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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday  . COtJN&apos; JO3RNAL ........ : "y'',v'.'Tv,'v'vvww'v",rv'v. . . wvvvvv'rvvvvv'rvvvvvv_ . _ . p.Q lit .... "'el  ])_, " : ...... lllne.e .S." '"3/ .............................. ....... * , " " "  , * " ..... ,.. ,5 ,,, s,l,,, ,,f i..,.,,,,,. 0000II00ITflN_MAqflN PfllI1WV lfllII0000Al Fnst Meth001st Chinch First Balltmt Chur¢l! :[.,.llu :tmvl.., ..:ltx ................. . with a fl?mtag .f. il.ot ! lint,al .h:,ins, umllald•tk$11-1ll4"lLI.Vll DIdUI| 1 [ dlt]tJltll£1]LI WaYlm WrjghL Pail{or Rev. J. O. Bore( _ !( ............... """"  ......................... ,','::5: ........... ,. ."#;' ......... [p,pra,:e. =,t z..0 ,,,' ....... Published every., rlhur___ dav ....... mornln..ff We inxtt, •you-to worship• w th Twelve new ......... members were b'll). "[(*.]['l' N  "l') I [ '. Qrla A "A;f ('Y l A TYXTg TM Excepting' howm'or, any port on (,t" Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Ass]'ctatlon lls on Sun,lay m.orning at 11, ','The tized in services at the Fit'at Bap- J,.DlP2JlP21) 2-kl'g IA.)l ! ' " IP"  • a.x, l.lZ-[] 1] k  ([,, .¢,'(h,)ve, d,:s" wd It}, ncs n- ' and Nat onal Edltor/al Associalion. • • o'ood part'.' is the topic, tist Chtl'ehl in Shelton. last, Stll-I WC De r !UUl,ti ul an *.der Irm,t deeded by Entered as secEnd-elass matter at tilc postoffice at Sbeiton. Washington o ....... h t,. childret at 9"45 a-,, rob. ov .T (5 l:nvoo of,to Novemberl ay, Novom,wi o " .947. WD,MSON ..... Va,' -" .......... -- ........ = --'2 J T '. •.. " .................... J(hn Phtllip Sousa. world fan36tts Phone 533 -- SATURDAYS -- SUNDAYS 4-door, R & H leer sedan, R & H 5-pass. Coupe, R & I'I ' tpe, R. & H. @e, H Sedanette, R & H our Sedan our Sedan, R & H @e ]our sedan, H We Will Give You the Deal in Town LK R• ADAMS MILL WOOD FOR SALE Lumber Co. Minerva Park Hoodsport 11-W-3 SHARPENING Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds !3,cycle Repairs Made - Locks Repaired yster's Fixit Shop rhird and Cote PHONE 243 !liable, Expertly Prepared ESCRIPTIONS Motor -- $3.00 .,,, ,t, t;. ,I.,.,,b,e,, u,,,I.,..,,,i,.at,,,l N,. 2632, • A|I|,ICATION NO. llM}9 Chassis $6.00 ,, ,i,,, l(,,,i. .r tl....t.,,,,.d ,.ass. OWIU'd I) 5 lho State of Wdshin!-.QOll. Motor and Chassis ..,,.., ,,, ,,.,,nt ,,...,, i ,' , ..... • tlDkltIillg /Ilh)ll Ihl' west t02.03 ,,'el of $7.50 '" ' ..... "'"'" ' l,,w,lshil, '." ,,,,,lb. r:m=(, 2 w('.t. W.M.. with n II'(QIIIgP ,[ J .78 lhl('al ('hllins IDIII'O el' less. H|llll'{liged Itl ..gS0.00 l)t'l ' (.haill, (H. Bob Ervin Motors ;89'00'AI'l'LICATION NO. 10953 ",uiek Distriblltor All lid,, lands of the second ('10ss. OWIIod by tile Stale' of Wa.;hinp'ton. 6:13 S. 1st Phone 67:1 siiuate ill fl'on[ of ad.iac.ent to m' al,nttinK ll})Oll Ill/It 1)oriioll of lot 2. .......................... --E ....... .. sot'Lion 2i1. towllsbip 2.1 nol•th, l'anlt :1 wos;t, known as the IIIlI/IIII- WHEEL b,,,',.d t,.a,.t .f ,,,,,,.k 2 ,, ll,e un,'e- SO. ss ',)'led llat of AIII( A]II's Stnln!l ...... R " ' " N I ( " • , 'o . • 'c ' . NII'II( I., Of 1|1.,A N(. 111 I 1, A , l.]mz.. Ira(Is qlld lzzl . I,aID ulatl5 RI.'Pll]ur PI,,I'I'|'I(JN FOR IllS- [ BALANCING ut'[Ul":?/in:' ',';'"('i : ,,,, ands, t,, lie T,/,., 'm, A|) ,.st'i,a|..: ,.,", fru 'i s " . • o s ' All.MINI. !1 APR X t 't onaI .'eI.tllns 1) al)d 7. .'ll|d "rx¢ rlTh ol*l>ll)l;l) o('IIII:T eli, Tl.lld I townM, ip (1 d range, said oleander %3g•g°,l:#l'{ik,7-;bt T Xk}{ ('Ol•ll •l' IHIVIIIg a Y-coordlotite el 818- ib,,) ,,,nt r,¢G,,ev IO MAON 8.t0,7( f ' 't .ln( In X-i:ool'd nale Of * **- *li'J t'.,s{..'.., "'" w I 1 *17 •) ) ) O''t ' ( W  tin ll/ooaz* • .,I..3. el, le e'cd to lh' a,'h- i,1 ,,a (:, ,,. hale S,'st'tn, S utb Z,,ne, .In the >tort,:,•.,,, 2%''!t(' of :,,.1 l..i,tg di:,a.'t3.81 f,,,'l ,,n an ".;l'l'.', %lT:'%rcs',:,',?ihal V(a, l :zilut i o' 1  5T 0t'" f '(/In lhe nor 1- -1. m.' ., : 'tj 3 g .... ,, V¢I'st COrll( l' Ill'" said 'o¢'tioll 26 l'LlI1- :}llWicK. A(IITIlU|SII'atI'IN O] tile (L¢ltfiLl' I hill,.: lllence al('),l ,' ile lfovel:nnlent of Jelln ilallSOlr Saltwlck. de('eaed, b0.s I szim'i]h' oF"gS(;" ".;"08;:'""2"h'0'12""ff, final rdport and petition tor.diit,'ibu-  lh ,no, 'on an'az m'{th of '15 ° li8' 46 5"" &ion of said. e.tate: and tlmt Salur-[ 115,5t 'feet n ),,t ( r less.' to a poin{ I .da'. tl}e, llittl day of l).,eeml),;, 19,17, II the Jill( • h( t'( *, : oncnnlds rls es- Ill 10 o (:lOCl A.Wl.' laepaI llllent ±we ........ [ ................... "  ' " '  " " ¢'tl(I'o- " k  talfll.hod "bY decree, of September ;,'21,] in, sal a ,'tterl?r UKlt't, .lJ.. 1 'll[pYl  • Ill J --t 1946• i' the Suegitr C:mrt.of Mason I samoumy..nas ,en pjh //,,.u o,',:  I ()tillt'v llnrn a li,.mh  ..s ng Cot i-| otn' upel" el' C(kul•t lor tile seLttellt('nL IDanv v, Alli..h]' et nf" Oase Nn I of the stud Fnlal Rep0 'l, t t w I(,]1 :l, t .' t*ieneE "','2a "'ail g'ii2;,itt( of .29g:' ['hnm. the .Co!,'.t iS asked to settle such'' 47' 0971" 229'1  £0et nor  or less i report,, dstrlbute the prulcrty to tllol 1o th;'fine of'extrelne'Iow tid4 " theio • peysol?s el),!fl)d/lhqyeto, l!d dischar,, } I along, thc. liue of extrenle lo,. tide on s'}(.I.A,(Ijnmlstq au•lx" _ ....... I all a2inluth of 1R° o*, ")0" 5 s t7 feot WlTN],]SN' .tne Hon. 1). it. Wrlg/li, I • I thence along thc line Of extreme low Judg6 ot t!m bove Entltb;d :ptp,'t, and, I dt ell' *an azimuth. ef 26 ° 