November 27, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 27, 1975 |
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The trial of Donald Duggins,
Shelton, on charges of
manslaughter and second degree
assault in the hunting accident
death of his nephew, Wayne
Duggins, ! 5, in October, has been
scheduled to start December 8.
The case had initially been set
for two different dates, November
24 and December 8, by the court
calendar clerk.
Defense attorney Ward
Rathbone, Olympia, had asked
the coult to have the trial start
November 24 while Prosecuting
Attorney Byron McClanahan had
asked that it be set for December
Rathbone told the court he
had discussed the trial date with
Chain Saw
Automatic oiling
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Automatic all-weather starter
for quick 'n easy starting.
Automatic one-piece clutch--
the industry's
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cnaln saw value! and chainn~
It has all tile
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on more expensive models.
1306 Olympic Hwy. S.
the calendar clerk and they had
agreed on the November 24 date
because he has a trial in Thurston
County the week of December i
which may go more than one
week. He said when he received
his notice from the calendar clerk,
he discovered the Duggins trial
had been set for December 8 and
had contacted the calendar clerk,
who told him it was an error and
that the trial was set for
November 24.
McClanahan told the court he
had received the notice that the
trial had been set for December 8
and that, because of other cases
which were on the docket for the
week of November 24, planning
in his office had been toward the
December 8 date.
He stated he had returned
from a vacation to find that the
date had been set for November
24 without knowledge of his
He stated some of the tests on
the rifle which was involved in the
incident had not yet been
completed and it was uncertain if
they would be completed by
November 24.
KRISTMASTOWN KIWANIS MEMBERS work on their Christmas toy
rebuilding project. Here, left to right, are Bob Jones, Court Lantz, Bob
Owens and Larry Nelson. Carl Johnson, who took the picture, is also a
member of the committee.
Thanksgiving '" •
service set
The Kristmastown Kiwanis Christmas time.
The Mason County Ministerial Club is starting its annual Toys can be dropped off at
Association will sponsor an Christmas toy drive in which it the National Guard Armory
ecumenical Thanksgiving collects and repairs toys which between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.;
gathering on Wednesday evening
at the United Methodist Church will be f'txed up for distribution at the Shelton High School office
between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
and daily at the Deer Creek Store.
Information can be obtained
by calling Court Lantz, chairman
of the project, at 426-8695.
beginning at 6 p.m.
The evening will begin with a
Indian fi erman
family smorgasbord-style dinner.
Families whose last names begin
from A to M are asked to bring a I~ II I ~ C
hot dish and salad; from N to Z a | U
hot dish and dessert. Each family
ore pro
is to provide their own table (Continued from page one.) seized by the State Fisheries been the continued illegal
setting and drinks for children. The state, through a drawing,Patrol. It was reported that the non-Indian fishing and the
Coffee and tea will be provided, allowed five non-lndian purseIndians were armed with rocks,anarchy resulting from the state s
Following the dinner the film,
"The C,onversion of Colonel seiners to fish near the Hoodsport tire irons, and one rifle and that a terminal area harvest plan. To
Hatchery at the start of the chum scuffle took place when officers begin wtih, tribal fishing
Bottomly will be shown. The run and as soon as their allotted attempted to load Indian netsregulations developed by Indian
evening will close with song and fishing time was up, the state onto their truck. One Indian man biologists last spring were voided
prayer in the sanctuary. All are closed all fishing, stating the was arrested and later released to accommodate the terminal area
welcome to attend.
chum run was estimated to be no
more than enough to supply the
needs of the hatchery for the
conservation program.
The Indians have consulted a
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
biologist who does not agree with
pending further investigation of
the incident. According to
Sergeant Sandy Miller, State
Fisheries Patrol, no officers were
injured. Aocording to six
Skokomish Indians who are filing
police brutality charges, they
plan. Then non-Indian purse
seiners and giilnetters arrived in
Hood Canal to fish both legally
under state regulations and
Larry McFarlane, Shelton,
pleaded guilty to a reduced charge
of third degree assault when he
appeared in Mason County
Superior Court before Judge
Frank Baker Friday morning.
McFarlane had been charged
with second degree assault in
connection with an incident
which occurred last February 2 in
which he was charged with
pointing a rifle at Jack Sylsberry,
a Shelton police patrolman.
Deputy Prosecutor Gary
Burleson told the court his office
was reducing the charge after
investigating the case further and
finding there was doubt if
McFarlane had actually intended
to threaten the officer with the
McFarlane was given a
one-year sentence in the Mason
County jail with all except six
consecutive weekends suspended.
