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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Member: Multiple Listing Service ...................of Mason1975.County ..~A .. L..--...~.., a.~w Z ,/~t"~ Z~/.pLUl'Pn~mL, Z ~O Loul~/zmeo~ " " " Ltllllld"" a happy& HoiIl h° NTY I i :os REALTY :... Give Thanks... intereslt plus Sh derlff s fees ,n ,~ u I-~ / 17 vv o / L ~ "~ U S ec g ct" to" r t l n h It !! Th "g obethankfu, for. c)m:r By John Brush 7th & Railroad - 426-3361 or 426-1435 eF::i:eYthlnfrsl nds 'J "tl best Thanksgiving wishes to you ... from Broker-Realtor • HOMES • RANCHES • WATERFRONT • INVESTMENT ; t your friends at Ranch Home +Saltwater-Beach Shelton IMER ICK LOTS priced from ............ , .... $1,800 h notnce ,s hereby gwen that 10 2330-11 7 Sechon 5 of Pubhc Law 273, ~o t U " nd Cente f NOTIC E RING F ..... IMrtT r" ~rest ~'ropert0es, m the Shelton • ,.~_I..E IS HEREBY ....... I~IVI~N Th;~f *h= R,~=~ ~.ooperadve :~ustaineo Yield Unit ...... : ........... d of .......... ................... _ ==_Z-_- -__ -_-_-=_-=_-_- ...... t . f TOr cuttmg Will De sate to ~0m son 12 Railroad Avenue . .SOLD iH°rse pasture fenced acreage. NovemberOnly 2 mites from town on render a agamst you accoramg to h dis osal t 6 miles out. 1800 square foot Oakland Bay. 122 feet of nice RST THANKSGIVlNG was set aside by the Pilgrims as a home deluxe, $39,500. beach includes 1st class AVE A VERY Wors~ip and thank the Lord for his bountiful harvest and Financing available, tidelands. Perc test approved. I he had given them in beginning their new life. ,, .... O w ner c ontract at o nly ~" ~./~]n~,~l~%~ % ~ / ~ ~,~;o0. Wlove Hight In $ 16,500. Clams, fishing, JOYFUL DAY )ULD NOT FORGET to thank the Lord for all he has Owners will give quick swimming and waterskiing. our lives over the past year, when we sit down to our possession and sell on easyGra-eview AIl"n lying dinner, and ask him to bless those less fortunateterms. All appliances and most P -- Y Pause today and furniture included Only Larqe tracts with water, power 8 • _ i $1 ,500. phone in. Water only $2 per give thanks for HAVEN'T asked the Lord to take over your life yet, this ,., _ ... month. Ready for your trailer lying would be a good time. You will know a peace that t~eacn uottage or cabin. Includessa~t water the blessings of l understanding!~ , , , , Immediate possession Dry access with d p er boat Detuw ~td[eQ, ann m case at your timber basement for extra living'space, moorage. From $4,250. Easy be closed over the Thanksgiving weekend. Call us on any Acce~ to.deep water mooragelterms, food, home and HI~wing -- after the weekend, u~qz. ~a,nter view. Grapeview tturney TOr t"lalnZlTT r and In aret~actO~lnser will carry Grapeview Waterfront f " happ,ness. ------+ b FAWN LAKE LOT, as is. Terms ........... $1,000 - g costs aown. . $22,000. Moor your boat m front of i your own private salt water We are closed today,in observance of this rgarstine Investment tract. View of Treasure Island ~,TIONAL LOT, Matlock -- piped water, 100 x150' $2,600 2600 feet of fin~ n,=hhn,= h=~h and Mt. Rainier. Build your greQt holiday, but we II be open tomorrow. • ~n" tall "---,~ :='; ~" ..... -.~'~:'" home or cabin or move your ~,o ~, yy,~ Hrs on uplanos.÷~=;, ....nwner wille~.~,, Geo. Moore ...... 426-6417 Mel Jarstad ...... 898-2287 -~--~----~--------~'--~---~--'----~" ---~-~-=-~------~-----------------" LIMERICK WATERFRONT. 10 lots priced from Lan oe sate on investor terms ..... .~" ."%:..~';'~;; .... Estate free and clear property~ conzracz. :~z,',ouu. Vern Olson ...... 426-5847 Bud Wascher ..... 877-5476 teg=l Publk=tieas Legal Peblk=tie.s Less than $100 per front foot. Wanted Gary ~ekes ...... 426-3554 Bob Fridell ...... 275-3131 ----------~_-_~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~-_-_-_-.. ~-_-_-._-_~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-------~ ~M CREEK riverfrontlot.Matlock. Piped Fishing-Skiing Have investor clients with .............. =o== ............ marriage on the basis that the ,~tuz~/*L I-UP(I=b/ /IMBP-I-( Jack Howard ....426-2007 Sandy SanClement 898-2426 action is for a chssolution of the . , ...................... Cozy 3-bedroom only 3 years $3,000 to $60,000 fordown ~ez[a re¢erson oz/'.,,~-,~ at| ~'zooo Z/b ;~Sti:~ m • F O R - - .... - ..... " arriage is irretrievably broken 5 A L E, O L Y M P I C NIC'S SPECIAL! Unusual cottage on large corner lot at old. Large sundeck. Minutes payment on land or income Arline Baker ..... 877-9703 Grace Kent ......426-1932 /s/JOHN C. RAGAN " N yA T I O N A L F O R E S T, tke. It's new and needs finish work .......... $11,150 from Shelton. $26,950 with property. Call Harry Tokos, Call evenings & weekends JOHN C. RAGAN W'. NO~CHEF VERTICAL -9 90% financing. Broker, for consultation. ^ oo. Attorney for Petitioner :~/~u-, uocateo within T. 22N., R. , ~ orrtces to serve you! JOHN C RAGAN 7 and 8W., surveyed, and T. 23N., SIDE 4-BEDROOM on large double corner lot with 10-Acre Farm Hood Canal ~ Attorney at Law R. 7W., W.M., unsurveyed. Public I garage and utility room. Heatilator-type fireplace. Fruit 1 Older home that needs some work. Asking $21,500. Large barn. Equipment shed. Deluxe home with view of ~ wm~mmm m~mm j mlmlv rll S elton, Washington 98584 " " " Chicken house, old cabin. Part canal and small private beach / ~ \ ~m~m~mm ~mrm~mlm- mm J I I~m Telephone426-5576 pursuant to the provisions of m m~mnmmu W " 'E TROUT POND is a feature of this 3-bedroom Lake fenced and cleared. All this at going with it. Shown by o. v' p ® / " /6-13-20-2 "6t ~home. Needs some finishing you can do ..... $25,000 $22,750. Substantialdown. appointment only. -~I'~.L~)~- ,.os~.o;~ ' ;~Ooo:O~Z ...... ~+o~=,, 78th Congress (58 Slat 132-16, \ ~ / ~,,.,= .,~ ,ol N.,=....,. ~ U.S.C. 583-583i, Sup. 4) and the SHELTON HIGH SCHOOL. 1,600 sq. ft., 4-bedroom ~ 426-5521 877-5236 275-2826 Cooperative Agreement for the IObile home. Like new. On ONE ACRE ...... $25,950 For these and other fine properties from our Multiple Listing ~ E OF H A Management of the Participating Service of Mason County, call: CK! 6Vz ACRES with a huge 4-plus (could be 6) ), 2-story farmhous~e. Plus huge hobby room, carport, Call: Darlene Sargent - Eves. 275-2158 Allyn -- County Commissioners of Mason enzereo..~.nzo Dy an~ De. zween .me pasement and much more. Great place for horses, ............. -~--~----" .............. ---I-- " • - unlzeo ~tazes OT ~mer,ca ann me ............................. County, wtll hold a pubhc hearmng ......... fenced ...................... $32,000 Harry Tokos- Eves. 426-8460 ,_ _n ,, mm ....... m R mm ..... to discuss amendments to the ~,mpson H mDerL.ompany, an.tea LegOI rUOllCOTIons LeOOl ruotm TlOnS Mason County Master Pro-ram uecemDer 1z, xv~,¢), an estimated .................. All citizens of M=¢,~n c,-.,,,÷,, 16,700 M board eel of hmber • ON GOLF COURSE! Large 2-bedroom home TOKOS REALTY 7th & Railroad, Suite D . . . are welcome and urged toatten~, marked, or otherw,se..des~gnated nfinished davliqht basement. Heatilator fireplace, second continuously eacn year [rom a well in the amount o 55 Copies of the nronosed " P deck overloo[(3N COUNTY (IN for permit to appropriate public October 27, 1975, under the demands of the Petition, November 21, 1975, Wynne M. Attorney for Estate, Hurley-Waldrep downtown. References deposit. ~'r~'-'-~_lk .. waters, subject to existing rights, Application No. G 2-23983 filedwhich has been filed with the M a u l e, Forest Supervisor, Angle Bldg., Shell~n, after 4:30 p.m. $1 20 monthly. 4~)6-4702. ~-~ ~ OF MARGUERITE amount of 002 cubic ~eet per waters, subject to existing rights That the purpose of this 11/27-12/4-11-18-4t 11/20-27-]2/4-3t Oll/20tfn ""'rAT'- _MATTER OF THE tram an unnamed sprina in the for permit to appropriate public Clerk of the above Court. Olympic National Forest. Wash. 98584 Thursday, November 27, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29