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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, LAMPS I November 28, 1946. i PEARSON Agent Grove - Phone 654 :CAR MELL I Local Agent le Grove'"- - Phone 777 ] i INITIATIVE 14 GAINING MANY SIGNATURES IN MASON COUNTY Response to the petitions on Ini- share senators with other counties, liative 14, known as the Legisla- as Mason does with Clallam and tive Reapportionment Bill is fav- Jefferson, but under the reappor- orable throughout the county, ae- tionment each county would have a cording to Grant C. Angle, who is senator. in charge of the petitions in Ma-I In the house of representatives, son county, . I Mr. Angle pointed out, each coun- Hundreds of signatures nave Lty would have at least one repre- been obtained, and they have been l senta.tive. " accelerated since' last week when I The res,,,,* ,;- LUlL't" ...... Lne agrmul- petitions were received at the ltural counties would be protected homes by mail, Mr. Angle said. against any joining of forces by "Initiative 14 seeks to reappor- the industrial counties," Mr. Angle tion the members of the state declared. "The rural counties senate and house of representa- would have a voice in state if- tires so as to give more equable representation to the various sec- tions of the state. For example, Mr. Angle points out, King coun- ty now has 12 senators, but under the reapportionment would have three. Pierce and Spokane coun- ties would be reduced from ,10 each to two each. At present, he continued, 27 of the counties must I Lovely Lamps " • " IQOLDEN BEAM A new lamp on either side of your sofa, will do won- ders for your room. Many styles, beautifully mounted, ICLE KNER with stretched rayon shades. COFFEE TABLES $200.50 FRUIT TREES ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS ALDERCROFT NURSERY Wilbert Catto Walker Park - Phone 591=W ICASIONAL TABLES i ,% Your Answer to the Soap Shortage ;tny women are mfing  K klan Beam in their wash-  I lll I !nlaohines and finding it  /I I! F hr than regular soap for  il Ill VII eli, Weekly laundering II II IIM At fairs which would provide them with their fair share of state ap- propriations and improvements. This bill has been needed for many years, and the state as a whole will gain immeasurably by its passage." Initiative 14 would assure Mason county of a representative in the legislature at every session, where- as under the present apportion- ment such assurance is not given and in numerous sessions of the legislature all the 24th district representatives have been from the upper-peninsula counties, and it would prevent any Such eomplete l lack of representation as Jeffer- I son county has suffered since 1936. Until the election of Merle Huf- ford this month Jefferson county had had no representation in the l state legislature since 1936. Mr. Angle asked that petitions be immediately signed and mailed to the Legislative Reapportion- ment Committee, 6135 Arcade Building, Seattle. Those who have no petition may obtain one by telephoning Mr. Angle at 304. Shelton Valley Snow all last week, It started Sunday night and stayed on long- er than we have ever seen it be- fore this time of the year. The mailman did not get over the hill two different days and the children had a whole week's vaca- tion. The last time we had enough snow in November of any amount was in 1921 but then it did not stay on for any length of time. A few brave members met at the Grange Hall last Thursday but as some of the grangers had no chains at all and others lid not like the idea of getting out in the snow to put chains on, the $9.50 o BABY CARRIAGES !::!:C::: :; ' $19.50 to $49.50 PLA00: PENS ' $9.95 master decided it better to wait until next Grange night to have the election of officers. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL m i I i i i iiii Tobacco Pouches [] Univers ity the United States in 1896 to Phil- Prof To 1, " .f. Carlson, ---UU adelphia and then to Olympia in 1905 where he married, Marie Tell Kiwanians of Harstine Pioneer, Sophie Baeklund in December 1907. December 1911 they settled Coulee Formation Claimed by Death at Harstine Island. Professor J. Hoover Mackin, A pioneer resident of Harstine Reverend Sweeney conducted the member of the University of Island for 35 years, August Carl- services and burial was in the Washington community forum ser-i son, 71, died Wednesday, Novem- Shelton Memorial Park. ies and of the University's De-] bet 20, and funeral services were He leaves his wife Mary of partment of Geology, will be the held Saturday, November 23, at 1 Harstine, two sons, George of Shel- guest speaker at the noon meet- o'clock from Witsiers Funeral ton and Isaac of Alameda, Calif., ing of the Kiwanis (lub on Tues- Home, Born in Munsla, Finland, and one daughter, Mrs, Catherine , September 17, 1875, he came to MeManemy of Aberdeen. PROF. MACKIN U.W. Man Kiwanis Speaker day, December 3rd, at the Memor- ial building. Dr. Mackin will talk on "Origin of the Grand Coulee and the Columbia Basin," and will how slides to illustrate his topic. R. W. Oltman is in charge of ar- rangements for the meeting. Professor Mackin has been a member of the Deportment of Ge- ology at the University since 1934 but for two of the last three years has been on leave of absence in order to serve as Chief-of-Party with the United States Geological Survey in an investigation of iron ores in Southwestern Utah. Dr. Mackin has carried on research in many parts of the United over a period of fifteen years, con- centrating particularly on the Co- lumbia