the co,retry, completed e trip without a bit of Car trou- ble to mar their month' trw prof. p stcarded from Carlsbad, New Mexico, to sa " • Y Still out of jail, perhaps not my fault, but nobody has caught itp Witll me is ,aeatto. h hie ;a,o" ,o Southern California, tei]thg'o?+ite trips from Los Angeles to Mex- ico and Arizona where he went through date and orange groves. Harstine Bazaar The Iarstine Island Grahge Auxiliary is sPdi]sorinff a bazaar and dinner Sdtirday evening, No- vember 29, at the schoolhouse. Cards nd bingo games will be played in the upstairs of the school while the actual bazaar and dinner Will be held in the basement, A large crowd is ant/elpated for the occasion. O.E.S. Seial Club To Hold Regular Meetin The Eastern Star .n.).) r,,,).e) will hold its regular l'unc-leo'l'a't 1 p.m. in the Masonic Temple on TueSday, Deceihhr 2. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Claude Danielson, Mrs. G. H. Sisley and Mrs. D. G. Gr0tit. All members are Invited to at- tend. WOODCRA/ NEIGItBORS TO HOLD MEETING The Neighbors of Woodcraft will eet Monday, December 1, at the home 0f Naomi Chase at 8 p.m. for a Christmas party and cx. change of gifts. " Mmbers ar requested to bring a number for the program, inS,on and Oregon. the Washing- ton State Federstion of Garden Chib, will txhibit holiday dec(ira- tions in,+ a hugo display at the Olympic Hotel Spanish halh'oom December 7 and 8. This will include holiday ideas for tables f<)r Ch)'i:tmas or New Year SUl)pers, buffets, tea tables. amusmg breakfast tables, etc. Other sections will feature Ma- donna arrangements, hall tables, mantels and Christmas trees. A special feattre will be the decorations for the entrance to the home. iz]('.ltldilg swags "rod wreaths. There will be work-shops set up, where experts will be stationed with all the answers on "How To Make Them.' 'General chairmml for the un- dertaking is Mrs. John Morris Hol- comb, former state president, as- .tSted by Mrs. D. R. Lobell. A 75 cent admisst¢in will be charged to the general public and 50 cents to the Federation mem- bers. Procee@ tit the affair Will go tO the horticultural scholarship funds of the State Federation The foremvSt al of the display is to acquaint all of our members and the general public with the unlimited possibilities of decora- tions for the home, made of our native plan material in the hands of experts, You are invited to come for a day of inspiration and to partici- pate in the best cause we know--- helping students finish their stud- ies ifi horticulture. Donations of winter corsages to be sold for the benefit of the scholarship fund will be welcomed by Mrs. George T. HenderSon. Also branclies of pine, magnolia, cones or lovely winter greens tllat cab be used fop holiday arrange- men, work will be welcomed by Mrs. H. J. Lenz in her Christmas greens department. Shelton Garden Cltlb members must bring materials by next Monday to Mrs. George Cropper so they can be mailed to Seattle. Membeis of the Evergreen Gar- den Club of Belfair and the Hoods- port members should send greens directly to Mrs. H. J. Lenz, 12i6 East Crockett St., Seattle 2, Wash. RAINBOW TO MEET [ The Rainbow Girls will meet Ttiesday, December 2 at 7:30 for a formal meeting at the Masonic Temple. I ACTIVETTES TO MEET t The Aetivettes will meet at the home of Mrs. Gene Hanson, 111 Hatard St., Monday evening, December 1. SUISCRIBE TO The HOOD CANAL NEWS Union, Wash. $1.!i0 yar in Mason County Orl)lmn Home for C, ln'istmas. At lhe next meeting, whi(,h will be a, the ball Decernber 3, clot- lion <)f officers for 19:18 will be hehl A F.ood attendance ia de- sired. The food sale wa.q highly sue- ('e.sflll :llltl tim chlb wishes lO thank all who patroneO tim bootb 1111(t IllSO the lnttnagelnent el the L.M. store. Buflonholing is only one of th0 many Sewidg SerV- ices available at your SEWING CENTER . . . Others include :- Hemstitching Picoting Buckle and Button Covering (ustom Made Belts • Pinking PROMPT SERVICE SINGER SEWIN6 MACHINE CO, 510 E. 4th Ave., Olympia GOODWILL TP.UCK STOP. o, The Goodwill trttcl¢ will stop it Shelton and pick up all donations Thursday/Novembt; November 27, 1947. iI  Ill II BII BII;£': . , _ 00ere m|cu o s You Dare Not I,No PA,NTED tMYTLEWOOD A costly claim resulting f/t k - - 10 1SHED MYRTLEWOOD accident may scan the £+I[ home, your savings, your f LT-- AND PEPPERS Farm Mutual auto insurla]t,lQ U E S uch complete protectlon,00C H E S ,'ou houldn't bc without i'. ' " ,R PENDANTS :acts at once. :ll = • .- JVENIRS R. D. INU 2FL ,  ND PAINTED TEA Shelton n'l 'ILES FARM'INSURANE,0 ND FASHIONED STATE of Bloomington, Ili:l '0TTERY on Thursday, ]:)ecemlJcr 4. The World's Lorgest AOto I AMICS Anyone wishing to give shoUld [] mm 1 1 mm III ND TOOLED LEATHER lll Mrs. Cha1"leS Lentz at 815-V -- -- " {',.- ...... URSES ELOPE TYPE URSES I  ItE PURSES WITH Morgan & Lumberc=o. '!. LI. HAND TOOLED . 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY .m. until 8.p.m. daily • • except Mondays ile South and West of UNION, WASH. Phone 656 for PITTSBURGH PAINTS @@ HAULING BUILDING SUPPLIES The Most " Personal ift of All . is a beautiful por- ,' i of you. Our photo- are expert in your most expression, most winsome Come in today we still have to give you a finished pie- Christmas-giv- > Burgoyne P] 409 Railroad Avenue G RAND ( -- el SCHN • DANCE Now Completel #RI0 EL|[TRK .: Saturday,N Music Played To FARMER I JANCING FI: /Dancing Eve REFRESHMENTS A AdmiSsion $I.00 Our C L 0 S E - 0 U T S A L E Continues Dresses at ½ Price What Left Of a Large Rack Containing Several Types of Street and Afternoon s7.00 and slO.O0 Dresses Also at Specially REDUCED PRICES A Rack of WOME}q'S SUITS e And the Rest of Our Stock of WINTER HATS @ Crane:00s Apparel '1000t t0.00v for € srhdrf s custom tyle( We can change that fo some mognifleent new smart shorkskin. The klr .for a suit an exciting, rc , ,They're not only hand, taste but they're CUS1 jhe suit that% mode al \\;in fobrics of your cho/ +to a loan shark to pay ,the price i right arour 00ORR = . (formerly Neec 13 RAILROAD