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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I;=--- - ............. 7-t - I ....... -" ............... a _P bhca)..j -.sK' P ,I LScheduled Tuesdayegill° Initiation . .......... *" .... J-" ' | I J'00f Ik fro J M tick .,,. , , e u n ee [[ _, . . . . . . . , [ [] i ................ 00Drmff!;;ate As t FredB. WivelPostNo. 31, Am- U ' "')," l/ ,  fLeers ,, as held, a d " ' "  ' . .  new member, at their ne'xt regu- $j.. ''-" II JOHN'S CREEK t t, aroen tauo t l,,, d,- &.,,=,ilahi. ] 0lowmg officers elected: Master, }.ell sms!c! v,u t (1; lesu, i is+,, December 3 at Memorial hall, The f "k ' I! ...... ,,w .[r-v #O. I -,, ,, I r, z,, ........... / Elzia Fuller; overseer, Dora Hear- tnel[,lclcri;r.(l" ee(:tiCco;# meeting will be called at 8 o'clock  IX' _ |t, " i2Jkll) 2"]k£15 ttl2¥1l  I [J|tan |4'gMP Word has just been received by[ ing; lecturer James Grantham con)t /' g" .' .." ' . .- and a hlrge attendance of rnem-  t{  |, . .., .........  aL ata - Ithe local Girl Scouts from the|stewart ' William Lundquist; as- tcst, at a. mccun  uus.)ce[,..vo: bern is urged by Commander Os-  | | '   |[2 Locally owneo ano uperateu J "]-*to'mo ]Girl Scout Equipment Service that| sistant stewart, Lyman Kingcry; e( tO continue a.n o:. its otnciat car" Levine ," |Ill | /]. i JL.[.. |/: ........ aa .zx'rm "a *w q I UlilliOlUai ] they are unable to fill the order| chaplain, Ruby Grantham; treas- i'an]!l.y .for a])n" ].il'ln. The The initiation drill team of AI-    i" ' ||, ur,o ......... ---- 1 The postponed meeting of the] for'Girl Scout calendars for whicn| urer, Fred Briske; secretary, Lil- ]nce).ng waft cucu ;ot or gamz- fred W. Leach, Post No. 3 of '-% . ||. EVENINGS PHONE 655 | Shelton Garden Club was held at the scouts tool: orders recently.| lian Portman; gatekeel)er, William rag tee p'cy gup ne'c, iouow 7 Olympia, will preside over the in- '  " _ ......... ||'. ] the home of Mrs. Guy Norris on The su)l has been exhausted/Kin cr ; Ceres, Hazel Bricke; ing reccn electron ot precinct; itiation ceremony with fitting ri- ,. --/'- _(W fllV. . Shelton, Wash. I Munday, November 25, with Mrs. and no tre can be printed due!Flog Y)orothy Adams; Pomona, con.mltteen)e} aa wolncn, tualistic cerem'onies. Arrange- -- ,= It L___ .......................... Robert Binns and Mrs. Ray Bailey to the )aper shortage. ] Nellie Rossmaier; lady assistant tlcnara I)ICK .prlnggaLe was meEts for the annual Christmas ]f. || ][()I. I 1 reiecEe(1 coHnEy chairman alter a ' ,v,, - ---- , assisting hostesses. Tea was served Some of the troops would like steward, Agnes Nye; home econ- at the close of the afternoon, to substitute a calendar equal in omic chairman, Hattie Dunkcl- spirited contest in which several party will be completed at this :. • meeting. A letter was read to the club quality to that of their regular berger; juvenile ])at'on • ' • ' Warren other c:mdidates were suggested. -B F,o0yJo Marht members from Cecil Solly thank- calendars if it is agreeable to those Kingery. Atournext nleetingsup - Mrs" winst°n ScOtt was reelected . , " i ing them for his chance to meet who have ah'eady given their oz.. per will be put on by the niCE. vice chairman, with Mrs. Mamie a |with the group recently, der fox" the other calendars. It was reported the following Swan Earl as state conunittec- IIIIIl|ll|lllillllllllllllllllllll|lllllllilllll A repor was also made of the Funds from tile sale of the cal- members attended National Grange woman and E. H. Fabert as state A Le sn 130 boutonnieres the chib menlbers cndars is one way each troop has at Porthmd:Amandalhdh:r. Aug. conmitteeman. Hal Briggs will GREETINGS Mt View made for tile veterans on Mcmor- for raising funds for their needs, usta Portman. Ahna Nye, /Vlr. and serve agaiu as secretary while ' ! C tion ial Day. They were made of Tile officers of the'scouts ask Mrs. GranthanLMr. andMrs. Earl William Stcvenson was reelected FRIENDS... ('  {nseira chrysanthemums, that if anyone who has placed an Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Willianl treasurer. B Members are t)lanning for their order fur a Girl Scout calendar Lundquist. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A meeting of the state commit- I have sold my papering, annual Christmas project of small does not wish to have a substitute, Valley and Gloria Valley. tee will be called soon for dec- painting and decorating busi- ling and : We were sitting on Bill Webster's From where I sit, the Judge wreaths to be made sometime be- to call Mrs. Howard Meyer, 395JX Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd House of tion of officers for the Republican hess to just around OPEN WEEK DAYS 7 preh the other night, chatting over is right. All America's great're- fore Christmas to be placed on the and cancel the order. Tacoma were Sunday callers state organization. ='corner--and  aglass of beer--when the talk turns sources, our abundant natural trays of patients who arc in the ...... among relatives here. Beckman's Entertain OLIVER H. LYLE comes J¢ H.F. Eoysen to forest preservation, soilerosion, wealth , are lost the minute we lose hospital at Christmas. CAMP FIRE GIRLS ENJOY Matloek Ladies Club met Thurs- aitd other things that affect a farm- the right to work them as free The evening of December 16 a SWIMMING PARTY SATURDAY day, Nov. 14. Hostesses for tlle Distinguished Guests and C: sleet, slick Christmas party for the members, An enjoyable evening was held day were Agnes Nyc and Lillian Mr. and Mrs. Don Beckman en- lSg community, people in a free land! their husbands, and children will DALE WHEELER Are your tires in Judge Cunningham speaks up: Whenever you see or hear of be held, the place to be announced last Saturday when the CheEk- Portinan. Nine members were tJon to meet • chamay Camp Fire Girls held a '*It's all right toworryaboutcon- an encroachment on our rights later. At that time small gifts swimming party at the Olympia Two returned war veterans challenges? Drop i who will serve yeu satisfactof will be exchanged and a door prize Y.M.C.A. srving our natural resources,"ho whether it's the right to free says, "but there's a far bigger speech, or the right to vote as' we Iiroblem when it comes to censer- see fit, or "the right to enjoy a V ationand that's preserving our friendly glass of beer in licensed, democratic way of life, our sense law-abiding places.,, watch out! o personal freedem, our respec for one another' rigidly.": :) 4J4 Copyrighh 1946. Unged States Brcwem l.oundatwn '" I I ' I i Now 0pe for Bu:" n mess i In Our LocatioI , Mountaln View Shelton Lumber Company ,, Due to present conattions our services will be limited for some time, but as : soon as possible we will handle a complete line of building materials. PHQNE 657 P.O. BOX 598 It Is Not Necessary.... • . . to pay an extra price for something really good. The difference between good printing and poor printing is not in the price you pay but in the skill of the printer you choose. It costs an unskilled and careless printer just as much to do a sloppy job as it does a good printer to do a job worthy of his ability. tertained distinguished guests at present and three children. It was their Robin Hood Lodge home on decided to hold the next meeting Hood Canal last week when thcy Decembcr 5 as our regular meeting were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Har- will