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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 .... i i i i , ii i i i1,| Margie's. Taxi-Grocery (formerly Heinie's Taxi-Grocery) FIRST AND PINE Open Evenings--Sundays Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for GROCERIES--MEATS--VEGETABLES ICE CREAM--CANDY--SOFT DRINKS -- Plus -- HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT RICHFIELD OIL PRODUCTS  AUTO SUPPLIES Maybe. @ @ You want to Buy A cow, or a horse, or a pig, or Maybe You Want to Sell A mule, or a goat, or some chickens, or Maybe You Want to Buy A car, or a bicycle, or a tractor, or Maybe You Want to Sell Some furniture, or some lumber, or some clothing, or Maybe You Want Some Property or you have something you don't need Maybe You'll Call 100 and try a Journal want ad Well there won't be any maybes about what'U happen! Just try it oce. The Journal Settlement Made In Laundry Strike Tile troubles that beset L H. Woods and iris Mason County Steam Laundry, with settlelnent of a questiom of jurisdiction for his employees was settled this week. when his workers appointed the Tacoma Cleaning and Dyers union as their bargaining agent. The lanndry was closed for a few days by a strike called by a Bremerton building service union that assumed the jurisdiction. Woods had formerly possessed a contract with the Tacoma union, but it had lapsed because of the wartime difficulty of securing competent help. Present Addresses of Ex-Air Forcemen Asked All former members of the Ar- my Air Force have been asked 'by Ly, November 28, 194 - Green BOOK WEEK DISPLAY AT LIBRARY T.E T.E FEATURES CHILDREN'S VOLUMES By Lau,'a K. Plumb, Librarian 'fruit farming family. It won the Children's hooks become more Newbery medal for the most dis- beautifully ilhlstrated and more informative each year. The Book Week displays at the library have shown this. Patrons and other vis- itors, no longer children, sigh, "Oh, how I wish I had books like this when I was a child." The children are anxiously awaiting the day when they can check them out. Book \\;Veek has come and gone. But the displays are still on. Don't miss this chance to see them. Book Week's theme was "Books Are Bridges." They are from childhood to the grown-up stage. But their work as a bridge is also from the present to the past. Through the printed page one can Walk right back to the beginning of recor4ed time. That is why one of the greatest inventions in General Carl Spaatz, commandin history is the printing press, general, Army Air Forces, o[ Posters and books both are on Washington, D, C., to fill out a display. One poster give the blank giving the present address and to keep the depalment up-to- date on any changes of address, The information is wanted in order that activities of the Air Force, the programs and any other information desired by the former members can be sent them. I PUMPS ! | For Z y | I Purpose ! I SHELTON l I E00C00mc cO. i story of books from the time, when man drew pictures on the rocks, down through modern type faces. Another shows how the public library is used in the com- munity. Mr., Mrs., and Miss Citi- zen can read either for pleasure or profit. Tle worker can find books on the trades. Books on the professions and career books help the reader, Als0 book lits are fUnfished for seriOUs taders and for clubs. Books covered by the lists are on the shelves. The reference service is on the dot, The student, the teacher, the city official, the bsiness or prOfes- sional man, the artist, wrier, or homemaker shuutd pass his puzz- ling questions on to the library via mail, telephone, or personal visit. The children's table has among its fiction books two outstanding. ".Strawberry Girl" by Lenski. This is a delightful story of a Florida ACA Performance Rel00rts Due Now Farmers who, have finished 1946 Practices under this year's Agri- cultural Conservation Program should make their performance re- ports to the County Triple-A of- rice as early as possible so the job of prepaing the applications for payment may be speeded' ac- cording to Bert Rau, chairman of Mason County ACA. Elections for the purpose of electing county committeemen are being held at various places in Mason county next week as per news item appearing elsewhere