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Page SttELTON-MASON COUN2 JOURNAL _ . _ . Thursday, lovembc, November 28 1.946.
'--'---" ..... " "---" -- llllIW lIll UL,I oner reasons lot oeing tnanKlul %Jl Jr lulzlJ /)'UU,L 'ql kg*u T + UJ-'aa-'-'LL 9 ...... room, ('Part hotlse, Shellon, Wash. Cal'- iIIN IIR iI?
(Continued frmn page 1) at this season, I am grateful for I I i[C tTT4"t')l'4'-''li"lb--' T'lkT "H":T "I'II]'T ...... + tied. nl ul -- IIP /
/a rlRlrlPl Jir] r eontraDtion.a Dlssure cool{- ]'J]n' .v .,]o,÷ a .,,,t + /-I I !'/- I¥1 /l| , I I |1" II' I%1.1,| , I l|ll' Monday, .ugust o, ..+,, Allpllc.flions for licenses were ap- I I IIBI'
/k I I]U er. ......... Many have fallen vitim to of the ""accident.'•"'+"bI .................. would give n .J. ,. --.. J...,.a, .L.. _...... ..... }loard met ill eontinued session, All proved as f,dlows: Ruel andA" Pierce,Julius ¶ '
i With the official count of No- The official Mason County vote present as of llrevi-us meeting. Etdon Siorc, Lilliwaup,
TO MEN the uncontrollable, power of the Clailns allowed, and Russell Stock. GralleVicw Gr,,eery. .. :,, 2-
forces of nature, destruction by cooker users+-don't try ro open lots released by tim county election county election board the bold face punt of $9&50 for week ending July Ro'xd I"ojeet No. 85, W, D. Brear, Th.rsda,y- .f
@ Salnrday, Nuv.
Edward G, Robinson, L
, Give a Young, Orson WelleS
Spencer "THE
The Most Deceitful ..
WolYan Ever
Pins News - CartoO
explosion and other mishap, but
to be laid low by a couple of hand-
fulls of plum pudding is certain-
ly ironical, In any event the
creator of this department is hav-
ing his troubles this week looking
through the mist of a burned fltce,
resulting from a kitchen accident
of late last wck. that gives a bit
of experience and advice to' oth-
ers to be wary of that modern
delight of the housewife--.the pres-
sure gadget that cooks ,neat and
vegetables so tender in a short
time. The Little Woman had mix-
ed up a batch of plum pudding for
the Holiday season, when she no-
tired somethg wrong with the
pressure gaue. Setting the con-
traption to the side and taking
off the cap, I applied myself to
opening the cooker, with the re-
Sult tbat,I got a blast full of
Scalding plum pudding rl gh t
Your wife or
mother will be
delighted t o
have a S pen-
t IX
cer created Just for her. It will
give her new beauty, new
health---great comfort.
1416 Summit Drive
Phone 799-JX
tdividlsty Designed
For Abdomen, Back', Breasts
--Libraries and Schools
--Songs and Prayer
--Perliioats, Magazines
--Newspaper Fites
--Old books repaired and
• Prices Reasonable
Karl Krupa
Route 1---Box 114
Raymond, Wash.
Irene S. Reed High School
Presents a Winter
word of advice to all pressure
the utensil when pressure within
resists ordinary efforts of remov-
ing the top.
EPUBLICAN C o n g r caBman-
Elect Fred Norman, in a ftna]
visit to Shelton and Mason county
tl, is week before going to Wash-
ington to a,Tange the opening of
his office before the next con-
gressional term, baked The Jour-
nal to advise Mason county peo-
ple not to forget that he was go-
{ng back to the National Capitol
as a servant of all of the people
and that no person should hesi-
tate in asking his assistance in
any matte,' that perplexed them,
He said that goes for anybody
and everybody--whether Republi-
cans, Democrats or whether or
not they voted for him. Norman
was enthusiastically grateful for
the fine support that had been
given him in Mason county, a
district he had written off as a
big liability to his ambitions, be-
cause of its being the home dis-
trict of his opponent. The new
congressman, who has just ended
a two year period of private life
after being replaced by Congress-
man Savage, ntends to continue
with legislation that he had spon-
sored be/ore being defeated two
years ago. In this connection he
, will seek enactment of a measure
that will create a pilot plant for
research into possibilities of creat-
ing commercial use of waste for-
est p,xducts. It will be of help to
the timber industry in that costs
for adapting the manufacture of
wood waste into useful commodi-
ties will be established and ott*er
helps given indury in this area.
