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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Plywood Peels Two More Games From E|ectrieians&apos; Lead COMMERCIAL LEAGUE W Siml)aOn Electricians ........ 22 Olympic Plywood ............ 20 :Morgan-l?aerett Lbr. ........ 18 Local 161 .......................... ]7 SALMON BARBECUE ENOY'BD BY 80 Eighty people attended the sal- mon bake givel November.20 at the Skokomish grange hall on the rc,ervation. The salnmn was deli- (',iously barbecued over an outside L calnpfil'P tinder tile Stl]'Pl'visioll Of 11 Qeorge Adnms. A delicious salad 13 of shredded cabbage, eelery and ]51 apple was made by Mrs. Ike Palm- 16 er. Mr. Palmer and Pete Allard "   I. ' ' ' .... :/: By JOE [ 00ID:EtlN E S t AN [ 1 -,.ON,- I f, ec,,learntocoU.nt,,or,ptittheball, Theauthorof,,Pop,sSport..leering, football .... fans ghouting t t,es, something to e,arify ru,es,, cte'l) ': I Oh )llllnll 'l•'[//=-/ -/ '..;:i }!}/ :)i!:ii):" .... •,;:i!ill bak on the 30 yard line where iu[ Shots" in the Mount Vernon Ar- -efycwv_,:" "#'  #N$  i i, .   ' Lii" t:i:::: ./:::i(;i::.g:i;:::s Mr. O.K.  Says By I and 1 Howdy Polk" C n' st.l..! Iv , 'e D  'v',m]' sh°PPl I (it v.u'll d(, it" .m'lY. i * < < .. J T H (' SOIl W" llll f0' lhe high eosI of giving, -- Chrst as s the time, ot tlw kids s(mlt, thhlg  Factory Chrysler - Plymo SALES - PA] We Are Equipped t All M Cars - Truck - T Logging KIMBEL 00G|NG COMPANY Modern EqUipment Operated By Experienced Men II :L'XND CL:X'IING • BULLDOZING • DITCHING • BABI=MENT EXCAVAT- ING • BULKHEADING • P|LEDRIVERS, . lr'Ltil tir Witr • Dump r00/ucK8 belongs," neednt worry at Rogers] gus recently had this bit of com- Pantorium Cleaners 16 17 Field. Washidgton State College;. tnent, 'to make. anent the ,sub'ect3 .- ' " ....... I Ptllhnan, anymore. Coach Phillwhidh The 'Sideltner 'passes along ..., _.', t{imbel Motors ................. 1.t 19 Sorboe has inti'oauced a yardage[ 6r the interest and comment it 'f'# : 2 numbering system that "will en-[ might kick up:  "FIRST TWO BATTERS TRIPLE able even the mast excited footl The sinnificance of 'fbs't ANDRE'THI%OWN OUT AT '2r' 'bailfan to follow passes and kick's[ ...,..... ,2/,t,.ll ..,,,o ,, ^ver 7HE:PLATE ATTEMPTIIWIr ,f]' yar by yard,, adding, and sub-: I rated, we belleve. Of •ooUr,¢ a iL[%  tracting to his nearts conten sire-I A÷  .u ,, € '=ti'fanion ,"17,,h%- ,",^ ,,,,,= -, , Wlh,, ply by looking at the numbers oi[ hrdad ver a eetalh fan'¢ec o^- ........ =^- ,-A the side line markers " "" i[ tion ev¢y tlhae on'e'Is nhodnc- , TF.AHITSABAcJ:.IgN - ,k Sorboe's Sy'tem has the num- ] e d. The uthersect oh, of d01rse, NER W|TN A [TTED,[LL, ,( I bers dedoting th distance from il heaves i sigh of disappointment. I I RETIRING TH/E]UNNE:I ../r./ g0a! to .o.a};ru.,iln. unlnte ]/ Bdt the zealous Statistician who] 'ZEcIZ'DTT //'/  " r.pteo,, wnlcn. . WOUl, Ie ,tom u :'--'"e-.m, n ,,- "h'eat h0w"",.v do about I ..z-'-';',.i.. ,H. =^it+Hi.