in It ]HI [ lilt I ii D. B, CASE Insurance Agency Complete Insurance Coverage Office With Shick & George 124 N. 1st St. Phone 46-J today's paper and arrangements I li, haveelection.Mr, beenR made to receive Per- iii PIphlloMI]4yRll°'00r'°00seeding ors whk b'y thc_f.ar21er: City Pol: e |!1 Olympia '] L. c;00000:;11 00holtons t: ! repress°ted by TREE TOPPING Tree and Brush Removing High Climbing Estimates Given PHONE 221-J-5 BUILD THE HOME YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED; From Planned Savings and only the Safest Investment! Don't think just waiting will amass the money it takes to 't build a home.. And don try "quick money '' schemes which are more likely to leave you penniless than with a nest egg! Do the sure thing--the safe thing,. Save and invest under Bditding and Loafi guidance. You 11 have that home sooner than you think. CARLTON I. SEARS FRED HOLM H. C. BRODIE formance Reports at the time of Mr. Rau stresses the necessity of bringing receipts in case grass seeding was done or for fertiliz- ers which were paid for entirely City Policemen Attend FBI Gathering city police force waq Officers Gen'e Moon and Everett Jacobs at an FBI-sponsored meeting of law en- forcement officers in the Olympia vicinity at Olympia last Thurs- day evening, one of ten such meetings to be held throughout the state. Cooperative functions of city po- lice and FBI were discussed by an FBI agent from the Seattle of- flee, with suggestions given on the questioning of witnesses and sus- peels, tests on powers o£ observa- tion. a lecture on firearms, hints on self-preservation, and pictures of badly wanted fugitives being other features of the program. BOY ]FOR BEESONS A boy was born Friday, Nov- ember 22, to Mr. and Mrs. David Beeson in the hospital, Shelton. GLEN FOURRE PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Glen R. Fourre are the paznts of a boy born Thursday, November 21 at the Shelton General Hospital. GIRL BORN SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Stroud of Wenatchee have a girl, born Saturday, NoVember 23, in the Shelton Generat Hospital. BOY BORN TO CARDINALS Mr. and Mrs. George Cardinal are the parents of a boy born Tuesday, November 26, in the Shelton General Hospital. ,, ,,, SAVE •TIME! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY ---SREMERTO/ - :SiA'rLE --$i2iid A, MJ" 1."10 A.M, 12:55 *5:45 6:15 *7:00 7:30 8:15 8:45 9:25 10:00 10:45 11:15 11:50 12:30 P.M. 1:15 1:45 2:15 3:00 3:45 4:15 4:55 5:30 6:15 6:45 7:30 78:00 "8:30 78:45 1"9:15 "9:30 " 10:00 10:30 11:15 tl1:45 * Daily Except Sunday ? Sunday Only $12:40 on Monday morning (Sunday night) 5:00 *5:45 6:15 "7:00 7:30 8:10 8:45 9:30 10:00 I0:35 11:15 12:00 12:30 P.M. 1:00 1:45 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:15 5:00 5:30 6:15 I'6:45 *7:00 %7:30 S:00 t'8:45 "9:00 "9:15 10:00 10:30 "11:00 11:30 11:45 Directors HAZEL WALMER G. W DRAHAM E. L. PARTLOW V. BRIDENSTINE o N'Y THUI00STON C0U r FEDERAL SAVINC00 & LOAN ASSOCIATION Telephone 7551 SecUrity Buttdtng ;: Olympia, Washington i i ii i i i Jt ii I tinguished ¢outribttion to Ameri- can literature for children this year, "The Rooster Crows" by Petersham won the Caldecott med- al for the most distinguished pic- Lure book for chihiren. The ani- mal world which so interests the young reader is covered by Blough's "The Monkey %Vith A Notion"; Farley, "The Black Stal- lion Retnrns"; Itayes, "The Burro Tamer." There are books on his- tory, travel and biography told as interestingly as any story. "The Land of the English People' by Street., "The Land of the Russian People' by Nazaroff and Tltarp's "Chalnplian, Northwest Voyager.' This book is a thrilling account of Indians and explorers. It is illus- trated in part by redrawings of Champlain's own sketches and plans. A small table displays realist- Ically the death and burial of a book killed by bad treatment, In contrast a new book with sugges- tions as to its proper treatment becau "BOoks are friends" is shown. Here a contrast in boQks is given Which has caused com- ment, A facsimile of the first clfildren's book entitled "A Little Pretty Pocket BOok" and The En- cyclopedia Britannica World At- las: The former measures 2 inches by 4 The latter is 12h x 16sA inches. The adult table displays two magazines new to the library: Holiday and Gourmet., The ref- erence books include. 