Congressman Norman will be as-
sisted in Washington by a secre-
tarial staff headed by Riley Eum-
walt, Olympia, pioneer Washing-
ionian and recently statistician of
the State Republican organization.
Mary Joe Donovan of Vancouver.
who served the Norman office two
years ago wilt again be employed,
and acorliing to the newly elected
congressman, every facility and
effort of himself and office staff
are at the (x>mmand of the people
of this section.
A girl was born to Mr, and Mrs.
Edwin Metzler I"uesday, Novem-
ber 26, in the Shelton General
vember fifth's general election bal-
boa t'd this week, the election of
Stephen E, S,nith, retired Navy
[ eel}Lain and Republican candidate,
as county treasurer became of fie-
' ial by a 14-vote margin over Omer
L. Dion, Democrat, who has held
the office for the past twelve
years. Figures reported in The
Journal last week on the tz'cas-
nrer's *'ace were correct, Smith
receiving 2182 to Dion's 2168.
• The election of George Adams,
Shetton Democrat and incumbent,
as the 24th District's third repre-
sentative in the legislature was
also affirmed by the official vote
count in all three counties in the
district ..... Mason, Jefe),'son and
Clallam ..... but his margin was
pared to a slender 41 votes in the
final accounting over David Bur-
rowes, Sequim Republican, who
moved from fifth place in the un-
official z'esqlts to a very close
fourth, nosing out Dr, U. S, Ford,
Forks. physician and incumbent
Democratic legislator,
According to, reports from Clan
lama, nd Jefferson counties, Bur-
rowes, who was in fifth place and
129 votes behind Adams before
the approximately 400 absentee
ballots in the three counties were
counted, receivel 88 more absentee
votes than Adams,
Dr. Ford, who was in fourth
place in the unofficial count beffore
the absentee ballots were counted
dropped to fifth place with the
6,608 votes compared to 6,693 for
Ed Faubert, Shelton Republican,
was sixth with 6,5,15 votes.
The race for representative was
very close with only 566 votes sep-
arating Merle Hufford, the high
man, ft)m Faubet%. te low.
The following is the official
count of the three counties includ-
ing absentee ballots:
Mas. CaL Jeff. Tot,
Hufford ...... 1996 3391 1724 71tl
Pearson ...... 2011 3863 885 6759
Adams ........ 2295 3518 921 6734
Burrowes .... 1883 3579 1231 6693
Ford ............ 1945 3732 931 6608
Faubert ...... 2258 3103 1184 6545
Standings of other candidates
were unchanged by the official
count, although all will show a
slight increase over the totals giv-
en in the precinct table printed in
last week's Journal. Of the 7217
voters registered and eligible to
cast ballots on November 5, only
4832 actually, did vote, according
to the official cotint.
Shelton New Gym • 00relie£fromheadcold
I E J'OTT distres-$tart.$ tO come when
[ lw(r I$'I rlV' you put a little Va:tro-nol
mp.i; ' [ FROM SNIFRY, STUFFY OISTRES$ OF in each nostril: .Vat s rnore
/uesday, Dec. 3 - ......
] RA. .£-- B--- • mauy colds ttom &i'oping if
I BlJlllllllllel u+ in tinct Try it1 FolLow
! € WIL directions In package.
VI) Olo
1 }I-- 'sr Rm.r w.t. ] IBI Ia IaI l
All made from 100 Per Cent
Virgin Wool, Sizes 14 thru 20
22 98
at Only e
Rayon Crepe
In aqua and black. Generously tailored with one-
inch side seams and two-inch hems, 12 75
in sizes 12 thru 20. •
Fast Color, Sanforized
In red and white. In sizes 14 thru 42.
with one-inch side seams,
two-inch hems.
. One Block West of Highway.Between Elinor and Dearborn on Hillcrest
totals as released this week by the
name indicating the elected candi-
date :
U, S, SENATOR.-Cai. R, 2400;
Mitchell D, 2010.
CONGRESS ..... Norman R, 2082;
Savage D, 2437.
LEGISLATURE ...... Hufford R,
1,996; Pearson D, 2011; Adams D,
2295; Burrowcs I=L 1883: Ford D,
1(,}45; Faubert R, 2258.
