November 27, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursda November
Rouse Town With 0 t.J ][1 1_2 be _ '
Dawn Elma Battle s .;d,",,.,,
T\\;\u> stfecracl,ers who were by Carol Jo Lovell
"hudt-.r' with l?lenty of ammum- The Jmlior Higll Showboat was
[.ion made like Hopalong Cassidy presented before the public Tuos-
and the boar mountain boys last day r, ight, November 25. and bo-
S.iul'day iJ Elma, exchanging fore the Junior High student body
more than 50 pistol shots with the Tuesday afternoon.
"Co Co" Lovell was mistress of
KILLEi(|!! + + e
s IN PELLETKills :Moles.FOR': {be
Po itively ,'
back • guarantee.
from the moles
Used successfully for
For sale and
ally by Fred Holm
Auto Loans.. O'Neil Bid
town lUal'sllal.
; Tile well-heeled l)an • were Stir-:
pri;-:ed tit i!bollL 5 ::i0 111 a [
• sports center following a previous
take of $1.500 il; a tavern safe-
(,rtct,illO' Oal,]ie] • the SHllle lnorn-
Marshal .lames Foley yelled to
the one mall he thought was in
. the store to conic oU[. with his
hnnds up. The man complied,
then whil't-d "rod started throwing]
h,a(I. His partner hen joined the]
cm'emonies. She presented Mr.
Schwart'k who greeted tile l)ub -
Z{r. S]lerwood's orcilestra played
for tile girls' baton twirling num-
ber. followed by Jackie Halbert
I who gnve a "Jolly l{ogcr" ta I)
MRS. CIIAE and her girls' glee
club. "Tile Blazercttes," sang l:ho
"TJlanksgiving Hym." "I Can't
Do the SUln .... Go I)own, Moses,"
and "Come To the Fair."
Next On the program wns Jean
I)y V. (hmnollv
\\;rednesday at S.H.S. a newly
forlned organizat,on, tile Distrib-
ntive F, dueation Club gnve :l. Sl)e(>
ial Thanksgiving assemhly pro-
.rarn. Members of tile group pre-
sented a skit on retail sellino and
qnotiaer advertising the 'Polo dane(.
which they spon.o|'ed last. n vht.
Virginia Cooper sanit two :-;.h,(>
tions. "You Do' and "I \\;.Vi:-;h i
l)idn't Love Yon So."
The Tale in the m,.:norial hall
was a ])laid shirt and jean of-
fail', Gifts in tle form of st•arve.q
were awarded to tile couph \\;'ot,,d
":Mother nnd Fqther Pilgrim."
Schottisehes and square dance.q
were featured (hlrin the (:v(,ninK.
The dflnce OtY!IniI[f'O %VaF; COI2I-
hy Jane Sleehler
Tllollyfulds Of years ago m
Egypt, the t;]gYltians read stone
b).,)k,. Th(.y would find symbols
on pillars aud tombs. Egyptians
had to h;arn 17,000 symbols. Don't
3,Oll think we are hlt.l[y--wt, only
have 26 letters to learn?
Tile symhols are called hiero-
glyphics. Tile hieroglyphics are to
show whaL it meant like SOllnds.
plants and animals. After a few
years they made a picture.of two
eves. which nloant seeing.
Many years later they made an
a!phahet of 25 letters, or sym-
bols. l,'r(a)l these pictures,, we
l(now ]lO\\;V they lived aloltg the
Nile rwcr.
v v ,,, ,- ,,r ,r ,,o ,v, ,e, v v, , ,v vvv'qp
Dick Iimbel is putting in inter-
valley plaoluS To date two fam-
ilies are c'mmeete(1, the 1-hff.ledges
and Slaters. Last Sunday Mr.
l:tutlcdg'e and Dick Kimbel were
puttil g' the poles in for tile phone
to the Hip,hlands.
Shelton Grange 403 met last
Thursday and elected officers for
the coming year'and installation
of officers by the Pomona Grange
will be at the Grange hall in Shel-
Lon Valley on December 14. The
new officers are as follows: Mas-
tel', W. H. Hiester: Overseer. F.
Warren: Steward, Steve Beers;
Chaplai Mrs, Eva Wivell; As-
.dstant Steward. John I(. Bennett:
Secretary, Katie Cooke: Gate
l(eeper. Gloria Adams; Pomona,
Sight Kneeland; Fh)ra. Fay Ben-
nett: Ceres, Mrs. Alvin Butler;
Heine Economtcs, Mrs. Frank
,Warren; Lady Assistant Steward,
H0odsport Cubs
Have Pack Meet
A Thanksgiving sketch was pre-
sented Friday night at the Hoods-
port school to parents in attend-
ance at the November Cnb Pack
meet, by Den No. 2.
Those taking part were James
Sweeney, Ivan Cruise and Ronald
Winters as Indians. Pilgrims
were Howard Wilson Frankie
Gray and Jim Radtke,
Mexican skits by Den 1 were
enacted later. There were rooster
fights, bull fights, and a small
rhythm band of boys dressed as
caballeros playing tamborines. Do-
lores Smith played tile piano for
BOYS participating were Rus-
sell Oberg, Billy Hutsinpiller, Dale
Osterholm, Sigurd Dillon, Donald
Smith and Gilbert Johnson.
