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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mr. O.K. Says By R and lg 0 RAUSCHEB 1528 Olympic PHONE t November 27, iU¢,. Factory Approved . Chrysler - Plymouth - International SALES PARTS SERVICE We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Cars - Truck - Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment In Our Service Building at SOUTH FIRST AND MILL STREET Electric Welding and Brazing PHONE 601 KIMBEL MOTORS Naval Reserve Officers Invited To Olympia Meet Shclton Naval Reserve officers are cordially invitedto attend the regular monthly meeting of the Olympia Chapter of the Reserve Officers of te Naval Services. Tile meeting will be held tonight at tle Steak House, four miles east of Olympia on tle Tacoma highway. Those attending are asked to meet at the Hotel Olympian at 6 o&apos;clock to pool automobiles. Discussion of the organization of a composite unit and the con- struction of a new armory will be a special order of business. There are indications that Olympia will be assigned a Seabee unit. Cathedral Glass Offered Among several skylights re- moved from the Shelton Public Library recently are a few pahes of colored or ca[hedral glass which wouki be suitable for use in a churcb, reports Mrs. Laura K. i Plumb, librariari. I Actien recently undertaken by the library board has made this glass available to any church which can make use .of it, so churches interested slTohld' contact Mrs. Phlmb a't the library, Building A Home? S0000ou-Yi00so00 GENERAL INSURANCE SAVING 15% ON PREFERRED RISKS 116 NO. 2nd Phone 30 , Lake Cushman iv ,ne'v" 1. '€ v', A small birthday party was gle- an November 19 by Mrs. Les Sand- rig in honor of her son, Dennie, who celebrated his 5th birthday. :Invited guests were Jimmy and Donna Brown ,Jimmy Smith and Denny Karnopp of Potlatch. Sun- day visitors of the Sandvigs were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Due nnd daughter. Kathie. of Tacoraa:- First boat to be finished at Cushman Lake is the t4-foot in- board made by Verne Hill and Robert McLachlan. This boat which was started in September, was launched last week, but brought back home for minor ad- justment to the motor. :It is painted white with natural trim and in Vern's own words. "Doesn't leak a drop." A small cabin will keep the fishermen dry if it starts to rain. Los Sandvig is also pregressing on his 14.foot beat whicli he is building for use as a life beat on his 30-foot cabin cruiser, Started in the early spring. :Mrs; Vera hnscotts basement has been the scene of actiidty dur- ing the past Week. On Wednes- day and Friday flights She held painting parties where ladies of Cushman and Hoodsport made corsages and flowei, atTt'angemeilts for the bazaar to be given by the Hood Canal Women's ClUb Dec. 6, in the Hoodsport gymnasium. Mrs. Ira Collins was the luiky winner of a ttirkey Satilrflay night at the Volunteer Fire Department bingo foi. turkey piirty in the Hoodsport school basement. This makes the secolld ttiing she has Won in a week. he Other was the lace table Cover at the Union La- dieS' Bazaar. Lucky :Ira! Mr. and Mrs. J0hh Abbott of Kniorim, :Iowa, and their nephew, Cliff Collins of Tacoma, waive Sun. day visitors at Cushman Dam to see the scenery. Mr. Abbott was very. much impressed with cur Weather and tbotig_ht the green grass at thii time Of yeir Was e- markable. They don't have that¢ .¢oes from .......... , , CUT YOUR FOOD BILL Have those weeds plowed un- der t this fall and have a good garden in the spring. Let 'era rot and watch the garden grow PHONE 59-W THE OLDTII!!ER REALLS Recollections from 50 Years Ago By Lab Redafe Wal, I reckin these here youngsters runnin' around nowadays couldn't keep up with el Perfesser Gunderson, who wuz sup| of schools in the county bak in '97. I, recall readin' in the Journal the| he wuz visitin' the new school of Clarence Fisk's on the caiial. Wal, he walked the 12 miles from M. D. SteWart's, that wuz in Clifton--seems to me they call it BelfaSt now--to Fisk's school in two hours an' 55 minutes. The| wuz welkin' better than 4 miles per an boui', and it's @arty good time. I cain'| get my or mare Josephiile to Walk faster than that, times I cotne to town. Gue$ she misses the livery stable B. Willey used te run hei'e in Shelton. THE JOURNAL Said in