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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• FvJPLTqPqFUTT%I • q vSv'lr Miscellaneous vvp, vv v v - yv  v v vv ww vv,wv FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supporle, phone 799JX for appoint- ment or cull at 1416 Sunnnlt Drive, $9-26 MAN OR WOMAN to sell low cost • death benefit memberships. Men, women, childrenagcs i to 70 yrs. $3.00, Commission basis. The West- , ern Washington Mutual Benevolent Society, Inc.. 205-206. Sunset Build- lag, Belltngham, Wash. 10-3Itfn "WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Home freez- *? era, locker plants milk coolers, etc.( '. cold storage doors and insulatlon t portable coolers, power meat saws "Cat Line' of Garnen tractors. ohl- / er Power. Plants. lrieea right quick aellverlos, MISKELLA RE- • FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, • Ph. 9690. Olympia, on the Highway ' at Mud Bay 'Y '. P.O. Box 612, 217-tin USED CARS 'FOR SALE: 1941 Dodge 4 x 4 light truck, 1929 Nash CeUl)e. Bill Pear- ' son, Sales and Service, 118 E. Grove, i" l)hone 654, 11-28 "EQUITY on 1946 Nash "600" amount-  ins to $387,00. Fifth piece on new "" car list. L. C. Collins, Rte. 3, Bex '" 243, 11-28--12-5 "' SALE: 1936 Pontiac $600. 1929 • Model A coach $175. Both good con- . dition. Don Fay, 518 Park St, Fll-28 OR SALE: 27 Model-T Ford, All new tires, Phone 529R. W. A. He- man. 11-28--12-12 "FOR SALE: Model A Ford. New re- /. ,built motor, Inquire 1793 Hohnan. • O. C, Vest. 11-28 .t-SALE: 2936 V-8 coupe, radio antl beater. Good shape, gond tires. Jim • I)ailey, Skokomisl, Valley. 11-28 ENGINES FOR SALE '41-42 Chev. bh)cks, rebuilt, overhauled, as-is, '41. Plynouth, rebuilt, One complete Star, suitable I'of lTlarlDe llEq. OD short block: V- truck, transmission /tilt[ pl\\;Vol' inks-oil trait. .OtlCt -A II'lf)LOl'. 1.1'LIL'lnJS- J)ll RIKI l'{!l'-{?Jld, ¢J.crolrry INt?FilIO. collvcrsion, Joe's 2to-I reduction gear. LEO C. NELSON .. Kaiser-Frazer Garage Phone 676 FOR RENT FOR RENT: one room cabin, wood, light and water, $15 montldy. Phone "2I, MI1-21 FOR IENT: Beautifully located on North Bay and tate highway 14A at Allyn, Washington, known a Bayside Apts. Management furn- ishes usual furniture and furnish- ings, hot and cold running water regeration, electrlc lights, oli nurner and launary facIUtie, Apartment prices from $25 to $82.50 " Cabins $15 and $17,50. W, A. Beak. ley. Manager, 3.3-tfn WANTED TO RET 00,%'0057t;o'oT'tE; or apartment for lab technician at " the hospital with a 6=m0scold baby. "" Inquire at the hospital ourmg the " day m" after 6:00 p.m. phone 463R. T1O-24tfn LOST aND FOUND " neat, No. 301"11399. Broke loose from i' Minerva Beach. Reward, Write , Bmomfleld, Star oute I, BOX 195, , 8helton. 11-7 LOST: man's Chinese dragon ring in or about Grunert's Service Station. Finder phone 66 or call ai Shelton Transfer, Reward. 811-21-28 FOUND: a door lock. Owner identify and reclaim at Eliot ]lcctric Co.. Sheltml, 11-28 :Fb--iL" plywood boat. Owner ,nay , have same by identifying and paY- , ixtg for adv, Beat Carver. Rte. . Box 178G, Shelton (Near Walker CLASSIFIED ADVRTISINQ RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50e. Lower rates for larger ads aria more insertions. Reader notices 3e per" word. 75¢ minimum charge on each notice Card of Thanks, $I.00; originm poetry 50c per Inch; class,fie0 display rates on request. Advertisements accepted eve= the telephone from. phone sub- scribers, Cash should accompany all other orders or payment mad within five (5) days of the first insertion to save expense of bill- ing. An extra charge of 10e Wtl be made when hilling is nece sary. PHONE 100 FOR SLE 4-room modern hbme with util- ity room, largely furnished. Located one block from High School, $5250 cash 2-room well built house located on water-front lot on Lake Nehwatzel. 