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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: Thursay'Novemb, November 27,.1947. S!{T-TgN-M4tlt.qJ, ,CQ,ffT¥ Jo.WllgI . ,€- ' ' i ......... ",,  '"" " ' - , , ,, , , , ,,, . CT ', ..... V  b  ...... ;"  "-- , , , , ,,., , " }r, ';a*" -- , ',  .........  ........ .-7_ .......................... " ~'--" ....... "-" ....................... ' -- ......... " "=-..--". r 1 00ru,t t00rowers maKeny 00ngmee00 [ - - - -ITI: n u / GIKL $CUUI I Ha st.,e Is and Tah.ya .... at the/ H - 2, U I 12 Tlt • I [..*----.-.-.-*-.---.--., ................. . ftffavoel R.ilat,n I DIo00 m Olvmnla wthe[8 $ 0 M0CTTI l( B TedKestine ]  iK Fkvnl / Once upon a time we of Har- I Mr. andMrs. King, formerly of 1., 1.,. ,  I ...... J..] . [ ,. iv  zw z u , -d  /  UMI llV i [sUne Island didn't tlink we wouldNatonville, have purchased the I , -nnll-00 'rr--¢ ] o, ,, on: 't used a| *',,  NIND "PAINTED -- I  I  ' 'ever got electricity on the island, I property formerly owned by Frank v,,= * =a -'-' l g'meer on .tJe llaKezy .la,lloaa idrt:n's I u IM|  |IV| |1.' .......... eL,nn;,,o. ;, +h .... .? .......... I ........................ , .... ] ' but ibw with the poles up and the [ Mills and arc busy getting settled Many of mu' Mason county follcs  waen the mapson neaqua:rcers s ' [ ;:.YRTLEWOOD _ ,os.:.lasan[,:.:,,:.,,r ., .e [)wnc,: /.t w],,, ¢:, t, rg:, so¢,c [ Mrs. Herb Angle p r o g r a m wire all strung, out' houses wired This charming elderly couple are are busy pruning their tre,s or- ] were at Mattock cfiect at his home ' • . .  & , il *" l • * 11 tXlJt"l'l{21lE(  ' IL ([lll  I:O at Erie neet ,, ,,. ,,. • . ' • ' • " * • ..... ' • ' .... ' '1 " iz s we ,h., m I A costly clalm resulting , ' .................. qlsn be a ainf,d nio ......:; ..... . t ......... , ..... c ........ h., o,., ..t,. [ chan'man for the Shelton G,tl and the submarine cable being the parents el Dmk King of De- chards or vineyards. [ ]  Olympm Lt .ell c..  .... ,' -,om,- ,v, vr.L=vv , ...... , . - ........ , .,u,.,, ,, |,,,e,,,. .,, .............  ...... cent "ounctl announced teas • • ' . • • , • . • , v , • ", elec- [ aec'den_.°i'.. °ra' ,v,, rt,%wuu vcntur6some camper to a state of l Hollows scooped out to aecom-/ ho, tho C ...... 2, ,., m .... , oom, iY laid:.t e ertainlyloo..ks as ff om wattoxm\\;d.w, 5 a,(_ vmy happy to  The Meson .county .gent s of€ I. l•tn,eral selvtces were.held, there • ., .  • ,nurfkT AND PEPPERS -- -,-:-- sqe; ---,--  ...... I .   ...... , ....... a ,.: ..... ..,,. .a ......... . .................. uream ax'e cummg true 1 wctctnue tuem flee has btihccins available with | laSl; l'nursaay unqer £1)recclon ot krlll De I aome, s, yourl:7' "".' ' *-' ' t:reamg, .t laLlgUe aria imoaacc snuu|uet' aLlU HIp lxt / S. .,n* . U., *ecember 6 * -. , , , . . . t  . , . , is de- [ Farm lVlutualaut'£surfit:P.UEg spoiling his entire outing. Robert I allow the camper to lie in a more/''2. "' ;. ....   . "2 . " .., t Those of ns who have sold or!. Helen Huson spent two days at suggestions for pruning your or- [ the Olympia Masomc Lodge :No. 1, [ ..... mIcterotection,hf,f,- M. Ormes, outdoor writer, believes I nttural position than is possible. coomes onere zor.sme.wm given away some of our electric I home this past week from her du- chards and vineyards. Informs-  tollowed by cremation. ......... "  " ........ ' O0CHES that a little care in )re rain a on the flqt ,totlnd In tile fall oe the regumr tMrt ,cout cookies, equipment are now sorry--bu ties in Seattle She attended the tion contained in the bulletin sl eh His wife Alice May died in y sue- '. " t , , . . l P g ' g ' " " a  ce • ' " • .... • • ' ' ......... " : .... I; "°u sh::;.'02Y,2 ..... makeshift bed will relieve the I drv leaves br dry grass can be land they wall be paced .t 35 nts maybe we ca,, buy some more. Semor Ball at Port Orchard H,gh as pruning of orchard trees ]ust/ Olympia November 8 1945 and ":.o: : [ :acts at once. ::) : r=,u,u, ¢ m;)re"serious discomforts iled witl:in a fra:mework of four / a box. The m.oney TiLl" be 2ed 'he menfolks are extended a I School along with Myrlis Whir- recently set out,' and the proper, / su'vix;ing ]s one son,' Archte J., .'. 'J,-" | = ,_ .... ,;IUVENIRS A slope no matter how invit I10s to make soft dry couch |oy the councit re xurtner ;irt [snecial invitation to bring their! man, :Bill Anderson, Donald Hu- shaping of young trees is import- and two' 'randchildron livtn, in ot ue R D IN . " " ' . - " ..... '  " ' ' ".- ..... " g • " • ' ' g [  R. D,Nr  DaIT=n T=& ins it looks, ,s a bad place to [ Everyone shduld learn to make [ Scouting an the eommumty. [ladies out for a baked bean din-]son and Vwgtma Thornhfll Frrday ant. / Olympia. Atter rehring from the / i Sheffon :: ......... sleep. A sound sleeper may find the traditional bed of boughs•  In addition to the Council bud-  nor aild bazaar at the scllool house [ eVemng. ,Vrgtnia was eseortea ,y The bulletins also tell how to / raih',ad he lived in Ehna for a g / . .;I!LES himself some distane from the When a good base has been  get, each troop will also e given Sattirday evening. Yob inay en- ]3in xewmrc or 13mrair. prune neglected young or mature t time and for the past 22 years in • . ] o,,.,¢"© ,,,,,:^° ,,,,o^,,$,,,,,,,,. IND. FASHIONED original camp-site if he chooses, to I cleared,. .smoothed and perhaps / share of the money raised to be joy cards and games and a' lght Christine Ahl, Eleanor Orcutt, trees in orchards. I Olympit. top m| m '.';01.rrzv retire'on an incline. You are notltrenehed, i)ougbs of spruce or firused for their own troop expenses, lunctl before you go home. Thelttelen Mitchell and Effle gnowl- The bulletins are "Pruning/ " rations i .. Jia',," likely to have a restful night ifarc placed close toigethcr in row t Be on the lookout for the little evening iS sponsored by the Har-!ton drove around to Union for :Bearin Annie Trees " "Prunh,'/ .................... | re wtd' ¢est AOo !,,,vmts you spend it rolling and bumping I alon the head, with the butts to- I girl with the big box of cookies! I stihe Grange AUXiliary. ] the regular meeting of Elinor Past 1craft q'o'-'; ,,a 3o. ,. 7,,  ;,' I Protel Shod;rage sh°Uld| I. I i __I __I mi'lD:. TOOLED LEATHER ctown-a hillside. . . [ward. the. foot. The . second row ' * * *. . ...r. _ndn "Mt...s E.ic-ChHsteriseni , [ Matrons, OES, on Wednesday, Gla'esp i')"W 'asht'n "gton. .......... a I Inthe Orient, there has been. a 815-W./ ..... !ll,,- Once a level spot s selected, the [m placed hver them hke a course I _ Last Thusttay Cotl nctl mere 7 ]of Pickerin were house guests at I the 19th. . ] shortage of proteins for generatmaa, -::l;E TYPE earth s!muld be. softened, humps ].of:shingleS Unt!l it covers.allbut I hers and lessors t_rom_neito_nJne the Ed WiIson heine last Frlday Ed Hadley is back after a pleas- _ _ --" ' ''  ana rocks sn0um oe removea ana I the top three inches ot the nrsc I wcamms uorocny retr0p, nauqn- night ' I ant summer snent at Sekiu , . • : URSES protruding roots Cut off. If a row. The process., continties uhtil  al field. . executtie,., at the. Little ." ....... ..... ! ..a'nm~, ................ ",H,,,, r,,? ...... *,0 q'-- . .R;%RSES WITH tent is not used, tle camper [the last rows are anchored under a l ttouse for discussmn of O,rl Scout trs. Mary carl0n ,s spenumglhuva Garden Club was held at the  ."  ,_ ,    --  il__  'lMl[ ............. should sleep with hi feet into the l log at the foot of the bed. problems ahd to discuss promotion a wee:..epOrl tlle meao  betch home of'Vivian Vollmer for  ' all  m    = 1 dlIF lJ.2IIIRAPS •  - " - ..... - of the Oirl Scout program in the her aaug t a . Y' " " , the urose of sra-in- ever  $i]i   _ll4Lt ,i  Hlt VmlN PURSES ' oi.h,.., :Mrs Rober caanemy of Aber-I  y .... t, , s., . - •ri    "MIIF .... -"- TAT ' , ' . ............. . , greens lor wnristmas aecorauons. ,i'l/-I:= i IAT"Mll P O HOLD SALE 1 A -¢lllrillrli'JQM A discuSsiOn Of the best ways to deem - ....... IThe regular meetin will be on 'v'll __ O lllj )!tE HAND TINTED G!ft .Sale .Saturday, December lTil+  Ti+A (morl girl.s was also entered rote spetlast Fr]da_y_ and Saturday !nl Christine Ahl The meeting will "  -'/I  • " u .......... u, m ne naraware epartmen Of lltlllbltlL1E:tL lltllbt by the groun. :Miss Petron Was Aeraee n a c ne. home or ner hin nf 11.a ,,,;h .... ,ii *''.,i  ':[  ,,_v. ...... -,.. ,., " n , u .uuL=u . the L.M. Company.  __ T J._ ]brought to' S'Jeltoh as part of the dughter and famny, Mr; and :Mrs. br['ng:in'hisown feed"ba'Chrs - r Yl ,  lYllffl(J IH[[Lltdi//k]g a.m. until 8 p.m. daily Aprons, stuffed toys and spec- ]Vloose h0(lge ti-ainin.g p.gtam of the Council, ,[oert [sta. o ., ..... r, tine will ftrnlsh offe nd de;-     " - 'q • nnuer the tlirectlon 0: lvtrs, l-low- -.- ............................ i ..... South and West of shelves will be onsaIe, for the.Loyal Order of :Moose lodge .Her ;isit Ji;ouih insplatt0n to tel', Wilma, Mr. arid M-s. J.P. Mr. and 00rs, S0bri"g and HENS mileeXCept Mondays ialties from the canned food Tim initiation of 14 candidates ard Meyer, tratning chairivltn, and MrS. Ed Dawson and datgh- ert. UNION, WASH. No. 1684 in Shelton was the high- Smith, all attended the Grange their two boys,.Waltlr and John- Fresitly DresSed ................................ LB. hone 656  ..... Journal Want Ads Pay! light of the meeting held last ri- all who had contact with her, it bazaar last Saturday evening at ny, plan to leave for California ...... wa.00 repo00t0d " FRYERS S5 ......... = day. • • ,. ' th0 Agate school house, the first of December to spend the .... "1 ..................... 11/Illl : .......... The candidates initiated by the Mi, s. Frank Kawks entertained Mr. and Mrs. Archie Halloway winter. ' € f0I' degree team included Cecil Sing- Troop No. 4, and their leadir, of Ollalla were week efid guests at Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rendsland LB. him, Robert P. Morris, Fi'lt Rur- rh M t Mrs. Ada Gustafson•last week. theJ, P. Smithhome, and Esther Nelson attended the BEEFHEART e os " gess, F. B. err, E. C, Williams, Dui'ing he meeting the girls were Give 0 K post office sale in Seattle last . . • Fred A. Larson, Theodore Beese, presented With their tenderfoot CO "ty week, but came home empty IURGtl PAINTS  Glen Sowers, William SteVenson, pins, and aftowdrds they sat U  . . handed and much the worse for Fresh Beef ....................................... LB. 00?ersonal Jr., Bill Judah, LeRoy Swayne, around the fireplace and were 0 LO LOd wear. LIVER L. C. Leman, John Diltenburg and served refreshments by the host- n ng a The teacher's cottage is fin- • •  James A. Barter. ess. Roy Pierce was given permission ished and Mrs. Hubbard expects to LB. 00ift of All The new brothers were wel- . .... move in this week end. to haill over-length ads on Mac- ]VII'. arid Mrs. C. W. Gibbs of TONGUE corned into the fraternity by the