their issue of NOV. 26. '97, that the Skokomish river wuz back dowh to normal after bein' pnrt high fer a week or so. W:. A. hnter come in to report that the water had been up about a foot over the fiber 0  tile Lathah holtse part o' the +,veer before. He lost three calves which left the barn arid i#iiZ fleatetl dOWn stream, but .nothin' else wlz hurt. Hi fall!y had been took to I. W. Wood's two weeks before. They wuz also a iepbrt the| the big bridge on the rlei" wuz out, but the| proved to be mistaken. The new abuttments which wuz put in. the bridge tn '1}7 savM it. BUT JOHN McReavy's boom went out, though. He lost all his logs into the Canal leCause of it. it wuz fastened jest below the bridge. They wuz a tat of sickness arouhd town that week. one • o' Raymond Cormier's little !als wuz sick ith Pntlmony, an Frank Wilier, he wuz the Town Mar- shal, had a bad attack o' Tonsil- iris. Nttle Bessie unns wuz sick too, at the home o' her grali$ mother, Mrs. J. B. Forbes. An' Mr. and Mrs. Geo Lovelaee lost, their infant son who had ben born a couple weeks earlier. THE OLD soldiers wuz told o' a good place to go to, however. tt wuz the old soldiers home in Santa lV[enica, Califotny. Daniel Keelty writ a letter to say that it wuz a paradise on earth. He said the veterans received every care an' attention an' had pleasant and agreeable surroundln's an' their quarters wuz roomy an' they wuz treated splendidly. Re0kin' he liked the place. Uncle Sam finally got around to givin' Henry L Alden his pen- sion which also bmng him a tidy sum o' back pay, The Journal said. He wuz ene o' the few re. mainin' veterans not gettin' his benefits, 'Cordln' tO The JoUrnal. CAPTAIN FRANK Smith, who used to run the Politkofsky towin' logs from Mason Co. to the Blake- ly mill. died o' the Creepln' Par- alysis, The Journal said. He wuz a Roosian With an Unproniunee- tble name, The JotPnal Said, so the Blakely people re,named hitfl Smith to save tithe an' confusion. He had work.d far them since 1870. Mis Clara Ansorge closed her ki.ndergartell .here to take the school in 'tlm stewart, district. She wuz plannin' 'to teach mtiiiic, too. She left Shelton fei. Pick- ering With her organ, her type, writer an' her cat. The daughter o' Mr. Nelson, frum back o' Seabeck, near Cr'os- hyl drowned in the Canal. Her body wuzn't found until two days later. TIIEY WUZ a daughter bern at Capt. Winsor's place Nov. 23, to the wife o' Harry Winser. W. L. Sargison reported in The Journal thet he hed just got a new lot o' patent milk Jars. They wuz the same kind bein' used ex- tensively in the East, he said. He said they would be used to serve his customers, filled at the Dairy, then picked up on the next trip. In Hood Carial, it wuz reported nearly nine inches o' rain fell. The rise in the Skokomish flyer wuz attributed to this. Tumwater Scout Council to Meet On December 7 Many local Scout people will be attending the Planning Conference and annual meeting of the Turn- water Area CounCil on Sunday af- ternoon, December 7th, in Olympia. ]IOODSPORT COMMERCIAL (bUS MEET POSTPONED The December 1st meet of the Hoedsp0rt Comircial" Club !as been postponed until December 8 when a 6 o'clock potluck dinner will be held at Hoodsport school. Come all and bring presents for children at the Ehna orphanage. Thirteen stationary meteorolog- ical observation ships are to be spotted along the North Atlantic aid and sea lanes and maintained as aids to navigation. Several of t]3e ships will be r)rovided by the thfited SLates. , , t ,ILL_ Shelten Lodge No, 1684 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MEETINGS HELD EACH 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m.--Eagles Hall Gee. Thompson, Governor W. D. Cobt|rn, Secretary CHECK II PLUS TAX FEAT I )  ].