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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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uary ng Dr. and Mrs. Allison R. Stewart of Shelton announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Allison, to Scott Taylor Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis W. Oliver of Centralia, Washington. The bride-elect, a graduate of Sbelton High School, attended the University of Washington and anne games and attended the American University in London, England during the same year. He is employed by Lassen Electric of Olympia• A January 3 wedding is planned. ca n J O a o in is currently enrolled at The Election set Thursday, November 27, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7 Evergreen State College. Election --¢ .......... For many, cooking is a become a doctor " Chocolate Off-- Cookies Her fiance is a graduate ofthe Am .o, ,:,.io oj, .cers oi breeze; for others, like Susan shares cookie reci s . v • • erlcan Assooauon ot pe 2/3 C. shortening Centraha High School and of the Re" ............... 12-year-old Susan Schank, the that she bakes to neffection ......... Oniversit,, of W --.'+'- - ,,,cu rersons WUl oe nelo at me. • o .~ ,. . . '-- • z/~ t~. gutter or margarine, 3 ...... $,u,, w,n a Monda-, meet ........ acqumng o[ me cunnary arts Is a Old Fashioned Oatmeal Cookies ---¢ .... -, Bachelor of S " . y mg m me anelton - clence degree m Senior C " hazardous procedure marked by .... 1 C r " " " Economics. He is a member of Phi A enter..., failure and disaster I t;. raisins . g anmatea sugar ......... noon t;nristmas potluck .... " .... 1 C water 1 C. brown sugar ma algma, tresnman SChOlastic will -reced ..... in her nrst try at toga 3/. - - - o,,s - . p e the garnering lug . 74 snortemng honorary; Omlcron Delta Epsilon, dub wm ....... rurnisn turkeys" and- preparation,. Susan. set herself l" rvz t;':" sugar 2 tsp. vanilla-": Economic honorary, and Sigmamembers are ........ asKeu to ormg eimer afire while attempting to scramble z" eggs" 3 C. flo"-m Alpha Epsilonsocial fraternity, ve"etabl .......... a few eggs. Second and third ....... _ . sarans or uesserts With de ree burns on a vulnerable arm 1 tsp. vamna 1 tsp. uda He served as an usher m table servlce g 2½C flour 1 tsp salt Munich for the 1972 Olvmnic ,,_ "" ...... were the painful results of her + • . " .^ . r vera ann Ulive 1roy will snow ..... 1 tsp soda 1 C chopped nuts .... eany sprmgeHorts • _ • • ., . . . h rSes or e ' .rlate atr, p through "Mother made me cool it for l tsp. salt 2 pkgs. (6 oz. each) L oTe cr)ancled Vir+ini_ age o[ samestown, a while," she confesses, "but after l tsp. cinnamon . claocolatechips a ann rlymouth, the burns healed I visited - ½ tsp baking powder Heat oven to 375 degrees. Mix The County Park Board will Massachusetts, the first E lish an aunt ½ tsp" cloves thoroughly shortening, butter, ng in Yakima and she let me bake " su ars e s and vanilla Blen in meet on December 8 at 6:30 p.m. settlements on the continentbox mix cakes" 2 C oats g , gg . d in Hoodsport Cafe rather than on Hostesses for this meeting are The visit extended ½ chopped nuts remaining ingredients. Drop Stewart Monday as previously planned. Mabel Aitken and Cecelia Corndl ........a L.,.. _ irom Simmer raisins and water over dough by rounded teaspoonfuls 2 " ,,uu-Jun~ .tu,,,,,u-Jmy, ann win, medium heat until raisins are inches apart onto ungreased her relatwes asmstance Susan, . - b ......... became unite oroficient plump, about 15 minutes. Drain amng sneer. 8 to 10 A JANUARY 17 WEDDING is planned for Robin Tibbits, "Mot'l er had ruled out all raisins, reserving liquid. Add minutes or until light brown. Cool daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis W. Tibbits of Shelton, and . surface cooking" Miss water to reserved liquid toslightly before removing from Marvin Barker, son of Mrs. Carol Blucher of Shelton and • +I~, L.#I-'I t~111~ b " • Feature Water, explains, "but after I returned measure ½ cup. Heat oven to400 a ng sheet. About 7 dozen Donald Barker of Kansas City, Missouri. Both are 1973 ~ 7~ JAN DANFORD 6 home she let me continue withd;orgt;neS" sMirXe t?