November 27, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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=--U ................................................... N E W WIRE ROPE U S" .................. E 9 Irene S. I. .......... [ Hood Canal Church {/ " ._-____ 110065-00 THEYSEL00 [ C hl00. l,i k_a_____n__ ' ' a November 27, 194
[ the title of Reverend Joseph W. | world picture bf today is • cer- I They lmve been without modern
We have ,,000 tons o' new. used and ..r.,os wir. ro00o and Band Chol I ,,oivlo00 Fi00t 00lace," Ooe, One,
]Johnston's opening sermon to the| tainly one of paradoxical situs- convenience for so many years
new or used blocks and fittings. Call, write or drop in with z .L'.tlt UrlLil : ;
your requirements, Present Concert Imembers of the Hood Canal Com-|tions. A few years ago we were I that tiaey probably won't believe
munity Church last Sunday morn-] striving in tragic and desperate[ electricity has been provided .for
B ,m_AI ANI£1
ing. He spoke to a fnll house, |action to kill our enemies of Naz- t them until they can see the light• r'
and also found a large attendance-iism and Fascistic ideologies. We No resident of the island was
Now Under
Serving Lunches
i lllll I III I II' I I'' I"'
For Best service
The Shelton High School band,
A Capella Choir and Girls' (]lee
Club will Join in presenting thei
first fall concert of lg47 at 8 p.m.
Tuesday evening, December 9, in
the new Shelton gymnasium.
The three groups, under the di-
rection of Lynn Sherwood. will
present a varied program of mu-
sical numbers which will range
from the classical to popular and
"swing," according to the direct-
Tiae band has 60 members, the
choir 68 members and the glee
club 36 girls, Sherwood said. He
said they will be p r e s e n t i n g
Christmas music at various times
during the month preceding
Singers and instrumentalists are
scheduled to appear on Shelton
streets during tim Christmas
opening and at other times during
the holiday seasom
Mount Olive Lutheran
Win. IL Albach, Pastor
Friday: Tim Itheran Wom-
en's Missionary:Lettgue will meet
at 8 p.m. The Lutheran. Laymen's
at the evening meeting• He ex-
pee0s to continue with an old-
fashioned revival hour each eve-
ning during the week at 7:30,
with special services on Thanks-
giving morning and the following
Sunday, Special features will be
announced nightly from the pul-
Funeral services for Dave Math-
ews are to be held early this week
at the church with Reverend Paul
Sweeney officiating. The date
has not as yet been set as all
relatives have not been heard"
There were sixteen young wom-
en of the Home Builders group
that met last, Monday evening
with Mrs. Don Brown at her home
at Cushman.
A slSecial preview of colored
pictures taken of the pro-school
pupils were shown as a portion of
the social hour. Devotions were
led by Mrs. Paul Sweeney.
Mrs. Harold Sund president of
the group, announces the ext
meeting for the last Monday in
January, according to latest word.
League will meet at 8 pm to sally nile f nilo nf hn
..... ' • . I N_ "...-ourth .......
study'. . the .subJect. of Stewardship were. wraone_¢ d ......... for th lelitno ....
.... . ' "/'C rig0 Leper Ho.p,, ......... -
and the lible book of the month' ) s :n' "'* ^
a/atmS. . day afternoon when members and
Saturday: The Junior Member- ] friends of th Women's Society
ship clas will meet at 9;00 a.m. [met at the church. Mrs. Mabel
Sunday: SUnday School at 9:45 IAvey, president, says that nearly
a.m. L'Services at kl a.m. Text: I that many more remain to be
Isaiah 62, 10. 1!: ::, Topic: "Why made from material on hand.
Salvation Cometh, .Craft and Mrs Hettie Pierce was nre-
Hobby Show:5 p.m: td:9 pm sented" with a gardenia by la'die's
Wednesday: Sunday School of the Women's Society in cole-
teachers meet at 8' p.m, "
St. Edward's Church
Next Sunday in Saint EdwardS
Catholic Church wtll be the first
Sunday of Advent, the beginning
of the preparation for the Feast
of Christmas. devotions will begin Sat-
Provide You tlome Comfort, This Winter
Phone 326 Pr0rfit Dllvery ' 'r; 4
Shelton 'Lumber
lJ 1
In Our Location on:
Mountain View
MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 598, Shelton
Charlps Weirauch PIONE 657
II II /I [ I
brat]on of her 50th wedding an-
Christian Science
Thtnksglvlng Services
Thanksgiving services will be
held i all Churches of Christ,
Scientist, .Thursday morning, :No-
vember 27, at 11:00 o'clock.
urday morning. I President rTruman's Thanksgiv-
The Thanksgiving Mass., for tholing Day Proclamation will be
Golden Jubilee celebration of Mr•lread, followed by apropriate
and Mrs• Joseph 0konek will be lScriptura l selections. "The-sub-
said at 9 a.m• with a renewal of/jeer of the Lesson-Sermon ts
their marriage vows. t"Thanksgiving." Golden Text:
............................. ]Psalms 34:3. "O magnify the
f ..... A ],,,, ILord with me, and let us exalt his
:lr'l.ltll;: 2-lLli::tl[l[ ] name together."