0"/' 30" thc seal  t said Cot 'tali xea tns 1st I "4 '70 fe'e Llh £''- '' a  -zinn.lth L of day of Noxcil bef' 19,t7 FREE 119 io' 08", 230} 56 feet nlore or less; (EAL) HARRy DEYETE, _....... TESTED r i() a point on aid .l no 'betweEq llead- ulorK o1' saia _,.upgo(!r Coj!rL, _" lriB(ls, ':tfwm'e dn" ln,' 'azimuth of /33 ° tl, y DORISANN IHOI.IgH()tSE• 02' 36'" 1219.61 l'o'et '"tlibnCc " on an Deputy, Stewart-Warner Balancer $1.50 per wheel "Veights Extl'n Bob Ervin Motor's Buick Distributor 633 S. 1st Phone 673 BE RE'ADY FOR THE STATE CAR TEST Lights --- Brakes -- Toe In NOTICE OF IIEARING NOTICE IS IIIGREBY GIVEN lhnl a public Ilo:iI'llll4 will |H. hcl,l ,,11 rv[oll- day. Di,cl.mbvr I. 19t7. at 7:3|) I'.M. m lhe City (,ODHll}Ss|on l{OOlll ()iiv licit: (Ill tht' ([tl"S[iOll of 'li('[}l('F el' nol a i- pl'oV.'d .Qlouid t)e gl'tLnted fill' |lit' ,'l'.(.- lion ol Lht'o(' du hx hotLuS and gltt- ages on the fpliowiog dv:crib,'d i,z, i)- Vl'ly O1" ])]'onllses: Lois :1 ond '1. Flh,ek 2..qecl,llll ex- tcnsioll tO 10un|aill Vi.w Addi- tion holh,n. Wash. CITY PLANNING C()MMISSI()N (,l the City of Silo]ton, IClliot ]:I. Spriag. Sec' rctarY. I 1-27-1 t J. USED CAR ow open at I FIRST STREET eek these special buy ET 5-pass Coupe, R & ,4 p,m. WkSHAiEiU blankets for comfort, $42.50 Title lnsurancc iture ___. ANGLE The OR SALE: Zenith. fgv illore and lots of l'eol'dejry  Angle Bulldln 6-tfn 10. Fancy work, a ,v -alld Shop, 125 4th St. a" hcrn :hard • cmmt lnow, Box 13-27 ViT t. 1, ginning, and to perpetually .bar and enjoin you A_[N ][ ] [$-'='" and eaeh of you f,-om assert;ng ay right, title, claim, .equity, .lien or an: tereet thereln and thereto and for a decree adjudging her to be th owner S 0 the said lands• E, FRANKLIN I-IEUSTON, Attorney for PlaintifL 120 Nort Office & Post Office Address: PHO Court House, Shelton, "Washington, 10-30--11-6-1-20-27-5t .11-20-27/12-4-11-18 -2/1-1-7t • ESTIMATES FIJRNISHED azmulh of 7 ° 06' :]9", 730.50 feet, 11-13-20-27-3t r, XlOcJ^v w^T more: o les. "co: a ' ,)(;lot. On tile "lille. - ....... a Contracts with the " ' ' tll(.Al(,'Lon"atl aMnlut,lI'of' 181-58 ' 01',', ' ITMM()N4 FOR PIIi|LIt'.A'IION • , : 254,0 Teet tn the point of •beginning, IN THE SUPERIOR COB].T O1 i' TItE 0n County Medmal Assn. l:t-o l'1::TTT vhnvinr an area of 21'2R acres more S T ATE OF WASHINGTON li'Ot{ Dt-+ + v^,,  .... ,, JL..IJ., .12a.,vxz I 0' i(s ,.a,l>t)'aied ,t.,${,400.00{also MASON COUNTY. .. ..... ' '* ''" " All "{'d( lands of the second class' Nellie MattJews, Plaintiu, l owned by the Slat6-of '¢ashington . ' • . va. t  O O,  MOTORS I situate in ,front ,o$ adjacent to,.. or Hannah peterson, Guardian of Estate ' .  ,ll, .L IO • , itbtltili "tpOr/ 'tllaL"ortion of 16t 2 0f Li'llian Libby, an Insane Person, Dru Store First and':Mill Streets t sdci ,n" 26, toWlship 24 noi,th cange Thonms SIocu n, Ellen Young' Joseph " • 3 weL W]VI. kn6wn a's .lbt't bleek 'L Young Hannah Peterson Lillian • "oz(YeJ R' [  'of x0"un,'eei0rded plat'of 'All e.Abl's Libl)y Hannah :Andt z'on' Ermist L. & Railroad Phone 89 ...... "" .... Sl,ner  1-hnne: Tracta-nd.. more par- Andersoa, Arthur Ailde}'son, Anton An- _ ..... ! tieulavty ,xiescr bed. as' fQlit)ws; de.son Frank C, Wllley and Mary N '- ' ' " : (01fnnenchig at the" meander ,corner, Wllley' husband and wife, Hattie Pal- --r .......... %::-----'-.-i¢-.a ........... "=-"= =.--=-=::-.--.-==-t. [ fratiouaL "seEtions ,26- and 27, ,said, mer, iP.l ner Willey, Edith Larkin ,,. 00nrnl,l.00 ]6,nlrlln00 0000lnnllo00  [ towxisflp .a3a','i'ange2,taid .e,nder .Frailk Will(y, ell'tic De(van and Har- r " It" ......  v,-''.£"l[* ' ' I cornr 'having a" xoordinate t?t, ry Deegan,, Tile Unknown t-Iet'8 .t)f I i T AXTAmfXl"TTrt' CTT'xxr'g'n•glm*T T  8188r40•g0 feet, an a L X-cobr.mnate Thomas Slocum, Deeeasdd, The UII- T%TT2"C' *r A mr:'n m* %vxrc ' VTV ^ rTr r Washil)g'ton ".Gboralt9 .kystem,, boutll Tile Unknown Heirs t,t' dosepl 1,. ) aa---oor Sedan, R lj z-v2-klU_r$12 l"lk) V¥ - -£24_11_ ' .'1 d'f T, S72,912,32 Tq.eJ,;::rel:arrea toe',tiLe, known Iteirs of.Ellen Young, Dec:fse.(l,, I ET ,l?'a-rNl%i ' VV2-k'l]3-z[% 12-yIN.['i I"IJ2"I'TLD ; " Zmei,.altd ;being -aistaalt .183.81: feet Young, De(eased, Tile Unknown I-loirs I • ' '|' .-..-xrx-r-. .-: .-r-.*: v- a-vrr ! on aii:'"azhnuth of 1: 53' 01" from the of ttannah Peterson, Dec/rased, The [ or .,dn  - 4 1 W)UL  _/'llL .JU/Ixl. "lff.-.Ol:I'(.JJ]i ' [nurthest 3"oraer. ql so ill .sectlonn26:. Unknown Heirs 0f Lillian Llb[', I)q-{ .,. u , "'  J'- '1 " . .......... ' , l'Ullllillg t|to.nce .along, tl}e, govern| ent ceased, The UliKnown Heirs o[ l-lannan i ,   . anu otner nome DUllOlng ltenls ' ' [ niLatdE.r lille on. n al_llltltll', of. 2.67 Andersen, Deceased, The Unlcnoxw t [LE d-doter ,qodnn R   at prices to save you money . [ 04' 05',). ' 635.17.fee( to A]3p .:;, p mn I-teirs of Ernest L. Anderson, Det!eased, t ............ , ",ll, • ar  .. T   J of beginning tnenoe Qonunulng aloag The Unkaown }-€ irs of. A,'thu ' An(lev= ; , - - __ t ' la,ceort. 14'oavatt 1 .llmhr | "a I s' d cander line' ')n 'an rizhnuth of sea Deceased, The Unknown IIej's i f ',-aoor Sedan. H ,l: l¥1Ul'fll[ 1.:J[WIW::;Lb 1-JU.J.|IKJ¢I: KIa ,' 37 ° 04" 05",. 9;06 feet:, thc:ee on an Ant'on Anderson Dh:eased, Tlic Un- ' . lqoa t .... I, i,h,,,_., h,,,, aa ' "| aYAnltitb of 287 ° 0ff 47.7'", 160:09 feet, known lie z's of Frank C. Will(y, lie-, [ thence on,an azimuth 9f 315 . 