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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.........................................  ...................................................................... smTbm/&tsoN Covert $0WNA I I I Classified Ads . o BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- FOR  SALE: 5 acres on Mill Creek WANTED: To buy, buzz saw• Phone vice on all makes home and auto road. some timber, $750. terms if 788-R-4, C. J. Matthews, Grapeview. radios. Across from Junior High desired. C. W. Rader, 1335 Mason Mll-20-12-4 school, 1221 Franklin. Phone l12W. St. (at. 3, Box 85-A). 10-30-tfn Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Klllmer JOR SALE: Clioite-10-acre-tract of -- --v[ *'''r'r''vvx'''''v'''v''''" Electric. ll,7tfn• waterfront, 175-ft. of lovely beach, Cemce I Classified Service ................ ELEC-ROL-U" - all virgin timber.-Only3 miles from CLEANERS. SALES, Service and Shelton and the nicest piece of beach LOGS WANTED hmd available. Will go to the highest supplies. Free Pickup and delivery. Ip.w,vv,7-_ - - - " -*r.-f',. ,, I Y'¢'vvY''•v"vvvvvv'''v'vv .......... ' I EXPERT FITTING and a]teratlous Jack Mamey, omy authorized fac- offer• Sec H. V. Yule at the Post SECOND GROWTH I(.)]:E)I4  | dons%Mrs. M. McCann 222 So. 4th t0ry representative in Mason Coun- Office. Dl1-13-27 ] St., I hone 469-M. ' 6-10-tfn iy. Phone IIoodsport 2-R or Shelo "FOR SALE:--5:ro0-l-furntshcd l0usd,* PREFERRED .... SEw-ING'-'I'IAcI:IINE-E*---iiS ---PAI ton 664. 7-18tfn. double woodshed and garage, 3 lots -iEMSTITCHi-i--I-y--=--)--6- under good fence, nice garden spot, . JlJ'vr' )EXPERT| WORK. Reasonable charges, outdoor buildings. House ready for Prevailing prices paid by '|Estimates nmde in your home by a tonhollng• Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadis and occupancy. Access to bus line." Lo- ........ n courteous, bonded employs. No oh- Boundary Streets.) 2--tfn cated  .mile outside city limits on Enitai Lumber Co. HnT.lnf K '/umDin I ligatlon. Leave calls at The oJurnal in FSR--SiSENER---F3-iT-)--[-n Lake Blvd. Will sell furniture sop- ........  ....... o I Shclton, Phone 100. arately. Phone 291 after 5 P.M. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. supports, phone 799-J for appoint. Mll-20-27 Ever-thin in I 510 E. 4th Ave. Olympia ment or call at 1416 ,Summit Drive. Mill located at Minerva Park  ] 8-5-tfn $9-28 FOR SALE; New house, just finished, 4 rooms and bath, upstairs large Phone Hoodsport ll-W-3 P'umbing and I' enough for two bedrooms, electric hot water, pumphouse and fruit house combined, drilled well, large - .... woodshed, 3 acres, 1 cleared, 5 miles • -ea,n; TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE from Shelton on Cole Road. Win• R, Marcy, at. 3, Box 248-A. 11-27 I I Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large or Small 222 S. 2rid Phone 85 DRY SLAB WOOD $1 per cord Shiplap and Shingles KAMILCHE VALLEY LUMBER CO. Route 1, Box 60 Shelton  I I II • (Corsetiere) BERNICE STEWART (Charis) Established Clientele BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone 372-R 616 N. 1st St. For Prompt Delivery STOVE OIL DIESEL OIL Shelton-Bell Abstract & Title Co,, Inc. 159 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE Member Washington Title Association I I I IIII WANTED: women to worl as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- tance, Oyster BaY, collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tI TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES AND CASH' REGISTERS Sold and Repaired -- REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop H. D. BAKER CO., INC. 114 W.5th OLYMPIA Phone 8044 Office Furniture, Files and Fireproof Safes I I I It'A-r'U"-d- stomach? Had an operation? Have a Spencer designed CABINET WORK just for you. It will rest you--aid ligcstion and circulartiOn, because it PLATE GLASS SETTING will give you healthful posture. Phone 799-J. Bernice Schrieber, 1416 Summit Drive (Hlllcrest), 11-20-27 FLOORS SANDED and REFINISHED: New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes. J. A. Sehlange" Box 28, Belfalr, Phone Belfalr 552. 