District)--O'Dell D, 2282; Eliason
R. 1974, (2nd District) .... Dickin-
son D, 2376; Hanson R, 1795.
AUDITOR--Pauley D, 3178 (un-
ASSESSOR---Paul D, 2888 (nn-
opposed ).
CLERK--D+eyette R, 3115 (up-
TREASURERSmith R, 2182;
Dion D, 2168.
SHERIFF--Cole D, 2511: Orcutt
R, 1989.
2972; Ryan D, 1474.
---Goodpaster non-partisan, 2689
JUDICIAL (Position No. 1)
Beals 2547 (unopposed); Position
No. 2--Schwellenbach 2555 (unop-
posed): Position No. 3---Hill 1774,
Conn¢lly 1038.
.No. 1 ) ---M aooon 1169' (unopposed),
laosition No. 2--Zintheo 1003.
INITIATIVE 166 --- For 1245,
against 3078.
REFERENDUM 26 For 475,
against 3516.
REFERENDUM 27 .... For 750,
against 3219.
men*)--For 1863, against 1694.
Bird Authority
"Tells Kiwanians of
Feathered Friends
Wfllard A. Eliot, who has been
absorbed for over 20 years in a
hebby of birds, becoming such an
authority on the subject that his
book, "Birds of the Pacific Coast,"
recently released in its sixth re-
printing, has become an accepted
reference over the nation, spoke
on his favorite avocation at the
weekly luncheon meeting of the
Shelton Kiwanis Club at Memor-
ial hall Tuesday. He was intro-
duced by Emil Lauber, club's pro-
gram chairman.
Mr. Eliot, who started isis study
of birds in the semi-tropical fast-
nesses of Florida, captivated his
Kiwanian listeners as he told of"
the many species'and varieties of
birdlife to be found here. He de-
bunked much of the belief that
birds are overly destmmtive, point-
ing. out the beneficial activities
that in many cases overcame their
destructive habits.
Mr. Eliot, besides being an au-
thority on birds, has written a
book on, trees entitled, "Forest
Trees of the Pacific Coast."
ql,-vv 'v v v "qi 'T lr 'NP" 'aP'V V'V'q'W"W V v'av'qr'f "v'ar
L, K. Hale of Tacoma was a
guest of Stephen Hale last week
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Brenninger
were Spokane visitors last week to
attend the wedding of Mrs. Bren-
ninger's brother, David Hendry, to
Violette Baldwin of Spokane.
Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
A L. Calahan were Mr. and Mrs.
Robertson of Seattle and Mrs.
Waiters of Chicago. Mrs. lobert-
son and Mrs. Walters are aunts
of Mrs. Catahan.
Mrs. John Hill and son are vis-
iting with the Emery Winters.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Van Laan-
en visited at Vaughn the past
week end with Mr Van Laanen's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Van
Bob Bearden, Harvey Kellogg
of Tacoma, Gerry and Wayne
Cornwall of Lilliwaup spent the
week end on the South Fork elk
hunting with no luck.
Also hunting on the South Fork
were Joe McKiel and Hartley Bar-
ber with no luck. Mrs. Barber
visited Mrs, MeKiel while the men
were hunting.
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of
New Yo were visitors of EmezT
Mrs. Lallathin, Francine Lalla-
thin and Alfce Fjelilngr were din-
ner guests o Emery Winters last
Ttmsday evening. tables of
pinochle were played 'with the
high prize going to Mrs. LalIa-
thin and low to Mr. Van Lannen.
. Miss Nancy Smith of Beacon
Point was a house guest of Shar-
on Winrers Thursday.
Karen Kaare spen the weekend
wiht her parents, Mr. and'Mrs.
Maurice Kaare.
AliCe McClanahan has returned
from Seattle.
Mr. adn Mrs. Fred Johnson were
in Seattle and Poulsbo the
past week ,end.
Mrs, Lallathin, Francine Lalla-
and Alice FJetlinger spent the
end in Victoria.
Week end guests of Mr. and
rs. B. W, Bresemann were Mr.
Mrs, D. W. Gleason of Ta-
coma at the home of Mrs, Lunt.
Mr, and M,r, 3oe Deschamps
and family of Olympia were Fri-
evening gests of Mr. and
Ed Deschamps.
Mrs. Archte Calahan and Mrs.
