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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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' November 28, 1946. Page 8 Ready for You NOW at, CALVIN WILSON CO. HOODSPORT Beall FOOD FREEZERS THEY'RE HERE AT LAST ... America's finest line of Frozen Food Units. Alumi- num construction inside and out, 6 inches,of approved in- sulation, automatic tempera- ture controls. Quick action food freezing chambers, big spacious storage compart- ments--those and many Other features are yours when you select a BealL See them today/ Broil is America's Finest and Largest Line of Food Freezers 'KNITTEN-KHTENS' WINNERS OF KIWANIS ACHIEVEMENT PLAQUE On Dbplay Mason County 4-H members held their annual 4-H Achivement meeting at the Sot,thside Com- munity Hall, Sturday, November 16. The program, under the cllair- manship of Mrs. E. M. Petty, con- sisted of community singing, vio- lin solos, piccolo solo, short skits and demonstrations. Following the program, over $220 in cash and prizes were awarded to the 4-H members. The sweepstakes of $3, or the member receiving the highest number of points in exhibits at the fair, was awarded to Allan Brumbaugh. Allan had a total of 104 points. The attendance awvrd for mem- bers who have not missed more than one club meeting during the year were awarded a 4-H club notebook. ThE members receiving this award are as follows: Lloyd Evans. Mary Anti Evans, Bobbilee JARS Ball Mason Regular Pints - Quarts Kerr Mason Pints - Quarts Y2 Gallons Crown and Kerr LIDS Regularr Wide Mouth Economy and Clamps Calvin Wilson Co. Hoodsport Phone Hoodsport 10 or 17 Olympia Feed Company O'Neill Bldg.- Shelton i i • If You Need ... C;lass I:or Your Car Third and Grove Streets To Keep Those Wintry Winds out and the Inside Cozy . . • We have just received a large shipment of Safety Glass for windshields and windows P EATON BODY & FENDER WORKS • Phone 84 i i Keep Dampness out of your found.t/on walls! There is one way to make SURE that your foundation walls will be DRY, whether you use poured concrete, or concrete masonry,-and that is to apply, a good damp-proofing coating on the outside of the wall. For this purpose, we carry n stock and recommend A. . Horn's "DEHYDRATINE No. 4/' a thoroughly proven product used on leading structures throughout the country. It is a black bituminous compound which is tough, elastic and waCer.resistnt. Call us for information! Drop in or phone us for any information you need about the'waterproofing of walls or buildings. We are always glad to be of servicel Dehydratine No. 4 is In. --G¢ expensive., for materiels L only, cost is less than PER SQ. FT. Evans, Warren Duffey, Ruth Ni- chols, Karen Rasmussen, Mary Ann Newkirk, Barbara No,kirk, Betty Henningsen, Lillian Cline, Lois Hamilton, Shirley Hamilton, eon Cline, Charlotte Cline, Tom Buechel, Jenny MacRae, Johnny MacRae, Joe Bueciel, Rea Berry, Jean Berry, Jim Hunter, Bob Hunter, Jerry RichErt, Billy Dun- ham, Dolores DuggEr, George Richert, Roger Richert, Geary SaN lee, Jeanne Sallee, Bob Wilson, Annette Bienek, Joan Sjoholm, Shirley Bailey, Nancy Cos, Fran- ces Johnson, Allan Brumbaugh, Bruce McQuilikin, Betty Hawson, Mary Petty Marilyn Hawson, Ed- die Mercer, Donald Knudsen, Vio- la Knudsen. Dorothy Shoemaker, .Helena Knudsen, Loren Mercer. Walt Eckert. guest speaker and representative of Shelton Kiwanis Club, presented the Kiwanis Club plcque to the "Knitten Kittens" 4-H Club. led by Mrs. Howard Bailey. The placque is awarded to the most outstanding 4-H club of the year. The award of a 4-H gavel was presented to the clubs wlmse sec- retary tin'ned in a blue ribbon secretary book. The following clubs and secretaries qualified for this award, they are: Southside 4-H Club. Sec. Betty Newman; Little Women ,4-H Club, Sec. An- nette Bienek; Belfair Belles 4-H Club, Sec. Betty Henningsen; Kit- ten Kittens 4-H Club, Sec. Fran- ces 3ohnson; Oakland Bay "Can Do" Club, Sec. idle Knudsen; Ivy Climbers 4-H Club, Sec. Merri- dee Wivell; and Mill Creek Sew- ing Club, Sec. Eileen Drake. The 4-H leader pins were award- ed to the following leaders: Gold Pin, Mrs. Howard Bailey and Mrs. C. M. Mercer. Silver Pin, Mrs. Eric Sjoholm, Mrs. Ted Richert and Mrs. Robert Evans. Bronze Pin, Mrs. Eva Hovind, Mrs. Chris Knudsen Mrs. C. M. Okerstrom and Mr. John MaeRae. Merrill Saeger, Native Son Of County, Passes Merrill Saeger, 55, a native son of Mason County, died of a heart attack at the Saeger farm in Shel- ton Valley Saturday while engaged in" the morning feed of his elDeR in the barns. He was born August 17, 1891, Lhe first-born to Charles and Louisa Saeg'er, who were de- veloping their homestead into the fine farm which has ever since been the home of Merrill Saeger. Funeral services were held Wed- nesday from Witsiers Funeral Home at 3 