7-17-47--7-17-48 REAL ESTATE Phone 87 WATERFRONT For Sale by Owner PRICED FOR QUICK" SALE $7 to 17 per front foot. 20 choice lots, clean, gravelly beach, no per WANTED: Salesman to take Vacuum son oak. This tract lies 10 miles Cleaner agency. This is an eiep- tional opportunity for a live re. east of Shelton and eight miles Sewing machines will be In line when west of Allyn on Shelton-Allyn available. This could he handled on road. Follow the Signs at this a part time basis. Must be finan- cially responsible. Write or phone point one mile to beach, for appointment- House of Palmer0 632 Washington Avenue, remerton, Washington, Phone 2576• 7-10-tfa STANDARD HEATING OILS Distributed by SHELTON GAS COMPANY C. C. Cole, Mgr. 122 So. Third St. Phone 87 ,m., ..a.. wr .... u..;aY, Novemor . , 1947. JLIIIO¢ ,klV:;]kl]klJL!l , Ji fill 1[1 11 l li[ l[ [ i FOR SALE ,: ]ssdned Service OVERHEAD GARAGEdoorsets, sl, eC-ially priced at $24.30 and $19.80. MARK'S USED CAR LOT:] we Deliver These are away below current lnar* , ::' Phoneket prices.499. Hillcrcst Hardware, 119 cots St. Phone 533 OPEN EVENINGS -- SATURDAYS -- SUNDAY8 i  MILL WOOD WANTED: Ironing to do. at your home or ]nine. Phone 227-R. Dll-20--12-4 WANT TO BU': old horses for Mink fe'ed. Myer [ld la_nsen Mik Farm, Olympia. Phone  collect. 1-1t2n 'ANTED: dead stoak, prompt llreo, courteous service. Phone us co ecr. Elma 21-J-13. Grays Harbor Render- ing, Inc. '27tfn KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD tUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 465-W I I  I III I _ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: gro- cery, service station and cabin camp near city limits on well trav- eled road; modern owner's cot- 11-27 FOR SALE: 93 acres second growth, alder, hemlock and cedar. Cheap. Inquire at• 2, Box 129A. Hll-20/12-5 FOR SALE: New Speed Queen w,ah- tng machine, $105. Inquire Apt• 4, 103 So. 12th. Hll-29-27 FOR SALE: Coal stoker and controls, in excellent condition. Phone 110-W, 612 Turner Ave. Hll-20--12-4 OIL CIRCULATING heaters, immed- iate delivery. $99•75 at Hillcrest Hardware, phone 499, 11-27 FOR SALE: Small cook stoves, oil heaters, beds, springs and mattresses, table and chairs, davenos, dishes. See J. B. chott, little cream house, corner of Laurel and K St•, Mt. View. 11-20 FOR SALE: Quaker oll heater with blower on flame. W. E, Bushnell, 2 miles out on Bayshore Road, 11-20-27 R- S-.Lt: r i-20 accord- ion, 3 switches, beautiful grey pearl finish. W• E. Bushnell,  miles out on Bayshore Road. 11-29-27 tlcally new. none 431-W. ................... Wl!L20--_!2L 'l FOR SALE: Montag kitchen range with coils, $25. Mrs. K. G. Ostero borg, 309 Kinco• Phone 543-W. II-2G--12-4 TOILET SEATS, all 'white, $7.75 each. Hillcrest Hardware, Phone 499. 11-27 tage; on acre of land. Nets over $I00 a month. Further information and price on request. 27 LOTS in Seattle Syndicate Ad- dition for only $1500 at one-third FOR S.$L--I, :--S lae-t 1 o.nd---po n Y- -nea rl  new saddle and bridle• Gentle with children• Lawrence Bailey, Star at. 2. Box 572. (Dayton). 11-20-27 :}R--"SE" Boy's all wool suit. dark blue, size 16. $20. Inquire at Journal Office. Bll-20 FOR SALE: St. Clair all white incin- erator with DeLuxe oil burner at- tachment and coils• Phone evenings, 372-W, Inquire 606 No. 1st. Rll-20---12-4 I:)R SALE: SaVage spotter 25-J2Op--7 tically new. $35. Inquire at Journal Office. Eli-20 EASY TERMS -WANTED--TO BUY: Light-Duty jig Caretaker on grounds to show saw. Jerome Kerhat, 20 E• Pine St. II-20-27 or write owner WANTED: Stenographer and tyiMst,' part time. Hood Canal resident pre- ferred..I.P. Callison, Union. C. P. RUSSELL c11--1-4 FOR SALE: 7-piece twin bedroom suite with slrings, $150. One glass Gig Harbor, Wash. IIDDLE AGED woman wlshes---w-ok pauod outside mahogany door_S20. 