Johnson spent Monday in Ta-
Mr. and MrS. Fred Johnson and
family spent several days last
week in LOngbranch.
Peggy Hagen spent last week in
l,elton with Norms Leigh David-
Dinner guests Suhday of Mrs.
Kilby were her son, Alfred Dickin-
son, and Wife and daughters and
Mrs. Philllp Abbey.
An absentee wedding shower for
Elizabeth Ililligoss Laughran was
given at the home of Mrs. Phillip
Abbey the evening of Nov. 19.
Luncheon was served after a few
ames and he
g beautiful gifts were
opened by Mrs. Laughran's moth-
er, Mrs. Hilligoss. Fifteen ladles
were present who had known Mrs.
aughran since her childhood. The
hewer Was given by Mrs. Phillip
Abbey, Mrs. H, R, 1)ickinson and
Mrs. Ella Ltmt.
l{arstine ferry receipts in tho mn-
3rd ;'eeoJv(,(1 tlll{] tlwned ovor to Treas-
ut'er fol' lhe {,redit (,f COtllliy t):ltt
]Otlliitsnee ill lhe sltloullt ef $75fl.00
from Hobert Itedrick for skill ball
licease, t.(ceiv(,d and tlll'O0d five1 + to
Troa.'4urer for lile credit <If CLlrFont
In lhe ma(ter of n])p{lintment of
County ExLension Agent, it,was nlov-
od alld seconded that aDPointtlaent of
Andrew Irruiswy{'k be al)proved, tMr-
Transfer of license front Don R. aml
].alpll l-)rcsc(}lt to Don i'h'escol{, Canll}
Watzel, was approved.
This tl{' ng tte (line se for hear-
lng on petition ol Genrge W. Dahl
eL al for tim vacation oDc(rtain str(ets
in Detroit Phd. No. 2, proper no*its
ha\\;:illg +been 'lven a appears froln
affl(laVll (in ]l[e and no erie appcar-
il)g IO eb:}eet, it was nlovc{1 aIld SCC-
(reded that the Order of Vneatitm b
approved. Carried:
1esolutiou frolll Agate Grange No;
275 asking 1'0,' a Holfi'e Demonstration
Agent for 2V[as{)n colnl[y, received. It
was ntovod and seconded lha( at[lOll
on this re.ohltlon bc deferred untiL
a later date. Carrled.
Call for bids nmde for the construc-
tion of Ma.}n County l=otld Proect
No. :.5. t:Hds io be openod Mon(hly,
August 26th at 2:00 piml Carried.
This being the time set for bear-
ing on Petition of Oscar Ahl, et al,
f()r the vacation ef certain Streets
n Plat of McReavy's First Add. to
ttoodsport. Proper notice hsvitg been
given as appears /tom affidavit on
file, Gordon Dickinson appeared to
ebjeci, because the vacation el" thin
stl,eet would leave him without a
]tleans of ingr(us and egress to his
property located at ether end of this
stlet, It was moved and seconded
that heaxlng be continued one weck
).{7 Monday, AuK**st 12th. J946 at 2:2.0
pan. st} u to give interested parties
time to agree on an easenlent ill. ({ther
agreenmnt. Carried.
Meeting continued till lamorrow.
Tne[4day, Aagast 6, 1911;
:Meeting' of {.he board All nembers
Day spent in vonsiderlng claims,
Claims allowed.
Meetiag e0nttnued 'till tomorrow.
Wednesday, Angus* 7, 196
BOard met in' continued session, All
present as ef yestexday.
Agricultmqst's report was examined
and approved.
Clahn. allowed.
Letter received from War Depart-
ment, Office. of District Engineer.
stating that application had been made
by P.U.D. No. 3 for permit to Install
a submarine cable aeross Picketing
Passage, and asking if board, had any
objection lrom the standpoin ol nay-
igation. It was moved and seconded
that reply be ordered stating that
there was no ob:ection. . .
Meetiug contLnued till Monaay, Aug-
ust 12th, 1946.
Monday, August 1, 1916
Board met iu continued session. All'
present as of previous meeting.
Claims allowed :
Harstine ferry receipts in the sin-
punt of $84.25 for week ending Aug-
ust 10, received and turned over to
Treasurer for the credit of O0unty
Sheriff Wm. F. Compton having
asked that Jath)r M. Kennedy be furu-
ished with a phone at his residence,
for the convenience of the Sherit:£'
off lee, iL was moved and seconde(
that same be autborized. Carried.