o'clock witl Rev, Hard- wick W. Harslnnan conductlngthe services, interment following in the Odd Fllows division of Shelton MEmorial Park. Deceased is survived by his wife, Gertrude, one son Donald one daughter, Jeanne, a grand- dauglter, Donda Lea, all of Shel- ton, and pne brother, Frank, of Olympia. He was a lifelong mem- ber of the Shelton Valley Grange, and devoted to his family and his farm work, Disabled Vets Chapter Chartering Saturday Shelton Chapter No. 27, Disabled American Veterans of the World Wars, the official designati6h of the newest ex-serwce organization, will be formally ihstituted at a meeting in Shelton at Memorial Hall Saturday night, November 30. State Commander Dan Hosh- auer. Post State Commander Her- nmn DeHart, and National Sezwice O£flcer Perry Dye will be the speakers. All new members in Shelton will be initiated by the Trench Rats drill team of Seattle. Ladies are invited to attend the meeting as an application for an auxiliary charter will be presented. Former Shelton Cook Succumbs In Olympia Adolph Chialvo, former cook in Shelton restaurants, died in an Olympia hospital Monday. He was a native of Italy but had lived in tile U.S. for 44 years. His wife, Alice, two sisters and one brother survive. Second Hah,es Must Be Paid By Tiffs Saturday Unpaid second half 1946 prop- erty taxes must be paid by the time the county treasurer's office closes Saturday noon to avoid the accumulation of interest, County Treasurer Diner L. Dion reminded taxpayers this week. Larry Saeger Opens New Arcadia Grocery ResidenL along the A{'cadia Road welcomed a new convenience last week with the opening of a general grocery store by Law- rence Saeger in their community. A general line of groceries, confections, tobaccos and dairy products is stocked by the Sae- get store and in the near future Associated gas and oil products will also be available to its cus- tomers, Mr. Saeger announces, FLORIiXKS IIAVE BOY Mr. and Mrs. Ham'y Florcck are the parents of a boy born Saturday, November 23, in the Shelton hospital. GIRl, BORN FRIDAY Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Davis are the parents of a girl born Friday, November 22, in the Shelton Gen- eral Hospital. Too Late to Classify IPOR, SALE: 3 ncw houses, nvor oc- cu )led. strictly modern, ('h).c in, lnclu rC Shirk hnd ClcoJ,gt, 125 Fh'.t Street, pllonc 46. 11-28 ]¢tUt. SALE: llllin's bicvch, lllqll I'fl at 1222 Cote. Tll-28--r12-12 1"()1{, /AI,E: No. 6 a.Bllcaled bare cop- per wire. Ell-28 l'OIl SALE: two coils of galvanized telephone wire, phone 645. EI1-28, CAR1) OF THANKS We wish to express out" heartfelt gratitude for, the ympathy, kind- ness and assistance, also th( beaut ful floral offerings given us during the IOS Of our ]OVC(I Olle. ]VII'. IIld MI'. Robtwt LPlnan SI-TEITON-MASON COUN2 JOURNAL i i i i i Thursday, Nov( Home Furniture ; OP WALL SHELVES BOOK CASE Solid Mahogany $34.50 CLOTHES HAMPERS $7:95 & up The very fine response to our last week's invitation to "Come In and Look" is very gratifying and many have already found just what they were looking for. For your convenience we have reserved a SANTA CLAUS ROOM space where packages may be stored until you wish to take them-- or if you live in town--we will deliver the day before Christmas. Come In TodayWhcther you buy or not, wc arc glad to see you. EASY CIIAIRS Platform Rocker Our customers are asking for these because they know how very comfortable they are, and how much they can add to the cosinefis of your room. $37.50 to $84.50 Chair and Ottoman It is covered in goocl looking tapestry, and with the matching ottoman you have the utmost in com- fort. $92.50 & up $2.95 LAMPS Lovely Lamps "A new lamp on either side of your sofa, will do won- ders for your room, Many styles, beautifully mounted, ..... , ; 00a,o. TABLES .,. ....... i..:i. :i!a .":!:'..::, . . $24.50 CARD TABLES OCCASIONAL TABLES $3.45 & up $9.50 HI CHAIRS BABY CARRIAGES • *:!i:::*::: : v: .:::::- - - - - -,' :i iii i::i::ilili::::i::!::}::ii::!iii}::::iiii!::!i:::::  . :i :i!i}:iiiii%'¢i:ili::: ':::, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :k. il,i:!iii}ii!ii!ii'00L !;!, t, $19.50 to $49.50 $6.95 & up PLAY PENS $9.95 KITCHEN STOOLS B A B Y $4.95 $00.50 CRIBS FURNITURE' DEPARTMENT I I Established I895 Your Answer to Soap Shortage lany women are uing In Beam in their wash- *rahines and finding It e than regular soap for Ir weekly laundering *=. 00lden Beam ON SALE AT SHELTC GET IT IN THE I ,, $3 per For Use In Your Eversharp (CA) l Pipes--by Lee or [3 Cribbage Boards Tie Racks Cigarette Lighter l Cigarette Cases Tobacco Pouches Pipe Raks Brushes After Shave Loti and Talcum--b ' Swank Jewelry Collar Clips Tie Clips Mone Clips Key Chains Cuff Links Belt Buckles Slack Racks Wall or Hange, .Mzlle Hotel : illl|lll ililJillllJllli III1|111111111 ..... / • II /