'Includes furniture for living. Has running water in house and electric lights. Will make a fine place for year-round home or summer property. $2500 cash 13 acres of land half cleared, 7-room home, 325 feet of wa- ter-front with all tidelands, fruit trees and grapes. Located on Bay about 12 miles East of Shelton. Can be cut up into 3 nice tracts for water-front property. $8500.00 5 - room modern plastered home about 5 years old, with fruit room, utility room, and garage attached• Includes oil circulator, incinerator, and electric hot water heater. Ex- cellent yard with sprinkling system in lawn. All pre-war material and a fine home lo- cated close-in. $8750,00 5-room modern home and din- ette. Electric hot water heater. ,-acre of land with fruit trees and berries. $4250.00 Hrbert G. Angle i i Franchise Application NOTICF, OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR FRANCIIISE IN THE MATTER OF The application 0f the United States of America for a francltise to construct, 0peratc and maintain one or more electrte power transnlission 1 l n e. s acruss, over and upo certain county roads or tgu'tlons thereof in Mason County, washington. WHEREAS, the United States of America has, under the .Provisions of Chapter 187, Laws ef 1937, filed with tile Boarl of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, an appll- cat!Qn for a franchise to construct, maintain and operate one or more electric power transmission lines, to- gether with the necessary towers, poles and other fixtures appurtenant thereto, across, ()vet" and upon tile hereinafter described county reads or portions thereof in Mason County, Washington, for averted of fifty years. NOW.:  THEREIORE, NOTICE IS I.IEREB GIVEN that a hearing will be held on said appl|cation by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, in the Mason Ceunty Court House at Shelton, Washlngten, on the 16th day of December, 1946 at 2:00 o chick P,M, The following described roads or por- tions thereof are the ones referred to above: Tile center •line of the llS-kv trails- mission line crosses tracts: CA-22OA--County Road No, 2 at BPA survey stgtiou 1003 =b 46 ,in tile E% SW,dSW, of Section /, Township 20 •Park). 11-28 North Range 3 est) W.M,, as shown LST':" one heavy duty tire cllain on on drawing s0rlak No. 29')52 'helton streels. Findir leave at Wiv- CA-220R--County\\; Road "N. 113  at :l.l Texaco Station. Reasonable re. BPA survey station 1015 + 44 in the S'&NEIrSW1/t of Section 7, Township ard, 311-28 20 North, Range 8 West_W.M,, as I t i shown on drawing serial No, 29252, TRAVEL TO CA-220C--County Road No. 33 at BPA survey station 1023 + 66 in the THE ORIENT wvws of secuon 7, Township zy 24orth, tangc" 3 Wet, W,M,, a.q snown 0n drawing serial No. 29252, With tim Famous CA-228A---The Yohns Creek Road at 6,,- • ...... ,.- r....:.... BPA :survey station 1104 + 24 ill the  ,'4t ,,I, el ecAion 5, ownsbt]) -- . 20 North, Raltge 3 West, W.]VI,, as ALL EXPENSES PAID AND A shown on drawing serial NO. 29253. MINIMUM 'STARTING SALARY CA-232A-,A Mason County Road at ' yBPA surv(, station 1195 + 37 in the ' OF $90 PER MONTH W.&NE',iW,I of Section 34 Town- slnp 21 lortn, Range 3 West W.M The 6th Infantry Division, U. S. Arnw, as shown on drawing, serial N) 29255' 'known frem its' insignia as the "Red CA-254A--Count.y Road No. "63 a[ ,Slar Division." had an Impressive war SPA survey,station 1613 o r- 31 in tile r'¢ord. After heavy a(tltn ill New NESESW.