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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 27, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 27, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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of Miss Kathy Krueger, daughter of Mrs. Lester Krueger of South Shore, to Mr. Jack son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of North Shore, announced. The wedding is planned for next April. Belfair Fireplace Shop I and accessories 275-6165 i Next to Belfair Home Center 6 days 1 0 a.m. to 5:30, Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. J Nana's Closet closing Dec. 15th FOR THE WINTER SEASON Look for our re-opening next spring. UNUSUAL GIFTS NOW AVAILABLE • CAFTANS • TOWEL ROBES • APRONS HOUSES • BIRD FEEDERS • PLANTS • BEADED CANDLES'AND: I~ANY MORE~' ,~ '; COME SEE OUR CHRISTMAS CORNER May we take this time to thank our many friends and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. We will see you in the Spring. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Man. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. CLOSED WEDNESDAYS B98-2818 1 mile South of Union Post Office St. Rt. 2, Box 2, Union, Washington THE CONNIE JOHNSON SHOW with Connie, George & Mel IN THE GLO ROOM THRU NOV. e Every Wed night "Ladies Night" in the GIo Room e Monday Night "Football Night" e breaktast e Lunch e LT(nner e Homemade Pie e Child's Plate Cocktails and Dancing Roast Turkey Baked Ham Teriyaki Steak Complete dinners served with Pumpkin Pie ii OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Plenty of free parking, lots of room for ca mpe~ & trailers. 275-6226 By DOROTHY TOBEY and ANN WESTBERG Canal life.., south shore By MAC McKINNEY 898-2346 Bay Oxbow Custom Cabinets JOHN C. DALBERG The Finest In Oak Cabinets 275-3109 ALLYN, WA. Much activity prevailed in our small community last weekend while the ladies and some of the men were getting in readiness the "Country Store" which was held at the Grapeview Firehall on Saturday and put on by the Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Guild. Evidence of the huge success of the event was indicated by the "sold out" reports from the different counters in the "store." There were counters of all sorts of goodies for sale, such as arts and crafts, bakery goods, plants and garden produce, homemade sauerkraut and apple cider and then there was the white elephant table. (I hope everyone knows what a "white elephant" is). In the kitchen where the tables were very attractively spread with red and white checked tablecloths with a Thanksgiving centerpiece, the kitchen crew served lunch consisting of clam chowder, chili and homemade pies. In spite of the inclement weather there was a steady influx of people doing their shopping and having lunch. The proceeds of the event will be sent to the Mary Bridge Hospital in Tacoma. The chairmen and assistants appreciate those of the area who attended to make the event so successful. There were two door prizes, and the food basket was won by Andy LaMer and the gingerbread house by Judy Blackweil. Don and Shirley Pogreba returned Wednesday from a trip to the Hawaiian Islands which they say was the shortest two weeks of the year. Most of their time was spent on Maul where they stayed at the Royal LaHaina Motel. Their traveling companions were Cecil and Betty Hittson of Bremerton. They rented a car while there sa they could do some sightseeing. They enjoyed a beautiful trip to Hana, the place where Charles Lindberg is buried, but they were told that they hadn't lived until they had seen the "Seven Sacred Pools" which was a three and a half hour trip from LaHalna on a road that consisted of three and a half miles of switchbacks and very roughgoing. They did enjoy the "pools," so much so that they didn't mind the road coming back into LaHalna. They also spent a few days on -Walkiki where they stayed at the ~Beachcomber, ,v~tcal the clubs, !shoppg~ and enjoyed the beach. The weather was favorable so naturally they returned with gorgeous tans. To indicate how small the world really is, as Don and Shirley were making reservations for the rental of a car, a man who was standing behind them overheard Don's conversation about the Large Island they lived on in Washington (Stretch Island, of course) and when Grapeview was mentioned, the man immediately approached them. He was George Palms who was raised in our community. He is an