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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1975
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ue opener rl e ¢ou are, padding odd little room at t School, sweat beginning at your temples. ,our feet lies a n-like carpet of your way across of the times out of bed in the of the night only to that your tootsies linger ~lumber. a fellow in a Mickey shrills on a silver le and pipes up, on a good pancake gentlemen." When you expecting maybe and the Tin Woodsman a syrupy stack of hotcakes, you are instead by a legion of young men steaming layer upon layer of clothing. g,0tta lose four more announces one lad, like a somber space in a billowing sweatsuit a dozen sizes too big And then he puts a on a strangely willing tumbles with him heap at your feet. Is not a dramatic of Alice in as far as anyone is the only mushrooms the home-ec program standard supermarket this is, rather, is the wrestling practice I"d the fellows who it in this the final week ~e start of the 1975 ty-two students of and sizes sweat and " this 85-degree at-lined incubator five Week, working on and some of the maneuvers basic to ',SUch as the pancake and not working," barks the Mickey Mouse should be worth Let's go!" The in this case is Gene with Mike Sims to Head Coach starting his seventh the Climbers weigh in for their opening 4 in Elma, their among others, who competed at season. Senior Dale best at 148 pounds be wrestling "either said Wentz, while who suffered prevented his competition last be in the 129-pound r Climber with State, junior Rusty be missed in the division for or eight weeks, said is recuperating kneecap. Karl Stolen, a hopeful, and Ridout, at 158, out for at least 8-10 injuries - Karl's a and Kevin's a knee entz said Ridout, "a could be out side,Wentz has in returnees Dan enior aiming for a bracket; a 178- to Senior; and senior who Wentz describes as "very fast." The Climbers also have good experience back at the lighterweight brackets, with senior Steve Ford getting some competition from sophomores Ken Thomason, Brian Dunbar and Matt Kamin in the 101-and 108-pound brackets. Steve says he's working toward the 101 division but has a few pounds to pare off. The football season took its toll on Wentz' corps even before competition got underway. Senior Tom Myer is still nursing his broken hand, and Mike Hovind remains confined to the weightroom while his knee heals. Stressing the importance of recovering from these preseason injuries, Wentz cited the team's three major goals for 1975: 1)Be competitive, 2) finish near the top of the league and 3) be among the top four at State. "If we don't have any more injuries," commented the coach, "I think these are realistic goals - and so does the team." The Climbers were 13th out of about 60 schools at State last year - the school's best showing ever. Wentz realizes that a fourth-place finish is a tall order, but he believes that, if three or four of his wrestlers can compete near their potential at State, such is not impossible. To help prepare his Climbers for the eventuality of wrestling four or five times in one day, as they might have to at State, Wentz has scheduled nonleague Coach Dick Wentz tournaments throughout the regular season - two for the jayvees and three for the varsity. "We feel that in order to be fully prepared you must wrestle in tournaments," said Wentz. "A lot of wrestlers have sort of a psychological barrier about wrestling against schools they may never have heard of before, and these tournaments help them overcome this feeling because we invite several AAA schools and other nonleague opponents. "Also," he added, "it helps them to experience wrestling three or four times a day. You're at a definite disadvantage, we've found, if you go to State without having had that sort of experience." With the degree to which one tips the scales of no small importance in a sport having rigid weight classes and weigh-ins before every match, dieting is of constant concern to the wrestler. "A doctor determines at the start of the season precisely how much weight each wrestler may lose safely," said Wentz, "so in that respect it is completely out of our hands. "However," he added, "it does present a problem from a coaching standpoint. We stress that if you must reduce you should doso slowly. To do otherwisemeans you'll lose strength - and with it competitiveness." Wentz went on to say that, while most wrestlers do lose a pound or two to make weigh-in, they are advised strenuously against d regular three-to four-pound weight loss before matches. "If that happens more than once we have a serious talk with the young man," said the coach, " and if he were to continue to do it we might ask him to stop wrestling." Wentz stresses hard work and repetition of basic moves as keys to wrestling success. "If your opponent practices a move, say, a thousand times and you do it ten thousand times," he said, "nine t'.trnes gut of you'll beat him with it, The key is in a person's using his opponent's strength and weight to his own advantage - much as one does in judo, for instance. Good technique will beat good strength almost every time. "Our motto is 'Keep it simple'," continued the coach, explaining perhaps in part his reluctance to try to explain in SENIOR VETERANS taking a break from their workouts this week as the wrestling opener draws near are (front, from left) Clint Morgan, Steve Ford, Dan Oliveira, (standing, from left) Earl Freeman, Jesse Sharpes, Dale Brewer and Wayne Devaney. Not pictured is Tom Myer. words what a pancake wizard is. "It's very difficult to try to explain and just about as hard to teach," he said, "but basically it's a series of offensive or defensive moves. A good wizard man is very hard to take down, for instance - but then he may also be very tough offensively." In any event, the wrestlers will be called on to display their basic and not-so-basic skills every week even before they get into a match. Since only one wrestler may compete for the team weight class, there will be weekly challenge matches in which the top man in each division will defend his position against the second-place man, the third-place man against the second or the fourth, and so on. "In order to move up to the top spot a wrestler must beat everyone in his class," said Wentz. "The fourth-place man, for "KISS ME, PETRUCHIO!" Sophomore Brian Willis (right) appears to be smiling somewhat fondly upon sophomore Andy Medcalf during a practice session this week as John Bolender, also a sophomore, pretends it's tag-team night at the Forum. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Knudsen 3, Marie James 422; Nault's 2, Betty Dean 517; Rollin Wheels 2, Peg Knutzen 458; B&R 1, Shirley Weaver 424; Hood Canal Bank 3, Donna Coleman 502; Manke & Sons 3, Sally Graham 388; Log Cabin 1, Carolyn Hoosier 384. Hard to Get i ] Available 426-4424 (~ame: Edith Walter Ill Series: Edith Walter : Himlie 27-21, Hood Canal Bank 25-23, Manke & Manke & audsen 231/z-24:b, Log Cabin n Wheels -~rs 20:k-27z/2. 2, Lyda Willey Birgitta Jenner 1, Edith Walter ltty Brown 483; Krause 439; 'AWAY SOUNDBUlLT INTRODUCES THEIR NEW ROOFING DIVISION For all of your roofing needs -- call: KIM WHITEAKER Shelton 426-1486 after 6 p.m. JESS CURTINDALE Olympia 943-9556 BETTER QUALITY LESS MONEY FREE ESTIMATES I's Toy and Shop est Cota instance, can't just challenge the Steve Ford Sr. 101-108 top man. First he's got to beat the Ken Thomason So. 108 Brian Dunbar So. 101-108 two guys ahead of him." Matt Kamin So. 101-108 Chet Chapman Jr. 108 Wentz added that after about scott Valley Jr. 115 midseason it will take two defeats Rick ClareyJr. 122 Start Goodburn So. 129 in challenge matches to oust the Dave Johnston Jr. 122 top man in a class - not just one. clint Morgan Sr. 129 Arden Merrlman Jr. 129 "That will eliminate the situation Keith Smith So. 129 where a guy simply has a bad Pat O'Brien Jr. 122 Andy MedcalfSo. 135 day," he said. Brian WillisSo. 135 Dan OliveiraSr. 135 This year, due to scheduling Karl Stolen Jr. 141 difficulties, the freshmen are Rick HaskellSo. 148 Steve MarlerJr. 141 ineligible to compete at the Dale Brewer St. 141-148-158 varsity level. They will compete Rusty Wickett Jr. 148 Dave Winckler St. 135 under Coach Chris Harmia in a TOm My= Sr. 158 league of their own. "The KevlnRIdout So. 158 Larry Jones Jr. 158 decision is just for this one year," Earl FreemanSr. 168 Don Daniels So. 168 said Wentz. "We'll have to see John Bolender So. 168 about next year." George Velkov Sr. 135 Jesse Sharpes Sr. 168-178 The following is the 1975 Dave Sadler Jr. 135 varsity roster: Wayne Devaney Sr. 178-190 MICKEY MOUSE T-shifted Assistant Coach Gene Crater addresses a group of wrestlers as turnouts intensified this week. Sports twenty-five )'ears ago CLIMBERS MAKE ALL-STAR TEAMS Shelton players took several spots on the all-star listing made up by Central League football coaches following the completion of the 1950 gridiron season. Named to the first team was Tike Hillman, Shelton's able center. The second team listing saw Dan Austin, Murray Coleman, Danny Yarr, Jack Davidson and Bob lacrett dubbed by league coaches. Making the list of honorable mention was Jim Dean. Hillman, Austin, Eacrett, Davidson and Dean are graduating seniors this year. Tirecap & Car Care 1st & Cota Shelton .,,. December 4 December 18 December 22 January 8 January 12 January 15 January 22 January 26 January 29 February 5 Highclimber Wrestling Schedule Elma at Elma CAPITAL at Shelton TUMWATEP-. at Shelton Chehalis at Chehalis TIMBERLINE at Shelton OLYMPIA at Shelton Hoquiam at Hoquiam NO. THURSTON at Shelton Centralia at Centralia Aberdeen at Aberdeen Shelton Girls Gymnastics Schedule December 3 December 10 January 7 January 14 January 21 January 28 February 11 February 18 February 21 Centralia at OLYMPIA at CAPITAL at Chehalis at CENTRALIA at Olympia at Capital at CHEHALIS at SUB-DISTRICT at Centralia Shelton Shelton Chehalis Shelton Olympia Capital Shelton Shelton Shelton Boys Swimming Schedule December 3 December 10 December ! 7 January 14 January 28 February 4 February 6 February 11 February 13 February 27-28 Black Hills Relays OLYMPIA No. Thurston Aberdeen TIMBERLINE HOQUIAM SUB-DISTRICT Capital District State at Tumwater at Shelton at No. Thurston at Aberdeen at Shelton at Shelton at Shelton at Capital at Olympia at U of Washingt December 3 December 10 December 17 January 14 January 28 February 4 February 11 February 25 Shelton Bowling Schedule CAPITAL at Aberdeen at Centralia at Olympia at Capital at ABERDEEN at CENTRALIA at OLYMPIA at Shelton Aberdeen Centralia Olympia Capital Shelton Shelton Shelton December 2 December 5 December 9 December 12 December 16 December 19 December 23 January 6 January 13 January 16 January 20 January 23 January 27 January 30 February 3 February 6 February 10 February 13 February 20 February 24 February 27 March 5-6 March 12-13 March 19-20 Highclimber Basketball Schedule Jamboree Olympia at Olympia TUMWATER at Shelton No. Thurston at No. Thurston TIMBERLINE at Shelton CENTRALIA at Shelton Elma at Elma Aberdeen at Aberdeen Chehalis at Chehalis CAPITAL at Shelton HOQUIAM at Shelton OLYMPIA at Shelton Tumwater at Tumwater NO. THURSTON at Shelton Timberline at Timberline Centralia at Centralia ELMA at Shelton ABERDEEN at Shelton CHEHALIS at Shelton Capital at Capital Hoquiam at Hoquiam District Regional State Friday & Saturday starting at 7:30 Double eliminations Entry $2.00 per team Any team can enter that shows up on time. Team Trophy & Permanent Trophy 320 So. first St. Thursday, November 27, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9