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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, November 2 business. His ar the nation:s of any other in equipmen t ginning there tment on the t be financed. )mething "left ;tablished the Q &apos;uly as Ameri- L1, just as the )erty and the n and women ise -- the -life al as well as lilt .cities and ... churches ntive, Ameri- better things County, the urgement -- t to the:man nd %ny type - forward to CHAMIE F OF i:N0vember 28, ]946. i i . i . I GARDEN EXPERT TO SPEAK | BEFORE QUILCENE P.T.A. I Cecil Solly, noted Northwet I garden expert, will address mem- bers of the Quilcenc P.T.A. Wed- nesday, Deceinber 4, at 8 p.m. at the Quilcene gymnasium. Speak- SlTLTON-MABOI ,( JOIRIAE," Page t3, i f i i i t . i [ i t .. ...d  . t t i ,i S0CI  t (W { NIS Coneert Planned By. A'*MtSS H ERR,CK HONOREDsuR,R,SE SH OWE. ........... LIT'LE'" ""ACK' ' ..... .... Shelton Mixed Chorus . A surprise shower honoring Miss : -]-[ORNER A pr¢-ChrlSLmas concert is be- Virginia Herrlck was given No- ing planned by the hembers of vember 13 at the home of Mrs. the Shelton Mixed Chorus, ten- Crosswhite. Thirty-five friends of dtdEX 1T COME5 TO I:OOTBALL L tatively for December 10. here Miss Herrick enjoyed the after- A fELLOW CN'T B BACK- ,n on the landscaping of the Union Ladies Club I Library Talk Heard Quilcene school grounds, he will explain fully the preparation of Plans Bazaar-Carnival I By Hood Canal Ladies the soil and general planting of The Union Ladies CIub is anti-[ In her talk on '"he Public Li- evergreen and flowering shrubs, cipating a large attenlance ofl brary,"the Public's School," Mrs. ' . community people at the Bazaar[ Plumb. stressed the impo,ance of DAUGHTER VISITS HOME and Carnival to be given by the[the world of books in educating Mrs. R. K. Callaham of Ala- organization Saturday, December l adults in the understanding need- ed to achieve world peace. An au- meda has been the houseguest of 14, at the Masonic hall in Union her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy l The doors of the hall will op'en Hutchinson, for the past few at 1:30 p.m. for the bazaar which weeks. With Mrs. Callaham was will be followed by the carnival thor, herself, she explained the fundamentals in the writing and appl'eciatign of fictio,,n, which is often a  "sugarrcoated' method of h " ' : rough the years the records you giv, e this )istmas will be played over and over ,re!Y, this is a gift that lasts forever. Choose W from our class,ira! and popular selec- ions. 0000ECKWITH'S SHELTON MUSIC STORE ii +,+++ :i+ her husband who is presently at- tached to a naval station at Ala- meda. CANNING SUPPLIES Jars - Rings - Crocks Waterglass For Putting Up Egg Olympia Feed Company + O'Nielll Bldg. - Sh¢lton \\; A BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL,, Holiday Dress caUt yourself o,.n your shopping list now. You n out-glamour any setting. Have color, or glitter ' or'" both, Or spangled black• ' Rayon Crepes, wool blends. Misses', juniors, w0men 7.90 to 1.0..90 Dream Robes FOR HER CHRISTMAS QUILTED RAYON.' Pret: ty floral printcl crepe. Soft pastel rayon lining. Misses" sizc, 12-20. 