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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Appearing on the docket in Mason County District Court before Judge Carol Fuller during the past week were: Justice Court Lawrence Bethel, 323 S. First, Shelton, no operator's license on person, $50 fine; Edward Schweitzer, P.O. Box 621, McCleary, molesting spawning salmon, $54 fine; Theodore Carlson, Rt. 1, Box 177, Oakville, speeding, $25 fine; Curtis Higgs, Natural Foods Vitamins Open Monday thru Friday 9:30 to 5:30 First & Railroad 426-5158 II I IIIII I I I Rt. 3, Box 419, Shelton, no valid tonnage displayed, $25 forfeit; Harry Eshon, P.O. Box 301, McCleary, molesting salmon, $54 forfeit; Norman McGowan, 2442 SE 89th, Portland, Oregon, failure to yield right-of-way, $25 forfeit; Mark Weston, P.O. Box 481, Hoodsport, improper passing, $25 forfeit; Kenneth Christensen, 614 S. G St., Westport, speeding, $25 forfeit; Gary Current, P.O. Box 626, Tenino, improper passing, $25 forfeit; Glenda Martin, 2545 Narrows Dr., Tacoma, speeding, $25 forfeit; Gordon Squire, St. Rt. 1, Box 55, Belfair, carrying a loaded rifle in a motor vehicle, $25 forfeit; Robert Wilson, 222 S. Seventh, Shelton, attempting to snag salmon, $50 fine; Gordon Squire, St. Rt. 1, Box 55, Belfair, violation of tagging requirements on deer, $25 free; John Merryman, 2020 Adams, Shelton, speeding, defective equipment, $75 fine, $35 suspended; Mary Henry, 1719 Monroe St., Shelton, improper passing, $25 fine, suspended. Municipal Department Dana Parrino, 1322 East State St., Olympia, driving while Hard to Get i ! Available 426-4424 A eQUAXlN I•ILANI) TIHaAIL ENTIEIHqIIlilE Our Thanks to the hundreds of people who made our Grand Opening a great success! Winners of our Free Drawing 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Beverly Rank Tony Fonzo Laurie Zoren 719 N. 4th, Shelton 404 Laurel, Shelton 628 Franklin, Shelton won a free won a gallon won a $10 Trading turkey of oysters Post gift certificate Oyster Specials* Ex. Small $ 10 10 Oz. jar.. Small $100 Medium 10 Oz. jar. lO Oz. jar Prices effective thru 11/29 * NO SALES TAX! Watch 10:00 am & iO:O0 I).tn Sunday Closed Thanksgiving Kamilche Trading Po=t Located one block from Hklhway t Ot on McCleary Cutoff 426-99e0 I intoxicated, 30 days in jail, suspended, $250 fine; Ronald Peterson, 420 Ellinor, Shelton, hindering police, $100 forfeit; Rhea La Clair, 420 Ellinor, Shelton, disturbing the peace, seven days in jail, suspended, 25 hours community service; Richard Ruddell, Rt. 10, Box 31, Shelton, disturbing the peace, $100 forfeit; Loren Hobbs, 1718 Jones Rd., Shelton, negligent driving, $65 t'me; Kelly Hallberg, 302 West T St., Tumwater, failure to stop at stop sign, $25 forfeit; Neva Van Valkenberg, 429 Fairrnont, Shelton, speeding, $44 forfeit; Stephen Chase, 63 Kendal St., Quincy, Mass., vulgar language and indecent conduct, six days in jail; Grady Banks, 517 Euclid, Shelton, disturbing the peace, $45 £me, three days in jail; Paul Gullickson, 6422 Old Belfair Highway, Belfair, speeding, $25 fine; Rebecca Rosin, 709 Quincy Ave., Chehalis, speeding, $38 forfeit; Anthony Sannicandro, P.O. Box 763, Shelton, speeding, $10 rme; Lawrence Gosser, Rt. 2, Box 111, Shelton, negligent driving, $100 forfeit; Kay McHenry, St. Rt. 2, Box 33, Union, physical control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, $500 forfeit; Glynn Roller, Rt. 3, Box 812, Shelton, negligent driving, $250 forfeit. SHELTON POLICE The gate to the U.S. Forest Service vehicle compound was found open. Vehicles driven by Dan Johnson and Mrs. John Bennett collided at B Street and Highway 101. Raenae Lanning reported an Frank Tyler reported the burglary of a summer residence. Austin Huhn reported he found a boat. Cecil Wiswell reported a burglary. Floyd Peterson reported a summer cabin broken into. W. A. Nicholson reported a wallet lost. Too Late to Classify FOR LEASE -- 3-bedroom, 2-bath home, Angleside area. $160 per month plus $160 deposit. References required. LaBissoniere Agency, Inc. 426-1641. L11/27 DISAPPEARED SATURDAY near Sound Lumber Co. -- Small female dachshund. Stand-up ears, black, tan markings. 426-2455. W11/27 AVAILABLE DECEMBER 1, 2-bedroom apartment, unfurnished, complete with washer/dryer, built-in appliances, wall-to-wall carpet, carport. Contact Mark at Harvey's, 426-3341. Hll/27 HOUSE SALE -- Miscellaneous. 1725 Stewart Street. Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jll/27 FOR SALE -- Like new floral sofa and Ioveseat, $250. 