engineer now and was on a business trip to HawalL Nicholas Bell of Fresno, Calif., spent several days visiting with his parents, Curtis and Betty Bell of Stretch Island, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cox of Clovis, Calif., friends of Nick's, came to have dinner and an overnight visit with the Bells during the week. Floyd Mathis is at home recuperating from recent surgery. He has a couple of weeks of forced vacation to take before r e turning to work. Get well wishes go out to Floyd and any other sick friends and neighbors. Funeral services were held Nov. 21 for James McGuire of island View, who passed away Nov. 18 after a long illness. Our sympathy goes out to the family. Margit Bergstrom of Tacoma has been spending some time helping Dorothy Tobey and lnga Willis care for their father, William Sund. incidentally, Bill is getting around in a wheelchair and even eating at the table. What a comeback for a youngster of 90 years! Al Pruter has returned from a business trip of two weeks which took him to Tokyo, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. He is employed with the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service. Recently Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and son Chris of California accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Eacrett to Snohomish to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borek, former Sheltonites. The Eacretts took in the last football game of the season while there. Snohomish was playing against Oak Harbor and their grandson, Michael, was playing on the latter team. Fair Harbor Grange will hold its Christmas party at the next regular meeting on Dec. 4. Members will be contacted by the phone committee as to what food to bring for the dinner at 6:30 p.m. Each member is to bring a toy for the gift exchange which will be donated to the Kiwanis Club in Shelton to be distributed among needy children at Christmas. Grapeview Firemen's Auxiliary met last Thursday evening to plan its Christmas party. It will be held on Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m. Members will be contacted and there will be a gift exchange. A first-aid class was discussed and would start on Jan. 6 with a minimum of 15 persons attending. More details will be published at a later date. GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL LUNCH MENU December l: Hot dogs and beans, buttered cornbread, apple Tony Floor Jr., son of the Tony Floors on Mason Street, is serving a journalism internship in a public relations position in Olympia. You may have read recently that Governor Evans named a commission to study the feasibility of rewriting the State Constitution. Young Tony works with this commission and it is their responsibility to make Washington State voters aware of the necessity for drawing up a revised constitution. Nine other states had their constitutions ratified the same year as Washington State, 1889, and of the total our state is the only one that has not been updated. Also, we are told, our State Constitution has been amended more times than the Constitution of the United States of America. It is true that the world has changed a great deal in the past 90 or so years. What man in 1889 While spring is youth and laughter, And summer insecure, The fall is so much calmer And very much mature. There's wisdom in this season As nature's slowing down; It is the time of reason - of reaping what was sown. And if we did our sowing With wisdom in the spring, We need not fear the showing That harvest time willbring. A good Thanksgiving to all! COLLIES LOST Complaints were received in the sheriff's office last week of , collie-type dogs lost. On Nov. 19 a small black and white one was lost in Belfair; on Nov. 17 it was reported that a collie mix had been lost in the Victor area two interesting story to tell. Verna Galyean, widow of the late Roy Galyean, spent last weekend visiting her son and his family in Oakville. The young Galyeans live on 160 acres of the land Verna's grandfather homesteaded in 1872, and this is where Verna Lemmon Galyean grew up too. She told us the Oakville High School is having its Homecoming and a fund-raising project to help raise money to send the Oakville Band to Dublin, Ireland. This band of 40 members (there are only about 100 students in the whole high school) has been invited to Ireland to play in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin. That will be a great day