29' 04,7": ceased Tim U'nknown IIeirs f Mary I t !180,37 feet, more or iesa to,,a.polnt N, V¢[lley, Deceased, and All ,,Other I ] on the line be,tween namanas .as ' Pers6ns Unknown  tiaving or clalm|ng I l established by aecree, o( eptener o ha,e any 'rigM, 'title estate lien . ." ' " * ' 21, 1946 In the Supermr, t;our . m inter6t or equity in and to the here- t [ Ma¢ton ' County, Itama.: Iamfl Lqgglpg inafLer dec,rl )  real l)r0per[y De- ] -::, . , ' [ omphlaY vs Allie Alil.c; al, tJase ro. [ fehd'ants" ' ..... . . . 4467,' thc/lce bn an. a.imuth )f .298" . ' , ' ' . -- . I 4I' 0.cP',.287,92 feet,, more doz' lee Se THE ST tTE OF WASHINGTON I • ' ' to tle' lih' of extiem:¢ OW rid th n e O ' ' : ' ' , • , ,  ... - ...... . "" • . T : The said, I-Ilnnah Peterson, GUar- t aloug ,tb( lle of. e,tln}e lo, w oti,de dian of Estate, of LlUian Libby, an I I on an, azztnum oz ,i °: z,..u ,..:-!. Iflsane Person Thonlas Slocum Ehen I I'fcet. tience_ oP_:/: :g'iguitn ol .als ° "Youhg 3"os('ph' L Young Halm'ah P{-[ 47' 09.I' 229:3,:(o_teer.i,..more or less_: Ite},so n Liil{an Libi9, tlannab Ander" u) a point on toe sala nne etweeq I'son Ernest L Ande'rson Arthur An- • " 811 Govey BU ding ervlcln,, g --, lxeDalrlllg_ . -" t h'Eadlands, , thence.., on azimutn :of ,'Erson: ........... A-t,,n az X, roz;.,. .... Frau< ( 1,"15  08 46.5. I185.54 feet and thence. Willey and Mary N. Willey, husband I on an. gzl,nuui ol: sg? -oo' up'., .,-u. and : re, Hatti "Pall er, Elmer WiHe, y I • feet to the true pt ot • oegnnlng [Edith . La qdn F'ank Willey, Clyde . havng an .area of /aces, more or[ Deegan and ltarry Deegan, The un- / leS, 0@ras¢o at 94€p, tm... - - known he's of Thomas Slo ulu de-[ .... . ' All tlac mnus "ol tne mass ' " e' c . ... ..... ', - =-: .... ' /ceas0d, the nnknown }1 u's f lleu',{ o.wneo ,qy I:nc state .ol.w.0znngLon,. ]Young deceascd the unknown heivs l ! !tuaAe: ,n ..t|'opL, o%,?Ntnee{f itot (l I of Jos.l)h L. Yo,hag: deceasecl, the un-! ainU(Ling upon Ill t. 1 | • ' O ........ t. . ' known heirs of Hannah Peterson, dc- i sectibn ,26, iovushH) 24 ngrth, rang e[cea,.ed l e unkn wn he rs of Lilan.l v,,,-=r--.,.v,, " ' L.a er " ' .... ' ......... ' ' " ' k'B h as lot 2 hie(u( ': " . ..... W e't, W,M., . qW . ' . _,,.' ..... ... I Llblly deceased ib.o unl¢lu,wn heirs ,[¢] ' . , • , . , ' " Z O 141'unrecor(le(l ptat OE .,|ZZt: *'a t ' "  - UJl () C*ty Hall- ,A.] ,. o ,]q.T:}TTCI ............. ,acts ald" mor( ,mr-' Hanna Andcr.on, deceased the un- [ | -Ulllllle', t)z|. x . - , , z W leiI'- of Ernest I Allde "'•on It ,v-,  " llOe 192 : " ' ' ', ti(.uls'E;i dtscr'!)ed its lOllOWS kno n 1 ..... . ..- .' ..,-  '..Y ..... ': :] ............. ....... E.-Ldoceased the unknown hclrs ot_ .r-{ • ' (jonnnenclng Il lne nittIlur- Uul lt • • ,',.n.,Einnnl oc!(InnS 26 and 27 said [ thur And era,hi, deceased, file lr/knon I .....  .......... .''4-" ...... . .J .•.'.*:.... / |leiI' Of 2ll[On AII(J0rson (leceas(, Lne ] i township . anu rallge, salu mvazzucr | ,trn,6 h|,, .,€ 1nnL-'( W{llov' d -t eo,'.nc'r havtng a Y-e0ordinate of  ;:;;;o'--"ti'"'gn'l';n;,O*;;'3,1:i',.¢';;p'ItTrw • , ' "'""  : * ' ' ' lnate OI ............. hmlts _ I $18 840 70 Sect and a X-coora . | :--,,.•--- = ...... • " ." ..  , ;4,,';") .,, .:" '. - " " "'e Wash  IN• iNllley clecease(l ano a I otho • ........................... "  " ' "J 3/,D ,.i'lZ I L, lClt!I,e A tO tll, • - " • , . . . -- 8r.  ' ' Ith Zone persons unknown havlng ot ,¢lai lli t ington Cocrd nte ,Systelo Sot ., ] . " ', " , ........ =, ..... . sedan 450 ...... -II tie Jo $8" l, !,. . and belng%" " c]istant :18381 feet on an [ to oave ally rlgllt, LILle, CSLaLO, II(Zl, I • " , $ • qu ". :l" to 1 •   ' " ' o {e north inLerest or equity in and to the berein- ! n.zlmuth of 1 u3 0] fr m t x ." [ of tO, €Io¢ r|lmd teal nl'oDelt V' Vf)U nnd I ; .est ¢2r,l?r .o[.w ,%u,ovf:n,n[ / ea,.i, of you- ,, l;,:eb,: SE;n,.;oned to i ............... fi" --, ............ / ': " " " m " nlng 1 ilenc(- il.l ul| tll •  • ' " • • ' . . .,eander-aine on an azhnuth of 267" [ wlt!,in,60,dtys• aftE ,thedatel I 0,t' 05" 734.23 feet to the point of be- [ 't' *' ". ,I.uri''".'" ' .:. .toeKers. -. . o • " ginning lhenee continuing along Sa d ......... , o---... , ................... r .... n,eande.{' li'{i On' an azinluth of 267. ° ] th%20atbhdtv, °f N°?;e:5eJ?.t,l??7', atld 04' 05", 99.57 feet thence onan azvl%'')AT,.{2".'",%;::.;'"{,l"'an:we: {ie n,ulh of 27 o 17' 258', 79._ et, ',,r'"=.,i?'o't r,,;"%,inl,'f 1hence , on rill azlmUtl f I ........... t'E" -- ---el" UDO- i . r.,, -,r. o ¢nt m,,.h ,,. lo € ,0 I an(1 serve a copy Ot yo ; 2knsw , & 0 • ,. , .,;fio .;. :Twc i,allad ti, e undersigned atto/,ney for the Plain- condi ire ' . 'u** .xx.4.:* l } HIM. on tilt: ilill: u.i.w..z • " " l w s t(d' 'lnd in tion, good t ,k, . ,, " o e So tember tiff at his office be o ta  , , price, ]a c•tal)nhs}.(lt})Y dec.r%.igf cPt, rt of [case of you,' failure so to do, judg- 284-R. I ¢; ....  C%-ntv Hfimh Hama L6ln [ ment will bP rendered'against you ac- ;¢' ....... =- %"P( Ahl (tal Ca: ! cording to the demand of the Amended FOR SALE: '36 8erv|ce . Con pony v., 2t  r  .... / " tioned looter, new I ant;7 ........... tlonce on an aimutl Of 298 ° Complaint, which has been filed with Cs ,. ,d ...... ,.__ ..^.. L---- q e I ,;.;V'5.,, ooo r, 'e- -,ore or les to | the Clerk of the said Couz't, Tile ob- ,," -u zzuaLun, vvu * "" ......  