November 28, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 28, 1946 |
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:i i/
:day, November 28, 1946. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL
+" ':' Thursday,' November" i2, --" L: I "JEll COMMISSIONERS:PROCEEDINGS: 9414" ' SELTON.NS0N C0/ J0NkL T...,U U, l,,|tA]'' t.T;h-]urday and also to help Mrs, Earl, lup for Mr. Carlson's funeral Sat-
:a. .... Mend , Ime
[Va |]b GGI I|l Board met l"contnuea session All Published every Thursday morning n To j. • I Harriman celebrate her birthday
ray lSllierenual I Sunday with a big family turkey
|. ",mlVVm lm1mnw i= .,mv-,= |/ present as of previous meeting." Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association a T [r •Idinner, tiffs being the first time
................. .g | |! Claims allowed, auonal Editorial Assoclauon
I THE ROAD IS WOR'rltl - ............... OADS I|] Ferry receipts in the amount of Entered as second-mass matter at the postoffice at Shelton, Washington &'. Krmerlnn TarfllMr. and Mrs. Earl Harriman have
D[-'LIVI=HbD IN '-GUHU L $43.00 received for the week ending WILFORD L JESSUP, Editor and Publisher .................... had their family all at home, son-
Your Present Automobile--YOU btA I. P h o n e 6 5 6
have further set allead the day
drive your new one away. Besides..i
ping you," ca," in serviceable eo..': MORGAN FUEL CO
t + •
errant consideration--that of its
ar owner is keeing these things in n ''
;tory Trained Mechanics l'
t with S. L. Pearson, Local Agent |
r-Frazier Cars and RototiUers ' { _
. . .,., :i1[1 WHEEL BALANCING
re Gracious Christm00F Body and Fender Repairing
Juue 29th, and turned over to Treas-
urer for credit of County Road Fund.
Remittance in the amount of $750.00
from Arthur R. Anderson for skilI
ball license, received and turned over
to Treasurer for credit of Current Ex-
Refund in the amount of $90.65 from
City of Shelton for salary State Ex-
aminer received and turned over to
Treasurer for the credit of Advance
Re-application of A. E. Bard, Bard's
Grocery, Belfair, for E and F license
was pproved.
Auditor's count of Treasurer's cash
as of June 1st Was examined and ap-
Delegation from Harstine Island ap-
peared to rank 4 for a reduction in ferry
rates of $10.00 per year for Islana
residents. The board ,could not see
their way clear to make such reduc-
tion or to consider a flat rate.
It was moved and seconded that a,
resident of the island be permitted
to purchase six books of tickets for
$25.00 making a rate of about 16 cents
per trip. Carried.
This being the time set for hearing
on Petition of Elliott B, Spring et aL
for the vacation of certain streets
in Plt of Arkada, proper notice haw
ing been given as appears from affi-
davit on file, and no one appearing
to object it was moved and seconded
tlmt the following Order of Vacation
be approved. Carried.
Tuesday, July 2ad, 1946
Board met in continued session. All
present as of yesterday.
Remittance m the amount of $10.00
from P.O. Dept. for Ferry Fares
for month of March, received and turn-
Bill Dickie, Advertising Mgr. Bessie Bolen, Business Mgr.
Subscription Rates:
2.50 per year in advance; 6 months $1.50 outside Mason County $2.75:
anada and Foreijn $3.50.
With the assistance of warm, rain coming the next day to end
rains and a bit of sunshine tile
heavy blanket of snow which cov-
ered Shelton and the vicinity has
disappeared and the only traces
of the recent snow are the melting
remainders of snowmen around
town and the official weather rec-
A Rayonier weather station tab-
ulation of last week shows that
seven inches of snow fell on Mon-
day, with four more inches com-
ing down Tuesday. Snowfall on
Wednesday was very slight, with
son county Ior fOUl" flays, starting
July 18th, 1946, It was nloved and
seconded that pernfit be granted as
applied for. Carried.
Remittance in the amount of $146.00
from Dougherty Sales Company to
cover items as follows: Cash Bond in
re Punch Board License $100.00,
the cold snap. Since Saturday,
November 16, Sielton has had
some rain or snow every day.