Additional .numbers on tile pro-
grara were "two songs by Jim
ii:t 'R]CORDS t
Write for special Christmas !|
listvComplete stocks of new |
reo6rds available. ',|
ConCh Record She i) il
911 2nd Ave., Seattle 4, Wn. i I
Friday - i Saturday
November 28-29
The Low-Down of Old Basin
., ..-1 •
, ' *. <€'::::::::::::::::" "' :'i::i;}{:{:! 9 .: ::.,
i! Handle
i Care
Is the by-word
here! And that's
yo u r asurance
your precious
wearables will be
carefully and
thoroughly olean-
ed and pressed to
your complete
i':'.:;'. ............. . ................. ........., ..
Phone 86
dent that
Oil keeps
it /onger
vent cor-
to wear,
air circu-
Iotor Oil
C., C. COL00
122 South Third St.,
" PHONE 87
31d Salts
air's flavor!
whiskey thls same
:ion ashore, these
a keg beneath a
glay, my Rocking
y recaptures that
wer and deeper.
• ed :,woothnesl
,, $.vz
' . Plu.lO War
72'% Grain
THE BANDITS were firing .45
caliber automatics, and shot an
estimated 30 or 35 times. Marshal I
Foley fired three full rounds of
mix shots each in Iris 38 calihm
The bandits made a break while
he was reloading and escaped to
Hadsell and her baton. After th'tt
"Co Co" introduced herself into a
recithtion, "At tim Theatre."
aeaninc Mitchell then sang and
yodled "Red River Sal."
t,ddic IvIercer danced the "Gay
Caballero." The "l,:notty Knoc]¢
Kneed Knine" with Bob Eaerctt.
Barry Barbour, P.onnie Allen Tel'-
a parked l,'ord sedan in which they rv relimeyer, Jh'n Nutt, Alle.n
sped away through town with[ Iimbel. Danny Austin, Tom Be-
Foley firing a parting six shots' come, and Elton .French, played
into" the bacl¢ of the machine. "Let's All Sing Like the Birdies
, 'Slag .... Girl of My Dreams" and
The town s wind ,vs and store- ,. ;' . ._ • ....
fr(nts suffered in the melee but l "S[,roj?..lovs," . .
" ' " l ' , t,.","4rl ' t;'l' not least the uram-
i the banchts were ast seen head- .. "--s ' .L: g. ,:.._, ,.
ing for Aberdeen. The "me,, were] )),fs a/f,,p,'esenet, 'ri,s v',rsc
]first spotted by a passerby Sanl[';" s*' .....
l",r i -'" "'" w"oi town s 'me ca,t was as Iouows' mrs.
l-l[ ' a , DUL Lae [1 e wa 1' " O1 ' ' "
' s ' Harding, G 'aldlne Carlson; Ted-
awake befole the hooting ended l
lsff ' ,' ' " "_ ..... i .......... - .............. " ' dy Harding, Bob I%ussell; Betty
understanding of modern aircraft. Johnny, Frank I(enybn.
Navy student pilots will now be- , by Dor& Lemon
gin their training with the SNJ Friday the ninth grade G.A.A.
::ii' i " :' [} PR01iUCTS "Texan" classes played the boys in basket-
ball. The girls felt the boys had
most of the advantages because
they have been playing basketball
::- ' stile to play.
The score of the second period
t game" was 52 to 9, in favor of the
boys and the third period class
had a 19 to 5 score, in favor of
t ' the boys.
by Mac Griggs
has been learning percentage.
pi • They are getting bits of informa-
tion from different facilitics
around town. They chose ten
'2. " committees and chairmen Lo work
--'): = =-Y'--. on them,
This way students can see how
this form of math is used in daily
by Di(,k Kmburtz
OIL STOV - FURNACE t least so fro" this yea,', no-
, body is building a rowboat in shop
• class, The teacher frowns on
: BE THE SMART FELCOW! such projects that will probably
PHONE 196 never be finished,
Have a I'ull oil tank and be ahle to keep your A few o1' the amateur carpen-
thermostat set for constant comfort, ter; are malting plaques for deer
horns or other things you put on
plaques. Some of the formerfool
(','A .z.tlP ball boys are making frames for
Have a SUPPLY of ST GE NI,S t})eir letter certificates. One of
• the 9th grade boys. is bu'ildtn'.'%'
"(taro " • ...... ' .....
50"to 1,000 gallons for new'oil b"llrner installations toy dog to sell when he finishes
ken Oil Co it Other thanthattherearethe
_l w00H0000o,vo00 corn°,
' i and others.
A couple of the boys are mak-
ing risers for the glee club to nse.
cently. They went to Dcwatto on
Hood Canal to bring a boat, be-
longing to their son, to Grape-
view'. They or(use d up to the
r 0UA[IIY fer VALU[
}t Straits of San Juan. spent one
• , , , " night near Port Gamble, the sec-
ond night at Gig Harbor. You San
tell that Mr. Hanson is the sailor
of tim family as he thoroughly
enjoyed the outing, but Mrs. Han-
son wasn't too enthusiastic,
All Prices
Fed. Tax
A Small Down Payment Will Hold
Your Purohase Until Christmas
Thane Stanley parties are quite
the thing in these parts, Mrs.
lVlathews being the late§t hofitess.