s i u t t the quire at Armstrong 4 P' ;' *, : ..... ' 1-11OI1t3 /2 e li-e, "ofU%xtE'me h',w 'tide {hence ject (f thi, action s to q lt - ;;. ;:;, OX b4A. ' . , . i ...... 2,:. line ofextreme tow'.ide" on I Plaintiffs' title in and to the following Phone. Shelton 111W ...-----.,.. _ .,...n..,' ',"atn'th of 18" 22' 20" 34'98 feet] described lands situated in Mason • IA[ ])IID|IP&'It}M [thence on an azimhtl 6"f '18 ° 1; [County, Washlngto.n, tq-w.t: ...... tz -- I ....., rl,,',s--ll IIllI.'t nn:(,' 'PR7 qg feet more or less to al  .raet oi inn(1 Sltuatea In me w//4 - *taJ|gll, s aVv.xlt, a'aVal ,,*_ . "_t  LZ7.a ._L ,.."_..^Z u^:l..a s Of' tlie NE Section 19 Twp 20 N ............ I hi(nee on an azimuth • of 135 29 ane. 3 West, W,M, i n .Mason ,oun, ty, 104,7", 1180.37 ieet'and benee on an i wa,nlngton; .more pat|culaEly a.- rlztnEuth of 107 ° 00' 47.7 '. 160.09 feet a ouows: Creek bridge after | rs Wattcrs. FOR SAlr 2 NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS TO PRE-  to the true.point of beginning, having Beginning at S,E, corner of Storts ENT AND FILE THEIR I, AIMS, 'an area of 2.66 acres, more or less, estate, whlehisNorth230.30ft,; thence IN T H.E SUPEI.QR COURT^().F THE appraiseu at $450.00. . . N. 86" 19' W. 154 ft. from S.E. corner I The above descriptions are: Dasea .of S,W.Lt of- N E V. Sec 19, Twp. 20 STA'I.I UU" wAilst-'ro FOt on Exhibit NO. 14 of Case No. 4467, 'N., R, 3 W,, W.M, (The sald S.E. MASON COUNTY. In Prolmte . Hama£ Hama Logging. Company vs: corner^6, S,W.A of N.E.1A Is marked FOR SALE: 24-incl Phone 645 In the Matte, of the Estat6 of Lewis All e Ahl et al, an¢l the aecree enterca by a z" pipe, driven deep, sucks UP cut to order. No H, Hensel. DcEtised I Super!or Coui't of' Mason" ,County, is on the West hoe of Kneelad Park l or Sunday. NOTICE" IS I-IEREBY GIVEN tlaat SePtember 21, 1046- in aid' case ill_ the 10" and has a cap marked "N,p," and I Products, S the undergigned, Pauline HencE1, has ' , AIPLICATION NO.:11476 . abotlt mi(lway), Thence, along Nort lt,[ been 'appointEd" mid hag qdaltfied as he tide lands of the second clss, side of Park St,, N, 70  25' '28" W FOR SALE: Used R, LEWIS Adn,inistl:atrix of the e.utate of the lowncd., by the State of Washington, 259.65 ft.; thence N, 57 ° 38' W, 69 above named dceasod, Lewis:t-L Hen- situate ih front, of,, atJaeont t0 or ft. to initial point of this description, uire Herbert sel, and that all persons havint claims I abutting upon thai part of the east Thence continuing the same course 'OR AT LAW" against tte .hOld estite ,of the said}half dn width of' Lgt , section 24, 162 ft. to SE corner of Aitkt's lot; deceased are llerehy required ,to serve township 20 north range 3 we stl W.M,, thence N. 29" 12' ll" E. 10ft,50 ft.; range, both with Fourth St, the same, duly 'velqfied, .wlth':;the nec; lyhxg: cast bf  hoe .,'hich is paral- thence West 40 ft.; tbence S. 73: 48' W. ized hot Building essary re,ochers attached . upon the I lel witt .an 280,a' feet • east of the west 'M6ng Easterly line of Frank Willey's h e Harvard St. satd Adtninistratrix or. lr Attorney "n. f said• east half of L6t 6 with a ,Tracts 39.90 ft. (Equation betw, een our BEAUTIFUL-,- ........... of Record at tlE lav 'dffie"0f' Chas. frontage of 5,'51' lineal chain, ore Meridian. which is, the East line of R, Lewis, Bell Buildin;, ]19 So, or l(s,, appraised at $45.00 per chain, •said SWI of NE w and that of Frank ,, ....... ,Willey's plat is 2 ° 3' to.right,)Thence Fourth Street, Sheiton Washington. I ol' 2: WN o.. moa and file sucil clalnls t0geth.r with LICAT N. 34 ° 35' W. 158,26 ft. (the Willey proof'of evvice with the lerk of the platshows this line to be N 36 ° 58' W) ; t All tide., lans bf ,the" second c ass, above entitle¢] "court "Within sixOWnbd by tire" State bf Washington, ,thehce N. 41 ° 41' E. 81,40 ft. 'to iron months: after the ,.first BubtJa£1on of I iihlat • in front of, .adjacelt: to or ost on dike South of Goldsboropgh this no0ce, t0-Wit: November 20, l abuttg upon tlle:east i02,94"feet.of reek: thenee,.along dike, S. 65°,'82 ] 1947, or all. claims not.a 'eagved and ]the west 204.97 feet o.f lot 1,, fiecuon E, 170,35 ft.; thence S 63 ° 46' E, 125.7 ] filed sltall 'be forever barre , ", 18, township 22 north,' range  we2st: ft. to Wllcox's West line; thence S. 18 ° ] ]':W.M. witl a frontage of 1,80 lineal 10' W'. 245,38 ft, to initial point of this I PAUINE'I-tENSL__. i . " .- '- ehain...more or less. appraised -at desC'iption ..exceptlng, ti, erefrom the Administratrix o tile Estate o ewis H,r'HenseL 'Deceased., ./ ,., $000 per claim or$90.00, following described real estate: CHAS. R. LEWIS, - ' ' "APP.LI'CATIONt NO. 114. Attorney for said Estate,. , All tidelands of thc se, con d class, Bell Building.'ll9 So..Fourtl}l,Sitnret owned by the State of,Washir/gton, Shelton Mason Cotly 9a 12-1 n. situaie in front of, ad3acent to or ' .  ' 11- 0 -- - - 1-4t abutting upon lot 4 apd that portion '  .=_2' of lot 3, section 9, townshtp 22"north; NOTIC Oie SALE 0 STATE . range 2 west, W.M. lying west of the east 1300:teet' thereof; with :a front- A tract of land situate in the South- westquarter (SW'4) of the Northeast uarter (NEVt) of Section 19, Towp- ship 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M., parLicularly described as follows: • cOMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter TIDE LANDS age o{ 2.77 lineal 0hInp more or less, (SW/4) of the Northeast quarter -'--'--" .