10-16tfn. by the day or lour. Phone 295-W. Phone 171. Gll-20-tfn MI-13-27 O ---- . .... .- C NVERSE brand sportmens rubber YOUNG GIRL wmnes worl¢ caring lor b = '' • • "" " I or eels will make wonderful Christ- chil'dren'devemngS'oal-tere s, ournmeor mm,sc-n°° In mas presents. $9.95 a pair. Hlllerest we  en .Y • . ._ " Hardware, Phone 499. 11-27 WORTH LOOKING quire 5th house on Arcauia roaa or ........ • ,h,,. '9 Rll-20-27 I iOR-SALE :7 General Electric port- .... ble radio $60. ]?hone 559-J or In- INTO W.TED TO BUY: Beef: and, I quire. 12'11 Railroad Ave A11-20-27 lresa ass coming lresn. J L;tara, ....... " Elms, Wash•. Box 232, 11-27--12-4-11 FOR SALE: Washing machine, Sav- age Spin-dry. in good working con- WANTED: Will take care of small girl dltion. $25, Phone ll-J or Inquire 421 in my home from 8 to 4:30. Kinder- 3rd St. North. Rll-20---12-4 garten or first grade preferrea or younger. Phone 314-M. Hll-27/12-4 FOR SALE: - 200-amp. Lincoln are - welder, $75. 5it Pine St,, or Phone WANTED: To rent. fe-d or un- 315-J. 811-20-27 'ORSXL-.-VIdhen wood stoveT-good baker, in good condition. Phone 376-M or inquire at 427 Bellevue Ave. ll-20-tfn R-SXIE: Hotpoint eiec-trlc-std;e: in good condition, pril for quick sale. Phone 376-M or lquire at 427 JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys ] Cabinet Work and Upholstering General Carpenter Work Park Street Cabinet Shop h[ARK FAY .,.vv..,..-----..--- down. Timber enough on property for a house. FOR SALE: Commercial location 13 • * . miles south of Bremerton, 1 mile ....................... south Belfalr, Wash., on Navy State S-mLUUM lOl)l kit)lW on Highway No. 14 at Belfalr, Union, Hillcrest, haxuwooa iloors, plas- Allyn ."Y" junction, 6. acreS, o400x" feted, large kitchen, basement and 600 foot irontage" goou ttmoer, n an  .  _  ____. ever running spring creek, tlu'ough urnaee, corner, lol, paves ,tr., middle of place, 2 small dams, new cemen walks, house newly paln;- 2-room cabin 16x20 feet, knotty pine, d veneer flnisl inside, wired, water, ' . . . right paid, ,.i-mile south school; I " " overlooking highway No, 14 "Y,' I INCOME PROPERTY downtown, I1eod Canal and Olympic mouutalns, l.-cr, ,- R.,-n,rn hnva nrn. very good highway' and school bus I'.'P%  .... :'--.'.':'.'" .... ' ii " service, wwy heavy M-hour trawl. ',pmely ;urnlsnea, ou urnace, x re- Good location for filling station, auto place, nook; additional building accessories, fishing tackle, curios, ,,, ,,,,, o--,*,ants" 4-car ,ar- stor. care, cab ns, tavern (r elec- - .... rms trical appliances and fixtures. $3600• age; reasonamy prlceu ou .e . ] A. Snell. P.O. Box 491, Shelton. Excellent possibilities for increased I furnished house or apartment in or near Shelton. Phone 487-J. Mll-2712-11 WANTED: 2 or 3-bedroom house to rent. Will lease if desired. Bob Keen- an, L,M, Office. Phone 305. ll-27-tfn pump; oll circulator, trash burner, automatic electric tank. A wonder- ful combination of acreage, home and income, priced right. For Realty Buys Consult a Rcalto Bellevue Ave• Ell-29-tfn 'OR-S.LE.'N'ew Sentinel radio; sx- aphone; used radio. Inquire 1221 _Franklin. BII-13-27 SHOTGUN and rifle shells, just ar- rived in large quantity at Hillcrest Hardware, Phone 499. 11-27 REMODELING? Ask about the new complete "Packaged Kitchen"  In- eludes RANGE. REFRIGERATOR, SINK & CABINETS. Uses space from 4 ,to 6 ft• L0w as $496.00• GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNITS. LOw" as $99•50, rHY PAY MORE?