426-2102. M11/27-12/4 FOR SALE -- Walnut antique gateleg dining table with pads. Like-new sofa and Ioveseat, $195, blue-green. Playpen, $10. 426-6413 after 5. Dll/27-12/4 BUS BODIES. Ideal for storage. Mason County Salvage, formerly Shelton Junk, Lost Lake Road. 426-8626. Mll/27 1972 VEGA S/W, 46,000 miles, radial tires, serviced each 60 days, $2,050. 426-2872 nights; 426-1633 days. $11/27 attempted burglary. 1972 STARLIGHT mobile home, Mary Stephens reported a 48x20, 3-beclroom, condition good, $9,025. Call 426-1976 after pickup taken from in front of her 6:30 p.m. H11/27tfn residence. The vehicle was found to have been repossessed by a finance company. Larry Tobin reported vandalism to a house. Sally Prouty turned in a pair of glasses which she found near First and Park. A partially dismantled bicycle was found in the woods off Callanan Street. The owner was found by officers. A vehicle driven by Lois Ahlquist went over the bank on East Pine near the city limits. Mrs. Ahlquist was taken to Mason General Hospital. Anthony Sannicandro reported a car taken from Railroad Avenue. It was located in the Safeway parking lot. Claude Rickards reported his daughter's shoes taken at the swimming pool. A parked car owned by Jackie Anderson was hit by another vehicle. Irene Trim reported a vehicle drove over her lawn. Vehicles driven by Harrison DeVoe and Margaret Connet collided at Sixth and Alder. SHERIFF'S OFFICE Pat Bums reported a cabin burglarized. 1963 FORD 1/z-ton pickup with canopy, good condition, $725. 1964 Chevelle wagon, rare, 2-door, body Mans Special, needs paint, $350. 426-8870. D11/27-12/4 $1,500 BELOW appraisal -- 4-bedroom home with 2 baths. On South Hill. Double lot all fenced, excellent for kids ,to play safely at home. Large garage. Priced at $23,500. Inside will be redecorated. Call Cee Bee Realty, Olympia 357-6718. Cll/27-12/4 WANTED -- DINING room table with 4 chairs. Good condition. For children's use. 426-4711. E11/27 27" CAMPUS green Schwinn lO-speed, new tires, accessories, $75. 1973 CL175 Honda, $400. Call 426-6245 after 5 p.m. Bll/27-12/18 FOR SALE -- 1975 Honda XL175, 4-stroke, tuned powroll pipe, good knobby on back, runs like a 250. Would like $900. Phone 877-9788 from 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 11:30 a.m;-10 p.m. TO make offer come to Sea Breeze Restaurant. Z11/27 FOR SALE -- Two foam twin mattresses and bunkie units, $10 a set. 426-4227. F11/27 OLD FARMHOUSE on 3 acres, 1/2 mile from town. Small barn. Partly remodeled. $18,000. $3,600 down, $152/mo., 9*/0 interest per annum. Tokos Realty, 426-3361 or 426-1435. Tll/27 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported vandalism to a boat. George Kinhey reported the burglary of a summer cabin. Don Hurlberg reported oysters taken from a beach. Carl Kvamston reported he found two whiteface calves. Harlan Buitenveld reported vandalism to a new home under construction. Chrystal DeLong turned in a .22 caliber rifle she found. Curt Owen reported a dog lost. Reed Ridge reported a residence entered and about $500 worth of items taken. Nell McDonald reported clam poachers. Roger Batoo reported the burglary of a garage in which a 10-speed bicycle was taken. Pat Rosentangle reported an outboard motor taken. CITY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the City of Shelton during the past week were to Georgia Jackson, fireplace, $1,100. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Planner's Office during the past week were to G. John Brush Jr., reroof residence, $600; State Parks and Recreation Commission, renovation of comfort station and bathhouse, $64,620; Charles Wolfenbarger, mobile home, no value listed. FIRE DEPARTMENT November 19, 6:20 p.m., CAP building, Sanderson Field. November 20, 3:35 p.m., Henry Parish residence, 2020 Hay St., oil heater. November 20, 1 i p.m., Mayte residence, 510 Grant, hot chimney. FIRE DISTRICT FIVE November 18, 1:51 p.m., fire call, Harstine Island, chimney fire. November 18, 1:57 p.m., aid call, motorcycle accident, one injury, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital. November 19, 8:03 a.m., fire call,mutual aid to District 4. November 19, 10:21 a.m., aid call, possible cardiac, transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital. inlllllllllnnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Mason General Hospital A son to Cindy and Thomas Bixenmann, Star Route I, Box 