The highest amount of precipi-
tation was recorded on Saturday,
November 23, when one inch of
rain fell. The following day the
lowest rainfall, 0.18 inch, was re-
corded by the weather office. Tem-
peratures rangcd from a low of 31
degrees on November 18, 19 and
22 to'k high of 54 degrees on No-
vember 23. According to weather
bureau officials less actual snow-
fall was recorded at the mill than
at other places in the city, due to
the proximity of tim plant to the
Pioneer resments of Shelton will
remember that last week's snow
was not the earliest on record, for
Of interest to men and women in-laws and grandchildren, all at
of Mason county who were em-
ployed at the Puget Sound Navy
Yard at Bremerton up to October
15, 1944, is a letter from Rear
Admiral R. W. Christie, command-
ant, to Charles R. Savage con-
cerning the delayed payment of
retroactive night shift differen-
tial wages.
Admiral Christie explains that
instructions have been received
that funds will be made available
for the settlement of claims with
the provision that payments will
not be made until a final audit of
all accounts has been made. Since
there are approximately 1,860,000
weekly pay accounts to be audited
it is hoped to have the work com-
pleted by July 1, 1947.
This retroactive night shift pay
pertains to a Congressional act
requiring the additional pay for
night shift be included in basic
pay in computing salaries to which
employees were entitled for leave
and holiday pay. Instructions were
later received to compute retroac-
tively the salaries of all per diem
employees, but no provision was
made for the actual payment of
the claims until now.
the same time, since the two
daughters have married. Mrs. Ma-
mie E. Nicholson and Ronald Sly-
ter of Agate were also in attend-
The Jack Farrell fan'fiiy of Ta-
coma were week end guests at
the Huwo A. Glaser home, as was
the Glaser daughters.
Mr, and Mrs, Irvie Wingert and
Mr. and Mrs. Joim L. Hitchcock
have visited the Roscoe F. Page
amily a couple of evenings this
last week.
LOCAL 1544
Next Meeting
Dec• 12
GH High Speed Diesels
Page 3
45 H•P. To 348 H.P,
W,'ite nr phone for prices
and Blankets---Barbaric Designs IIf
indian mythology).
IKETS and Scarves---Beautifully #
t by skilled Indian artisans.
E$--AII tooling, tinting, sewing .
hand. (We sold a family one in JUtl
two more for Christmas presents,)
cintillating pastels anct glowing greet
larbaric Splendor (primitive deS
h and unusual coloring.)
YSterling silver, hand designed
.etflfied wood, obsidian Or
TS--Grasses, roots, raffia, cedar
i wool.
'. CARDg---FOP your part;ca.
utiful (hand made,).
and many other gift Items
Car Painting -- General Overhauling
Complete Lubrication Service With
Union Oil Products
Wrecker Service 1st & Cota - Phone 52
tern Curios
ed over to Treasurer for the credit of
County Road.
Remittance in the amount of $750 00
from Smith's Automatic Phonograph
Co.. for skill ball license for year
ending June 30, 1947, received and
turned over to Treasurer for the cred-
it of Current Ex, pe e.
Resignation s Okerstrom as
County Agent, effective as of August
151h was received. It was moved and
seconded that resignation be accepted.
Call for bids made for screening
and dehver!ng 3550 yus. ot gravel for
Road. Dlsmct No 3 from county pit
Meetin continued to Monday.
monuay, July 8th, 1948
Board met in continued session. All
present as of previous meeting.
Claims allowed :
I-Iarstine ferry receipts In tile am-
ount of 53,75 for week ending July
6til recelveu and turnea over to
Treasurer for credit of County Road
This being the time set for hear-
ing on Petition o..f Edwayd Okenek etl
al, for the estaonsnmenc o a eounty l
road, proper notme having been given ]
as appears xrom atiuavit.on file, and l
no one appearing to object, it was[
nmved and seconded that the order[
of establishment be approved. Carried. I
Meeting was_ continued to Monday ]
July 15th, 1946.
Monday, July 15, 1946
Board met in continued session. All
present as of previous meeting.
Claims allowed.
Harstlne ferry receipts tn the am-
ount of $165.25 for Week ending July
13th received and turned over to
Treasurer for the credit of County
Road Fund.