--Stop and see us soon. MISKELLA SUPPLY CO., OlYlnpia Highway at Aberdeen "Y". Our salesman will sail if you wish. Phone 9690, Olympia, at. 1. Box I03. ll-20-tfn "FOR--SALE:-U-d spinner washer good condition• Shelton Electric, . G__ovey Bldg:,_phone 154-W. 11-20 FOR SALE '47 Mercury 4-door, R & H aitai Lumber Co. '42 Chev. 4-door sedan, R & H inerva Park '41 Packard 5-pass. Coupe, R & I-I '0,e Hoodsport ll-W-3 '41 Ford coupe, R. & H. I - • ' 00ARPEmNG I' '41 Ford Coupe, H i raraowers. Knives, Scissors '41 Cadillac Sedanette, R & H aa Garden Tools a '38 Ford 2-door Sedan an kinds '36 ord 2-door Sedan, R & H cyele Repairs Made - Locks Repaired '36 Ford Coupe yster's Fixit Shop '36 Chev. 2-door sedan, H rhird and Cots PHONE 243 Come In and We Will Give You the ! Best Deal in Town Exper.tly Prepared MARK R• ADAMS HARRY'S USED CAR 00ontract, with t;e County Medical Assn. Direct to You Service H. L. OLSTEAD AGENCY 116 North Sccond Neat" Postoffice --- Phone 30 FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS 'Easy Terms Phone 334 IIII I II UNDERSEAL A 1-].6 to 1-4 hmh thick rubberized undercoating (Minnesota Mining Co.) from $35 BOB ERVIN MOTORS 633 S. st St Phone 673 and Motor Overhaul ,L' Mto): reboring ," ValvbS gbed and reseated Crankshafts ground Western Supply 218 N. 1st St. Phone 126 IIIII I I I I New 5-room home. Beautifully furnished,' spotless with walks, driveway, fences. All complete. Real value, $7,850. 53-acre ranch, bottom land, 40-acres cleared, large spring and creek next to 6-room modern home, milk house, barn, other outbuildings, machinery, stock and approximately 30 to 40 tons good troy in barn. 15-minute drive from town, Ready to move onto. $9,500 complete. Good 5-room modern home. Approximately 4-acres land, grav- ity water system, near water, including oil heater, $3,850. For Sale-old established, going business in Slmlton. Excellent opportunity to expand. This is an unusual opportunity. Inquire for :full particulars. I ill , i,, Two houses at Union, one on hill with splendid view. One on main highway. Priced at $5000. Other good buys. Frank Nosworthy, REALTOR Union, Wash Tel. 441 FORrSALE 5-room modern home, plastered, with hardwood floors, floor fur- nace, 3 bedrooms, utility room. Nice yard and well located on Hi]I- crest. $6400,00. 6-ro0m modern home with three bedrooms, new gas range and au- tomatic water heater, nice yard and flowers, Large garage with concrete floor. Has new bulldog on property suitable for store or work shop, which san be pur- chased separately for removal. Propgrty in good condition and available for $7750. Loeatted close in to city. Also farms and waterfront properties. Herbert G. Angle ! I __ I FOR SALE Four-ro0m house at Hoodsport, fine view. $2650. M. C. ZINTHEO Phone 157 -- Title Ins. Building Shelton CALL Carl J. Arney Co. OLYMPIA 5865- 219 N. Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done IIIL . ,. L E:" F.r FULMER DECORATOR "  N GENERAL CONTRACTI G Ptintin g ...... Paper Itang'ing Alterntions PHONE' 231-W Chris-Craft Boats SA[ES and SERVICE Place your order now for Spring delivery The Marina Phone 3754,--Columbia at B OLYMPIA, WASH, 9-11tfn _ ......... I III II PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer i0 Front Street II I]II I 1946 CHEVROLET 5-pass Coupe, R 1940 CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan, R WATER T 1940 FORD 2-door Sedan, R & H I T WOOD AND C( , / and other nome 1938 OLDSMOBILE 4-door Sedan, R  : , at prics to sa, 1938 HUDsoN 2-door Sedan.-H--'- l Mogan.Eacret ............ ighw_gty ___ 1942 FORD TRUC motor, dual wheeis, double reductio.SS|0NL CS 1947 HOUSE TRAILER, factory built, $IBERT ROTTER • !; SERVICE •.  i Govey Building All cars reconditioned and guarantee PHONE 720 Washington. 11-27 e thl now i 27a ., helton, Washington income. S e S . Un on ....... 