11.90 and vaudeville. The program will end'at 11 p.m. education for those who avoid Of special interest will be the "subject books," the library-world "Shortage" booth which will in, term to replace the negative- elude such items as. shortening, sounding one of "non-fiction." nylons, marshmallows, a lamp and Calling attention to the un(otu- other scarce commodities. Other[nate reading choices made by the booths planned are bingo, fancy.[ public,'Mrs. Plumb en, tertained her work and aprons, "dodgem,'; cake, ] aulience by reading ' singing corn- coffee and doughnuts, card games lm ereiais,'' humorousJy sggested and fortune telling, by a library publication as a pos- The club expresses special ap-I Bible oluton to h¢ problem of preciati0n ' to Shclton merchants I making various library/ depart- who have donated the merchan-] m ents appeal 0 the public. dise tp be used in the booths. [ "Big Timber," the most recent The Union Ladies club is spon-[ of the Shelton librarian s writings sPring the Union school's Christ- i is a vivid story of a logging camp ms program, candy and purchase [ in the Olympic Peninsula and is of electric ChriStmaS tree lights [ include • in t hook, "Stoie from for the school's use. In former tthe Wet," part of a eies en- years the lights" had to be bor- titled "Children of the U.S.A.," rowed from community people. [ published for schools and chlldreh'8 - librahes. Mrs• Plumb as 'intr0- iNTEILOCUTORY DECREES duced by the library ehairmn Jdge J: M. Wilsbn Saturday in Mrs. C€cll Gilbert: ...... Court granted lnterlocu- Te day being library day, a tory ¢ecrees of divorce to Cleo number of new books were aded Nehring from Gordon Nehring and to fhe'lib)arY, incldding one given awarded plaintiff the custody of in emorY of the l'ae Mr I;unt the minor chldr'e; to Irene Gosk i by Mrs. Margaret Jackson. from Alexander' . Gosk and to ] An0her hihJight was a uber Bessie B01en from Charles C. of 15oeih recitdcl' by Mrs. ny Bolen. B'rown, who included one of her TO SPEND THANiS!V!NG WI'TH' DAUGHTER ........ Mrs. Fred Rose left Friday for Lewiston. Ida., to spend the Thanksgiving holiday With her daughter, Mrs. HaT#by F. Rose.  DAUGHTERS OF PIONEERS TO Mt=ET THURSDAY Mrs. Warren Earl will be host- ess for the Mason County Chapter 14, Daughters of the Pioneers of Washington. The meeting will be- gin at 2 o'clock Thursday, Decem- ber 5. own original poems, which were very mudh enjoyed. .' • Mrs• Margaret McVay, general chairman of the bazaar 1:o be giv- e for the benefit of. the club house fund, reported that every- thing is going according to sched- ule and that everyone is, so en- thusiastic he Is mJre it will be a great success. / Mrs, Hill, International Rela- tions chairman, called tl,e atten: tion of the members to the nhces" sity of becoming better informed on matters, pertainin.g to the U.N.O. Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, legisla- tive chairman, reported on Refer- endum No. 14. Mrs. Dalby, music and air chair- man, asked ll Whowere'interested in organizing group singing to notify her. A new club song was adopted, the lyric composition by Mrs, Elizabeth Robinson and the music by Mrs. Fanees Radtke. The following new members were received: Mrs. Plumb, Mrs. Dalby, Mrs. Knutson, Mrs. Bacon and Mrs. Catto. The Lilliwaup ladies served a most delicious lundheon. VISITS' SISTER AT