'Quotations,, fur Special Occasions which should pve useflll, The subject books will help the reader write a best seller, break into radio, play better golf or be the life of the party through Mulac's "Gmne Book," "The Compleat Rancher," 'fl'he Care and Repair of Books," "The Sunset Flower Garden Book,' fulfill the promises in their titles. A new line of aircraft books rub sides with "An Invita- tion to Spanish" and "Man Against Pain" which is an epic of anes- thin, and "The Pacific Coast Ranges" edited by Peattie. Our own Archie Blnns is a contributor to this with "People of The Wash- ington Coast Range" in which he portrays John' Huelsdonk. the Iron Man of the Hoh. describes the Lnmber Coast. Apples of Hesper- ides. the Far Inlets. the Race of Cities, and the Nostalgic Shore. This is the fourth book in a seris entitled "The American Mountain Series." Three books fall into a natural grouping: "Negro Labor, A Na- tional Problem" by Weaver; "Prob- ing Our Prejudices" by Powder- maker; and a child's book "One God; the Waye We Worship Him" by Fitch. The reader should draw his own conclusion. Biographies and travels are represented as us- ual, But thc most interesting dis- play is "Physics Tells Why" by Luhr, a volume from "Humaniz- ing Science Series"; A pamphlet by Dr. Uzey on the social implica- tions of the atom bomb which he and his fellow scientists made pos- 'ible; and "Hiroshima" by John Hershey, which is destined to be the most widely read book of our generation. This is the truthful report of the expermnces of six people who survived the bombing of Hiroshima. The iction titles will be listed with a brief description of each later, Two interesting items on the child's table have attracted atten- tion. The first in a graded eats- log' of "Chldren's Book Parade." This is useful as a buying guide for parents who wish to procure the right book for their children. The second is k series of 12 iltts- trated book reviews done by Co'r- inne Silva of the fifth grade of the Lincoln School, NO. 1870 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO ]PRESENT AND FILE THEIR C LAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of tim estate of Vic- tor Erickson, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the'undersigned Joseph H Ertekson, has been appointed and ba's qualified as Adtpislrator of the estate of Vic- tor rzcon, deceased and that at persons having elahns tgainst the de- eease.d or the said estate are hereby reqmred to serve the same duly veri- fied, with the necessary v)uchers at- tacnea, upon the undersigned Admin- istrator, Joseph H EricSson or his A ttoynev of Reeori Chas : Lewis, at me iaw office o Chas" R Lewis, to-wit: Bell Building 11§" Suth 4th ,Street, Shelton, Maso County Wash- ington, the satne being deSig,{ated as the. Pmee for the transaction of the bus)neap .of the said estate and file Such c,amm with the Clerk of the above entitled court together with proof of sewtce, within six months site!', the date of the first publication 0r tins notice, to=Wit: Ndvember 7 1.946: o r all claims not so served anu fiteu snail be forever barred. JOSEPH H. ERICKSON, Administrator of the estate of Victor Eriekson. deceased. Address: Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street Shelton, _Mason County, Wasl, ington, CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Bell Building 119 South 4th tree, Shelton, Masoh County wasnmgton. 11--14-21'-28--4t, NO 1800 __ NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'to ]PRESEN'T AND FILE }tIEIR T CLAIMS IN HE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of he Estate of Wil- liam Charles Iatehelor. r,. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the unuersigned William C. Batchelor, has Deep appointed and has qualified as mLUnistrator of the estate of Wil- liam Charles Batehelor Jr., deceased, anu. Lnat all persons'having claims against the deceased or the said es- tate m'e hereby required to serve the same, truly verified with the neces- sary. vouchers stitched upon the un- ders!gnod Administrator William C. Batenei or, or his Attorney of "Record, CI] "  L.sWis, at the law office of , • ewls to-wit' Bell Build- ing, 119 South '4th St:eet Shelton, Mason UounW, Washington' the same be, ing destguatod as the pbce for the transaction of the business of the said estate, and file such clains with the Clerk of the above entitled court, to- getuer w.ith proof of service, within stx monum after the date of tbe first publication of this notice to-wit: Nov- ember 7, 1946 or all ci'aims not so se*:ved and fili'd shall be forever bar- red, WILLIAlV[ C, BATCI{ELOR. Administrator of the estate of Wtlliaml Charlcs Batchelor, Jr,, deceased. Address: Bell uilding 119 South 4th St., S_helton, ' Mason C o u n t y, Washington t.tgrney for said etat. 4Attorneys: Bell Building, 119 South 'lt2 ,t.treet, Shelton, lIason County, wasaington, 11-7-14-21-28--4t, STATE OF WASIIINGTON :FOR TASON COUNTV. 1'. O. Granston, VT. R. Granslon. 1.. O (Iranston, I). F, Granston, .1. H. 12;.nraqton and 1'  ('ranst( n COl)el (- nora. doing busines, under the firm natlle aud style of [Tnivol'Siiy Plumb- illg and lteating Company, Plaintiffs, --vs . J. E. Revnnld,% Defendanl. STATE ()b  ,VASII1NGTON to ft. E. ]reynolds, Defendani 'Otl fire hereby ,qlllnlnolled to ap- pear within s sty (60/ days utter the date nf the first lnbli('ation of tiffs sunmmns, to-wit, withia sixty days after the 24th day of Oc ober, 19.i6. and def,nd lho ab)vo entitled action in the collrt aforcsal.r], and answer seI'vethe ('Olllplain,lt ('oily :))[! l('ll' l)lllslfs iiil d the llndersigncd attorney for plain- tiffs at his office address hercinbelow s(ated, and i/l ('aS(*, of %'OllI' f:lJltll SO 0 do. judgment will" l)e i.ellderod again,';t yell a('cord[n/4" to the (tellland of the conlplsint wlfich has bP(ql filed with the Ch'rk of said court. The obect of the action is to re- cover jtlOglnent upon a contract for the purchase of goods wares and merchandise, J. W. GRAIIAM Atlorney for Plaintiffs Office Address. Govcy :Bldg,, Sholton, Washint on. :I 0-24-31--11-7-14-21-28--12-5--7t. State of %Vashlnglon ()FFI('E OF SlIPERVINOIt ()F HYI)RAU 1,1 (',H Olympia NOTICE OF %VA'rER RIGI[T APII.ICATION NO. 74,q9 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given tlmt A. D, and Grace E. Stcl)bins of Tacoma. State of Washington. under date of Octet)st 15, 1946 filed witl the State Supervisor of "Hydraulics, Olymp?a. Washington. an application for "a per- mit to divert the public waters of Coulter Creek tributary of Cases In- let. in the amount of 0.01 second-f0ot. subject to existing rights, for the put-. pose of domestic supply continuously; tlmt the approximate point of diver- sion Is IDeated within SEt4 of NWL of Section 9, Township 22 N., Range 1 W.W.M. in Mason County A map showing tle locat on and ,plan of sal divorsioll and the place of the propo',- ed use is on file ill the office of tll.e Stale Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olym- pia, Washington, together with such other infer'ruction as is required by law. Any prson, firm .or corporatiou whose right will be injuriously affect- ed by said application may file with the tate Supervisor of Hy(lraulics, at Olympia, Washington, such objections or representations, in writing, as he may desire to make, within thirty (30) days after date of last publication, which date is December 5. 1946. Witness my hand and official seal this 13tb day" of November, A,D. ]9.16. (EAL) RODNEY RYKER. State Sul)orvisor of Hydranlics. 11-28--12-5 NO. 1878 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THI STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND :FOR THE COUNTY Ol MASON. IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Frank L. Chase. Deceased. NOTICE [S HERERY GIVEN, that Letters Testamentary on the Estate of :Frank L. Chase. deceased were grant- ed to the undersigned on the 16th day of November, 1946, by the said Superior Com't All persons having claims against said estate are required to scrve them with the necessary vouchers upon the undersigned at the Law Office of Al- den C. Bayley. Title Insurance Build- ing. She]toL Washington that being the place designated forthe transac- tion of the business of the estate. within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, u)-wlt: within six luonihs after the ]l-st day of November. 