28, Belfair, November 20. Singers to IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIBIBIBBBBBmlIIIIHIlUlHI at ¢ The New Galilean Singers, a gospel singing group with an exciting new sound, will be, featured at the Skokomish Valley Community Church Sunday evening with a concert commencing at 6:30 p.m.T.J. Calvin and his wife Karen were former members of the Galileans, a group formed in 1967. The New Galilean Singers are traveling full-time as singing evangelists and have released two long-playing albums. Since June they have been traveling throughout the north and southwestern states. There will be a candlelight sandwich and salad supper preceding the concert at 5 p.m. The public is wdcome to attend the supper and concert. Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's Office this week were: Steven B. Johns, 20, Union, and Debra Gauley, 21, Union. Eric Jorstad, 19, Union, and Evelyn Kinnan, 23, Shelton. Larry Haas Jr., 18, Elma, and Melody Fuller, 16, Shelton. Craig Anderson, 34, Shelton, and Crystal Anderson, 33, Eugene, Oregon. MOTOR 1 306 Olympic HwY' 426-4602 Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR NON- INTERVENTION DECREE NO. 4609 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LILLIAN B. MOR R ISON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that WILLIAM C. MORRISON, as personal representative of the above estate, has filed in the office of the Clerk of the above Court the Final Report and Petition for Non-intervention Decree requesting the Court to approve the Report and distribute the property of the estate to the persons entitled thereto. The Final Report and Petition for Nonintervention Decree will be heard on the 19 day of December, 1975, at 9:30 A.M. in the Courtroom of the Probate Department of the above Court, at which time and place any person interested in the estate may appear and file objections to and contest the Final Report. DATED this 21st day of November, 1975. Elaine Province Clerk of the Court /s/Betty Thompson Deputy Glenn E. Correa Attorney for Personal Representative 121 S. 4th Street Shelton, Washington 11/27-1t Perfect love There is no fear' in 16ve; bttt perfect love casteth out fear. 1 John 4:18 tat ~'IP Those shoes from H & H SHOES in Olympia are the most beautiful shoes, and hardly cost anything. TL FAMOUS NAME BRAND WOMEN'S AND MEN'S Discount Prices. H & H SHOES 411 W. 4th Ave., 0 E = . = E = ~ = DALLY EXCEPT SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS i- = PASSENGER SCHEDULE = Leave Shelton 8:45 a.m. 4:45 p.m. = Arrive Olympia 9:15 a.m. 5:15 p.m. == Leave Olympia 9:45 a.m. 5:50 p.m. = : Arrive Shelton10:15 a.m. 6:20 p.m. | PARCEL EXPRESS SERVICE .= = OLYMPIA DEPOT SHELTON -= Greyhound Bus Depot Senior Center Capitol Way and 7th 208 Grove Street i ......... Phone: 357-5541 Phone: 426-2910 = ~llnll I!11 iiiilnll i Ii IIIIllnlll InlllIlllllllllllllllnlllllll 426-4302 THIS WEEK'S 20s w. cota SPECIAL Shelton Oord's Gold Greatest hits of Gordon Lighffoot 2 record set, reg. 9.98, now ............. 8 track double, reg. 10.98, now ............ Open Thanksgiving from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Hillcrest REGULAR HOURS Mon.-Sat. 7 a.m. to 1 I p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mt. View Leo Sez: Vinylast Storm Doors Windows. For information and free estimate, call Leo at Olympic Hwy. South & Cascade 426-2000 Shelton * Always 10% off to Senior C itizens. Financing available (up to 10 years to pay) * Call anytime. Evenings phone 426-4845 4 l BE South First St. Owners: Dan, Jim, John & Vern Stewart. Diesel Mechanic: Lyle Linton Work • Welding • Truck and equipment service • Pressure washing & steam cleaning • Wheel bearing and seal installation • Engine rebuilding • Transmission & rear end rebuilding • Brake work • Diesel valve and injector work • Frame bushing replacement • 'Jake Brake' service "esel .k f • Mack --engine, drive, cooling, steering, suspension, cab parts & filters • Exhaust--4" & 5" mufflers, elbows, & flex tubing • Stemco wheel seals • Timken wheel bearings • Cummins • Detroit Diesel • Anchorlok air cans • Air brake hose and hardware • Brake lining & drums -- wheel nuts • Axle nuts & locks • Fleetguard filters • Jacobs Engine brake parts We work on all trucks, loaders, skidders, shovels, dozers, backhoes, farm tractors -- just about any piece of equipment you can drive, haul or tow through a 15' x 15' door. 8 Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, November 27 1975