°3°;a ig.hly coomes, graduates of Shelton High School• They will make their home baking g, ga , gg • Salted Peanut Cookies in Union. L . "I made chocolate chip Stir m reserv.ed liqu!d..Blend m Substitute 2 cups salted peanuts literally inundatedconcoctions can be created during procedure was not without its cookies from scratch," she remaining lngreu]ents, orgp for the chocolate pieces and raunications from the wee small after-the-ball hours problems, the more pressing of continues, "but they tasted like uougn oy rounded teasI .OmmSchopped nuts. Before baking, ,.COnsumers who insist of a.bitter winter night in an which was the ultimate disposal biscuits. I forgot the sugar, agent z inches apart, onto flatten each cookie with bottom Party planned by art group stmg uses for thee!ectnc percolator, descendant of of accumulated debris. We tried "Then I tried cupcakes, and ungreasea oarang s neet. e a to of glass that has been greased and yr than mose covered t hecommunal kettle and flushin the garbage down 0.o they were fair rmnutes or untu ugnt grown, dinned in sugar A Christmas party with gift Sheffler and Arlene Smith. A ~k's coin .... ~,, " About 6½ dozen cookies ~- --" " mn. Some of forerunner of the fondue pot. toilet but after an understandable Next I made a white cake " exchange will be hdd by theprogram of movies will be shown Irks were not nice at all. How well I remember the mishap with a large soup bone that weighed about 10 pounds ..................................... ................... .......... Shelton Art Group in the PUD by Chris Knudsen. |n e n t h u s i as tic sudden action necessitated when which threw the entire fourteenth My mother said it was the first auditorium on Wednesday. T h e t h e m e f o r st I have known forfootsteps paused before my floor into near hysteria, wetime she ever had to throw away Husbands and wives are invited, painting-of-the-month will be the Journal can be bolted door while with the devised a different method three-quarters of a cake. Host and hostesses are Davewinter scenery. Pictures shown in . utilized in summer assistance of my fellow Far too imple were initial "It sure lookednice, though." +:!j:i and Betty Palumbo, Denise Puget Sound National Bank last efficient mulch music-makers I perked a pungent attempts in which inedible In mutual despair Susan and .... ' month were painted by Winifred , garden rows whereit at of rlic I " " " ..... p ga -aden stew. remains m newspaper wrappm sher mother agreed that there Parrett, Gail Edmiston, • . g . ~=:: ~,+ !:~ :' ....... i! Ruth !dlcated and fearless The hard-knuckled rappin were buried beneath more would be no more cooking lessons + • • n • I . Broughton, Arlene Smith and ISt " " • "" . ~ ~:'+" +~:-:~::~ :~ dyers undemrableu n m po y guilty portal struck conventional discards in heapin at that tune VWWI slates Florence Stevens. :L . . terror to our hungry hearts, but wastebaskets. The bulging bundle Now, however, Susan is back . " i . . Waymire Frame Company will ' ewtse become aware roles were well rehearsed. The was ever suspect, and all too often at the old stand baking cookies * sponsor a display at the meeting. decided warmth drummer seized the bubblingthe maid examined the parcel and and according to her Mom she's hol,day party The public is invited. oy this outstanding container to hold it, complete gave the alarm which resulted in doing very well, indeed. ...... :an act as a deterrent with hastily unplugged cord, our shameful apprehension in the Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Madrona Barracks No. 1462 Veterans of World War I and 'Osts. Pipes protruding outside of a quickly openedwall-populated lobby before we Larry Schank of Shelton. Susan auxiliary will meet in the abundance from my window. As he leaned could accomplish our getaway, was born November 8, 1963 in ......... are embraced by nonchalantly against the drifting Perfection of the plan Seattle and came to Shelton in Memorial Hall on December4 for .,lUO l teknesses of outdated sill the trumpet man took required only an ornate overlay of time to enroll as a third-grader in a noon potluck and business Elinor Chapter Order of ter tender perennial accurate position to screen from fanciful paper and the addition of Evergreen School. " meeting to follow. Eastern Star Social Club will meet knee-deep stacks of easy view the arm that dangled a ribbon bow. Those glamorous Now, as a sixth-grader, she is a on Monday in Fir Tree+Park ford Entertainment and a gift noon potluck. +, into snowy space. The guitar man packages probably'+lay Unclaimed member of Girl Scout Troop No. ~~ exchange will be features of a A Christmas paf~ ~th ~~5!~0~+ the more printable rapi,dly ignited additional incense, in lost-and-found departments 308 with her mother as assistant Christmas party with a noonp.m. potluck will be held on ed from my arousedYes?" I queried innocently until their dubiouscontentsleader and Mary Hamhnasleader.• potluck slated for December 11 in December 8 in Union Masonic iaed the value of the through the reverberating panel, clamored for attention. While in second grade Susan the Memorial Hall. Temple. iftwrap. According to "Are you cooking in there?" My thanks are directedbegan her Girl Scout activities as a . 'Us lady, the society "Cooking!'" I laughed toward the lady whose timely Brownie.