Basin area in connection w i t h engineering developments there and studying Washington mineral deposits. Dr. "Mackin is Mr. and Mrs. Ha}ry McConkey a fellow in the Geological Society drove up to Shelton Valley Sun- of America and the author of nu- day afternoon and were much sur- merous scientific articles. prised to see so much of the snow still on the ground for in town, they said, the snow was all off. "-Vea r Resident However this Monday morning it was pretty well gone. The Mc- Conkeys called at the High'lands Of Belfair Passes while in the Valley. Funeral services for Mrs. Vernie Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glover and Martin, 60, of Belfair were held '1 TL.I :.n • -,uen 00eam-..00v,ean,n00;uream Mike and Dave drove over to Monday from Witsiers Funeral Olympia Saturday afternoon for Home, with Reverend Hardwick W. ON SALE AT SHELTON RETAIL sToRES a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Harshman "conducting and burial Glover and son. Earlier in the followed in Shelton MemorialPark. GET IT IN THE ECONOMY SIZE week Mrs. Glover called at the She has been a resident of Belfair i $3 per gal. home of her sister in town, Mrs. for the past 22 years. Her death Ralph Paulson, and also called at occurred Thursday in the Harrison For Use In Your Washing Machine the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom emorial Hospital, Bremton, Kneeland on Mountain View . L ' ' " , "r I Mr. era&Mrs; John Kneeland and Mrs. Martm, laorn, Febru- children called on Slgne Kneeland ary :t5, 1886, in EIReno, Okla, She Friday. leaves her husband, Frank, and two daughters, Mrs. Gladys San- ,;,,, ,= derlin of Belfair and Mrs. Fay |||hh||hi|i|ii Kenhton of Olympia; three broth- - ers, Art Heizman of Jelfair, Hom- _ er of Sioux City, Ia., and Harve i SANTA ---- of Jerome, Ida.; one sister, Mrs. SAYS: ! - "CHECK MILLER'S MEN S SHOP -- Fred Nelson of Jona, South Da-  _ kota; ten grandchildren and one !! i i   FIRST -- FOR QUALITY - great-grandchild. i AND PRICE Z" i _= Skokomlsh Valley ' .. } !   ...... --2 cers for the coming year last _= Th.rsday evening Officers are as ' : .... ,:':: ' " .. ---- follows: master, Howard Bailey; ---- overseer, Louis Hutton; lecturer, -- Zelma Bailey; steward, Mr. Hill; . _-- assistant Steward, Martin Smith; = chaplain, Oliver Johnson; lady as- '  sistant Steward, Dorothy Hu'tton; -- treasurer, Marie Sullen; secretary,  .:., = Chester Valley; gate keeper, Eric • , /./'!: ; -- sjoholm; Ceres, Velma Dock" PC- " --'-- mona, Wilma Minbr Flora, Frei- ---- Dori Doak; and home economic, -- Ruby Smart. --[]l Mr. and lYlr. Don Dock have q $ las their guests Mr. and :Mrs. -- George Dock of South Dakota.. ----'] W. S. Sallee is confined o his --Ihome with a bad cold. --[ Mrs. IzL B. Lozier of Tumwater _----I is spending a few days with her" ---- t daughters, Mrs. Alvin Hulbert and [ _ I Mrs. Chester Valley. I Little Mickey Hulbert has been Eversharp (CA) Pens [] Westminister Hose =-IverYla c01d.Sick the past few days from "I r. and Vfrs. John Eager are r Em eror Pipes--by Lee o P [] itial Handkerchiefs _ receiving congratulations on a ----] new grandson born to Mr and Cribbage Boards [] Billfolds ---I Mrs. Glen Fourre at the Slelton == . , -- • • Evene Richert Tm Racks [] Stetson Hats and =_.l and daughter Irma of Shelton _---- were Sunday visitors at the home Cigarette Lighters Gift Certfficates = of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. key, and Mrs. Leon Elliott and [] Scarfs (Wool or Rayon) -, Cigarette Cases daughters Doretta and Margaret -- Anne of Maine, Who have been ------visiting at the Chester Valley [] home have returned to California _ where they will saiI for India. --'l While here the Elliotts were ac- E companied by Mr. and ]frs. W. S. _ Valley of Shelton to Port Angeles ----I where they visited Mr. and Mrs. _-- I Art Barrc[t. Slipper Sox Fashioncraft Ties Sportshirts Wool, Cotton or Rayon [] Robes  All wool Patterns or Solid-Colors [] Luggage and Travel Kits [] Sweaters- Pullovers or Coats [] Belts - Suspende;s - Garters --by Paris [] Stag Shirts and Jackets (All types) Mr. and Mrs. Suart Davenport [] and children Joan and Richie of [] Tumwater visited relatives in the -- valley recently. ---" Miss Barbara Spear of Seattle ---- was a week end visitor at the -- home of Mr. and Mrs, Arvid _----[]'I Johnson. Linda Johnson entertained WiN ----" ma Wilkinson, Doretta and Mar- i garet Anne Elliott last Friday on her eighth birthday. DSh t forget the White Elephant [] Sale the parent-teachers climb is -" sponsoring December 5th at the school house at 8 o'clock p:m. -- There will be a program and lint --- dogs, doughnuts, coffee and ice Pipe Racks v Brushes After Shave Lotion, Cologne and Talcumby FEZ Swank Jewelry Collar Clips Tie Clips Mone Clips Key Chains Cuff Links Belt Buckles Slack Racks Wall or Hanger Types I II III ,, ,,, Pae 9 Roberson Plumbing -- and Heating- Phone 685 222 South Second Street Home Phone 181-J Home Address 528 Cedar + READING COUNTER.CLOCKWISE Rayon fleece robe 12.95 Colorful flower - print rayon-quilted robe 13.95 - 24,95 Royal blue heavy chen- ille with carved design 13.95 Rayon tailored candied stripe 13.95 Terry-cloth robe in white with colored trim 13.95 Chenille six-ply robe \\; | i :i I Mille'.° Men's Shop i °'°''w'" '°'°'° - .o.oo, , Come and give your support to hot water heate T for this worthy cause, i;! -  :: ESTABLISHED 1895. Hotel Shelton Building - Phone 609 = Tle old-fashioned cigar store  _---- Indian originated in Europe and ' -- appeared in this country about iiiIi 1790.