The new staff for the Girl Scout Rue road at the meeting of the Newberg, Oregon, spent a few Retiring Regional Director from paper "The Trooper" was chosen Mason county commissioners Men- days with t, tte KnoWltons last LB. [AULING .. is a beautiful per- Seattle, N. A. Smith, and other of- at the last meeting of TroOp No. day afternoon. i ofyou. OUrphoto- ricers and brothers from the So-6 under the leadership of :M?rs. The commissioners also issued week. pOT ROASTS 4¢ ING SUPPLIES i are expert in attle lodge. Charles Waltb. Th new staff dance permits to two Mason county The Ted Blairs are entertain- " your most Clam chowder .prepared by A1 wil include Jackie Halbert, editor, men. The first was issued to Har- ing company from Scuttle until 2{ expression, Butler was served for refresh- who will be assisted by Margaret ley Johnson, for the Golden Pheas- after Thauksgiving. :Mrs. Blair LB. meat, itnd according to those pes- Oltman, Mary Ellen Pigg and ant Tavern, and the second to oqam invited a few friends in* to sur- 0UND STEAK most winsome eat, the warning to brothers who Maureen Simmons. :B. Theler for the Beilfair Tavern. prise her hubby on his birthday ¢ one evening last week. Fresh LB. Come: in today were absent last week is: "Never, Both licenses were issued for one ............................................... we still have never miss a clam chowder dlnnerprepared by A1 Butler." New Hudson Seen year. fromPearlthe DohertYhospital isis Bremerton.h°me again VEAL, ROAST ,tO give you a ' I S F P i By i,is00oad On his wa,, boat Mr. and Francis ers had o, Yea, .............................. fiitished pie-" Music for dancing was pro- n . rev ew "broke down and he missed two theii  baby christened in Bremer- seated by severa of the Moose for Chi, istmas-giv- musicians concluding the evening D 1 St White weeks of the best fishing luck. ton last Sunday. Gladyne Drake SbLT FAT BACK I/ $ *" , .... ,,c program ea er an Boats were catching as high as was godmother. $100 worth of fish a day. Mrs. Alice JOhns of Kansas " LB. At the next meeting, Decem- The new Hudson has been on- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mille at- City, MiSsouri, has moved out here bor 2, another class of candidates thusiastically reeeivbd by the suppertended an EasternGigStar potlUCkon to be With her daughter, Mrs. Lar-ry Drake. She has two other TBONE - s-Rur'ne --00sv..Ph'ofo00ra"hers will be initiated into the frateth- Hudson dealers who have pro-and skit in Harbor " ity. This will be Called the N. A. Vl6w.ed it, reports Stanford White Wednesday evening, and spent fhe daughters in Brenerton and So- LB. Smith class in honor of his re- ot  Shelton, Hudson dealer for night at tile Glackin home.' On attle. 40g Railroad Avenue Phone 268 tirement as regional director. Shelton and yicinity who returned Thursday Mr. Glackin and Mr. MABEET An evening of fell6wship, re- Monday (last)from San Francis. Milto drove to Ellensburg on bus- DAUGHTER 15 BORN CITY freshments and entertainment will co Where he attended a closed iness and while there called on Mr. A baby dughter was born tO be provided for all members 'who shOWing fop HudsOn dealers, and Mrs. A1 Howatd. Mrs. Mille Mr. ahd Mrs. Sidney Anderson, attend this meeting. "Prodtetton of the new :Iud- spent the first three days of thls P.O. :Box 5, Friday, Novemb6i- 21, ,,,v,,4,,v,,,,,v'.r sons is Steadily increasing at the W'edk in Seattle calling on mother at the Shelton Oeneral Hospital. PHONE 141 G R A N D 0 P E N I N G , Mid-Skokomish .1,dson Motor Car Company's Mille and doing" some Cliristmas plants in Detjoit/,' Mr. White Said. Shopping. !SE JOURNkL'WANT ADS • ,,,,, ..... ,,,,,,.v,.