be awarded. After the swim the girls enjoyed fell on Thanksgiving Day. Agncs low Stcngel and son, Peter, of Hol- M:rs. George Cropper announced that the Belfair Garden Club had a Chinese dinner at Kay's where Nye recc!ved the }ickel raffl¢, lywood, vacationilg in the North- asked to join the Olympic Penin- they ate with chopsticks and each mrs. llnian ortman spen tile west with  ' n sula District of Garden Clubs and girl was presented chopsticks as week dnd in Tacoma helping her in Seattle" Mr. Stcnel s .arents with their addition a total of seven a souvenir of the evening. ' folks move. Mr. Stengel cameraman for clubs belong to the district. Mrs. Those enjoying the' trip were In last week's items there was a Paramount Pictures, earned, the Barbara Bates, Donna Demmon, mistake in the writeup for the Motion Picture Academy Award Hale of the Travis Floral Shop Pat Henderson, Lorraine Andrews, shower of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy for tile best camera wok of the was unable to be present a.t the Karen Condon,. Terry Skelscy, Boo{he. It was Ernie Waggner year on the picture "Lost Veek- meeting so Mrs. Frank Willard Barbara Hawley, Gaff Ahlskog of Shelton who played the ac- end," the Academy Award picture brougfit some Christmas wrap- and Ann Hulbert. Mrs. winston cordion instead of William Swartz of the year. pings, silver foil and stickers and Scott, guardian, and Mrs. H. J. and Mrs. Scotty Anderson of Shel- Mr. Stengel and Mr. Beckman demonstrated various methods of Skelsey, assistant guardian, ac- tn :nvo a readin durin the] started in4ividual careers as cam- wrapping Christmas packages, companied the girls. {,,',-"tlr "Out ?To the Ball-] cramen together back in 1916 and ............ it t Tie use of foil is something new , New members taken in during a nmo which was eniovcd bv all. l was from the title of their firs ''[?. "'D r Nordwc[1 retiE'ned/ picture assigunent together that with Christmas wraps and was special meeting laser week include hoe rccentl- after snendin °" a/ Mr. Beckman named his present very interesting to the members. GaLl Ahlskog, Janice Barkley and ..,::€o,' .... ,i,,n,  relatives ]popular summer rendezvous o lt J t " e n Ella Mac Noble. Friday evening, November 29,  ........................ ' ' Hood Canal, the picture being • ,vww,vwww',w'''w',rv'r''wwwww ] ' Robul Hood" in wbmh Doug Fair- Plan To Organize the girls plan to go to Olympia as Oa.l,.ol - banks, Sr. starred. The great star District Health Group a group to see "Aladdin and His I UtAtO, tA " N was a personal friend of both Mr. Wonderful Lamp." To organize a District Health _ . ,,,,r,,.,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,.¢-,! Stengel and Mr. Beckman. Council with rei)resentatives from Mrs. Reiman wax hostess at the: -- each club affiliated with the Dis- GEORGE DEPOE FETED meeting of the Potlatch Sewing Naturalization Day trier Federation of Women's Clubs, ON ltlS BIRTHDAY Club on Tuesday of last eek A ..qt=,rto I, (,,. a meeting has been scheduled for The home of Mr, and Mrs. • , r == v. delicious dessert luncheon was ... . J. . Friday afternoon, December 6, at George Depoe was the scene ota serveu" ater" wmcn: ..... tnc guests en- . aturmizaion.   • , .nearings' will be 1:30 o clock in the Welfare Build- Sunday evening birthday party in joyea' a pmasan" " alternoon" se,'mg ._Eels. jaturoay, .r°vember ,30, in honor of George Depoe. Five ta- - ..... ' ere ne mason :ounty uperior Court, ing. Each club is urged by Mrs. bles of pinochle were in play with ann visiting Tnose present w ' " .. . "== ..... -  " " "" " Mzs accoramg o t:lare mgemen, clerK. C. E. Hill, district president, to .Mrs t.;allson, mls 2,vey, have a delegate present. Dr. J. honors going to Ralph Hammond, JacKson," "" mrs[ won,"" [' ' vtrs" qcK.' " e'-" Hearing_ will ..... be at the court house B. Eason, district public health Steve Weirauch, Ben Drake, Mrs.  . A' . ;" - ' V aim a naturanzauon examiner Letha Chapman, Mrs. ora Drake, ing, mrs Ooerg, vu's ScnrnnII - ; ...  • " officer, will neet with the group, ." . " Irom lacoma Wl|t ue i resent. which hopes to be the nucleus of a Mrs. Corene Weirauch. Tile float- and the hostess. " ---- ____--.__ larger and more representative ing prize was won by Ralph Ham- Mr. and Mrs. Normau Gray, in of l)ieture paintinff. During their body to work on public health mend and Mrs. Corn Drake. company with Mr. and Mrs. Don absence Gee. Hailer, Mrs. Bear-: Remsburg of Shclton, attended the den's father, is taking care of football game in beattle last Sat- their home here. Mr. Haller's problems. HONORS DAUGHTER'S 12TH urday, home is in Vancouver, Wash BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY , .... ) Mrs. Henry Hadsell honored her Mr. and Ms. Mel Bead(n left Mr. and Mrs. Lon \\;Vebb and r  daughter, Jean s 12th birthdaYThean- Monday morning for Tacoma Mrs. Allie Ahl of Eldon were • where they will fulfill their an- guests at the Hussman home Sat- 00unoy00e nivorsary Monday afternoon, nual engagement of several weeks urday evening fora waffle supper. guests were Jean Russell, Jactde T ---- Iphone  Halbert, Buddy Walton, Mary Boysen, Leola Joe Polly, Greta Simmons, Maureen Simmons and Joau Hadscll. Gaines were enjoy: FREE MOTOR ed and the guests report they had a great deal of fun. .. 620  The honor guqst had the misfof ' 'tare to fall the first day of the 'ff6w and injured her leg to the extent she now has it in a cast. AT ALL TIMES Stand at Chevron Gas Station - First&Cota ATTEND MARCH-OF-DIMES PRE-CAMPAIGN MEETING Mr. and Mrs, T. E. Deer and Our Sun Master Motor Mrs. Mary McBride were in Ta- Tester reveals causes for coma Tuesday afternoon atfend- ing a pre-eampaign meeting of the Hard Starting arch-of-Dames campaign. The Ignition Trouble meeting was held in the Winthrop Hotel. , Loss of Power ATTEND GOLDEN WEDDING Excessive Gas Use IN TACOMA RECENTLY Mrs. Minnie D'Miller and her INGRAM-BRIDGES MOTORS Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stark of Ta- coma. Friday, November 15, The anniversary celebration was hcld in the Midland Hall, a suburb of Tacoma. The'e was a large at- tendance present. ' Following  ceremoay in which the couple were re-married, a fine musical and reading program was enjoyed and refreshments were sezwed at the Close. They received' many lovely gifts and a highlight I of the affair was a large three-I tiered cake surrounded by 50 shiny i silve dollars for the couple: ,1 MRS. ROBERTS-HOSTESS I FOR W.C.T,U. DECEMBER 6 / Shelton Woman's Christian Tern- perance Union will hold their next t meeting with Mrs. W. F. Roberts Friday, December 6, and the mem- bers arc urged to note the meeting will be in the evening starting at 7:30. A prograln is being ar- ranged following the business meeting and after- that a Christ- man party with gift exchange will be enjoyed. D. ()1 ¢ }I. MEMBERS ENJOY TURKEY DINNER TUESDAY ,, : The Degree of Honor ttelda We have been printing for many years. We have kept up with the changing, trends of printing style and we feel that we can safely say that our work competes with the best, not only in quality but in cost. WHEN YOU NEED PRINTING AGAIN GET YOUR FULL MONEY'S WORTH AT The JOURNAL . . - 107 4th Street *1 Phone 100 sister, Cordelia Fauvcr of Olym- pia attended the golden wedding First & Pine Phone 621 of their brother and sister-in-law, morrow for the most' SCHNEIDEt ily and give you good honest plete and--the best l work. I I service from Coast to C-i These boys were in my em- [ Am # ,. m I,mm . ploy before the war. I I l B,4 t:} ' ]l 1I | RT , V*" &,.,...,TIRE $, i H. P. STEWA ! " I0000VERY SATU 143 Rainier Avenue |[ ....... : /'q • Bremerton Phone 1137 |1 - , £r 0 (This Service Is Available /t RAUSCHER &.l; Now S,o To Shelton People) |{ 1528 Olympic Hiway (HiltS:.