Applications for licenses, as follows
Rudelph Werberger, Rudolph ,Vcr-
berger Winery, Win, F. Wolfe and
Bessie rolfe, Tim Grove, were ap-
Petition of Fred W. Budtng, for
the vacation of certain streets and
avenues in Plat of Town of Allyn,
was prcsented to the :Board. It was
nleved and seconded that petition be
accepted and that Monday, September
9, 1946 at 2:00 pnn. commissioners
C0LI['J. roonl, court house, Shelten,
WaYh., be designated as the time and
place for hearing on same. Carried.
This being the time set for con-
tinued hearing on application of Os-
car Ahl et el, for Vacation of Wash-
ington Ave, in Hoodsport, from the
westerly line ef Primary State Hwy.
No. 9 Olympic Hwy, running there's
Westerly and ending at the center
line of vacated WiHard Avenue in
Hoodsl}ort, petitioner appeared with
his attorney, Charles T. Wright, also
Gordon Dickinson appeared to support
his opposition as last work. Clmirlnan
Dickinson feeling that his personal in-
terest along with his son, Gordon
Dickinson, nmde it desirable that he
disqualify, himself as Omirman of the
board an{/ appoint Lyle O'Del! chair-
man pro tent, to conduct said meet-
ing, which was done,
Pros. At*y, Heuston was also pres-
ent, After Henmg to agreements
pro and con and no comple, te agree-
men* having bqen reached, it was
moved and aecoded that hearing be
continued till Monday. August i9th,
1946 at 2:30 p,m.-Carried.
R. Troneknmnn, Mgr. Shelton Gen-
eral Hospital, appeared to ask that a
portion of hospital bill of Joy York
be paid from the county's hosl)ital
fund; It was moved aud seconded
that payment of $1000 on said ac-
count be authorized, uarriea.
Endorsement of Resolution by Agate
Grange, requesting, the appomtment
of a Home Denl0nstration Agent for
Mason county by Progress G]e No,
304 and by Matlock Ladies U13, re-
ceived and filed, , ! :11
Meeting was continued till Monday,
August 19, 1946.
Monday, August 19, 1946
Board met in continued session. All
present as of previous meeting,
Claims allowed, n" Of
Ferry receipts in the amou
$69.7.5 for week ending August 17
recetve and turned over to Treasur-
er for the credit of County Road, .
Received from Gem M, Grlsda£e
Cons't, Co,, $284.69 for EquipmenLRen"
tel. which was 'turned over to Treas-
urer for the credit ef Road Dist, No. 3.
This being the time act for con-
tinued bearihg on petition cf Oscar
Alfl ct ai, for the vacation of certain
streets in ISlet af, McReavy's First
Add. to HoodsloPt Oscar Ahl appear-
ed with his atorney Charles T
Wright. An agreement' having been
reacned between Mr Ahl and (]ordon
Dickinson and Mr. Dickinson having
withdrawn his Objection, it was mov-
ed and seconded' that the foIIoing
:Final Orer of Vacation be signed.
Applications for licenses were ap=
proved as follow_s: Tillie 3"arvis, ana
Herbert J: B oack, Old Mill avern,
J. R. an{* ana R0ught0n, Rough-
ton's Service, Themas J Kennedy,
Peek Inn Tavern.
Petition of Jessie Bowen Pritchard
et al, for the vacatian of certain
streets Addlt.ion to LHiiwaup
Fails, was presented to he board. It
was moved and seconded that peti-
tion o00jccep00o.l, mat Monday,
Septemo ' " " 2:00 :P.m., commis-
sioners court room, c0urthoue, Shel-
ton, Wash,, be desigaaod a the time
and place for near|g on :same.
A copy of letter frexa I-iood anal
Sportsoten's Association, Hoodart to
Director of Pars, co Otto ase, Ol'.m-
i Wash utgmg th t
u a ...... ', a a State Park
be pronloied on toe. WeB% side 'Of :Hood
Canal, received,. It was moved and
seconded that this board endorse the
Association's request as a very desir-
able and an urgent need and hat
clerk write Director of Parks accord-
ingly. Carried.
Waivers of claims for damages and
censent to locate road from lansford
Smith et ux, across tE of SW See.