for the Irish - and an even greater day for those young people from Oakville, Wash. The following verses, written by Nels Saltnes of Solway, Minnesota - a young man of 87 years - seem fitting for the day and the month, and the season of our lives... weeks earlier. could foresee the technological P~ advances that havebeem made or I l /~- ] ] the environmental changes or the population explosion? It sounds reasonable that the Governors proposal may merit our study and attention. With Thanksgiving coming up iluasS!ie~eenP~t there will be many nostalgic : oC:=:ntsh family reunions but today we met an old friend who had an Hood Canal Glass 275-262~ Call any time Menu. For JNorth Mason Schools Dec. l st thru Dec. 5th Monday - Beef in gravy over mashed potatoes, biscuit with butter, green beans, fruit. Tuesday - BBQ beef on a bun, whipped potatoes, candied carrots, whipped jello. Wednesday - Tuna noodle casserole, hot roll with butter, peas & carrots, fruit. salad, pudding and milk. , December 2: Hamburgers. SONG OF THE SEASON buttered corn, fruit salad, cookies The summertime is over hnd milk. As autumn takes the helm; December 3: Toasted cheese sandwich, buttered green beans, ½ banana and orange wedge, choice day dessert and milk. December 4: Ham, potatoes and gravy, fruited jello salad, ice cream and milk. December 5: Pizza, tossed salad, fruit juice, cupcake and milk. What will be What will be will be well, for what is is well. Walt Whitman The bees have~ quit the clover And barren is the elm. As summer dies in glory with colors all aglow, It tells the old, old story Of seasons' ebb and flow. $$$$$ Senior Citizen Discount Ray's Barber Shop Belfair Thursday - Meatballs in gravy, mashed potatoes, broc¢olis fruit, muffin. Friday - Pizza, tossed salad, fruit, pudding. Puget Sound National Bank The hometown bank. II I EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE • Funeral Home • Chapel • Mausoleum • Crematory 550S Kitsap Way ES7-7648 Bremerton, Wa. i F-- Customers in the Victor, Allyn and Grapeview areas will experience short power outages for approximately 2 to 4 weeks due to an ugrading of existing facilities. This work is being done to alleviate the problems caused by the continual failure of the underground lines feeding this area. Your patience will be appreciated. ~/~.:; = "= ~ #~A~FF~ ~l COUNTY P.U.D. NO. Lloyd Suhr Edwin Taylor M.D. Parrett Jerry Samples, Manager Episcopal Church Welcomes You ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:1 5 a.m. ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday 1 ] :1 5 a.m. Co,'ne As You Are fl A Da.s 275-2080 275-2032 . ree Wo,k" .Bulldozing BELFAIR D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 | GOOD SUPPLY ] .............................. ! Calking Gun ,4 Value $ FREE 3 tubes of caulk ALL FOR ............. PANEL Adhesive 2.13 Value ONLY ........ $1O0 ZIP-GUARD LIQUID PLASTIC WOOD FINISH Reg. $4.29 NOW ............... Qt. Reg. $2.39 NOW ............... Ft. 14 $ ZIP-STR IP Remover Reg. 10.95 NOW ....................... Limited Quantities ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES 275-2031 Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. -- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m. Factory Direct Carload Purchase of Smokercra 8' Pram .................. $172.50 10' Pram ................. $187.50 10' Sportsman ........... $235.00 12' Sportsman ........... $264.50 12' Canadian ............ $349.50 12' Zephyr ............... $417.95 14' Zephyr ............... $499.50 • We Winterize Bank Terms Y at • Boat Storage 275-2297 BII say m government. ere your money goes....... MEET I NG North Mason School Dist. Orapeview School Dist. Belfai~ Fire District Allyn File District Tahuya File District Port of Allyn Port of Glapeview Port of DeWatto Polt of Tahuya Belfair Cemetery District Belfair Water District C, lapewew File Dis~trict TIME 8 p.m., 2nd Monday 7:30 p.m., 2nd Wednesday 7 p.m., 4th Tuesday 7:30 p.m., 3rd Wednesday 8 p.m., 2nd Thursday 7:30 p.m., ]st Friday 7:30 p.m., 1st Monday No Information Available 8 p.m., 1st Friday No Meetings Held 7:30 p.m., 3rd Wednesday 7:30 p.m•, 2nd Monday PLACE NM High School Library G rapewew School Belfair Firehall Allyn Flrehall [ahuya Firehall Allyn Eirehall Grapeview Firehall Tahuya Faculty Lounge NM School G~apeview Firehall This notice paid for as a community service by... Now'l~l)el 27, 1975 - t lucklebe~ ly tte,ald se(tiou of Sheltoi~-Mas{)n C{)unty Jm~lnal - Page 3