18 Park St. Phone 284-R FOR SALE--2-Td¥;;oI{---iio'u'sti'l * * * FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms "0nl /92[GSUFPgIES_L,Sinle &_ dou- We sell cars on consignment PIANO and accordiou player available uiility room Venetian blinds electric  A. n, wA, , 2 rooml Phone 448 or inquire 119 Franklin ] e v .,!:, ..,#_ **iPu,. axem for dancoRt, orchestra.Box Mrs. BarciaFrank ' , • ' • " "'" *" '"  " -" 1 urown etc.Sranu wr rope noos " i' • .......... - " t   t  ange, hot watq heater, ehgerat- . St. Oli-27--12-4 , , Beam, 1, 239, c-o or oil heater nice garnge tc. on house 3 miles south of Shelton, --z.-,,---w_-.-:- ,-KI-I chains HolmFeed &.Auto ., Warren Shellon Valb,y Crange road. ' ' ',, ; • u ............ , ............ ,oan across ,rein ateway. none $1,='|"  lf,! ' 1]-13-27 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING, corner h. nea: sob,eel, at186 .'tev- woodshed, wash room, chmken at Mab Beach. Phone 765-R-4. I  378 ' 11-20 tfn ........................................ =" ...................... ¢ " " Tl .... " " ens l:. U]y]nptc v)ew Aaun r'oone 1 ' " alsa parts for all mskes 'of sewing 9 f " f11 O7 house; some fir and alder berries,, ...W__ 1- -o_^n.---,rX'e,,Vi'ii---i-.,i;:.- , * ,. Lawyer ma,Hnc, I hone 596J or SW be- . ='""' ........ .. ,. °L.-. ' 66 ft drilled well; electricity; road FOR RNT: "'Large:'" ;hsekeeping I --sok," Ga'ngnes:wat'er 'sem's  ............. , v .........  . . | twce 10:30 a,m. and  p,m. B10-3tfn [ FOR SALE: 30 acres, 9 miles east o: ,_ .L_, ._.  ..... .^ ^...+.. ] room, eve, rything furnished except I II o* lants E iw, EZES €--" ahl., "neW ' eh,ttrle ' pump el.triclty,, price, at $ou. , ..... ,St' s,,-*,, (Er'ATIO Aluminum-re-EX----- -----------n  o  cellent Values i I ¢oSdi  ou , ,,-,-- ---, [ fled? Get a government Job! Men- and water in house. Make offer. * * * I I cut buildings and'aluminum sheet AcrILE YOU NO LONGER |dwtaan. Prolmre now for next Wasi- Write Mrs Winnifred Sweet 8844  vvw-,,-- ! ........ e " --"D --' F VED | lngton ,xamlnations. 32-page beok-- ' " " ' ILD e tall io Tres ann tuoes oatt rues. r w ": i partivulars free. Write today. Box 17th S.W.. Seattle 6. Wash. 11.27 BRICK BU ING C nt y "] ,,,, ,,,T, FOUND ] DELIVER. MISKELLA SUPPLY • F. Journal. . 11-20--12-11 irY-S:L-i-%-i,L,37-. h-=uiCT7-7/= cared; two stories, tavern, business] ...V°.  " "__"'=. [ CO., °n-OIzmpia hl"ghwaz at00A00ber" SED CARS 1-Oi--SA -  S t\\;:de limits' E=- .36.]--- " "limits. : ' " ........................................................................ ]'ies, filberts, 3-room ],ouse. wood- fully eouiDped, stock on nana anal . ! seen "x. Try our A..  Jv- U " Call CALL WlNGARD YORK INC., Shel- shd and root house, l miles from i '';'; ..... ,,,*,, **., *- and l LOST" Tuesday evening an tuner- I ICE you'll like it. 11-20-tfn ton for service an commerchd and Brinnon in Dosewallips V a l 1 e y. I ....... "" .... Y='/' "** ..... I sprtng mattress between Kamilche --E--I---rrANDS sne'cial at 99 All - Iudsonudson / " seFR.l!Sedan. $450. nquire Joe eplthi 4rankhn" Heusto] CLARK'S do,n,.ste refrigeration• Phone 662 .................. $30(XL . .................................. F12-27--12-4-11 , reasonably prises. I and Mill Creek Road. Reward. "Y" [ ,...'°o, _--el,. ,=. .... ,..ere". o..... ......... .o.o. "Tuejt:;;Franklin Heusto • * * Service Station Kamllche Hll 2027 daytime, 9-F-12 for emergencies• FOR SALE: o-room house on IIillcrest I [ .... , ,, rx.-v-, J holder. HilIcrest Hardware Phone 0 SiATTORNEY-AT-LAWi /eft Mill Creek Road). ATT 10-16-tfn with wool rug, 12'x20'. Spark heater, I RESTAURANT BUSINESS in I "L'0ST" Somewheiness streets I 499 ' 11-27 raa- - - - " 2nd HAND-STORE P-LESE•-dA.L.L-St6i;;-&--iihet-M0:: gas range, water heater, refrigerator. , _^^. ,^_,. --,,,a;,, .11 -eces I last 'Wednesday, breast pin of red I ' newly decorated, venetian blinds, ti . -- "1 sets. This is an old family keep-sake. [I I  : ourthouse, Shelton UCKel S tots for carpenters. .:'hone hours will (h,pes, corner lot. Inquh'e J. H. sary fixtures and equipment, leas- I Anyone finding same return to Mrs. I I I  J" M I Phone'312 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 t be Mondays from 9 to 12 o'clock a.m., Johnson, 103 So. 12tll St. 11-27--12-1i onablv nriced, terms if necessary i L. D. Hack, 223 Second St., North, I I ATTrIfl(.'ArT' [ r l *none a± Wednesdays from 1 to 4 o'cIock p.m., - ^r.