|[ /I ...... "'iffo'ii-gs / Mason County |l|||||l|||l|l|it -i _ ¢ Mill ,v,u, :/Chrysler - Plymol ....... drop's a full drop preheat! Th PAR nd t's tro lei Standard fuel oils--a " ,:  i 'II We Are Equipped tc free, clean, economical oil heat,  All M1 about it today! a [ • rs Truck - Tz Logging 1 C. C. Cole ' ' In 123 South 3rd St. Telephone Shelton 87 NEW SERVB SOUTH FIRST  Electric Welding And Brazing Motor Testing • by the Latest S -- Enroll NOW FOR New Eve.i.g School Classes Starting December 5 l Enrollment Fee Deferred to 1947 To Meet Holiday Budget If De Our evening school has elm of the nmst concentrated and in- tensive instruction schedules to be found anywhere. We are proud of our teaching methods, our teaching staff, the rapid progress of our students, and their success in new positions their evening school training has made possible for them. Enrollment now in any of the following evening school classes will assure your having the necessary training to compete for the better positions as qualifications are up- graded and .become more difficult to meet. We urge turkey dinner Tuesday evening your consideration of night school study in any of the for the members and :their fami- following classes: lies at the Odd Fellows hMl. STRONG-STEUR---ER WEDDING TYPING SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING & MACHINES ItELD TUESDAY AFTERNOON Beginning Beginning Theory ACCOUNTING Electric Calculator Melvin A. Strong and Litlie Mae Speed Rcfresher Theory Set I, Single Ownership Comptometer SLeurer, both uf Olympia, were Accuracy Phraaing Set II, Partnership Burroughs Bookkeeping uniLed in marriage Tuesday after- Business Forms Slow Dictation Set III, Corporation noon by Justice M. C. Zinthco. Ediphone Speed Dictation Acoounting I* Electric Mimeograph RETURN TO OHIO ItOME Electromatic Transcription Accounting I I* Adding Machines Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Paul. and AccomiLing Classes are for semesLer enrolhnent onIy. Enrollment not accepted afLer daughter Billie Anne, who have class is in progress. This is class discussion, with class progress, college type, Ae- [or= good ]: been vJsiting the Elmer B. Horst counting instruction.) " family of Arcadia Road. return- ed to their home tit Massillon, Ohio. Instruction is by six highly trained, professional experts, _ BORDEAUX "P.-'[A. specializing in the subjects they teach. We are confident ----_t' TO MEET DECEMBER l you will find your progress to be rapid and your training try Tlc Bordeaux P.-T.A. will hold their meetiug Thursday, Decem- thorough under their enthusiastic presentation of the class her 12, starting at 8 p.m. work. S! VAC REI:URN TO CIVILIAN LIFE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION PHONE OR WRITE a Miss Beverly F. HorsL, fornlcrly cc aeorporal in the WACaircom- SECRETARIAL SCHOOL OLYMPIA job as telepimn6 operator in Olympia. She is the daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. ...... Elmer B. Horst. I "Approved for Veteran and State Training" MEETING POSTPONED 411 CAPITOL WAY PH(: OLYMPIA PosLponement of the Lilliwaup OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON / " " a Community Club meeting from Nov. 29 to December 6, has bg}m _l announced by the ciub secrey. t,y.. . /