The Grapeview Women's OlUb
l ahd Sarah Eckert uxiliary met
at the home of Vtrs, :Mary Srat-
ford last Friday afternoon., fter
the business meeting, 19Irs, Luther,
the club president, regiewed Sly
Lneky Star by Roy Chapman An-
Grapcview Allyn Fir¢ Depart-
ment had their card party at 'the
achool house liSt Frida evening.
Sirs, Sarah Tschi,wsi hight us-
scl Stock, low !nd lrs. Etfi'dl
Buckingham won tile floating
Some of you know Mrs. Lucy
posed of Lillia.n L:ebrq'R, ih, ity
.xlelln. ]el'nieo Mf lke ,tll(i Do]ol'e.;
lhltledge. Mr. Hawkins is the chlh
The seniors wore pleased Ivi{h
lhe larK(, adull alhquhn:ee at
their ball iasl Friday eveninff.
The "Cand ylan0 l/all" was well
attended !)3' h6tb sludcnis and
Many edueational movies have
been shown on different phases of
related subjects in U. S. history,
ilonle relations and biology classes
during the 1)as( two wceks.
:.: ::
hirley Dickinson, the ('o-ed-
Itor of the lrene S. Reed annual.
has been serving in the ealmeilv
el' (hake-up edHor for /:he ImSl
two months. The make-ui) staff
has been working every ewming
so as to meet its dec(lilacs.
Some af the stu(lems wna
have.helped Shirley are Sheila
MeGill. Carol Barkley, Jnne
M a g n u s o n, Anna Mae Jest.
Gene Horst, Jime %Vright and
Marlene Cain.
Shclton High has come up with
something new, an cx0erimental
class for students who think they
might be interested in teaching.
Some time ago senior girls in-
terested in substitute teaching in
the grades or in junior high signed
np in the office.
Monday Lu Osmun and Joyce
Durkee spent Lhe day at Lincoln,
Lu in the first grade and Joyce
in the fourth and sixth, learning
tile general routine of the day.
Tnesday and Wednesday a sub-
stitute teacher was needed in the
fourth grade and Joyce filled the
Next year a regular credited
course will be offered to girls in-
terested in teaching. They will.
have regular class sessions as well
as eonduct classes in tie lo'i,er
In order io finance a l)e('ial
sporls edition of the "Saghalie"
in the sprhlg, freofrom adver-
tising, the high s0hool jollrnal-
• tgts Itave compiled a nlinleo-'
,,'aphed paper entitled "S.ho6t !'
,,noops." Tht eight-p:tge edi-
tion of fealures Kosstl) eolunms
was sold /'or lhe firnt time %(I-
nesday ai 10 cents a rallY
'r!lree more i H N U e N will be
printed during the school year.
Ipyptians also disco,vcred pa-
per,' 'Tiffs pa])er was mncie from
PapyrllS reeds. They made the
papyrus papc..r in many rolls of
ribbon. With the roils of ribbons
tt:ey made lovely books out of red
and black inlc.
o ::: i
hy Btiddy (]ray
Mrs. Stanseil's Sixth grade boys
have been having gyiv tog'et.hcr.
At Lhefirsi of the year we wer
playing foothall. The names
the' three teams were the 'hde
takers," "Adams" aild "Lfltmr
Bolts. '
Now we i'e playihg basketball.
Some of the teams are named:
"Bobbysoxei's," f'Sharpshooters,"
and "dlobe-ri.fih6i's."
:I * e,
by D6i{fiis Pevey
In :Mrs. Stafisdll's ¢0om w,e are
studying lhsih, We find things
about Russia "in magazines news-
I)apers and on the:ra'dlo.
We have interesting discussions
on Russia. There are so many
things to talk about because there
is so mtch news about Russia in
the newspapers every day. We
learned that Russia is a vast con-
tinent that covers half of Europe
and one-third of Asia.
We have also studied the Mar-
shall plan and what relationship
Russia has toward this plan. We
not only learn of important pe 9-
plc in ollr government, but aboilt
people ad government in the Rus-
i sian capital.
This is an interesting eountry
to study, and we find many things
to talk about.
by Mary Anderson
During National Book Week. the
elementary school children read
many books, Many posters were
drawn illustrating some of the
books. Some of those were "Mrs.
Pigglc Wiggle," who" cured ehil-
dren of habits, "Noisey," which is
about a big rooster, and "The
Mila'hty Hunters," a book about
"The Last Otters," by Harold
McCraeken is a good book to
read "Tree in the Trail" is an-
other good one. There are many
more too,
On Ootobtr 13, 17T5. congress"
voted to establish a committee to
handle Naval affairs. This body,
called the Marine Conimittee, and
composed bf three members,, was
the forerunner of the present
Navy Department.
Shelton, Wash.
(Matinee ThanKsgiving Day ream 2 p.m.)
..... nu "
r n 'a, $er s
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