November 27, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 27, 1975 |
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opening of 27 winter governmental accounting, have arranged child care facilities
academic programs to geology, biology, astronomy, so that single parents unable to
interested in becoming mathematics, literature, creative leave children-agestwothrough
students at The writing, music, arts and crafts, eight - at home may bring them
een State College waslibrary research, sociology, to campus during class hours.
ted this week by history, political science, A part-time studies catalog-
Lynn Patterson. philosophy, and linguistics, listing available programs and
for the programs Patterson said the part-time offering prospective students
17 modular courses, p r o g r a m s a r e o p e n t o information on academic advising,
• -taught coordinateddegree.seeking persons who may counseling, pursuit of degrees,
and four group not be able to attend college and registration details - will be
studies - will begin classes on a full-time basis or to distributed in late November or
8 in Room 110 of the those who just wish to undertake early December.
Activities Building and college-level academic work Further information on all
on weekdays through though not actively seeking aspects of the part-time studies
er 19. Following the degrees at this time. program may be obtained from
reak, part-time students Most part-time students take the college's Office of Admissions
be able to register the one unit of Evergreen credit at a (866-6170).
5-9. time - equivalent to four quarter Modular courses open to
hours elsewhere. Those seeking part-time students during winter
quarter classes run degrees may take up to two units, quarter include:
5 to March 19. Following the pattern of fall Governmental Accounting;
programs include a quarter, Evergreen officials have Career Planning, Decision-Making
of studies, includingscheduled many of the academic and Job Search; The Interviewing
r'Hanning courses, offerings for evening hours and Process; Principles of Geology -
Just in time for Christmas! Celebrate our anniversary with great savings on
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ents fo
the Pacific Northwest; Flowers,
Fowle, and Fyshes: A Survey of
Systematic Biology; Cosmology:
The Modern View of the Creation
and Ew)lution of the Universe;
Abstract Algebra;
Mathematics/Beginning Statistics;
Pre -Calculus Mathematics;
Calculus; Starting From Zero Between the Covers: Library American Revolution; Ethics and
(basic math); From Homer toResearch. Politics;and Science and Culture:
Hemingway (literature); Another Coordinated studies withBeyond Specialization.
Approach to Creative Writing; limited openings to part-timeGroup contracted studies with
The Evergreen Muse (chamberstudents include: limited openings to part-time
music performance); The Love in the Western World; students include :
Craftsman in Contemporary Africa and the United States; Social ilistoly of Women;
Society; Companion Animals;and Working in America; The Rationalism, Idealism,
t'nq')iricisln~ Linguistics; :ie, d ,,\
Cultural and Social History ~t Arl
and Architecture m (,re~>e,
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Thursday, November 27, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Paq~ ]/