Representative of Dodge's Greater
stamps $16.00; license $25.00; received
and turned over to Treasurer for the
credit of Current Expense $21.00 and
Current Expense Trust Fund $100.00.
Remittance in the amount of $32.50
from City of Shelton for its share
of bulldozing city dmnp, received and
turned over to Treasurer for the cred-
it of Current Expense Fund.
Petition of George W. Dalfl et al,
for the vacation ,of streets in De-
troit No. 2 received, It was moved
and seconded that petition be accept-
ed and that Monday, August 5th at
2:00 P.M., at commissioners room,
court house Shelton, Wash., be desig-
nated as the time and place Ior hear-
ing on same. Carried.
Petition of Oscar Ahl et al, for the:
Vacation of Washingfon Avenue in :
Hoodsport from State Hwy. N. 9 to
Vacated Willard Avenue received. It
was moved and seconded that Mon-
day, August 5th at 2:30,, com-
missioners room, court house, Shelton.
Washington, be designated as the time
and place for hearing on same. Car-
Resolution re Transfer of Fund from
Current Expense to T.-B. Hospitaliza-
tion approved.
Resohltion, re Transfer of Funds
from T.-B. Hospitalization to Public
Health Pooling approved.
Resolution re Transfer of Funds
from Current Expense to Public.'
Health Pooling approved.
Preliminary' plan plat of Phillips
Lake, Divlsmn No. 2, received and
Resolution in re Emergency approv-
Meeting continued to Wednesday,
July 17th, I946.
Wednesday, July 17, 1946
Board met in continued session. All
some snow in early November of
last year had the record. The big
snows in local history, running up
to four feet, date back to 1880, and
again in 1893, when snow lasted
over a month and most people
were "holed up" for the duration,
including January to March.
Another big snow of note was
in 1916, when the Kneeland barn
in Shelton Valley was caved in, as
were several of the frame houses
and sheds in the town and country.
There have been periodical snows
during the years that followed,
but none have had unusual rec-
ords I
Lake Cushman
'wv'qv'r V'WVV vrqe'*v v' qvvv v'qr'v m+
"Suitable Toys for Childrens'
Gifts," was the timely topic of
an interesting paper prepared by
Mrs. Maxine Peterson at the Nov-
ember 19 Pre-School Study Group
meeting. The meeting, held at the
home of Mrs. Frances Radtke in
spite of the weather, included a
discussion of educational musical
recordings for children upon which
subject Mrs. Gordon Dickinson
proved to be well informed. After
a pleasant evening, cake and col-
Harstine Island
A large crowd of neighbors at-
tended the funeral in Shelton Sat-
urday of August Carlson, who
passed away last Wednesday at
the Shelton General Hospital fol-
lowing a short illness. We extend
our sympathy to the family.
Mrs. Roscoe Page returned
home last Tuesday from about a
month's trip through Oregon, Cali-
fornia, Arizona and Mexico, visit-
ing relatives.
Mrs. Ted Hile and new son Fred-
dy returned home from the hos-
pital a week ago Saturday.
The Harstine Social Club is ac-
tive again and will meet the sec-
ond Friday of every month. Mem-
bers plan to do some necessary re-
pairs to their hall.
The six o'clock dhmer sponsored
by the Harstine Women's Club a
week ago Saturday was a big suc-
cess. Keno and cards were enjoyed
during the evening.
The weatherman sure put' an
early blanket of snow on us last
week which was enjoyed by the
young folks who had a school va-
cation but the older people didn't
think so much of it with' mail be-
ing interrupted, etc.
present as of previous meeting, fee were served by the hostess.
/z Mile West of Ulion Shows appeared to get permission to Claims allowed. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Otterstad
conduct a circus and carnival in Ma- Mrs. Otto Radtke was highly and son Donnie of Aberdeen came
" r This being the time set for opea-
ing bids for screening and hauling pleased with the arrival of her ,
=, .. gravel for Road District No 3 the l
NIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII]i followin'" bids were received "and o')- soil, CpL Lee Stout, last week. He
i¶. " --== ened: res Johnson, Bremerton $J.- is recently returned from duty
-- "1 750.00: Gee. M. Grisdale Const. Co. with the U. S. Army in the Philil)- MOVING AWAY?