•'. / l/l. i '. to 90Tara nine. Thus a Cougar Ihow ahni,el Oiflch ran un 20 " '="^'".""-;" ' " - fan can tell the exact d stance |eh. ,,,. .v. fhnife h 'i f did f ' " that a pa's tra'vels €€om passer ...................... " " , . ' r" , /'get bedten °50 'to b is just making i . %,, " to receiver. /a lot Of wdrk fdr •himself fox' [ /*'."k,,., . hl unusual.hbmberlng system/nothinm A tee:m an score any J, l iv in adtt0h'tb':the'standard meth- Inunable'. of 'tobchdins witilou't [€'7t ] od'whtdh 'rUbs 'frn '0 9, 50 an. m'ktng a fh,st down. , J' ""',_ -- then fi'ghq 30bdk;0 0 afict hardly & first dbwn Of '7 va/'d, is  ] :..b__ _ , ,4 evm].g'wes e. fan.a true pmture: 'Thpe Vhluable 'than one of tei [  ,_)   .. f' .oI,.me p?ay ,eeause ot all the 'ydfds and one inch Even totil ],,-.  MA?0  SKI JUMPRECORO ddtl!g ng. sou'aeung ,nv.ow.eq. yi/ittite gairied is of little value [-''R,,  WAS SET B TI Uoafln orDoe s new, numberln as they do not pay Off On that. ILI 9- . "¢Ot AT ,0NWO00, = .system 'has 'proven to oe o= grea- . We eoe 'ofit aeh ivear W th i'5 -/-'. ." ' MK:>I.WIll-0OF. 289 'aF.fA I.¢AP .  rel, on "sllt seC,nd' inf,r,-*;,," 'a oett¢,r'dorg tlevlce toe tobt-  ; , . ' 5n all 'Dlavs , .,, . ..... .n. .n e w..?uyu u:e ,¢Lw . .  ,', . - -" tie tlmds %Ifld scoring 'wdtllU . ' , L * *  ........ t .......... ["  .... " ' ......... " , m.¢f( •net. Tile team ,w th ,of-. '" ' " i1 r AY'' 'r WO U4000 ve power would paid off ]00ngmeers Regmn Pastime Resu:::es Every ryear,ome 'fo0tball fans- oh yardage gained'in ehdmy ter- 1..1  "  'r " " ' -- : " 'tic Comes up With /v plan to "irh-' "Mtory. xeau :m,00lmpson Command of City . :Briefly the idea i this: ]r.,,l,a,:,-,. l .... ,,,',,..,a,,^ T _..._ L-z ___1 __ .... off with i nt Whh 'tile ]L,;I./VYlI|llg, 00ague ueague 00tanumg Grunert's Service .............. ]3 Meli Chevrolet .................... 12 High total--Dan Cormier 523 High game--Bill Pearson 190 Six straigh(defe-£ts have offset I largely what ten consecutive vic- I tortes did for Simpson's Electri- I clans and in plaee of the comfort- I able five game lead the electron, I chasers held two weeks go they' now top the commercial bowling I loop b a shaky two tilts. victories, but both cooled off badly in the last game while Bum Calkins catastrophe to 4 overtal¢e . Latest , ] the. "sparks" as a 2 to 1 beat- ing at the hands of the Second place Olympic Plywood five, and only a horrible last game hy the veneermen prevented it from be- ing a shutout loss--with no lead left whatever. ';-.t,':  Those two newspaper guys, Wiff Jesup and Bill Dickie, did the spade work for the plywood's two were excellent ldtehen help at l)rc - paring vegetables and wa.hing dishes. Hot biscuits were prepared by Mrs. Frances Radtkc. and bak- ed potatoes with plenty of butter and cream by Mrs. Adams. Special thanks go to Mrs. Wanda Wyatt and all the others who helped with the