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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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eta t2  4' SH'ELTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday, November 2Jm:N.0.vember 28, ].946. g ! r$w " .:! ....... .:ii:. .:: hrougl the year's the 1 thistmas will be pla 'i .re!y, th!s is a gift that ,W r0,m 9ur 'cls.s,ic a tiolls. ' / m 129 Railroad  R,A]SIG OF TURKEYS is ,an industry which be, cp;nes greater eyery season as t, his old Thanksgiving favorite finds a place on moe and.more tables at every time of year, Here in Mason County, there are many factors which are favorable to an even greater :exPan- sa of this important activity, although it has increased over three-fold in the past five years. S¢h an expansion would be a good thing for the entire community. Not only would turkey frms md hatcheries develop and grow larger  thus adding immeasurably to the economic purchasing Power.of ttie region -- but related pursuits would be encouraged as well. Special transp0rtt- lion facilities would be enlarged to care for the Shipping .of live and dressed turk- !ecialjze dcsi,, tr€ po,¢in ptts WoId spring up, The feed, equip- n:nd lUildin t.ades WoId namirIly berefit.  And be- cause of all ths, the whole colt,y wo.u!d be enriched. Every person  every businessman, worker, merchant, pro- fessional man; every municipal, county, state or civil service employee; every eniployer, large ar smtll  wauld feel the beneficial ffcts of this ecanonic growth. The key to. all this is the indivdua!  the man or the woman who has the initiative and the energy to establish g turkey farm or enage in a butchexy and processing enter- pre. Unleaa the ndividua! 0pttor goes head nd "starts the ball rolling," and has the perseverance to overcome the usual obstacles, there is no farm  no processing plant -- n re4 fur addt dstb,uio ftci, l.itiea. As in every- thing else, t is individugl in$gtive which is the basic element. Mason Countynd all Amerlcawas fotmled a, built on theftmdara' tal  ' c " tLt aUy man or w0an slipuld ha'e the right to w,rkoud l%v,e the right to #.tart a business o his own and tQ e noy t, lie fruits of hs aor, ,  a 'esuli no other naton in ti, WHOle world cdrt approacli he indtitral might of, Am2rlca. In no Other, ndti0r has the StUdard Of living risen so hh for the' ndiyllual willing .9, WPk 0 it. T results" from the Aeca Way'of Life, .}d is the pathwayto an een gteater America. Why Change it. " The ,sponsors of ths ses of advert isement devoted to com- munity betterment are Citizens of this c0nunity. They own home her, Their children o to scn0ol nero: They have  deep sense o rdsppnslbllity' 0 th6idlvidua c*zgns and to chax/ges which will affect the c0mrnur4cy. Tley .arelnterested in devel- oplng a healthy community followingme Americajx WaY of Life, an thus keeplrig Anieica and Mason tJ0unty strong' f0/, the generations tocorne, A man wha seeks to establish or expand a turkey farm is a man of business. His ranch is a "factSry" Which cdnverts poults into marketgble birds for the nation's tables. His problems are the same as those faced by the owners of any other type of factory. !nvstments must be laad anc hlfidings, in equipmen t and materials. When the "factory" develops beyond its small beginning there must be workers  employees. All this requires additional investment on the part of the owner. The land, buildings, equipment and materials must be financed. Employees must be paid. And there must bb a margin of profit--something "left over" ' to compensate the man who took the risks w, he he establishecl the venture. That is the American way  a m,!ver Qf ¢o, ing things whic h a truly as Ameri- as the turkey itself. It is an expression of the American ideal, just as 'the turkey, is a symhol o American thanksgiving for freedom and liberty and the bounty of theg0,od earth. Because of this ideal  because American men and women have the privilege of f'ee individual enterlrise  the-life of every ctize has, en eriehed in cu!tral as well as economic valtcs. Arac, rica n enerlris ,has built ,cities and , highways.., grett rustrie ,nd fine stores.., churches and schools and theaters and lbraries. Provided with. t, hi, s, c fu_n.damen:tal, incentive, Ameri- cans will always build  wilt alys, create better things for themselves aad f qr •ot,her.. Here in Mason County, 'the spirit of American" eatrprie will gv enco, urgement not only to the ma who:. ra,,es t!rkeys,, but to or woman who seeka to estaMish ov epartd nytype of venture With this spirt,,we can g oxly one way -- fp,rWard to better things for a!l One of a series of advertisements devoted t community betterment. MEfGATILE' RO KIMI.EL ENTERRRISE$  GEO. M. GRISDALE OONSTT|QN'CQMPANy • S|MIIGN LOGGING COM:PAN¥  RAYO.N!R IINGO R!ORATID, • LUMBERMEN'$ ! L " " ; COMMERCE @ AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABQF  I,.)G.L UN ().N$. )F, IS TO,! i @ SHEL"TON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE IN.DUSTRY O,F M&SON GO.U, NT¥ 8HELTON CHAMIE  F Q Holi, Put yourself o.n your s can out-glam0ur any - glitter, ' or" both, Or , Crepes, .wool blends. M tYn Gift Slips ! Crepes and stins. ed and lace trirmed 32-44. .% 1.55