MACRAE RANCH D McTavish of Coquitlam, B C, spent a few days ls eek with his Sister, Mrs. W• J, MacRae of th%lVIaeRae r.anch, SHELTON WOMAN'S" CLUB TO MEET DECEMBER 2 Mrs. Grover BrewSter"will be hostess for the Shelton Woman's Club Monday, December 2, at her home for a 1 0'clock luncheon. There will be  Chri§tmas gift ex- change. Mrs. Niha Miller will have charge 0f the Program, the subject of which i "The Origin of Christmas and Christmas Tradi- tions." CHENILLE ROBES. Bright colors in deep pile chenille. Sizes 12 to •20. 8.65 Gift Slips Girls' Sweaters P and lace trimmed slipovers with crew necks. % 32-44. Gay colors. 34-40. % ].55 ' ,P8 to .08 Eagleknit Headwear Girls' and Misses' wool to- boggan caps. Hood, match- mg mittens. 1.49 Men's Cods Sizes 29 to 38-inch waist. In brown, blue and gray. are between 35 and 40 enthusiastic members of the chorus this year and aDo.ther fine concert is being anticipated. Appointive officers of the group include the following: Music com- mittee, Lynn Sherwood, director; Mrs. Charles Funkhauser, accom- panist; Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki, Mrs. Donovan Pahner and Mrs. R. W. Norvald; publicity, Grant Packard; hospitality, Mrs. A, L. Ferwerda; membership, Mrs. R. B. Dlckey, and librarian, Mrs. Nor- vald. BIRTHp&YS, CELEBRATED : The home 0f Mr. and rs. E F- nest Gunters was the €ei€, oJa double birthday celebrat0n Sun: day evening h0noring Ben Drake and Mrs. Gert¢le Westc0tt. Cards Were played during le evening With hOnors going to Ernest Gun'- ter, Chuck Huntington, Bee Dxake, Mrs. Vera Huntington, Mrs. Gert- rude Westcott, andMrs. Florence Palm. Erpest Ounter, an M. rs Avis Seeder w6,n the' fl6,atgg lze', GOTTF R I r EDT TA, TE George N. Adams, L, A. "Ca'ns6n and Carl G. Quarnstrom were ap- pbinted ap]raisers Of, he Q0tt fried' PuSte estate by Judge 'WI: son "ns periOrCohrt'Sitthrday. PRANGE TO ELECT. An election of Pomona officers will be held Suhday, December 8, t 11 a m at tl/e Sheton Grange, noon of games. Mrs. Doc Eddy and IV[rs. Rose- nan received prizes for winning games. The hostesses were Miss Elsie Warren and Miss Marie Crosswhite. Ice cream, cake and coffee were served to the ladies. Miss Herrm is expected to be married to Jim Widmyer of Col-' vine, Wn., in the near future. The couple will make their home ifl Colvllle. RELATIVE VISITS Elmer Worden of Touchet will spend the wintervisitiag his sis- tdr, Mrl Erl Legget o$ Shelton. MEETING SCH LED The NIghb'ors of Woodcraft will meet' at the home of Mrs• Minnie B. Myers, 430 Laurel St. lVI_onday, December 2.  _ LESSONS Children and Adult TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM; ACROBATIC and All Styles : Every Wednesday ' a t06'l:m, Shdt Eagles Hall : ..... ,Phone Union. 385 I " Give Her An E!ectrolux VACUUM CLEANER" Christmas This Year And Use Our Cotv6niont WARD £ UNCL( ,JIM AY, M:$ GOT 'TO PotG; ,.;AD  .t, OWN miTATIgE/ No need for that gift selec- tion to put you or( the de- fensive. Y0ur i.nRialv .Will turn you tY BCK.tTWi • . . a n offengiv¢ action t,at gets reul;S' ep.'y ti 'r all tlme"wlh 'llilts t.ha" kellP on giving, + as for instance a S,e.l,n fpr ur mtl d- p+artm:at. ' " • ' A rd+'how is .the, time to get your CHRISTMAS MUSIC ;elthe; Holiday Seasom OaO2S ]" "" V.,iotor Albm perry. Come Sgs ¢,rry .... "+ .' W, icto.r Album Bins ro,b - err De.tea: 'Twas b! N$lBefvre Christmas • ........ Fred ,Warng--Dec¢, Chr4smas T'e Fetturing' D:egnna Dr!rhea, Judy Garland, Kenny Balce Dcca The Christmas Song When YOU T¢m Your Christmas Trey Les BrownColun)bia W{e Christmas Jingle Bells *' Frank Sinatt-r-Co!tlmba Silent Night AdeSte Fdvlis F.rank ,inatraC0hmt Christmas Gavels Victor Chorale Victor Silen¢, Night 0 Come ;4 e va{tlul + ' Loadba Strlhg qbarette .... Decca anta ClaUs l¢+omig To Town . : JingZe Bells ing Crosby and AndreW ' Slst,¢rs:--Decca SHOP I SEATTLE Mrs, Ed ' $Ic0l, Mrs. I Paul Schlosser and Mrs. wt.ton , scitt spent a day or So the first'of this w, eek Christmas shopping in Seat- tle, CURTIS C. KIDD ESTATE Harry Kidd special administra- tor for the Curtis C. Idd estate, was discharged ts such Saturday in Superior Court b'y' Judge Wil- son, and appotrte driristrator of the estate. ' .... EARL V. JS ESTATE Friday, November 22, bore Clare Engelsen,, €ourt cdmmission-+ er, Polly Jadobs wa appointed 'ad- ministratrix of the'Earl . Jac0bs estate aid her ond fixed at $250.' A PI:?R A I SER-RA P PO, I NTED Judge John . Wiis0a' appSlnted George'N. Adarm, . , D1ehl and Phil Bayley appraisers p thd Frank L.:Cfiasd bste+td SaturdaY,  i,n Superior Court. CARL (JACK) YOUNG ESTatE • 0n the final report and p, etition for disribfit9 of Xnnie TOrg Odgan, eXeCutrix 0f, "the Can (Jack) Yog estate,'Juge Wil- son Sgne+t the, de@0 idlgBu= petter Court Saturday. ....... . /sAc 8. R ET+Te A decree of dfgtPlbution as slgt3ed bp Judge J. M. WIson Sat-' urday in upeYiot  Court, onhear - ing the' flna] report and petition for distribtlti0t of Lawxenee Cos-, ser, a+iminist'ratpr.. ANGi0LIN MA. NFBEDI + ESTA'TE George N. Adams G, Trlplett nd A1 Howard Wer ap.oiled of th Anglllina' Man: Jack Manley Only Author=;ed El¢orolux Represontgtlve lit Mason Cou+ty Phone 2-W-2, Hoodsport, or l00llmer IClectz|¢ 209 Cote Street - Phone 664 of ..:..+ 1.2 Christmas ter Wonderland .... 3,+¢ Azd Others BECKWlTH00 SHELTON MUSIC STOI. 120 Railroall" Phone 143 t l i _eate Saturday during. Su- !I ;ii<! "i .+. i APPO, . George N. Adams,'H. G,. Ang*el" L+" .......... ," " ' ad Elliot B • Splng ver 'ap- [   i.,: +..., +':>'  pointed appraiser+ of the er, } : +:r,:.,'.'+ . . + ''  " ' l9Tenzen estate by Jtage. a..-, t:t. + 1 ,::: .+,+.++.:",  " IP' Wilson i Superior Co,u S£qraaY . [.: +   +""+ , l   k'  ;,,, 'z+ • I ,P," ' ONES ELECTI 'N ' L T N ' Because of th gnnw last week[ ,AS !NO 0VI,I :ESS IN ¥ouB G]F , the Sheltor Valley 'Gange P0st- Your port mt Is permanent, the perfect gift at Christmas . . . , their e!ectign of of .  the most personaI and economical present you can give Come , til me t*rst "rnurs+day m I+c n, • 12+ • ..... ' ' ' ' + ',' , -- ' ..... December 8 there will be a Pomona[R  r In no wana pose zor your 1946 Chmstmas portrait:gift. Make . .. Grange meeting. '  an appointment today. '  i "T!le best reed for th bes[, '+ ' . '  Navy ',that's he Slogan 0f the [ A kT i r ][ II1, {;  rid T T ]r T #'% Navy recruiting ser,ic? teeny.L%   J=  lt l Vy D  J U JlJ I[ U : 01nY the finest men are clio, sen zort Q2 19 Rai road Avenue ' • ' ' ,,,,= sa this, the finest branch of our €ou -l-_ - ,  ' , try's a+rrqea forces. S+exg+uN+av[ ,. " ,