-'r, i;,'L,i -;;J;A,;:-C-iL;7T I "  , . , "I and receive liberal cash reward. 11-37 | I 2-]. t £ t].tv£ J. 1%J | *   H d__ _ . 4- "r' and Fridays Irom 9 to 12 o'clock ........... - ..........................  "..-=:= .... WE BUY AND SELL a.m..Phone 212, S. A..Torkemon, furnished or unfurnished. Furniture , '1/7: '^¢o.x.,vr ,-^rr °l2 ;-**,a ...... nu,,ul LOST: Black leather wallet at Cots I I m,', A t'r'nc I Eiht Rdn  -X.T [ inquire J M PetersOa, " BUsiness Agent. 5-22-tfn Includes oil heater and oil range. 2- . I Grill containing Social Security, I J-J2"il.J-r%i | 4% acr(,s of ground good well,, ]o-i of Shelton, near paved highway; I union book, ,etc' Reward for, return, '1 I 'IU . I" vl"g' .all  "'"" ---'- I H'AVE YOU-SEE/-"(llc--R,EX-IR--cil"I cared on Isabella I'ake Loop at. 1 h,,= ,, ,lctrlcit, close" timberl Phone 815-J Steve Toney 221 So. il ,,. r',h,,;ot,-,,oo ohi,,ent of ,ha I • conaition good tire , , I I II ditioncr ,,,l hun,dif, e,--ih,: only , o " ...........  , 1 ................. ," ...... . .-... ,..a:n..... B)X 212. Phone 616-R-4, 11-27--1.-4 .......... O0 I 6th, 1-27 I i I enougn for house /o a  cleaner which traps dust in water: "1fOR'SALE-: YJy 0;iigl;-cifi=i'iSU'lh'; down Solntion to tiae housin rob 1-'60ND: Ladies g01d earring, O;neFII beautiful Camfield D e L u x e I lLzed .Accounting For demonstration phone 723-W after .t p.m. srl-20-27 farm, eomplelely e(l[llppcd, 2' aci's , g P "i identify, claim and pay for ad. 12-27 [I Ah*ott c w, e., toasters has [ -  ", Service ..... l0 cleared• Four room house wiL]l Lem. I I I " I ........... - , , iA._ LY? ° .... . im bath• 2 large chickeu houses and t $ * * I 'vvv'vvvvvvvvvvvwvv'v. , !1 been ...... received A small deposit_ |  Hudson Sedan. Runs I rier% at Arm t)ngs fsp.  es helton, W ah. tu, l,ez i, B,ood,,r houso Wilt,| ............... E O1--m-ie' "mcellaneo..s .' ................. until D-- | ' r,. a,* q RtS:oSBox54A ilt Eng'lnes o, sblCal'a':'tY°°dtnand 3 imubators.S°fst'3'000'm alsohaSelectriCElectrlelty.h°t water , -,'----'.tV.rood rlav. Yelectrie' ARE" h I vv,v,,,v--vv.vvv,,vvv'*'v" u I I w,n ............ ,o,u. .uz .V ..... "! ]; good. New seat covers Watters. .,.. o, " g '.  ,  ' " b - I view Addition, modern, sun pore , i l i aa. OOne | I'T V,XI[tTg t #" ...... vvwrrr.4 e: Shelton IllW Rebu --- spr ng watc, "gravlt wate, system ,,,,'-"ndz". tra,,s.,, automatic YOUR EYES of any value *o11" I , " '" ' " " ' r'c ,ou? Check u on the New Exclus- water piped to all 'd ldings. Perm- tank, Estate heatrola, elect i ] ,, -nded o-- ^ .... ,.., ,a,, ,. VCESTERN STORES . ..... I . EUl $:: ,€'  .... Ford V-8.:.. $118.50 exch..L%,t ,7 gllo,, .yt,, ,ac range, garage, garden, ! Insures your vision, Herbert G II Across from Bus Depot I ALES / .......... " . " ....... oou sou, n'm u•ees. ou It. • * * * I Angle. 10-30-tfnll I :n 2-ZAJ tTA2KaIEd ;O?l t,,,IfAIG P. ELIOT Ford Model A :.$95 exch. waterfront including tidelands an . , ........................... eoe , w Price $10 9OO on terms Located NINE-ROO HOUSE on 5'-ace WILL C o€ oln tn my I Authorized Hnd__ dealer •  " - ,^rJ r*ECTRICAL ENGINEER .. miles from Shelton on Bremerton- tract near city limits; double l ng}nep Z ...... uaz-. - £a erg, eson. I . ......... 1st & Mill Phone 595 firms on the zarm, e*vr, :Y: • llItt,n h.,, ,,,.