-Completely torn I  I I, rebuilt to factdW • I standards.. • b I with k l *' [ parts . . . Wol l :1 M0T 000!S "... ! a ile With JOy . (: ": / IC TRAINS STERS $' " i 'E Xer carpi II| dffer tl/anI during this holiday for our rich heritage. We will be thankful too tl{t t abundance of this land isprovidlng food for many people who do not know the Thanksgiving tadition, and who otherwise would not share in a bounti- ful harvest. For our tradltlons, our liberties, iinlt our productive land, we will sincerely and reverently offer thanks on this most typical of American holidays, ! I,! To the Games, Fall Tours or Holiday Week-ends Phone AT. 8571 I S20 S.W. SALMON AT $1XTN HOMES, INC. NOW HAVE HOMES FOR SALE IN SHELTON To Civilians and. Veterans Representative here Tuesday through Thursday The largest and most important. meeting of the year for adults AT 1305 ELLINOR in scouting will plan the activities, new organization, training, camp- trig, ahd finances for the coming Evenings Gall Shelten Hotel year as well as taktnf a look at long range, lalans for the .council. t The Planning i:onferenCe _art of themeeting. Will get underway with registraiion starting at 1:00 p;m. at the Christian Churlh, 7th' and Franklin streets. FOLLDW' NG registration and a , !ll :o,,oo = :,,, 7a!!ing divide into SeCtionS which will in, d chde camping and activities and heattlt and safety, in ohe settlbn, , ,,. chatet  ievigw fi anbthr section, leadership training, advancement, finance in other sections and spe. ! ciat sections for litaders and com- mittees including ub Sedating, Boy Scouting and ttlenior SooUting. !ustitutional represntauve and t Abe commissioners will be .given parrS- : cular attention on their own as well Wha ut Your Wife's as aiding in other groups. AS PRESENT? 00,te.00ooo =. CHRISTM tionat representative and other council members wi|l meet to bal- lot for council officers and mem- bership on' the executive board. What could be more PRESIDENT C. V. Asplnwall stressed that only those holding wonderful than' te either the green council member certificate or the Official. Boy give her f r e ed o m Scouts of America Institutional from washday drudg- representative certtflcat c o U I d take part In the voting because cry. Think well, Sir, the council is made up of a feder- how happy you have ation of parent institutions who have the say on,who should be It in your power te elected. The Annual Meeting Banquet will start at 6:30 p.m. at the Elks lodge and will include the intro- duction of deletttions by dlstrieyit, presentation of special awards, the introduction of the 1948 officers and the inain address by W. Wal- ter Williams of Seattle. Colorful ceimonie will be con- ducted by Boy Scouts and Senior 8eodt$ tie open both the aft•moon and evening affairs. Allyn lv,qri-#-e-i, v .ite,r ,e-lv ,e-qv.l-l.v,lr qvtq• Mr. and Mrs. Iugh Wells re- turneil from Aloha, Wash., last Saturday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gibson who .purchased the Wells place about two weeks'ago. Earl Trefethen and Rev: Lyle Brazier made a quick trip to E1- lensburg, Wash., last week end. JOhn Reed spent the week end with hls family, returning to Ta- coma Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Harthill adn their charming daughters are now managing the Wee Pause Cafq. Remember the Grapeview-Allyn Volunteer Fire Department dance Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. King and chil- dren of Corvallis, Ore., visited with the Austin family over the week end and will also spend Thanksgiving with them. A lovely reception was held at the Victor Hall last Saturday night in honer of'Mr, and Mrs. Duane Clevelalad.. Dancipg was enj0ed during;the eventn by the many friends who. attended. The usic Was i'li'l+nlihl by VCI Iawk Gordon Pethoo, Shi*le WIISWh .a.nd Rohq|d ithePh'erd. Ab ter a deiigtitN1 'lttneh 7dUff)l; couple opened' the iaiiy liavly gifts received. Mr. and lIrs. Bill BiStro left Monday morning via plane for' Michigan for .a two" week visit With ,his psi'end|it and their rela- ttvei and fivlldS. s p__d School is y)# eve uhd# h0wiltt t I e,eo ad services at 11 o'clock at the Al- lyn Community Church. make hen Buy Her a BENDIX! TERMS $ A small dePoSit will reserve a BN- DIX foe you. RIGHT NOW IS the time te reserve your BENOlX to avoid possible disappoint- ment due to short. ages later, We'll even pitly Santa Claus and deliver Jult before Christ- mas. Phone us to- day! BENDIX Saves Time and Work! B]ENDIX Saves HOt Water! BENDIX Saves BENDIX Saves Soap! 8tandaed Motlel $239Ji0 with normal installation De Luxe MOdel $259.50 with normal intallttlon JUI put your lothes in the Bendix, set the dial, add s0ap . . . and you're throughl All by ItSelf the Bendix Washeil, rihsei three times and damp dries the clothe . . . <=leans Itelf, theh shuts off aut0ma- tteitll¥! YoU don't ,even have .to b |hoPe. ihelton Electric i. W, lOPER Govey Building Phone 154-W