$50.00 Kange ; run thence North, along annralsea at ier Chain, or (-NEI/) said Section, Township and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That $t38 ' on Tuesday the 2rid fly:of.D(cembeL Said'lands will e lola Ior not less quarterthe East(sw,A)llne of°f NortheastSatd SonthweStquarter 1947, commencing st te o'yloe¢ in the than the app.ram.ea value above'stated (NE4), 230 feet, more or less, to an forenoon of said day,in !roJat, of the aha •upon" the terlhs an .e.anditialls iron post set on the North line. of main entrhnc door, i the.ofinty follovdng: .... ' " " '" e--r Park Street;' thence Westerly follpW-[ Court House in the. q y of Shl.ton, " Not 'less than onetenm o tn pnr- lng along me -North line of said Parl t count of Mason, .tae .o. wasnmg, chase price nutst be the tiine Street, North 86 ° 19' %Vet 154 feet: 1 ton, by th County Aucnto.r. :of said of sale. The purchaser, if he, be not thence North 70" 25' 28" West 259,65 county, the oqowlng:.aesqrmed sto, te the owner of the improvements, rnhs¢ feet; thence North 57 ° 38' West 69 ] tide lands, togemer wire ule improve- fothwithpaY_ to-the office0" making feet to the Southeast corner and the [ ments SituatEd thereon, .will. be-so|d tho'.Me Ill0 full .mou.:of.the Sp- itlitial point of the tract of lard,h,'e= at public ;auoLmn to m9 h$nest bid- praLseq va, l,u.e of ttlg: mprovhments; by'desc/'ibed; thence continuing alorig.4 der theretoL tg-wn; '. as aoove,.htaea.une:t0nth of the put. the Norttt.lin¢ of said Park St/eet| NOTE,No .one except citfzens of Chase pmce must :be paid annually Ndfth 57°3 ' West 162 feet, more br i the United States, .or persons who thereafter with tntelmst on all deferred less, to the Southeast corner of a tract have declared their retention, to be- payments at the'rate of six Per :een. Of land imretofore conveyed ,to 0n- come such, can purchase state lands, rum per $nnum: .P.ovided That .anY ald Attken and Dorothy Altken, tiU- APPLICATION NO. 11568 purcnaser may •maKe IUll paymenC oz band and wife, by deed recorded' in The tide land of the second class principal, interest-and statutory ees Volume 102 of Deeds, page 624, under o.wned by tile .State of Washington: at any time ad obtain .deed. The put- Auditor's File No. 116227. Thence situate n n'ont m, adiacent to or chaser of ]ana eontaimng timber Or North 29 ° ]2' 11" East. along' the Epst= abutting pon that p6rtIon of lot 2, other valuable materials Is prohibited,, erL'lnine 0OIE aid Aitken tract,. 10,5o section 1, township 19 nortiL range 3 by law from cutting or removing tiny • fee , re.ol's ess' to the center of the west, W.M:, aescribed as follows: such timber ormaterials without first bed of G d borough Creek 'as• thc Commencing at the meander corner obtMning 'consent of 'the'Commissioner same existeo on the 3rd day,of March, on the so.uth line of said 'section 1, of Public Lands, until the full amount 1917; thence following along the een- ad runn.Lng thence along the bal- of the purchase price has been paid ter of thc bed of said G01dsborough 20-27 anceo o'nment meander line N 46 ° and deed issued• Creek, as the same existed on atd )il:? 36' 45' N ,281,52 feet. N 17 ° '06' 45" All sales-Q[ state lands are made date to apoint 'thereon which is .E !080,25 feet N 40 ° '06' 4.5" E ft890 subject to the res0rvations of oils, NorHi 18 ° 10' East from the point of 12-18 feet,' N 36 ° 06' 45" E 603.30 feel'N gases, coal, ores, minerals and .fossil8 beginning and the initial point" thence 'na-- 30 ° 06' 45" E 843.24 feet" and thence of every name, klna and descrlpuon, So h ° 10' West to tl|e poini ot be- N 52 ° 06' 45" E 170.00 feet to the true and to the additional terms and con- • A. point of beginning, thence eofjruing dltions prescribed in section 3 of chal Mc). along saiu oamnced goernmelu Inean- let 256 of the Laws of 1907. -12-,i de,' line" . N 5 o° 06' 45" E, 198 feel •, Sold land will be sold subject tO -d--as thence leaving said balanced govern- ile terms, conditions and reseatiol t. 1. ment meander line and running north- ot chapter 312 of'the Session Laws 20-27 westerly lo a point in the center line of 1927, relating to easements for of a county road tn said lot 2, thence rights-of-way and the carrying of tim- -12-4 S 56 ° 46' 45" W along said county her. stone, minerals and other pro- road " cen.ter line to an angle pont ducts over the same(TT.O A, C,S:, "-all tn,¢(¢lU, tincf 'S t2, ° ' Off' W along El(m- saint county road center line Lo a [ Commissioner of Public anas, hone point which is N 37 ° 53' 15" W of the 11-7 I for Sunday School. (91 [ The Youth Fellowship meets at N()TICE IS IIEItEBY GIVEN that I silk for a pot-luck dinner and wet l)ursuant |l) cod i,l' ('onfornllty wi[b lln order of lhe B,nlrd of Co,loty COlU- "ship. missioners of Masml County. Stle of Choir practicc is oil Thursday Wisidn ;'ton, dl|ly Illa(le alld entercd ,,n the 241h day of November, 1947, nights at 7i30. This week only orderhlg tlw ul,dor.dvm,d to sell, in lthey raeet on Wcdncsday, because tim manner Ir.t'id(.d hy law (Se(,ti(m of Thanksgiving. 133. Cbaph'r 263 Laws of 1927 as alnendod by (hal)ler 68. Laws of 1937). tim und(,l'signed will oil Sat- Ul'tily, Ih( 20tb (lay of De(,elllbel'. 