(Continuc'd From Page On') ] The following verse from II Cor-
d]an land policies. |inthians is included in the Lesson-
JOHN Gt:EVELAND, chairmanlSermon: "Godin able to make all
of the Colville reservation business
council was leader of the meeting
in Nespelem which concluded on
November 2.9. More than 32,000
NorthweSt Indians were represent-
ed by delegates to the conference.
Adams warned the tribesmen to
combat adverse legislation within
their own tribes, He asserted most
anti-Indian laws are first spon-
sm'ed by minority tribal groups,
In oPt)osing changes in present
laud luw,, the conferees pointed
out that opening lands of Indians
to sale would result in untold
hardship to incompetent tribes-
men. and place Indian-held land
on tax rolls.
UNDER Cleveland's leadershi
timy proposed tribal leaders be
gletl a voi in d;teriitining i'beir
wit]on office policy incIuding-e.
leer]on of personnel. The group
will also seek power to advise on
maintaining or relinquishing parti-
cular agency flmctions when fed-
oral appropriations bring about
The affiliation's purpose, accord-
ing .to first draft of its•constitution
will be, "to promote and protect
the interests of the American In-
dian and to preserve peaceful and
cooperative relations among our
tribes as well as promoting har-
monious relations with local state
and federal governments,
INCREASED federal assistance
in reservation health and education
programs are to be goals of the
newly formed group•
Group leaders said they would
hold :meetings with all tribes dur-
ing the ratification period to ex-
plain its aims.
Conferences were attended by
both old and young Indians and
are said to have been the first
time in history that both ancient
and 'Americanized , groups hay, e
fully "united on c6ntroversial i-
First proximity-fuzed anti-air-
craft to destroy a Japanese plane'
was fired from the cruiser USS
Helena on January 5, 1945.
Saves Money00 Health and Property
Cut fuel bills with a thoroughly insulated home. Cut doctor
and medioine bills with a family kept warm against winter's
clill. Save property damage caused by excessive cold! We will
gladly give you an estimate of what it will cost to properly
Insulate your home,
grace abound toward you; that ye,
always havipg all sufficiency in
all things, may abound to every
good work."
FROM "Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" by :Mary
Baker Eddy is the following cor-
relative statement: "Christians re-
,lOreS in secret beauty and boun-
ty, hidden from the world, but
known to God,"
"Ancient and Modern Necrom,
ancy, alias Mesmerism and Hyp-
notism, Denounced" is the subject
of the Lesson-Sermon which wilt
be read next Sunday m all
branches of the Mother Church,
The First Church. of Christ, Sci,
entist, in Boston, Massachusetts,
Gblden Text: Jebiviiah 29:8,9,
"Let not your prophets and yore'
diviners, that be in the midst of
you, deceive you, neither hearken
to your dreams which ye cause to
be dreamed. For they prophesy
falsely unto you in my name: I
have not sent them, saith the
THE I,'OI.LOVING verses from
Ezekiel are included in the Lesson-
Sermon: "Thus saith the Lord
God • . . I will overturn, overturn,
overturn, it: and it shall be no
more, until he come whose right
it is; and I will give it to him."
From "Science and Health with
Key to the Scriptures" by Mary
Baker Eddy is the following cor-
relative statement: "God will over-
turn, until 'He come whose right
it is.' :Mortal error will vanish
iri a moral chemicalizatiom This
mental fermentation has begun,
and will continue until all errrors
of belief yield to tlnderstanding•"
Sunday, December 7, is the clatc
of the uext Methodist. Young
Adults meeting.
Beginning at 8 p.m.. the pro-
gram will include time to get ao-
quainte¢ devotional services, and,
a talk by M. F. Smith, director
of research of tbe Simpson To-
search laboratory.
Refresfiments Wlll be scrved .t
the close o .the neeting. _
CiVic center
(Continued From Page One)
.cee, and Mary ,Powell, Olympia,
ember of the state board of
lirectors.. - . ,
More than 55 members werd
present at the meeting,, Including
24 new member signed up in the
current membership drive of the
Shelton Jaycees.
IEPORTS FROM drive 'contest
chairmen Dick Kieburtg and Stan
Parker indicated that at least 30
new membem have been brought
into the club during the drive;,and
that the contest Js very close
Winners in tbe contest will bc
given'prizes, 'and the lb'sh" team
will receive a special "horse' taft"
booby prize. The contest Will be
continued for two .weeks until
the next meeting.
A proposal tha.t the Wives of
" ii
Jaycee members form a.n auxin
a y organization was held over
for further discussion a,t the next
meeting of tlae club, December. 9.