tt " 141" tl J 159000.00' Guy J. Norris, Shelton $8,-
- [v[a.00nn t 00unrv =1067.50; V. D. Brear, Tumwater $7,- pines and plans to spend several
_ ., ......... d ----] 972.50: Body and Barr, Tacoma, $9,- days with his wife at Cushman,
-- _-- [ 000.00. After checking items and to- Mrs. Ida Hardisty of Tacoma '
, .-.a ,,-, -- I"t ..! tals, it was moved and seconded that visited her daughter, Mrs. Dave
.i, , II ::]t:mdU ,l0" e [][hid of W. D. Brear, Tumwater, being ..... ,..
i" .Y .Y ----] the lowest and best bid be accepted Collins over the week end and at .......
_ _' tl , ---- --=| as a unit and total price, that certi- tended the Women's Club Bazaar ,:2:L---
i}t r",,.z_f.J -- = - -" - | fled check of Guy Nora'is, second low
'l',J a Il bidder, be held until successful bid- at Hoodsportaturday night.
---,t 1" \\; "" =.[ der has qualified and that all other Visitors of the E. Radtkes and
=' V\\; '.- [] ----I checks be returned. Carried. the Robert Smiths Sunday were
| I k\\; ' ---- ] Meeting was continued till Monday, ]V[r. and Mrs, Rodne" Smith zmd
---- [] July 22, 1946.
- I _z' . = For Milk, Cream =l Mnnday, July 22, 1916 s children of Seattle.
([ : !t- ],nr ][|,ac•n¢ = -/ Board et in ebntinued sc.'sion. .I0re moving in camp is leing
.' J>.:.UI))"2 uM]..,llai, l ..l.O..L*O . • • ...... " _ _--I Present, H R. Dickhmon chairmal; 'd0}le by the Dave Collins family
................ " " ...... " ..................... ¢P l/hln (]P,f[m --I Lyle O'Dcll and Roy Cart. eommls-
.. -- ....... M ...... = [ stoners and Harry Deyette Clerk of who plan to occupy the house re -L
• I , "" .......... " " ---- the board
m / A IJ' , I we give thanks. Our country m --- . ,. __.1 Claims allowed" cently vacated by the Otto Radt-
l)ellvery .... rat e
] q |i : at ueace, our ueoule well-fed, our -- _[ Ha in° ferry "receipts in th. am- kes.
" .... tables laden. .... We of the Mason == ount of $101.50 for week ending July Del Laramie and family spent thejG°°d :k let° you :::eT;k
L" IL . =, PHON " el 20th received and turned over to Tory
Sunday in Shelton visiting Mrs.
--I 1 --' --1 1 • II ouuyf .... " auj¢''a''xr .-.v*n'F'Fa" u"' ----- " ..----I Treasurer fro' the credit of County Laramie's sister, Mrs, Harry Shel- o s r
. -- __. Road Fund
I ton.
, thanks for our contmu p - _ - • '.,: .
• I, Y • -- == to construct three approaches to coun- Itransportation of your ef-
ILD THEM LIKE H' ed atron = - Permit f, om D,le, tor of H ghways Eletting us take care of the
ake our re " Mrs. Kate Paul of Tacon2a is
age. We strive to m p " [] ty road, Mason Avenue, and Pantius
.... ,_,___, ...... .., ---"r complete [] _ Avenue, located in the Hood Canal visiting her daughter, Mrs. Art fectsanywhere in Washinfl-
(All MCIKeS# Quells meet wlu y v - " --==l Land and Improvement Company plat Gilmore.
• | --"-=-*:^- [] Norm Hillvard says that the ----I of Union City, in Section 33, Town- I ion!