€..,. h,.r,..,.., A a 1II" zauru¢*u, xel. t-l ll-o/-zo OR RALE..T.ble moael ramo, *-none F. "A']s"tin.'i't?',2; "B•o? 84*;''[e'l'{l. "" plumbing; include 3-room apart-I Y-OU "CAN')b'ir/hYd ddr-"E#4-Sigh -s..- .... W11-27 THIS TIM = IT'S H rrrrxv $15.50 a pair at E..A. pl l',t.. Prep'are for Winter 11-27-tfn men renting zor z.ov; all newly I for a smze• premium which will FOR SAIE--100-----H-ainpshire pulo Title Insurance BI g.  Insurance Bldg. F'¢)R-SkLEi-S=ih-B-u-s-SKd-li-6 repainted and redecorated; two alloW. I or medical .attention. in lets laying $1.75 each. Write Box - Weather Park St $1700 cash $1850 terms, -"S c,-red Mill Creek crosses l !he.unites tates, lnvestlgatetoda} . 522'Shelton' Wash T11-27 -- - FOR SALES-! 4-i Phone 645 Mrs. N "' ,, '  - ...... , 1-teroerI: t. ngLe 1U.;u.trn ..... _ ,-, --, ._ vvvvvv,vvvvv cut to order. No elhc Sl, o* ts Matthews 8 miles .... FOR ALE" Children s sets of tabTe's S "%r%w O At •  or Sunday. out on Da ton Road ' . . property; 9 fruit trees, berries, Z'OCAL WOMAN- 0-Xr-T-b-F--J;e - - • " ". ........... ,, meal- Car Hot Water Heaters t,, y . n 20 tfn grapes; spring-fed well, electric --lshes to sell' (door:t;-'doo' ;ii as l;."'P'e]-T%rs[' --.----.---- l O.,..L Products, S St. -z known products. Want a representa- tiVlolort noe product? Send Infer, FOR SALE: Used R. LEWIS ma 'W,' the Journal. EVINRUDE outboard motors,' 2 ann PHONE 26 for home milk 0eliver.v. Inquire Herbert 5 h.p., Immediate delivery at Hill- Mll-14tfn. Bldg. crest Hardware. Phone 499. 11-27 is now open at 322 SOUTH FIRST STREET Offering this week these special plus Build LAVATORIES S Wll-27 AbE YQU SA'ISF-']:D?'"-G-E-T A-t,OV = ERNMLNT J.QB: Prepare NOW for i948 %l?-ons Booklet- ParUe- ulars . Write today. Franklin institute, ept. 1078-R, Rochester 4, N.Y. 11-27--12-11 cHILIED FOR In my hol' _daY 9 r night, Or in _your home dgys, inquire 1 Cota St., Mrs. J. N. Gaines. 11-27--52-11 • I Stoves an6 Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 576-W 620 Cedar St. Prompt Service III I ,e ,qp,v v ,w,-v v v ,tw v,v ,iv ,vt,,t.,,orw. ,,w v ,p, v ,w F.w I'OR SALE: Lexington ])layer piano, $325 cash, at. 2, Box 274, Agate Dist. Dll-27--12-4 ore; o -o. Oll-27--52-4 er, $.none 77Z-W. W11-27 'iV(', tll'a, saw bla¢es a[id five hand blades. :Inquire Sheltou Transfer• $175 P1 ' • . .......... 1-27--12-11 iCJR SALE: Iedi:5h"ct-[nt'lning bcd, chest of drawers, box springs anu n]atu'cs, 18 rues, old'5 oo¢I, cen- ditlon, $50. 1t19 E. Fairmmff. ........ ? ............. Mll-27---12-4 €;leaner e' 225 M. ut°ert 3S6 Henry St,, Fl, on ' - • Hlfi2/ furnace, r goo c0naltlon, $40, Harold Menus. el J, unor." 51-27--12-11 Use the Journal Want A-- they really'get resultl F'.R SAI: see Olympic *otu* o. FOR FOR SALE: TL-ab-Fo¥ retr|ev, tor auto parts and accessories, First range, both er pups from good hunting stock, and M/n Streets. nhone 595. 7-4tfn ized hot Phone 624-W after 6 p.m. RII.27 F'()R'" SALE" Sherwin=VTlli"-o-d- Harvard St. POULTRY NE-i-N--in 4,-nd--6- slde house" valnt, $5.50 gal. Catto BEAUTIFUl,- .......... foot sizes. Hilcrcst Hardware, Phone Hardware, 8"15 Railroad, Phone 48, tree bubble 499: 11-27 5-2-tfn A. Carr El FO,R SALI: Kelvinator. elertc ,.r'-  TIRES now available In unllm- Bldg,, Phone 645• r t ltke new .oar a n it fngerato, jtm .. .  ed quantities at Mell Chevrolet. FOR S/,LE--¥ cs Phone 699.  x-a 6:r sizes 4:40x21, 5:50x19, 5:50x17, piping, Hart oil "O--'ffS.h.-L"., mb-ffet: _wht7ftt - 7:g16, 6:50y.16, 7:00x16,. 6:50x15, A_ngl.c_, lsh phone $53 Hll-:- n :Vmtb, all truck tire slzes, a.a FOR SA a-i -?":'--'C'Y, tuhe o: all razes Also used tires m cookin a' les FO ALE: Gree at w all o ular i ' hevrolet - g P "' 44 worn twice 25 One Co0Jc_rator, F,.. P LPt=- s zes..fell.CJ .__, Bring conallners_ ' ..... '-'' --^ 9-J -:,,o a.a rove, -none "4"#'t or ns. Rt 3 Be 269. l gee(1 concIH.Ion Szo au==; , X " ' ' ' Bii-7--i2-n FOR-TSALE: new il-i'-vd7" Road.' '0R-S:L-''_d:" 'atrt grht paa, _with kit f re. Fb-WSXL---ffd%] ern waterfall design, rnone .I-R± o, "g8 N6rtrs yes'tern tuppl ohino, $30. Phon, evenings or Friday. zl-27 ' .t. 