He was also fined $350 and
ordered to pay the cost of
prosecution. He was also ordered
not to possess or use any firearms
during the year and to refrain
from the use of alcohol outside
his own home.
Burleson told the court that
what had happened was that the
police were called to the
McFarlane residence by
McFarlane's wife after a family
argument and that after officers
had arrived, McFarlane came out
of the house carrying a loaded
rifle. He was ordered to put the
rifle down and, after some
argument, did so.
Shelton attorney Gerald
Whitcomb, who represented
McFadane, told the court that the
police had been oiled after a
family argument and that there
had been drinking involved. He
stated McFarlane did not know
the officers had surrounded the
house when he came out with
another man and the other man's
children to give them a ride home.
Whitcomb said McFarlane
stated he was taking the rifle out
to put it in the trunk of his car.
Whitcomb said McFarlane had
turned with the gun still in his
hands when the officers had
called out to him.
The attorney stated that
McFarlane had recently obtained
a job with the Bremerton Water
Department and was doing well
there and was planning to move
to Bremerton.
for larceny
Kelley C. Brown,
Box 500, Shelton, wasl
his residence about
Friday on a charge
He was arrested
sheriff's deputies and
into Mason County
$5,000 bail.
Hard to
We have new items! Bicentennial calendars, $3.50. Cabil
from $1.50 to $5. Clock boards in many styles, from
Plus unusual handmade gifts for Christmas.
REG. 10c TO 30c -- NOW ONLY 5c EACH
Tole & Gift
Open Man. - Sat. 10 to
208 Pine St.
announces the opening of his office for the
practice of General Dentistry
Office Hours
By Appointment ..............
the state figures, Twiddy said. were clubbed, kicked, maced, and
The federal blo ,, held at gunpomt A State
"~F¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥~¥~'~¥~¥~¥~¥~¥ " logist stated, The " -
~. • state gets their figures such as Fisheries Department officer
: " Sh I 15'000 and 35'000 f°r the chum rep°rted that 35 enf°rcement
run by reaching into the air and officers were sent to Shelton to
• • tc ~~ W In ~. grabbing them out." enforce state fishing regulations in
- The feder h s b o Hood Canal Eight non Indtans
~t- ...... ~" al fis erie i logists • " " "
~" ~-~ ~F are c°nducting a tagging survey in and tw° !ndlans were "cited f°r
~t- ~1- the Skokomish River at the illegal fishing, fhe lndtans nets
request of the Skokomish Tribe were confiscated. Non-lndtans
to get an accurate count of the were given citations. The conflict
chum run at Hood Canal should not come as
! iTwiddy said the SkOkOmish a surprise tO anyOne"
Tribe has always practiced Skokomish and all indian
conservation and has set fishermen are angered, frustrated
regulations which would allow and embittered by the actions of
fish to escape upstream to s-awn the State Department of Fisheries
i t° pr°vide a c°ntinuing sup y °f during this fishing seas°n"
The system with a One of the major sources o,
Bill" Smith, chairman of the Indian frustration this year has
Skokomish Tribe, issued a . •
i LIFETIME istatement °n the pr°blems the [ '' -'" ,,- . '
Skokomish are having with the I nora ro t.,or I
State Fisheries Department. i t t I
The statement said in part: I I eMCV¢ll'lrl:¢ I I
do not advocate or I I '"" I I
i UARANTI i hut an incident has °ccu'ed near ' "w"il"ble II
~ condone violence for any reason, I " I i
Hood Canal and I think its cause [ .... [
should be examined. I Ill Iffl I a=Ulff (100 ram. $3.60 carton)
, on the muffler, tailpipe, exhaust l . Manufacturers have raised cigarette prices
pipe and labor! (For as long as
~. you own your car) ~ average of 20 cents a carton. We orde
rnce as as thousands of dollars worth of inventory j
i :
109s : e increase and will continue to sell
, ll . our original low price until our current stock
For most American compact cars. 14.8 Secluded Wooded
Fast, free estimates on
all types of exhaust systems
* Made right here in Shelton
* Best guarantee anywhere
* Lowest price * Fast installation
We now carry Superior Shock Absorbers. Free
installation during our introductory period!
Hurry, ends November 30.
1725 Olympic
Phone for free estimate :
Highway S. SH E LTON 426-4243
acres near Union.
$11,950 terms
40 Acres near Hoodsport
on county road.
$1,750 per acre
Three offices on Hood Canal to serve you!
H00dsp0rt ez Brinn0n Quilcene
877-9535 796-4603 765-3518
limit on purchases. Refrigerate yo0¢
extra cartons.
*You pay no sales tax!
North of Shelton on Highway 101 at junction of 106. Look for th
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 27, 1975