r,¢k--call us. We I are O eq.lppeo ] r car ttP mz,u,uu. ---- " " [ eelve a anxeu shh' d22'n'Ra'nge- 3 West. W.M.. re- slightMrS'injuriesOtt° Radtkefrom WhOa fallSUfferedat the
fine sermce and f x y U
• " " -- best chance in the world is a ] Copy of At{y." General's opinion to bazaar Saturday evening, is now
=;hl+= 4;m. m ] Pros Atty. Heuston advising that feeling fully recovered, i SHELTON
="' "''* ,_,J II A = A "t" i---- fihtin .... The rest ---- t Mason" county cannot' legally raisc
Fender Work. Gla Rep Nqtl,,AnHI 1II41|1141@11 1"1=O9111110='11 +'+; ........ E funds by taxat!on for the building of There is still snow several
" " " . ...... = .............................. l[ -°_l= . --| a war memorial on school district inches deep along th road to TRANSFER
s ann amators epalrca sw| tut4mmmm .. -
p • ' V|| U|ILJ **[- are too easy -- landtobe later turned over to school Cushman, though it has complete- m 221 S. 2nd Phone
• - + " -- I district tor upkeep ann o eration with-
• • ,-- -- . .' ly disappeared in camp. Traffic
BE SURE TO L :+: --l out authorization by te lcglslaturc, during the stormy period was not
• ' • ***. • * • • • • • * * • * * * • * * • t**.***?**.***-***-** ?**t.o?**.*..'.**$ * • * • * * -- received and ft/ed.
n a ,- ' • 1 A '' :"',;.o:,.'..o.',.u.:. ..... .*-. ....... -;..,..;..e','*";". ..... °. .... ,.-;-;-;.o;-..;. I ,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111$ I Mccting was continued till Monday, greatly inconvenienced though the
July 29 1946
I , K e. 1 | !11 #/ " ............ ' ' school bus was unable to make it
• , Monday, July 29, ]946
WILL PAY YOU[ O -- Board met in continued session. All up the hill the first day.
- )resent as of previous meeting. Mrs. Betty Raines and baby are
+. Grove Phone 777
PERFECT... for dessert
i To top off your Thanksgiving dinner
:. or any other meal for that matter
serve heaping portions of Ritner's
creamy-rich, delicious ice cream. It's
the'ideal light dessert •. it's a favorite
with everyone.
A New Mineral Surface
Coating Which Stops
1500 Westlake N. Seattle 9, ALder 1440
Claims allowed.
Ferry receipts in the anlount of
$59.50 for week ending July 27th, re-
ceived and turned over to Treasurer
for the credit of county road.
Notice from Bonneville Power Ad-
ministration of acceptance of offer of
$100.00 for permanent easement for
transmission line purposes across gov-
ernment Lot 1, Section 1, Township
19 North, Range 4 West, received and
Notice from Coast Guard that O,'igi-
nal Certificate of Inspection must be
posted unuer glass on ferry received
and files,
Letter from Director of Extcnsion
of Andrew Kruis-
created by resig-
of kerstrom,. eotmty
extension agent, received and filed.
Letter from J. B. mason, District
Health.Officer, notifying Mason coun-
ty an uty of Shelton, that Thurs-
ton c°unwy and'In City of Olympia would
require xu .t me of sanitarian, af-
ter January_ st, 1947, and reconnnend-
lng that M.ason. county and City of
Shelton .maKe Zmancial arrangements
to also nave a full time sanitarian,
reccived and filed,
Contract witl W. D. Brcar, couhty
road proect No, 85, was approved
ann .igneu.
Bond of W. D. Brear in the am-
ount of•$7,972.50 for the faithful per-
formance of his contract in that an,-
spending two or three months in
Seattle with her husband who is
stationed there for the time be.
Protesting article of, Xmas tree
waste, which was published in
last weels Jounlal by J. L. 'Dick'
Just take a look around at the
enormous amount of fuel wood
that goes to waste. Fruit and ber-
ries that never reach the consum-
er, from the fruit valleys. Good
otatoes and grain that isn't all
utilized on the western plains,
As a "Keep Washington Green"
minded person, I'd Say cut Xmas
trees for the easy money, as it
Robe Him for Xmas
All Wool
Beautiful gifts to
give him comfort
and pleasure thru-
out the year.
For a Wide Choice
In 200 Pairs of
Slack s
(.. m All-W)ol
All in waist sizes fron
27 inches up in ntany
colors, priced from
Needham's Men's Wear
125 Railroad h
'O ' ; [e any of our fine
+ stationery you select,
Eaton's fine stationery in a variety of colors and patterns
Ask to see "Romantic America" by Eaton• Novelty notes by
Reproductathe Cream of the Crop.