1917, Ill (he holn" Of |Oll u'clock Ill tl'l [OlOllO011 Of Nal(i t],q3", a( tile rl'on] doe, of the CouI'thollse tn the City of .Sht'lt(m. said County aud Stute. offer for sale al not les:; than lhe nliuilnllnl :',riet, stnled }mlow. plus advcrtising and crtlislng ('OSLS. LO the highest and bosl bidders all the right, title, and iahq'l,st of said Mason Coanty. excopt- izig ihet'efronl, however, all public • )Iris CCC "OIl(IS. st,'eets r r alh vs now in us,'. or fights-of, way for i.oa(is now (,Wiled by, el' sought to be ap- I)l'()l)ri:ded al lilts tl:d,, for l)Ublie ,.()ads. CCC t'oads-or streets, I)y said Counl %,, tEl(l pz'( v ded fu,'the ' that lfr(,ce(:ds ,rein sale of fn'esl pvo{lucts .qb:d] apl)]y o|l t'ontl'acts, an d conjoin- ing |'IIE'[]I'I' lhe exceplh)ns and reser- vations set out ill Chal)ler 1 of Ses- S//}II L IWS (,t' tile State ot' Washington fro" 19.13. in and to tile Tolh)wing de- stTibed rtml l)ropertles, si[uatod In said County and SLate, to-wil: 1. ,.%qCPi SWk SE , ,ff Section 34 Twp. 20 North, Range 3 W.W.M, Of- i'er '$25.00. • 2, 17.35 acres, nlore o,' less, lyz in front (,f Govt. Lot 6, Section 2t. Twp, 1 N,. Range 2 W:W,M.; being a )orLi0a of a tract of second class tidelands, suitable for the culti'atlon of oysters. |'u|'merly. owncd by " the State .f WasbingtorL eontaining' 48,{$0 at;,'es conveyed by tile State of'Wasl,- iugton t,) Thonlas J, Miller by d'eed dated September 20, 1899, recorded De- cember 1. 1911, in Volume 90.L.,lage 161, to-.,it: Begtming at the me'ruder vorzle|' to fra(,tmnai Sections 27 and 3-t Twp, 21 N. Rage 2 W.W.M, which ('re'net s 5.63 c)lains East of t'orller to Se,:ti,u)s 27, 28, 33 ant| R4; thenee along meaudoJ' lhle No|'th 13 ° East 10.22 chains: North 2"{'.,  East 5,95 chains; North 45' East 30.68 cllains; North 6J" East 16 93 (lla ns; thence leaving ,nean- de)' line, East 6 chains; South 33 ° 33' Weat 2tL27 .(.hains: Souttl 45' West i6 chains; Sounth 2z!. ° West 595 chains. South 13 ° Wept i0,22 chaii; V:/est { cllaMs to beglmnng, containing 43 60 aeres mo,'e o, less. Offer $867.50. 3. Tract I of Indian L.t 16, Scctioa 35, Tw,, 22 North. Range ,t W.W,M. described as follows; ' ' Beginning at a point 110 fect Nortl of S.W. corner of Lot 17, Section 35, Twp. 22 North. Range ,I W.W.M., then('e E.unning West,132 feet thence N. 110 feet ; thence lst 132 feet; thence S,)uth 110 ft.. to l)laee of"be- ginning, b;i,lg .r I of an acro, 'Offer • ,, of NW(i' NWA of Sehoa ', Two. '1§ No.. Range 6 W.W.M. Offer $620.00. ,(SEAL) S E. SMITH, .. Treasurer of Masoil County 1127--12-.-1l-3t ........ -7----- -- • Stale of Waulilagtan OFF|Ci" CsF SUPERVISOR Ol," IIYDRAULICS 01ympla NOTICE OlEll RIGIIT AI'PI,/CATION NO. 8097 TO WHOM IT Y'-CONCERN: Nolk!c is hereby given that Arthur E. Larso of BreutcE'ton, State. o( Washington, unde,  ,date of Oetoner 30, 1947, filed with 'tile State Super- visor' of Hydraulics, Olynlpia, Wash- ing2on, an applteatiou for a l)ern|it to divert, the public waters of an un- na,ned stream, in the ann)unt el: 6.01 second-foot, subjecl to existing rights; eontinuously, for tbe PU'pose ff dr, nlostic supply tlmt the aiproxinlate point of diversion is located wlthlEl "Lots 53,, 54 and 55, Cady's Sunrise Beach Tracts of Section 2:], Townsllip 22 N., Range 3 W, W,M., ill Maso,l County, 'A map' showing lhe loeattou ad I)lan of said diversion and the place, of the I)rnposed USe is on file publleatin, wh'li:h daie i. Novembe r 27, 1947, Witass nly hand and official seal this 31st day of October, A.D, 1947. (SEAL) RODNEY RY:ER State Supervisor of HytJ,'aali¢s. /11-20-27-2t NOTICE OF SA],E OF OYSTERS ON STATE LAND . Notice, is heren that on Tues- uay, the 2nd day of December, 1947, commencing at ten o'clock in .the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the county court house ia the CtY of 'Sheldon, County of Maon, State of Wasnmgon, hy the County Auditor of said courp ty, the oysters on the following de- scribed state land will be sol at pub- lic auction to the highest bidder there- for, t0w/t : APPLICATION NO. 20074 Oysters on : All tide lands of the second clas, owned by the Stat9 of. Washington situate *in front or, aaacent to or abutting upon f at portion of 26, township 24 north, ran W,M., in Mason Count known as ' tr$ of "the unreel Sumnler The Young Adults will meet D- cember 7Lh at the church, Foursguare Church November 24th, 1947 Every word of God is pure: He is a slield unto them that put their trust in Him. Prov. 30:5. NO. 1948 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PIt:E-- SENT AND FILE CLAIMS. iN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT QF THE "STATE OF WASHJNGTON IN AND le(')R THE COIIN'IY Oil' MASON. in robate. In tile Matter of Lhe 'Es$ate of Jack Edward Be(kwith Dcceased. NOTICE' IS 'HEREBY GIVEN that Letter.,, of Administration on tile Es- tate of Jack Edward Beekwith, de- ceased, .were granted to tile under- signed ,on the 1st day of November 19.17, by the said Superior Court. ALl persons havlug claims against said estate are requlrcd to sel'v, them. the line .between on an azimuth of to the South Zone der corner 27, tleflce meander lin 04' 05", meander line THIS a:imutl decnee of SuperiOr ease NO. ComDany ,on an azil feet, more or treme low tid of extreme 189" 18' the line azimuth 0f 177 tlienEe oi an 1681.86 feet thence on an of 84 ° 49' 27", an azimnth of thence 'on an 04.52. fett. more qr ::le, @. the said lln.e n e.tween tneneb on an azlmum o I 429,32 feet, more or less, to of intersection of the tract 10, exten ment Meander in the ' di Mason OYsLErs on the above land 'ar appraised a thls amoint must be p [ the date of