serving and cleaning up. Alto- gether the affair was voted .a great success from the standpoint of'guests who calne froln all ov{}l 1 the canal and Shelton. A short business meeting was held before dinner during which a 0ertinent point was brought out by the president, Merritt Stark, who stated that game and wild lift licenses rnn ill cost about three to give 'times more now than they did five years a:go. NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE I(* F' t," with. ., I 'N a m}o when %vc all )llSlS I'Ol'g ll,'ll lid o{Ir prt IIOII I }'(,l'td. %V ,n (' xistmas ,eoffltl' PIIIIIIOI hi, [lr Iwhhld. And il's tho limt? lJ *CItlIIII ('till gl) ttl'(itln(I al ," tlll i*ld bag' illl(l llOL bO tab,- It's also th,, time ' u' to sate yoll ' reeapphlg; tl,os(" |ires h wilh our infra-raY reePP In Our Servi SOUTH FIRST A .Electric Weld PHO For Hire • PILING AND LOG6 For Se. PHONE '601 L 1 SHIP YOU00 F00EI00IIT BY 80AT WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON ffeaitle Fretglth6tild be r6tlted via tr. inlah, I, DI Tanoma Freight v,a Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee 'D00k. No. 2 SIMPSON BO'WLING " W L . they Engineers ........................... 21 12 r. nen ] W0odfiber .......................... 20 13 t would ,., Lflmbernen's Mere ......... 20 13 extra pomtl Reed Mill 1.' ........................ :19 14 It is now. iioffice .............................. 14 19 would mean 'a 'little goal 01,ympic::Plywood ...: ........ 13 20 line t ever n yard station. It 'Reed Mill 2 ..... : .................. 13 20 a bodkkeeper o Accbuntiig ........................ 12 21 the score but it H[gh game--Chuck Hanson 212 to the game High tota].--Percy Funk, Bob ahtl the team that "really put on wih. ac0n, L.M. general marp Saturday night's " perhats din- Munich, each 549 , WhRREN "EARLand Jess D.n- iels hoisted the 'Engineers back .into the driver's seat as Simpson L0gging Company bowle/'s did a bit of Standizigs juggling last week. CITY BOWLING LEAGUE W L Pastime ...................... 20 13 ' Associated Oil .......... 19 14 Beckwith Jewelers .... 18 15 impson Logging Co. 17 16 W.H.S. Electric ........ 17 16 Active Club .............. 15 18 L. Cushman Resort.. 14 19 Lhmbermen's Merc. 13 20 Daniels 223 High total--Jess Daniels"603 ARSOCIkTED 0il's Surge to tile top of the City 'bowling league lasted qRiek 'for the defending champignliip Pastime chib 'kick- ed the oilers off the upper rung -which both had shared for a week by. winning an odd-game victory en- Tile Engineers blanked Olympic in Friday night's matches. 'Plywood to hurtle over Woodfiber The title holders did so desNte Which lost a 15ir to the L M and ......  ..... , <- now c tilsoitsone.'mel6Kmm'le'a ." }ne clrcuis oest romng on tne ,tale g, me delar $- ing to 'a sec;nd :place 'tie wth ;er ':e art .)fanA;S?ciahedposnhm,;ma2 m'nt, Wheh both dre football /.6 /e d__6, 6 6 6 6 6 6. .6. _6_ @64H.I .6_ .6j .6. ¢66, .6 "4b; *4b**e4b*e@ee4be* e**4beiei i i  ti* i teammates at the University 0f harrassers. ..... I the' few 600 totals of tiae season ...... ' ' Washington in the early 1930s. ChuctHtflS0n]got Woodfiber'off to .date and a 223 single game. And speaking of the game de- right with a'2:t2 best2garhe-0f-the -IEven Jess' big game failed to partment, Hre's'a last'reminder night but fromihere on Jack Stew-['win, Pastime consistency offsett- that those huntinl seasbi permit art ad SlimGustafson took ttirns[Ang it, Ken Fredson was up for ,ar, ds must e mailed to,the de- pacing, th L.M. 'to vitCry l thc victors 'aFent by 'December :IT:-. ne'xt 'REED MILL1 stuck doggedly to l B£ekw.ith 3ewelers. moved into oday ' tie{hr br ri6t :);ou the 'pce, d0whirg .lst place Ac- third 'place with a 2 to 1 verdict bagged a bird, de'r:or elk. 'c0unting, 2 'to :i, Without d0inl,over the 'L.M. when Firechief T. This column hastens to cbrrect any scorifig W0th a WhCdp, butl E, Deer 'nd Warren Earl jibed and apologize for a statenent the surprise of the night was turn-. 2()9 and 206 games to capture the Lm,dedast .we•R In "which :'alor- ed in by hitherto hapless Office,'l Opener and(eorg¢ Merrick closed i [,ttlJ Cleknel: 9€ere :ered!ted,ith wich qgme to win a trio with 222 to win the finale, Slim r Jib, trig the 'first 'wdhen s laue: :froth Reed Mll 2 and 'surge to the l Ustaf.sdn's 205'earned the middle t]CpWllng team tobl0hom 6Ut. wlth; tJp of the, Second division. Bob. affair or .th nmrks. l uhiform drdsses for .i:s. pinferns.' Munich and P.ercy lnk each I LANE CUSIIMAN Resort Pulled |The& honCr "realiy,bet0ngs 'to th hung tip 5"49 totkls, which shared out of the cel.lar With a 3 to 0 J Qld Mill te.m. At 'ttie in'eent honors'for the league in that cat•- triunph over Bill Smith's Elec- /'tithe (aCt 'including "this week's gory. 'tHciafis With Joe Forrest and matches) three of the f,eminine The scoring:; "Babe carlon c'aring the bali, ./€ qllS ae idorrmd in {Jnifor Plvvood (0 .. Entiner (. and the Active Club edged Simp- .dresses, 'Mab's Corner having ol- handicap 5f61 'hafidichp 120 son Logging Co,npany, 2 to 1, with lowed the Old Mill by  week and' E LUmiden 3711W Earl 50.q k cpnsistent perfomanc from Ritffr's'Cbrfidr ifiitlati;hg,'aew re- L'Lqrha- "}4li':d, t its entire 'lift•up. Joe Williams galtan |dst Week's'inafciaes. , Roden"'ber'" 3iTIX'6a;ls;n ld 'ea/ed a Mx-piia verdict ii 'the ' " : " N,,tt 4a4["1i, a opener for the clubmen wffh a '-"   dff[e. (3) ..... Mill 2 (0) .... '-' ........  ...... ..... rft e ' 'oo+Tr.;--. .. 199 effort, Paul Fredson and At- Funk 549,Sergeant 482 ii/d, !2 ) 3 q"' .2¢¢aounting (1)nlthe •lggers, ,nd 'Jonhy Steven- Fitchett 391 Jess Baxter 342 Batie . 420 Dummy 423  "* ?v .Z.!_P'''*. Y.'[ son's closer won the 'last for the ' '' "e Tempm 3us i jim 'orrest ;:I, acti,in s " Munich 549 t Roberts 422 Scgtt ,47tiKruse 4691 "" Thescorin '" Marshall 469 lI.Freds0 , 5,47. :D.Fi0kdnsch :422].Nebel 423 Pt|me 72 " a=s0&*-a , 882 940 913 27351824 826 "880 510 • I .... " ............. '" Dunbar 4371Fortm 316 '-dica  1..._= ........ ftt 1  -&/ .lt 1 IUl Utt [ UJ. Woodflber (1) L.M. (2) P.Fredson 489/Gruver 3971 ;len 54 SU-'se ,, 4a? f0¢ /hcndicap 261i handicap 297: 817. 902 835 25ow4{8fl 849 9]6 25"t61Bt'aiey 47' Fris]e 369 ,Woods 516i B.Stewart '9] :.hgn 460 Ashbaugh 39 ] ............ " ....  ........ Kopperman Foster ' 472 At the ou:b'¢ak of th Revolu- '6" ......... ':/'0Wh 447 cCaslin it,'/0  "  '." . 9 =. , t-1011; ' ouu ttonary War, the mtl States " .... aL,_ . ...... ., .^. Levett 382 &Stewart 472 lad no Navy ldpaPtm nt or shps *d.nv 4i ' .: .... ' .a¢ ,.. :g.Fredsn, 540JG.Gustaf@ ,35 hd only a :few rified merchant- tZh',/2? i 7AV !y "913 869 82t:260618"80 89'4 850 't,:h"" .v."t- ......  ' ,v.n. ,: tu p .... ' ..... "" • ' - =L Ctrl.sbn L:WeStlund }1 • j6e lCfre ' 'D'W,;-a oo '- ' , ,, Myo W}O '- d}fl}ences, America 'lh ihis 'Autumn of 1947 has A.Carlsonfi' i". W,R._,th' ] ' = 500 many htags "f6r ';ll'h • be khdhkfuL 904 877 'i ' 80,858 Iee (](/4 t . II c.v C I ' giml,40n :LO (']) • he Ir:--flo¢bf"i "'oh aking--vhich devas- " £andicaP 916'-862 898 1761 Omdn ' ", I " XrnsCn 55'q Wllhams S taed /dd 'lmp6vd'l so "iib] nation, was costly ., i' . "nelgrove 397 ' ' . " C.HoRais0n 460 evenson to us %ut not 'diltjlJhg. ;Neer has odr power for ,li.Pdters0n produ¢fl6n--both agricultural and iadfistrialLT-been tp., '4,B Holt , rrtli?., 4FJntels," B03 :96"LS3(} .6881'873 "916:892 2681 hdic'ap 27)] -Iddic:i) 227 fard , :4..751:H.W, o0ds 516 .... 43 L:WestlUnd }1 Cfrest .,4 'D:Wq0ds 4f8 .arlgh 509[W.1LL_ith 5t90 tbitil CZOl'W.Woods 4o2 877 '. :18 '2B99 80,858 866 2(](/4 ilve'C|hb '(2") imh.40n :Log ('1) .3'41'9'16862 898 2675] 41 XrnsSn 55'7 494 :snelgro 397 43'7[C.HORa: 460 4'T.1 / Fiii/k 502 439FP.Fred§ '22 [10 959 so many,had so much--has€ the mm ,of t Iple enjoyed so "high a stenhrd of 'living. Members of the 'Whington Co.Op---0,00 (iih families that help produce food for e at/on !tid • the Wotll--lltLe dit ltis lfreedom of •Amerhalh opportunity which is worth £ghting ot is al ifh /iv/rig/or. Other po/itical creeds make spai:ious prom- ises but the system instituted by America's !founders "'government of the people, by the Peoile, /or ,the people"%as given us more individual llbtrty tlf ts enjoyed by the dtdens 0f any other natidh..Por thk freedom It us be tahkfuland 'may we always peserve hntl 'cherish it• art'er oh 568 dfidiC.p ) 850 2'709 greater, Never in the long histo W of nkhld have oCWlth (2) I..M. '(1) ani:licht) 126['Hdhtictp 186 4 6RAHD OLI} ...,,ok 578('B:gte*art '500 D6dds 53 R.Ghsfafs0n 396 Dr 51 [eCaslin 507 W.Earl 509 tadkey 458 Bayley . 