36 Twp, 19, Range 5"Wet and also,
C, M. and Leone :Farrow and James
Mahoney, SW of SE of ec..36, TWP.
19, Range 5 West, received and ord
ered placed of record.
Emergency Resolution .re Auditor
ap roved.
* the matter of She)ton irport,
the Board desiring to know public
reaction to tile county taking over, i
was moved and seconded that a public
hearing be called at court house, in
the court room, Tuesday evening, Sep-
tember 3, 1946 at 7:30 p,m. Carried,
' Meeting continued till Monday, Aug-
ust 26, 1946.
Monday, August 26, 1.946
Board met in continuBu session.
Present, I-L R, Dickinson, ehairmau;
Lyle O'Dell, commissioner, and Ha,ry
Deyette, clerk of the board.
Claims + allowed. '
:Ferry receipts for week ending Aug-
ust 24, in the amount of $37.25 receiv-
ed and tm'ned over to Treasurer for
the credit of County Road.
Notice from Washington State 'Li-
quor Control Board, that Davis Win-
ery. Inc., Grapeview. have diseontin-
ued lieensed operations and submitted
their linsa, eveLved and filed.
It war moved and seconded that
bids bo called for Mason County Road
ProJoct No. 86 (involvln tho placing
].8.6 miles non skid Singm Seal.) Bids
Estinxale. No. ], Pr,!-Final, C{mnty
CmLtraetor in ihe alll(ttlni ?}f $6,776.(;2,
was al)l)r(we{I.
Nntic(. front ()lvmpia Oil and Wood
Prod*mrs Co., tl]8_t fuel oil prices had
advane{,d 20 conts per bill. ¢iIl {leliv-
erie8 (if B0 bbls. on ll](}l'O and on
lesser deliveries. 33 cents l}er bbl.
Letier fl'O]ll Otto A. Case, in an:dwer
to leiter in rc establis]mu,nt of State
Park on West Sido of ]I(/{}{t Cans], re-
ceh, ed and filed.
This being the time designated to
open bids on County Road Project No.
85, the following bids were received
and opened: Diesel Oil Sales Co, $60,-
638.00; J. F. Forbes $48.915.(}0. It was
lll(}Ved and .seconded that contract be
awarded to ,]. I0, IPorbcs, being the
]{)west and best bid, and that certi-
fied check of Diesel 0il SMes, Co.,
be hehl until, successfttl bidder has
qualified. Carried.
Agrieulturist'a report for month of
AIlgllst was |xaltlhle.d and apl)roved.
Medting was (' }nt nued t II t(mtorrow.
'l?uekda', Aagtn;t 27, 1!)4(;
Board met m continued session. All
melnbel's were" pr(,sent.
Ill llle matter of ,sges for road
crews; it was moved and seconded that
effective September ], 1946, tbat all
road wages bc advanced $1,00 per day.
Day s )ont on prelimiuary budgels.
Meeting coniinued till Tuesday, Sep-
tember 3, 1946.
H. R. DICKINSON, rhairnmn
Attest :
HARRY DEYETTE}, Clerk. 11-28
Dunoyier Taxi Stand
Now In New Location
Dunoyier's Taxi stand is oper-
ating from new quarters now,
having moved from its former Is-
ca,lion in the Shelton Garage
across the street to Grunert's
Chevron Service station at First
and Cota streets,
No change in the telephone has
been made, the same 620 number
holding good in the new location,
Sunday ' Monday -
De((elnber 1 - 2
Charles Boyer
Jennifer Jones In
Peter Lwford, llele
er, Reginald
From Margery Shl
Best Seller!
News Cartoon
I}eember 4
Brenda Joyee - Don
PatrieL Morrison,
Howard, Samuel S.
Too Dangerous To
News and Selected
eattle Freight ahouldl be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry
acoma Freight wa Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee
No. 2
p ,
Time Schedule as follows:
Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for
Olympia and Shelton
Arrives Shelton daffy, except Sunday
:i} yOLI all we posibly
er calls,
Mason County Steam
and Dry Cleaners Phone 88
' and a limited assortment
Silver Dinnerwar
Suitable or All Oooasie
Give Him
To Win His
Appreciation I
317 Railroad Phone 4B
Model 1)
A We Are NOW Able, Our St
To Offer In Shelton Of FINE W,
Is Limi
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A.lio Bldg; Pho.e 74-W
129 Railroad