sale, . .... E Said oyster on said tana wu pe I sold for not les than tlm aRprlsel I value, aa appraised by t.he ..C01nnl|e- i aioner of Public. •Lands In the man-'t ner provided by law, a tatement ofl which is'dow on file in the of,lee or( thAuditor of sald county. " ' i" I Terms of sale .ar0: Cash to oe pa a I on the ay of sal . • T h purchaser or oysters on state' anas wiU hv9 ope YcMr 'ithia wlicI !o remoe al,d ostCzs,"Ith tlc pmvt, zege of seurlng 0xtensions of-tiln under ttse,statnts governilag. " ' • OTTO A. "CASE,' Colnmisslolie] of public Lands. , 10-80--11-6-18-20-27-5t iated. The annour|c6ment of plans to improve oz' to build a new cht|rch building i'or the congregation was made Siindav. The need of a new chttrch home iS acute, and every effort will be made to enlarge the 'present building if it is not pos- sible to build a new one. Pointi|lg the need for more up space, the Adult Bible class of the church almounced that it is now meeting at 9:45 a.rn. every Sun- day in the Public Library building, The Bible class meetings are unde the direction of tile Rev. George Eads, who has had many years of experience as a minister and Bible instructor. The Rev. Mr. Eads urges all in- terested to attend the meetings with their Bibles. The Bibleis the only text used for the classes, and he points out that he teaches "The whole Bible-.--not a Bible full of holes." NO. 1763. NOTICE OF Itl,:ARINtl ON FINAL ACCOUNT, REPORT AND I'ETI- T!ON O1," EXEC|YTBIX l:OR SET- TLEMENT. DITRIllU'I'ION AND DJNCt|ARGE. band leader and eomposer- of "Stars and Stripes Forever," joine, d he II.S. Marine Band as second trombone player when h was 13 years old. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd[. fam.o, llS Navy Polar explorer, travo eled around tle worl/,l*nlone nt he ag'e of 12. ARE YOU EXPECTING HIM? Hear,Message at BAPTIST CHURCH on "Signs of Christ's Return" SUNDAY EVENING Ill II I First Baptist Church J. O. BOVEE, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 A,M. Classes for all ages. lVlorning Worship at 11---Sub- Ject "Studies in the Book of Acts" Young People Service, 6:30 P.M. with the nec.s E'y vouchers, upon the undersigned at the Law Office of Alden C. BaYley, TiLle Insuralme Building. Shelton .ashiagton, tilat being the place dehlgnattd for tle transaction of tile business of the estate, within six montllS after the date of the fh'st T)ul)llcatloa of this notice, to-wit: witlnn six months after the 13th daY of NoyEmber, 18t7, and file the same wiQ! tle Clerk of thi: Court togeth¢ ith"pro'0f •'or" ucn service. OE' they will be for6ver barred. Dated thl, 13th day f N,ovember. 1947. FRED E. BECIWITH, Administrate, 6L"the Estate of Jack Edwarf] B¢.Ekwittl; D.ecease(l, ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Adnlfnistrato|', Title Insurance Buildlng, Slmlton. Wasiingtonii.13.20.27_12.4.4 t N . g3 svnnos ofi vvaLIcm, IN T SUPEIOt COURT 'OF lIE STATE OF WASHINOTON' PeR MASON COUNTY Annie N. Olson. a widow. Plaintiff. vs Herman Witteveen and "Jane Doe" Wltteveen, husband and wife, gnd the ulknowa heirs of Herman Witteveen and "Jane Dee" Wltteveen, if ally and also all bther pesohs or parties un- gnown clajming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in tied real estate de- scribed in the complaint herein De- fendants. THE STATE OF W:%SHINGTON to the said Herman Witteveen aU4 "Jane Doe" Witteveen, tlusblld and wife, and the unkzidwn ' heirs' of Herman Witteveen and "Jane :Doe" Witteveen. if any and 'also dll otl)er pErsoas or parties unknown claimlllg any rigIlt, title, estatb, llen or intdrest in Ibe real estate described in the complaint herein: .... o a -ear You are iteret)y summonea t pp within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wit: within sixty days after the 13th day of Novenber. 1947, ad defend the above entitled action in tim above entiUed courl and answer the com- plaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of you," answer upon the unaer- sined attorney for plaintiff, at his office below tated and in case of your l'aRU['e so to do Judgment will bc ren- derea against you'accbrdlng to the denmnd of the complaint, whicit ha been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of bringing' this actioa is to quiet titlc to the iollow- ing described Property: The S0utll half(S V,) of the South- east quarter (SE,) of Northwest Quarter (NWL4) and the NoFtt!West Quarter (NWV,) of Southeast 4uar- ter (SEL) ot Northwest Quarter (NW'I) of Se(tion Tiflrty - six (3{D, " Towllsbip Twenty-one (21) North, Range /Two (2)West W,M. silaated ,in, the i Cuunty of Mason. viState of Washington. CHARLES T, WRIGI{T, Plaintiff's Attorney .. P.O, Ac](h'ess; Ang|e *ldg,, .. . . Shetton• Mason uouaty, WaShington. 11-13-20-27--12-4-11-18-25-7 t NO, 1893 NOTICE OF IlFARING F|NAI, RE- ],01T AND PI,TITION }'OR DIS- T IBUTIO . ' ' ' ' IN HE SUb%RIOR COURT OF THE ST00TI00E WAShinGTON FOR THE COUNTy OF MASON. in Probate' In the Matter of 'file Eatate of Al- berta E. Glfford, De(leased, Notice is hereby given that Gilbert T. Belland, Executor of the Estate of Alberta E, Gifford. has filed In tilt, office of Clerk of said Court his final Report and jpetition for d tributl0n, asking thP. Court to settles'aid Rc- po't, distribute the pr.operty to the persons thei'eto etltled ad to dis- ehaige satd. Gtlhert T. Belland: and that said Report ana petition Will" be heard on tim 20 day of December, 1947, at 10,:00_.