1946, and file mine with the Clerk of this Court, together witi proof ef sucll set'vice or they will be forever barred. Dated this 21st day of November, 1946, NAOMI PAULEY CHASE. Executrix of the Estate of -' Frank L. Chase Deecased. ILDEN C, BAYLEY. Attorney for Executrix. Title lnsurancc Building, Sllelton, Washington, 11-21-28--12-5-12--4t, ii HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms "k Reasonable Rates . NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. A CAR ON THE ROAD IS WORTH TWO ON ORDER! Take Good Care of Your Present AutomobileYOU DRIVE IT A LOT LONGER! Production delays have furLher set ahead the day you will be able to drive your new one away. Besides importance of keeping your car in serviceable is the equally important consideration--that of its in-valtle. The Wise ear owner is keeing these things NO MORE WAITING FOR AUTO SERVICE!! Factory Trained Mechanics COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP! RAKE MOTOR OVERHAULING LEO C. NELSON In COlmection with S. L. Pearson, Local Agent for Kaiser-Frazier Cars and R ototillers First and Pine Phone 676 I II I I I fll I I ill II I I I I : '€[ ! I 'i For A More Gracious" Chris" NAVAJO RUGS and Blankets---Barbaric Designs I1 colors (steeped in Indian mythology). CHIMAYO BLANKETS and Starves---Beautifully dl signed and colored by skilled Indian artisans. LEATHER PURSES--All tooling, tinting, sewing $ engraving done by hand. (We sold a family one in J DELIVERED IN Phon IIIIIll MORGAN US • • • STRAIGHTE00 AUTO TI FRAM: FRON: "00002PI WHEE Body Car Painting -- G Complete Lubrica Union Oil they just ordered two more for Christmas presents,) DAINTY, BEAUT, FUL CERAM,CS B Weaver s ,qHEI.TftN dies, Shelton. (Scintillating pastels and glowing gredH BOUCKWkAiREBa?::itunlPlaelnd:ort(primitiv e de,["OUr Wrecker Service with crace f" a " g,) [-'-'- INDIAN JEWELRY--Sterling silver, hand designed (t,¢ ...... - ........ are O? turquoise, p¢nt¢u w;,uu, u ................. ,! j| "" INDIAN BASKETS--Grasses, roots, raffia, cedar i#] bark (some local). / INDIAN WOVEN sex AND SWI:ATERSFrom carded, home dyed wool. UNIQUE PLACE CARDS--For your parties. different and beautiful (hand made loP, ally). HAND PAINTED PLASTIC APRONS, hand tiles, Shell jewelry ad many other gift items cally). OPEN ONLY ON FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS & DURING THE WINTER -- 12 NOON UNTIL 10 Totem Curios Va Mile West of Uhion i ::::: | WRECK I00WE REBUILD THEM LIKE ,::': ::=:: ! All Makesl After the wreck--call us. We are equipped give you mighty fine service and fix your car up the quickest possible time. Body Work . . Fender Work. Glass Re Top Work. Lamps and Radiators Repaired. BE SURE TO GET OUR ESTIMATE IT WILL PAY YOU! • MELL CHEVROLET First & Grove Phone 777 O_u00 Many:J we give thanks. at peace, our po tables laden. County Cream thanks for your, age. We strive ducts meet wit] satisfaction. No More Leaky Cellars I ] [ III II COLD WEATHER suPpL,ES We Have Plenty ef Weather Stripping ForY our Windows anl Doors Gutter Downspouts and Elbows Materils for Interior Decorating Now is the time to work inside and re-do the interior of your home, We can supply you with all your needs in INTERIOR PAINTS WALL PAPER BRUSHES MOLDING - OTHER SUPPLIES |, I I $41o Makes 1 gal. III covers 40 to 70 sq. ft., sec- ond coat, 175 to 250 sq. it. WHEN YOU USE A New Mineral Surface Coating Which Stops Leakage, Seeimge, Dampness IT'S NEWl IT'S DIFFERENT! IT WORKS. 4' Here's that amazing watetproof you've been waiting for! Aquella e" panda when applied to porous mason" ryfitls every microscopic pore to form a microporic seat tahat ues to harden with age. Imparts glistening white, eggslell-ltke light reflecting and beautiful is,*' or it may be painted over any color, Will not powder, rub blister, peel or flake. Get Aquella interiors; Aquelta No. 2 for exteriorS, Aquelltze For WatePtightnes Inside or outside, above or belo ground, For all such porous masonry surfaces as concrete, masonry blocR, common brick, rough plaster, stuccO' Directions in bag. Tested and ApproVed by Leading Government Agencies and InduStrialists LAWTOH LUMBER COMPAHY 420 South First St - Phone 56  _.=.-:7- OWNED AND OPERATED BY EVERETT DILLON AND JOE"SiMPSON PERFECT. To top off your or any other.m serve heaping creamy-rich, del: the 'ideal light d with everyone. Ritner