'none /. at 941 E. Cascade: good condition. Phone ja, , ,, side - .... " ...... " ...... " ful several wayS, .-.--a-= Ha  """" .lymn, ¢o.ou gat. uatto A. Carr Electrk ..................... .--.o...-i raware, 310 Railroad, Phone 48, BLdg Phone 645 BXTH-RO-0-MSCALES, $6.95.eacn. ,g J 5-2-tfn ---_-=--'..".--==-'A----fi crest Hardware Phone aw. -- ] -I'E'-/,'.- ...... I 'O A1s,': out) '  . - -i wattE tea KettleS, aft.copper, mons mattress ';OR'SALEi-12x22-ft..Algxan_ae.':| chromc-plated Hillcrest Hardware I $69 Water hea'ter e e frtezc carpet wtq p,a I lhone 499 " , ' ' Smith. b h . ........ 1 s Use- omv , = ..... " 11-27 [ er $15, venetian bli ann two hallWay tt , fOR " ..... t,'; NlI 9- I SALE" Round ex'tension table • I _ ,qluadis/2oid lont2 ectrle heate,,, Hy0ictol J FO,RquS.Ac%E25 IV0  -. P] - '-. " $11-/I POl_--SE.'B-ne,--tires I )OR SALE-Sihhiol _.__'L. Mr. view.  --^m .... e  aria %1[ t_he .[rimmings. See Dougl ''od coditiou P FOR SALE: 1-ton. trancr..c op,., | ole" 23 Cooason St, Phone 623-J ' ..... " and like now, wltll sidcs,_pow .uu t ._ " 9-11-tfn - ' p,m. ................. t011 for onl.v $175.. S. L;.l'earso{,  FOR ..LE:---I--=:==F "- ........ WASH A.PE. 'm!toln Son' 120 E lne Faone otv. -t ranges 'u.,. .......... ' ..... '{ .... blankets for . - ' ' ' ..... --. ..£ ,r - • ,,,,,,',,,*  ,*t:,'Ccut*t; conlf0rt .€42 50 at heater. Phone 6_06=W.m£27--12:l )R--SXLck-e'd'-ap-'pib's:-K-'in--an-d Shop 125 4th St. A -'A'L1'5q--p()-L---Sand reel.s:/rn.e writ rFvenstelns, $1,25 box. Northern ' 1/"1% make fine Christmas Slits  . t_na Ples..Winesaps $1.50 box. Orchard - ------ 'l] sportsman. Hillcrest ki a r a  a4 n:. brlllg containers. Hay in mow, • ,-,. ,,vu ±u tons J Jacob Rt 2 Box Phone 499. ....... 271 " ' Y' ' " 6: lv--0"--'A'-'LE-; Ivory satlu wedding ._ ".'..__ 11-13-.7 " " Size 12-16 Vet -v'OR SALE' 2 ar u ,- dress and veLoNeW:hcte I i)edsin.eardY, ,draulie hoist Ysee d domPs#Cd( ,'lnltl Ieasona°le' * ' ' J Ir ' r. ' " 'g " "" ' ' just flni,*ihed, MaY be sccn at ot  ox 21a (Isabella Lake Road). hal office. ''*'" 11-20-27 FOR'-'XGN--Ieul] -iz-e--i]c'd-'nd--c'0il "'""" ' OR SALE: ................................ Binder twhw., S-lb. bans. .p. ring. Inqu|rc 319 Wyandotte.R11.2712.4 wagner Feed Co,, 219 So. First. 407-M. • ........... . ::'.,.'7 t l-"traile, r" FOR SALE, Hoa Y . , good 33x5, 6-ply ti|'%s, $30. SI-' 1 t Rogers Blaoksmith nop-- ..... -, reels also. Glve 11111'I on ' " mas Hlllcrest Hardware, Phone 499. • ' 11-27 l% k./%.$.JIM I ;'II. ,. motor, Just broii.V. n 25bhO,'s, l( O ) 11-0--12-18 PUps, fine Ctwistmas gifts• C. A• Gill, at. 2. Box 315D (Island Lake). .... , 11 - 20--12-'i FO -SX-Ii .. _----26 bi]¢q7--d-- new. Wlndell Lawson Stu" at. 1, Box 62. ' Ll1-20-27 OR--SA_-I?E:-----C-]-d's' gentle saddle horse. Phone 160-M Ell-20--12-4 yPes Ot lighting' at E. A. Carr Elec- tric, Title Iasu-rancc Bldg., Phone v.u, 11-"7 ANDE ST PHOI AT LAW- outh Fourth St. Building helton. Washington B. SPRING Tax 8ervlne= g 8ystam. Phons  ql"qv''qg"ql"F'q'v V'IP"V'qP"P 'v - - - FOR RENT FOR RENT: Locate( on .-North Bay and State Hlway 14-A at Ally.n, Wash. Known as Bayslde Apts. The usual furniture, hot and cold running water, refrigeration, electrio lights, qaundry facilities.near grade school, and high school bus in front of building. 2 and 2-room aptS. from • $25 to $35per month, also cabins for rent. W. A. Bealdey0 Mgr. 8-28-tfn ib---iN T---- o-6-,-s0"-a-say; Lawt0n Lumber Co,, 420 So. First St., Phone 56. 10-16-tfn frigerators and oil heat. Handy to school bus and buses. Winter rates $20 a month. A mile past Raus Chicken Dinner Inn on Hood Canal. Star at. 1, Box 255, Union, Phone Cll-20--12-4 , PREPP'S Drug Store & Railroad Phone 89