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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications The Veterans Administration The law protects veteransfee. TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF APPLICATION tlus week issued a reminder to from costly payments when they Students failing to complete No. 4666 No. 4669 FOR SHORELINE veterans and dependents enrolled cancel a course before reaching nonaccredited courses may be IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEVELOPMENT PERMIT i n o r c o n s i d e r i n g a the hal ,f~ay mark, and provides a charged the registration fee (not FOR MASON COUNTY FOR MASON COUNTY Notice is hereby given that correspondence course under the 10-day coofing off' period from to exceed $10) and the cost of In the Matter of the Estate of In the Matter of the Estate of Ray Finucan has filed an ANN L. BURRIS, Deceased. J. COU RTNEY PAULEY, application for a substantial GI Bill that special legislation the time the veteran signs anthat portion of the course The undersigned is the Deceased. development permit for the gives them added protection from application for a correspondence actually completed, appointed and qualified Personal The undersigned is the construction or development of poss le fraud or abuse by some course. The VA advised any veteran Representative of said estate, appointed and qualified Personal 26)b x34 chalet cabin on existing Persons having claims against the Representative of said estate, piers & deck located at Lots 45 & operators of such schools. Under this provision, after the or dependent having questions deceased must serve the claim on Persons having claims against the 46, Cathary Beach, Tracts Block 2 ten days the veteran must affirm concerning correspondence the undersigned, or the attorney deceased must serve the claim on in Gov. Lot 2 --within Section 24 of record, at the address stated the undersigned, or the attorney of Township 22N., Range 3 in writing to the VA that he is courses under the G1 Bill to below and must file an executed of record, at the address stated W.W.M., Mason County, =----~-~;---------------~-~--------------- going to take the course, contact the nearest Veterans copy of the claim with the Clerk below and must file an executed Washington. Said development is RINIi Eltllrto Should he decide not to Administration office, of the Court within four months copy of the claim with the Clerk proposed to be within Hood pursue the course before after the date of first publication of the Court within four months Canal and/or its associated completing the notice to the VA, of this notice or within four after the date of first publication wetlands. months after the date of the filing of this notice or within four Any person desiring to of a copy of this notice or the months after the date of the filing express his views or to be notified Purdy Realty I he must advise the school of his claim will be barred, except under of a copy of this notice or the of the action taken on this ° ° I decision and it must make a P 0 Box 401 Legal PuMk.tions those provisions included in RCW claim will be barred, except under application should notify the -..P.O. Bo.x.401 .... I prompt refund of the total 11.40.011. those provisions included in RCW Board of Mason County ~1 Hamor, wA ~ts~i~b ! amount paid by the veteran Date of filing copy of notice 11.40.011. Commissioners in writing of his to creditors: Nov. 14, 1975. Date of filing copy of noticeinterest within thirty days of the or eligible dependent. Date of first publication: Nov. to creditors: November 14, 1975. last date of publication of this _ Shelton Acre,lge [ In these c~cumstances, of NOTICE OF SALE OF 20, 1975. Date of first publication: notice. Publication dates of this 5 plus acres on the White Road I ,.,-,,,-,~ th,, o,.hN, I ...... 1A I,,, ABANDONED VEHICLES /s/Raymond G. Burris November 20, 1975. notice are Nov. 20 and Nov. 27, near Lake Isabella. 5 parcels to J ,.v,~.~, ................ Notice is herebygiven that on RAYMOND G. BURRIS /s/Sandra Marie Pauley 1975. choose from. Priced from I entitled to the return of any Sat.,Nov. 29th, 1975 at 2:00 Personal Representative SANDRA MARIE PAULEY 11/20-27-2t $5,950 and up. Terms. J course material already provided, Marv s Exxon Towing, c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER Personal Representative 6 50 W alnut St., Shelton, Attorney at Law c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER NOTICE OF APPLICATION If the veteran or dependent Washington, in compliance with 125V2 N. 5th Street Attorney at Law FOR SHORELINE New Home I completes 25 percent or less of a Chapter 42, Laws of 1969, 1st Shelton, Washington 125V2 N. 5th Street MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL 2.bedroom, 10 miles from I , _ _ Extraordinary Session the 98584 P.O. Box 396 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Shelton, access to saltwater I correspondence course and thenfollowing described abandoned 11/20-27-12/4-3t Shelton, Washington beach, boat ramp:In the heart I qmts, the school may retain the vehicles will be sold: Notice is hereby given that ~in.~g. MTUSttisee t°I registration fee (not to exceed 1961 Oldsmobile (Dynamic 98584 -,-,-- ............ v .... 88) 2-door, L c. No. BCZ-807 ID 11/20-27-12/4-3tSea Farms, Inc. who is Purchaser of the below-described property " ........ I $50) plus 25 percent of the No. 612C10708. ' has filed an application for a NOTICE TO CREDITORS substantial development permit course cost. If between 25 and 50 1963 Dodge 4-door, Lic. No. No. 4668 for the development of a shellfish i Percent of a course IS completed, HBK-815, ID No. 5033182351. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF hatchery (oysters & clams) Call Julius Stock 857-2121 I " 1968 Pontiac (Catalina) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON located at Blocks 6, 12 & 13, Plat evenings 426-6911 I the school may retain half the4-door, Lic. No. XAL-420, I D No. FOR MASON COUNTY course cost plus the registration 252698X135823. In the Matter of the Estate ofRESOLUTION NO. 553 of Lilliwaup Falls, within N.E. 1963 Ford (Comet) 2-door, PETER M. PILLER, Deceased. WHEREAS, experience has quarter of section 30 of township - Lic. No. 7Q-1 143, ID No. T he undersigned is the demonstrated that utilization of 23 N., Range 3 W.W.M., in Mason 1964 Plymouth (Fury) Representative of said estate, been and may be expected to development is proposed to 10e Don't sweat I 2 door, Lic. NO. 3W-7352, ID NO. Persons having claims against the continue to be minimal on certain within Hood CanaI-Lilliwaup Bay Let us worry about -, ~ I 3441107298. , deceased must serve the claim on holidays, and . and/or its associated wetlands. Marvin E. Cline, Marv s Exxonthe undersigned, or the attorney WHEREAS operation ot Any person desiring to express his your woter pump. /~, 1 J i~"~ i/~(IJ I T o w i n g, R e sis try N o.of record, at the address stated these facilities on holidays results views or to be notified of the k ~k~ ~'~-~! UJv/ I R23-04-0006. below and must file an executed in inconvenience to the operating action taken on this application I i= ~ ~ 11/27-1t copy of the claim with the Clerk personnel and increased cost to should notify Mason County iseaell Pump Co. " I o, the Court within four months thecounty. E IT Board of Commissioners in after the date of first publication NOW, THEREFORE, B writing of his interest within ~f~x?:nclc4ef----------13 [ of this notice or within four RESOLVED that effective at thirty(30) days of thelast notice months after the date of the filing once the Central Landfill and the given pu rsuant to WAC of a copy of this notice or the three Collection-Transfer Stations 173-14-020. The final date of 24yearso e p "n Mason County li']T~ I claim will be barred' except under near Belfair' Uni°n and publicati°n'p°sting'°rmailing°fHoodsport will be closed on notice is Dec. 4, 1975. Written those provisions included in RCW Thanksgiving, Christmas and New comments must be received by 11"40"011" • Sales & Service • All types of water pumps Expert Instailahon I Date of filing copy of notice Year's Day. _ - January 4, 1975. to creditors: November 14, 1975. B E I T F U R T H I= I< 11/27-12/4-2t - -- Date of first publication: RESOLVED that the Director of F._.Illl IF mS'rn lru ......Overhauls ! " Cutting & Wrapping - Brakes & Ignition 'l " Curing, Sausage - Welding & Tune-ups I Making I " Sharp Freezing l ED'S SERVICE I HOME MEAT SERVICE I219 So. Ist 426-1212 [Kamilche 426-1643 ...... Back Hoe Service Septic Tank Installations Ditching Bonded & Licensed Dale Fleshman 426-3073 After 5 426-8896 Beauty -- Complete Hair Care --- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches - Merle Norman Cosmetics Pennyrich Brae ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Builder • Building • Remodeling • Cabinets DICK WOOD Rt. I, Box 598 426-3657 Mason Lake Drive, Grapeview Cable TV For Service Call 426-1691 Concrete - Ready-mix Concrete -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks -- Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 Drugs -- Helena Rubinstein -= Cosmetics -- Prescriptions -- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY Sth & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 EIK'trical- Bonded * Licensed * Wiring Heating * Freser-Johnson Electric Furn;lce end Heat Pumps Underground * Cofnrnerciel ARCADIA ILlCTIIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - Publications NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN CiTY OF that I will proceed to sell at NOTICE OF PUBLIC public auction to the highest WASTEWATER FA~ bidder for cash, within the hours IMPROVEMENT PF prescribed by law for Sheriff's ENVIRONMEN Sales, to-wit, ten o'clock A.M. on ASSESSMEI~ the 12th day of December, 1975, The City of SI before the courthouse door of conduct a public Mason County, Fourth Street discuss proposed alter entrance, at Shelton, in the State the potential env of Washington, all of the right, impacts of improverm t itle and interest of said City's wastewater faclll defendant(s) in and to the DATE:December! following described property TIME: 7:00 p m. situated in Mason County, State PLACE: City" Hall, of Washington, to-wit: Washington . Lot 20 of Kamilche Shores as The alternative imp recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, plans involve impr.~ page 120, records of Mason existing treatment plant County, Washington the plant to other SUBJECT TO: Rights grantedinterceptors for W to the public in a dedication of transportation. Detail~ the plat to make slopes in the proposed improvement l reasonable original grading of the be inspected at the Depi streets shown thereon, and also Public Works, CitY the right to drain all streets over summary of the alternl and across any lot or lots where and their envir0 there might take a natural course assessment can be obta!! SUBJECT TO: Charges and Department of Pub~ assessments, due or to become (462-6133). CommentS due as provided for, and for the the plans may be made~ purpose set forth in the Articles the meetinq or su~ of Incorporation and the By-Laws writing. V~ritten 0 of the Kamilche Shores received within thirty! Community Association, a after the hearing non-profit and non-stock considered by the Clff corporation Written comments ! SUBJECT TO: Rights granted addressed to : Public Utility District No. 3 and The Department ! Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Works, City Hall, Company in easement dated Washington 98584 September 3, 1964 and recordedCITY COUNCIL .. under File No. 206703, levied on SHELTON, WASH~ as the property of said 11/~ defendant(s) heretofore named, to satisfy a judgment amounting to Thirty One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety-Eight and Hard to Ge 88/100 ($31,798.88) Dollars, attorney's fees of $1,085.77, the ,,~ cost of suit and interest, plus _., Sheriff's fees, in favor of plaintiff(s). DATED this 31st day of October, 1975. DAN W. McNAIR, Sheriff /s/Carolyn Gruver Ava i la bid Carolyn Gruver J. V. Lyman National Bank of Commerce Bldg. Olympia, Washington 98501 Telephone: 943-7713 42i 11/20-27-12/4-11-4t Bob Taylor Off~.e 4It-9120 P,O. Iox I|e Ham 421k19311 Mike Gibson OWNER YOUR N£ED% IN MUSK; 426-4302 TH IS SPACE AVAILABLE $1.40 per week. Floor Covering - Linoleum -- Tile REX FLOOR Mr. View -- Carpeting -- Formica COVERING Ph. 426-2292 Furniture Repair" * Paintings * PhOtO Art * Gifts * Jewelry Boxes * Custom made Furniture * Handmade Picture Frames * Specialty Antique Restoration Shelton Furniture Repair and Art Studio Rt. 1, Box 160 426-t858 Music Lessons • Piano • Classical Guitar • Accordian • Music Theory • Oriental Rhythms GRIGOR TRITCHKOV 30 years experience 426-1858 I ce Cream * 24 Homemade Flavors * Groceries & Snacks * Homemade Sandwiches Open 10 e.m. to 10 p.m. Everyday CHRIS' ICE CREAM 2nd & Franklin Shelton Painting .... I nsurance Tired of shopping? Let us clo it for you! A uto-Home-Boat-Life-Healt h Business-Prefer red Risk? We locate the lowest Cost. Insurance is our only business. ARNOLD & SMITH iNSURANCE AGENCY t 17 E. Cota 426-3317 Painting. Wall Papering - Signs Prehung Prufinished Doors & Woodwork Licensed & Bonded Free Estimates Heinitz Painting Co. Chuck Heinitz 426-4841 Plumbing • New construction • Remodeling • Service KIEBURTZ PLUMBING 426-3 ! 08 licensed - bonded - insured Landscaping Rentals • Trailers Landscape Design • Lawn & Garden Tools • Shrubs • Rock • Waterfalls II complete Painting Equip. & more Lawn Sod or Seed open 8:00 to 5:30 Monday thru Saturday HERB DAZE LANDSCAPING BARDEN'S RENTALS .--.--- 426-47 ! 8 1209 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-109~ Marine Supply------------ Rental Service • Johnson Outboards I Almost Anything Anywhere J • Pioneer Chain Saws I Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps • small Engine Repair I Folding Banquet Tables llhllb ~ , Cha,rs. Hosp,ta, Beds. etc. I LEW RENTS / Marine Supply 877-5244 12216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Beautiful Downtown Noodsport Masonry Saws Sharpened------ --- * Fireplaces I • Custom Saw Sharpening I * Block Foundations I • Small Engine Repair • I Free Pick-up & Delivery I Anything with Masonry I Call J JOHN KIMMEL I JOHN HUBBARD I Licensed, bonded and insured. I 70 Agate Dr. 426-2489 L Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 [ Timberlake (Evenings) . i Local & long distance * Agent for Lyon Van Lines * Complete storage facilities MOROAN TRANSFER 121 Reilroed SheCton 42a.$a33 TH IS SPACE CAN BE HAD Ih)w Aht)ul You'? Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 27, 1975 November 20, 1975. /s/Dorothy Manke DOROTHY MANKE Personal Representative c/o ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125V2 N. 5th Street P.O. Box 396 Shelton, Washington 98584 11/20-27-12/4-3t RESOLUTION NO. 556 WHEREAS, additional funds are necessary to meet 1975 obligations of the Road Fund: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following Preliminary Supplemental Budget for the Road Fund be adopted: Anticipated Revenues, 240,000.00 -- 240,000.00; Estimated Expenditures: Debt Service 530.00, Reimbursable 68,000.00, Construction 23,000.00, Maintenance 148,470.00 -- 240,000.00 ADOPTED this 24th day of November, 1975. BOARD OF COUNTY COMM ISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/William O. Hunter /s/Martin Auseth ATTEST: /s/Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That according to RCW 36.82.180, the County Commissioners have prepared and placed on file the proposed Preliminary Supplemental Budget to the County Road Fund for the 1975.' Hearing thereon will be held at 2:30 p.m., Dec. 8, 1975, at the office of the County Commissioners at the Courthouse, Shelton, Washington, for the purpose of adopting said Supplemental Budget. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board 11/27-12/4-2t Purpose of his face I have always considered my face a convenience rather than an ornament. Olive r Wen dell Holmes Burglars! Vondals! Protect yourself with a 3M Brand Alarm System Complete system backed by 3M Factory ...... guarantee - only Call: Lou Nelson 3M Factory Distributor for information and free demonstration Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to effect said closures and to post conspicuous notice thereof at each location so affected. ADOPTED this 17th day of November, 1975. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MASON • COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/John Bariekman Chairman /s/William O. Hunter ATT EST: /s/Ruth E. Boysen Auditor and Clerk of the Board 11/20-27-2t Call 426-5336 or write: Box 884 The church that preaches what the •ible teaches. FIRST UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF MASON, ss. SHERIFF'S OFFICE BY VIRTUE OF Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable Court of the State of Washington for Mason County, on the 17th day of October, 1975, by the Clerk Thereof, in the case of Capital Savings and Loan Association, a Washington corporation, vs. Allen J. Courter, etux, etal, No. 12458 and to me, as Sheriff, directed and del ivered: First Baptist Church 5TH AND COTA DOWNTOWN SHELTON November 30, 1975 "The God of Judgment" Missionary -- Alma Kludt A.M. P.M. 9:30 a.m ......... Sunday SchOOl * 1 ] :O0 a.m ..... Mornmg Worship Ph. 426-8139 Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship . ] I :00 a.m. Evening Service . .. 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) . 7:00 p.m. You Should Know.. The widespread use of Life I~ today is borne out in the fact than one-half of all who leave others leave it chiefly or whollY form of Life Insurance. NORTHWESTERN LIFE INSURANCE HOME OFFIC| . 6TH AND 123 W. "C" Interim Pastor Dave 426-1264 Sunday School ...... : '1 Morning Worship . • • Evening Worship ..... ' Jesus loves you S.B.C. Mt. View Alliance Washington & Sunday School ... Morning Worship • • Evening Service . :., Prayer Hours [Wed./ A.Y.F. (Wed.) ..... BERT LINN, Our new church meets in its brand-new location at the Island Lake Fireball every Sunday morning at 10:OO a.m. Come worship the Lord wJth us in spirit and in truth Lewey R. Ferris, Director 425-$3e0 6:00 p.m.... Evenincj Gospel Hour Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, Pastor 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible study & prayer meeting * The Morning Worship is broad- cast live over KMAS, 128e kc. First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 ALDER ST. SHELTON, WA. Sunday School 11 :OO a.m. - Church 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. Reading Room --- 107 S. 2nd Hours: 12 noon - 3 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday Child care provided during services S~th-D~ A~t~ ~rd; SIXTH AND RAILROAD Saturday - 9:30 a.m. -- Sabbath School 11 :O0 a.m. -- Hour of WorshiD Wednesday - 7:30 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer TIM GALLAGHER, PASTOR 426-9601 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH G and King Streets REV. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister Worshi Servl Church School -- 9:00 a.m. "P "ce -- 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups -- 7 p.m. Faith Lutheran Church 7th and Franklin Family Worship -- 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Parish Education Classes- 9:00 a.m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-8611 MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD 206 E. Wyandotte ROLAND HUBER, Pastor SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1975 Sunday School & Bible Class 9:15 a.m. Service 10:30 a.m. Episcopal Church Welcomes St. David's - 4th & Cedar, Shelton, Sunday 8 & COME AS YOU ARE WORD OF LIFE FELLOWSHIP Services: 6:30 p.m. Sunday, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Location: Parish Hall, St. David's Episcopal Church, Pastor Dennis Teaaue, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDE Bible School ...... 9:45 a.m. Worship ......... 11:00 a.m. Family Service ..... Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer- 7:00 Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Connection & 12th Sts., Phone 426-2805 Priesthood Meeting ..........................."1~ Sunday School . ................. ............ I Sacrament Meeting ...................... • • .~ :,~ St. Edward's Catholic Church Father Michael Feeney -- Masses -- Saturday ............................... " Sunday .................... 8 a.rn., 9 a.m., THE FRIENDLY CHURCH SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOI 1521 Monroe Street M. A. Younglund, Pastor Dale sutttlr, Sunday School (A Class Just for You) ........... "" Morning Worship (Pastor Speaking) Tuesday, Youth Service ....................... " REVIvALTIME, SUNDAY, KGDN ... ........ (Radio Voice of the Assemblies of God)