Atomic Dangers
(Continued lVrom Page One) ..
whici he packed a large quanti.ty
of tuna fish.that had fed, on small.
er fish of the lgoon.
He reported that he had to dis-
card all of the apparently delicious
food, when he discovered that it
was violently radioactive. He said
that Such activity cannot be con-
trolled by anything man can do,
and it sometiraes may take thous-
ands of year to die out.
He concluded that the Bilinl
observations have forcibly dem.
onstrated the dangers of any pos-
sible atomic( warfare, and h'e
pointed out that there can be no
winner in any such struggle.
THEREFORE, he said, America
must work to win and maintain
peace, and keep atomic secrets
420 South First St. Phone 56
Owned and Operated by Everett Dillon and Joe, Simpson
I I _. I I _11 I
were doing everything for their
undoing by the destruction of their
every means of living and exist-
ence, beyond the fatal attacks that
were making casualties of their
individual soldiers. We were bomb-
ing the cities, homes, factories,
giving them the full result of a
total war that they had created
in an effort to master the world.
Today we are agreeable to help
them over the rough spots until
they can carry on under their own
efforts, but even In that- charit-
able desire, we find ourselves but-
ling heads against stone walls,
because a fomner ally seeks to pre-
vent us from making friends by
such kindly assistance. The peo-
on hand to watch the cable in-
MANAGER Claude Danielson
was elated over the island exten-
sion. lack of service to that part
of Mason county having been one
of his most acute headaches.
Materials for the extension
have been under order for several
years, with the cable recently ar-
rived to complete the extension.
A splicing of connections at the
mainland and island terminals was
hoped to be completed by Wednes-
day night wiaich would provide
service for the islanders for
Thanksgiving eve and energy for
cooking by electricity of the
Thanksgiving turkey.
for Christmas a fleet of trucks
Itaff of experts to
your moving job
Bicycles - and efficiently,
i type of article you
pie of the United States want TIIE CREW of linemen and wg"a-ons |raoved.i You're insured
nothing more than to be allowed utility employees, working under
to continue with the ways of liv- Manager Danielson and Foreman e while we take over.
ing that has been enjoyed since Alva Miller included: C• L. Pot- | ]
revolution broke us away from ter.GlennLeonardMiller, RoySteel'umphenourWilbur Flint.and and Many Other Things LON
tim shackles and domination of a AI Goodwin. iANSFER
European conntry. We want no The cable is a two conductor,
single grain of Russian, Genan,
Italian, French or Wimbuctoo soil, 15,000 volt capacity and is insu- F I S H I N fi T A C K L E !, " 2nd Phone 66
because we have the things that lated for salt water submarine
usage. The actual cable is in-
contribute every need for our liv- cased in a lead sheath and is
ing satisfaction. But still we are armored with steel. ' FIX life
accused of' trying to foment an- Distribution lines on the island m
other war and to dominate the have been installed for several
I lives of other peoples. If Russia weeks and the only operation nec- I I
would mind its own affairs and essary for years of ambitious hop- Third and Cots Phone
bring some happiness to its rum- ing on the part of Harstine resi-
men man, instead of trying to up- dents to be realized resed after • WE MAKE KEYS •
set what to us is a very rosy ap- Tuesday evening with the speed by • KNIVES and SCISSORS SH
plecart, then there will be less which PUD employees could make
suffering in the world and those the final connection.
outside our limits would eventu- f-
ally join with us in a fuller ap-
preciation of an occasion dedicated
to giving thanks for a fine way
of life America has much to be
grateful for this year as it will
have in the future for so long as /
its people will resist the rantings.
of the world's dyspeptics in their
claims that we are all wrong.
in the hands of American scien-
Earlier in his talk Pautzke de-
scribed the work of his department
in providing better fishing rend]- Straining your
tlons in Washington game waters.
He said research has revealed cap wondering what
that young steelhead which are send your, beloved
hatched in fresh water remain
there for their first year before Christmas? What
migrating to salt water for their
growth to return later as full:size a p h o t o of
In order to reduce the number That's right! And
of immature fish taken frets the
streams as they go out to sea, the see that you "show
game department clones many beautifully., Expert pO
streams during pring 'months. - '
IN ORDER to compensate for traitures reproduced
the loss of the streams to fishr-
men, an extensive,.progxam of lake colors dr natural.
improvement was undertaken in-
cluding poisoning and restocking' 152.
where it was found necessary.
: The recent project at Spencer
Lake was part of this program,
Pa.utzke saM, and the game de- I1_
partment hopes to keep the lake [•
closed through next season in or- 1
der to give recently planted fish
a good start.
He said that fry p:aned in pois-
oned lakes have been found to ......... ' • 12a North .....
grow as much as eight inches in
length in one season.
A Personal Note to New Users of the
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Your Electrolux:ipresentative. Iii Corner T
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