Choose Your
From our large variety of boxed and
individual numbers.
ount was approved and certified was worded. Whether they are
ehecks of W. D. Brear and Guy J. sold or unsold in the large cities WE PERSONALIZE'
- Norris were ordered returned, our local people receive wages
Auditor's count of Treasurer's cash
Leakage, Seepage, as of July 1st, 1946, was cxamined in the harvest. Thin out the trees,
and approves.
_ . they won't all be cut this year
was granted to for Santa .... Then what is Make your choice as early as possible while our stocks are
, Dampness .s,A. Dept. or the Interior acting .f ..... ..... . .
by and tln'ougn the Bonnevilie Pew- le I: WlU nave a cnance ¢o grow still complete, -- ,
IT S NEWl IT'S DIFF"RENT! er Adm., o proceed wfth construction into well shaped trees.
and operation and maintenance of its AS a forest lover I never liked
, IT WORKS Shelton-Allyn Elcctric power trans- ." ' . .
n dssioa..xine over across and upon and a uense thicket of spimey I:l'COS 1,
Heres that' mRFn" wGterpPoof lr along, tnc countyroads deseribed in which never do have a chance to x
the arawmg on t|le with the Bmrd et .... l, , .. llr,> " _,rT JllSt as tt l{enlilldtw..'.
you've been waiting for! Aquella e$" I [of County Conm, issioners Serial Nos r r ,- a ....... v.
II 29252. 29253. 29255 and 29263 "t Signed: 3tIdRY NEEDHAM. , xt. , - , ,
panda when applied to porous masoW I I This being the ttn, c set for hca,'ing I -
formrY--fiils every microscopic pore t°a microporic seat that eonti* IllllzEmcrgencyapPr°prlatt°n'n°tieeSlpearh, ghaving beento o b(c,eivent itandwas nOmovedOne audaP .... I GIRLTuesdaBORN ...... TUESDAY26' a il m t OA " BUXtOn cytainel-s an(t
ues to harden with age. Imparts $ Ifll secondedcm.rtcd, that., order be approved, [was bornY'in°vem°crthe Shelton ''General g' m N p0rsoYlalized with na:ne (:
glistening white, eggshell-like flni] I/ Mcettng continued till Augu.t 5th I v_Vsi,, ...... .t,_, 'ilt^
; ,u Vtt LU VJ, t ann ......... l,. 4)1 ',,W.
li BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS-I atets_ " ........ " (.) ...... lnake perfect gift for :en,
--light reflecting and beautiful " I/ SIONERS OF MASON COUN- x ' u,.
is, or it may be painted over wi II TY. WASHINGTO ......... --
" || H. R DICKINSON ch'firman JOURNAL Wmt A ar tie b
// Attest" ' * -- "
any color, Will not powder, rub o! ..... he
interiors;blister' peelAquel a No. 2 lurer flake. Get Aquellaexterior,fa)'al ' //.|| Harry Deyctte, Clerk. 11-2 t y really get results. . Genuine Leather. Brief Cases and=
+. -- ........................................................ Evans Combination Lighters and Table Lighters
Aquelltze FOr WaPtightnes " $1.40 gal. - $6.50 in And Many Other Gift Items -
Inside or outside, above or belaY/ i 5-gal. lots t411 TEXACO PRO1)UCTS 'OUN ER
ground, F= all suoh porous mason //11 ' FIRESTONE AN -FREEZE /
surfaces as concrete, masonry bloe]zJ, You'll enjoy our products more /ill Comp,ete Motor Rebuilding & Overhauling. /
than everforourleeCreammix MASON C TY STATION S
common brick, rough plaster, stuccO' as recent y reached pre-war qual- , /|ll New and Used Auto Parts. Electric & AceLclync Welding !
Directions in bag. ity• |||[ and Cutting. We buy and sell used and wrecked cars. Now
,tAgeneiesandlndu+Rriali=ts Crea Ba //1/ wrecking'34 Studebaker, ,34Olds, and 2 Model A Fords. i Stationery, Off,ee Suppli(s all(, Eqmpment
i COMPANY Ritner's Ice m r ,,,,]lit Rogers+0rmer,yBrothersshelton Auto PartsGarage + 118N. Second Street Phone602
+.o..o0++ ir/
name or initials
m ake perfect gifts for men or women.
........ .... ....