468 G,GUStafSoh 560 953835 935'2723 848 913 846 2607, r ;ltvidual busPa#:6 al org together through their own co.operat@¢ assocNo#, #re th* €$€ xawiples Ot "rreo t$e; , J:AS, OAR(tr£Y & €O., t Tl)., PEORIA, II,,tl'NOl$_.... Order 'Selittle '(Seclhl')__Fh,ther re- trtdtipils 6n 'btter"ahd bim travel '6perkttdhl in 'Puget Bund were' "ilS0S/d tddh'y 'by 'Milb 'Moore,. tale direct6r of fisheries. Two separate areas in the Sound w.ere closed to bott0il draggtng opdrations. The first'area ihclddes ill the wkters of the sound inside a 'line 1)r0jeted from WiIIt:m P6int on 'So;reiCh Ihtahd to the no*therly part of •Eliza Island, thfice'to Pdst Point oh the na{n- lafid. The s edofid area includes all wa- ters ihsie df'a ltiie be/wedt andy Potht and Poiit Whiteh6rn in Whatcm C6di/y. In alditt0n, Modre issued a new 6rder 'prdHibiftng '{he •noshdlan for purpose, 0f 'm0n Yrom which 'tHe 'milt or eggs flow freely. In prom{ilgafli/g the new order, No. 2(}0, Moore stated that: the 0t- ter trawl closures were ordered"to otect erab fisliing 1 a -'=-. D ' , , .- a "e._, ..u /tn on posSess!on of snh,,;,-,- rain was ordered to nrdt- , .', - rom publt . mm'ets. Us the Journal ClaSSifiedS=- they really get results, sizzled to save it fox' the paeemak- ers. Thedefcats were No. 5'and 6 in a row for'the leaders }ho had piemusly wCn ten st-/ight. M0rgan-Eadrett Ltuv{ber tobk over third place in tile sthndings with a :l to 0 verdict over Grun- ert's Chevron Set-ice, achieved on consistency by the lumbermen's lineup, which offset the ,523 total Dan Cormier of the losers vet 'to top the individual scoring for the night. Kimbel ]Motors also advanced a notch, from seventh'tb 's[Rth ;plaCe, With  2 to 1 edge over'Local .161 on Bill Pearson's scdrlng. Ade Wright's 172 gave Local 161 a one- pin verdict ill the opener. Tailend Mell Chevrolet continued its comeback with an odd-game win over Pantorium Cleaners as Gus McNiel and Harold Wiseman flogged the pis roughly. The scoring: Local 161 (1) Kimbel Mtrs (2) handicap 435 handicap 414 Jacohsen 453 B.Pearaon 503 Oliver 373 C.Berets 428 Sharp• 332 R.McConkey 444 Lunsford 422 J.Pearson 3,11 Wright 4381B.PhiIlips 404 819 825 809 24531818 892 824 2534 Pantorium (1) Met! Chev. (2) .handicap 1951 handicap 393 E.Anderson 394 Gerhardt 441 Besch 436 N[cNeil 464 Keever 341 Rau 398 Lindberg 450 Wiseman 461 Lindeman 493 t Toney 326 784 753 772 2309[775 840 868 2483 GrunertS (0) Morgan-Eac. (3) handicap 231 handicap 231 C.Bare 491 Gibler 452 Kenyon 307 'H.Daniels 434 H.Cole 401 C.Cole 428 Cormier 523 R.Daniels 432 Rank 444 IR.Anderson 497 765 809 823 23971805 836 833 2474 Plywood (2) Simpson Elec. (1) handicap 444 handicap 504 Fletcher 433[ M.Lemau 461 Ahlskog 460 Calkins 503 Miller 329 Boardman 370 Jessup 382 'L.Leman 309 Dickie 482 Dummy 363 887 912 73;[ 2530 779 838 893 2510 6ENEI SAVING 116 N [R HE YOU:NGSTERS $' (Nt to "frget Dad, 6o) ........................................ gs lrghoUse Elect:00c ........ 00I00aters % R@min(tton Electric Shavers ..... National Pressure Cookers ..... e Dormeyer Mixers ..... DOTS0N TIRE a,d APPLIANCE STORE THIRD AND COT'A STREETS, SHELTON PHONE 75