€,. M, the Court Room of te yrb'nate Depa'tnlent of said Court, at y.high tlIe adplace any person lnterest i said Estate may appear and file Objections thereto and contest the same, Dated this 15 day of NovembEr, 1947. (SEAl,) HARRY DEYETTE, ..... CIrk of said Court. By_ Dorlsann Mov#house, I)eDUtYU • MAXWELL, SERINO  JOES Attorneys 'fez Estate,' 4454 White Henry Stuart Bldg.. Seattle, Wash, 11-20-27--12-4-11-t s .t  ra .u .AT STATE OF ' "IASHINTON FOR MASON COUNt. P0mld H. esr, PIalntift, DISSIE DIANE 'VALKER. Defend- ant. THE STATE OF AS-IINGTON to the said Dt]SI] DIANE WALKER: You are her by'smmoned  appear within lxty da¥.s after the date of the first publ[e,oa 'ofhi ' nlmo.fl[, to-wit: qth]I lxl;y Za , t*r ia '20th day 6f ],. "1'947, n e '£ zind th ab¢,'e "4nnle4 act|€ I1 '6.18 above entitll ' aar.t,, a.n  gT. le complaint of' th0 llz.  (lala ,. ansi, el. uPg.'' L e,/mq.(rslffi4 zttorn zor IHtlltlri, iiI tt* pn!'.lP state.a ; and'in ¢e f Youa' :ml,qre ) to 0o. Judgmen$ il[ be r.(nard g trt yt. accor, ding t0 th% dela 0( ,.eqBl; plaint 'which llas beeti tllV@ v!th.t¢: Clerk'0t  salt] Court: . Thg' ]gC. O[ bringing this actioa IS to eeurea di¢oree. • CHARLES T. WRIGII, Platntitt'tl Attox'ney " _.. P.O. Ad:reS: AgL.lag,, lelto; 'ion C6Unty. washington, 11-20-27--12.-11-18.25--1-1-7t NOTICE TO CltEDi'rolgs TO PttE- SENT AND FILl': TF,,IB 'OLA|MS. IN THE SUPERIOR OURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In Probate In the Matter of the Estate of Har- old Shh'k, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the uder,aigngd, sther "Sll|!'.k.,, .haa beea PPg.ntu anm nas qua!lzsea a Admintstratmx of the bstat6 of tli0 above named deceased, Harold Shirk. t l Evening Mesaage 7:30 .... "Signs of Christ Return" IN THE SUPERIGR COURT OF THE 1 STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND t A singing Church with a FOR THE CO'J'NTY OF MASON. , Gospel message. You are invited • In Probste In the MaLte|' of Lira Estate of Rich- ard E, Grenberg, Dec:eased, -  "  , r. '.-- ......... [ .I]]'' J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that " " " Dlb.'e Sharer Grenhe,:g, Executrix of F6ursquare Church the ab6vb estate, has filed herehl her final account, repm.l and petition for . 810 #, eab0rrl,. St, settlement and, distrlbuti0n 0f the es- Sunday 'c1ool.-.-9:45 tare of tile deceased, whe,'ein thc Courl is asked to approve said acE, ount anti Worship Servicez-11:00 report, and make' distribution of the Crusader Sel'v[ce---6:45 State. and discharge the Ekecuttqx. ' NOTIC IS ItEREDY OIVEN. thet .Evangelistic SelTice--7:45 In accordance with an order oi said EV, RUSSELl. DORNBAUGH Court made and entered on .th| 15th astor day of November, 1947 a beal'ln WJII be had before thc Court on said 'Inel aeeount, rel)ort and petttion on Sat- tV¢ urday, the 20th day of Dscmnber. 1947, "O - at 10 o'clock, A.M.. cm aid d - ,. thang unt the Court P.oom of sat 0 (ourt I tim 'tht kurd, Court House at Shelton, Washin ,n. foe He is good: Dated this 15th day ol No be],, 1917. for His mercy HARRY DEYETTE. endureth for- Clerk of the Supc|'lor Court for Mason Count3;, Washington• ever." ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Exetatrix, Title Insarance BuIIdhlg, PsaI 107:1 . SlleUon, Washington.1.20.27_l 2..t.11.4 t WORSHIP WITH US IN OUR NEW EDIFICE AT 130 EAST PINE STREET ASSEMBLY of GOD TABERNACLE Rev. Sam McGill, Pastor THE TRUTIt FOR THE YOUTH _ . L., ,I • . . , , ,, &. , i "V Mt. Oh e Lutheran Church The Church of the Lutheran Hour HILLCREST - HIGHWAY AT G&SCADE Telephone 395-M and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a, m.  Morning Worship 11 a.m. .. First Methodist Church "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Cemmuhity" Fcurth and line Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sermon Topic: "The Good Part" WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 -- , . ;)- ,, ! ...... . a . . ,,, ........ _ . . :_ , ._ First Church of Christ, Seientist HLTQN Branch of The Mother Churoh, The F|rt fhuPch of Christ, S¢ientilto ' BCston; Matm Subject Next Sunday: Ancient and Modern Necromany alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced." 6UNDAY S;HOOL AT 9:45 S;JDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK WP-=DNESDAY IVENING IEETING ATS O'CLOCKe Reading Room maintained bY l'hUrc t 32 Alder Street, open daily, except Sun , rom2 to  o'clock. and Wedneedays from 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock. All arc co'dlally Invited to attend the aervic0s and visit ' r " the Reading Room. CHURCH AT a02 AkDER STREgT and, that all persmvs.having clain)s against the am eatate' ot the Sale deceased are.aet'eoY required to serve the same/atay verified, wiLh the nec- essary vouch, ells .attached Ipon the said Admimstra.r|x of ne.r Attorney of Record at the law office of Chas, R. Lewis, Bell Building, 119 So• Fourth Street, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims together with proof of ser- vice with the Clerk of the above en- titled court wittfln six montha after the first _puhlictioll pf this notice. to-wit: NovemeI" 20,: 1947, or all claims not ao J'VCa and flle ha/l be forever brreo. " " ESTHER SHIRK, ' Adnlinistratrix o b. ]stte 0[ Ha, rqld Shirk. Deceased.. • Attorney, for aid'Ystate, Bell ulldlng, 110 So, Fourth Stxeet Sheltbn,' Morea County, ° aithlgtbn, (Paid Advertisement) 11-.0-271-4-11-4t .... e