-..,-,-v,,v THE PUBLIC showing and an- Mrs. Helen CoOk spent the .................................... -- OF -- -  Mrs. Ella E. Campbell from La- nouncement of this entirely new week end at Chetialis. While there Forge, WisconSilL is spending a automobile will take place in Shel- she attended the program and car- '  few weeks with her s6n, Keith C. ton and vicinity as soon as all of nival at Klaber school, wldch she 7 Y J Hudson's 3,000 distributors and enjoyed immensely. Campbell, and his. family, dealers have received their dis- Wednesday gmests of Dess •  ff Mason County Sport and Skeet play cars, Mr. White said. At Haines vere Mrs. Lou Whitman Club gave a turkey dinner Sat ur- ......:... day night to raise money to hop that time the full story of the new of Seattle, formerly Louisa Haines • - Hudson will be told. of Union,. and :Ms. I011y Ros- .... " finance the new skeet range. The ."Th new Hudson was made berg of Pasadena, California, wl-/o witmers of the predatory hunt posstble as the result of recogni- als0 spent her girlhood at Uniofl. SCHNEIDERS PRAIRIE were guests of the losers. Those tion bY Hudson engineers of the Pupils at the Hoodsport school a.ttending from the valley were fact that, if the American-made had diphtheria and smallpox shots Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smit;h, Mr. car is to give its owner the beau last week. Accordint the slhool • DANCE HALL and Mrs. Howard Bailey, and Mr. ty and stability advantages found prihcipal, Richard parkS, about and Mrs. W. S. Sallee. in low-built aUtomobtlds, and still 40 per cent were innoeulated. Now Completely Redecorated Mr and Mrs.- E. F.Brown and maintain interior comfort and Mrs. Steve Hale spent Friday Mr. and Mrs, A. L. O'Neill joined headroom, a wholly new approach through Sunday With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'EUgene Brown and would have to be devised, tested, :Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ryan in Ta- Saturd N b r 29 children on Sunday to celebrate proved and put into mass pl"oduc- coma. ay. ovem e • E.F. Brown's 80th birttlday, tion," :Mr. White said. Commercial Club meet which M:r. and Mrs. Eugene Brown and HE LI[STED the following "as was formerly planned for Dec. 1 children spent the' Thanksgiving significant developments: has been scheduled for Dec, 8 in- lusic Played To Be.banetl To by week end in Seattle visiting :Mr. "The new Hudson has a lower stead, and will be a 6 p.m. pot- FARMER slid Iiis Orchestra and Mrs. I, W. Libby. ehtr of gravity than any other luck dinner. Announcement up- Mr. and MrS. :McIntyre of Seat- American automobile, pears elsewhere in the paper. , tle and Margaret Huppy and Mr. "It is only five feet from the Guests of the 'Emery Winters and Mrs. Marion Deyette and ram- grotmd to it top. this past week were Mr. and :Mrs. ]ANCING FROM 9:30 to 2 ny of Forks were callers at Ketth "It provides more headroom Victor Ulin of Forks, Wash. • Campbell's this Week. than • any other mass-produced :Mrs. Ervin Kirk traveled to. Se- au0mobile. ng'n- Ev 00a00u[-u attle Monday to spend three days • Dane ery Seven civilian scientists from "It iS a car Which lp0n on- visiting hei-slter, :Mrs. Billie Hall. Swarthm0re COllege, Swarthmoi, e, toting, you Step down into, not While gone she left Soft, Mike, Penna., and C0rneU University, up on, with his grandparefits, Mr and ,. . Ithaca, N'. Y., are in Point Barrow, "[t has the roomiest seats. :rrs. George Thompson. The ' Alaska, northernmost U n i t e d "It realy cradles paSenge/,s be:. Thompstins came from Seattle in I I00L0000?III00 REFRESHMENTS AN[JSANDWlCHES States settlemen L to begin a tween the axles. Oct0ber to celebrate their dugh- AdmiSsion $1.00 (including ak) Navy-supported program of bio- ii'Pda:wsngsinramemembers'"  I twee'ew"'I'Iu2ts°n tel5 Mrs. Kik's birttiday. ' They • logical research Within the Arctic liked the Canal sb well that they • " e remained while Mr, ThotripSon as- Circle. the axles arid compl ely ahead of sisted dut'ing the Christmas tree A''-'-'='A .... '" ....  .... " ....... the rear wheels/' :Mr.. Whlte cutting season. pointed out. "This, together with Johnny Boyee'S .eating estab- the car's low cefitet- of avity, lishmeit is up for sale and has arid unusually rigid consfrbction, been closed for several weekS. contributes to an easy gliding ride Folks around Hoodsport are sorry heretofore never eJcperiencd in because they always enjoyed going • mo.toHng." , to Johnnie's for a bite and sup. , E Continues THE EW HudSon, Mi'. *hire Hazel :BIeeeker is back at the added; will bt powered by a new local switchboard after her re- ilp/'-Six engine, the most ow- cent vacation. Her placq was tak- • e rful six cylinder ehgin buij fd' en during her absence by Gladys PI1ce engine.'day':Mr.andWhitean impr0vedsaid thatSUer=t!liglitbecause -I°ckw°0dthe work veryWh°much..secmed to enjoy d henew Htldson is so different from any car ever mass-produced, changeover 00ro00lom.000000e great- FRYE HOTEL ly multiplie, but despite ti:iis fact g Several Types of  only a few weeks qlaDsed between the time the last 1947 nodel was built until the first new Hudson " O.. .'\\; $10 O0 rolled off the final .assembly line.  "Bedause Of the unusual and ,nd m advanced design ahd'c0nstruction 1 "  Q said, "an entirely new manufae- turing approach was developed. , This required the scrapping Of many assembly Rue techniques as dl fo I $f S?kSk]l$ SUIt we have known them in the autO- 3rd AV at Yesler Way mobile industry." R I C ES custom ,ty/ed, sensibly p,lced? .................. .... J['IOO{IS 01 'r.:._ ::|)--,,., 3)5 Fireproof--OutsideAll With Radio Rooms "*'"" ...... • For The Girls We can chango thot for you now. We've Iust re€el'red Hoodsport friends and neighbors some magnificent new fabrics including that always, extend their sympathy to the D. 24 Hour Garage Service smort shc=rksldn. The kind of fabH that moke looking reaveient. Mr. Mathews, who • • ,for o suit an ex¢|fing, rother than a so pc!.fing task. passdd kway early Saturday morn; &I'U U & mg azcer a lingering illness as Private Diltg Roome an€! ;,They're not on}y handsomeand in Man-of-Distinction well liked and a fine churdh work  Coffeo Shop )f ,taste bur they',e CUSTOM TAILORED BY BORN... or. The funeral Will be held early • by Jantzen -- $10, this week at the Hood Canal Com- the su|t thoY$ mode and cut fo your individual fosfe, munity Church where the pastor;; LOcated within the Seattle " Paul Sweeney, will preach tile tili fobrtcs of your cholce. And you wori't have to go to €= loan shark to pay for this lush sharkskin suit.., serviceS.Louie. Schauffler, Alaska visitor Indudtrlal, shopping and READY.TO-WE,AR DEPARTMENT par*l he_ pr]¢eMORRISiS right oround fhat MEN'S °' ° good ready WEARmade" wrs.°fportPaSt'erty°f Oscar theresidents,OlafinHe broughtword of Mr. andbUSYthisAhlHansor/,vicitflty.fishingthiSwho weekformerstillSeasoilFlshermenownend,HoOdSrprop.jUstOld fromDlrectlyTheatricalthe Gounty-Cityacr°ss• d istrlotthe streetBtdg,  .... i his party were utstng net anti * }NE 228 (formerly Needham's Men's We) N dldn'£ seem to be catchtng them, Re,ervations A=sured Established 1895 , • E 494 so Olaf decded to rethrn tb .., Wrang611, chdfig' geai , and troll , ,, ,: i