¼ of Secton3, Township Guinea the anit mov(d on to play a 21 North, I.ange  West'W -= ,vital r)le in cle.artng the ,Taps from ,shon on drawing "erial 1Vo. 292"63. "" 'Luzon. Statlened today in Korea, tile (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE, '6th is continuing its great record as MaSon Count Aud tor,  .leaeethne occupation force,  Shelton Wasningt0n. Young men who (:an measure tip to II.28.21fi.__ 'high Regular Army standards, end who ....... L-- ..... €'nlist for thr(  years n)w have all u+-+. • .. ,., . ' • -, , o,*vv OJ .)egatagton opportunity to join ths famous otyl- OFFICE OF SUPER%ISOR .... i( n cn dutY, in th( Orient. folh)wmg (J' -itfltAl'-Ll( 8' " ,iaitial training tn the U, S. ,. Olym-l. ' , Ther(¢s no fhler life anywhere fer , v t i:i00Ji !ix};,: ....... is interesting, edu(!ath)nal and of vital TO WI¢ r, 'rx,), i *tpoltan(e to world p(ae( Overseas ,-.,  ...... Y ...... ';I r( ,t "^ I mti{-" '  iotlce 1 hereby gn'e tl}al rlJlUr I y sta s t mJ a n( lo" It rr]- T Boa"b'e.',,,-,;r¢m u,+ .€ *, , ,vale plus I od, )i rig, que Lers ia,ton .n....,#.  f*'.. ........ ' o ' o u ui, e ul u:tOL)er a, laqu ,lllod ca]{lnd d nta] ear( lld other ben- fib,,4 .Hh tt, .w ,. ......... ' ehts Enltst.nts op,'u to men 18 IO drau r's 'l"t ........ '.,{-',.'-' .... • 4 inehlslv(, (7 with pll'(',llts consent), olieatton for v. n,r,ul* +o ,); .... + '.' Full d,tails ai you' lo't I S Arnty :t'}) ie ......... "  ...... ;V.%. .... ve,, ......  *' ......... In the alnollnt c)f 0,0I so,.ond-f0ot, , I[jZ,ZAN1 Nt] ],[akt')O,, Sllbjt'Ct to existing rlght Ior the pur- , " " * pOSe of (lo n(et t .su])ply 'c,o ittnuously , -----r- ............  ..... thnt the approxinate point uf dilet- , HOIEL OL, YMFIAIN .(,,, i locaied Wl h n SEI ,,f SE'I ')1' ('('(i(n 22 ownsh p 24'N,, Itttege ' O1 'll a 'vPh 3  lV. l, ill Mastin County Ama , ,' d , , "' showing lbt'+'{l tnd lllall of sat ' , dh',re)l and the place of th' p'o- '''":" " :-"I" II)tS((} iLqe il OIi file iJ'l" tl ('€¢" , # ttl  Sluts Su }el'Vlsor of Hydraulies ' Oh'lnpi(t, Washingtnn, together with lill:ll other hlforl%latlen as is rcquh'ed i)y htw. "Any person, firm or corperatton whose rght will be ltljurlously affected hy said appliclathm may Iile' with the " Salc Su)crvisor of Ilyflrauli(;s, at Olympia, Washington, such ebJectloos , Witness my hand and 0fficiai veal this Sth day ef November. A. D. 1946, (SEAL) RODNEy RYKER, Stat) Supervisor of HYdraulics. 11-28--/2-5---2t AROUND THE CLOCK Hove the fun of ncpshot$ ot night os well as during the da It's eosy with Kodak Film, and w have.all types for your noedt, ) ANDREWS STUDIO 119 Railroad - Phone,152 NO, 1728 NI)TICE TO CREI)ITO]IM IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O'F '"' STATI OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of ' the Estate of Georg0 J, Archer, D0eeased. N0tleo is given that the undersigned has bee, ,appointed and has qualified as administrator nf the above, entitled estate.; thRt all persons. havlng claims agalntt 8aid deceased ar(Y hereby required to serve the a lie, duly vcri'fied, on said adminisirat,r or hls attorney of reeerd at the ad- dress below stated and file the saln( with the Clerk 6f said Court, toge, th(,r wltl, protf) of such service, •, within six months after the date ef first publi. cation of this notice or the ame will be barred, Date of flrnt publication, November 7, 194t]. WILLIAM M, 0LSON, Administrator of said Estate Address Port Orchard, Wash. DUDLEY N. PERRINE, Attorney for Esters 629 Bay Street . - Port Orchm'd, Washington. 11-7-14-21---4t. REAL ESTATE of. Shclton, no hills to" climb, lot. of second growttl piling. See or write M. B, Shumaeher. 408 Frank- lin, Shclton, 11-28 FOR SALE: 2 bcdroonm, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, Is tn good condition, well located on Hlllcrest. Quick possession may be had. $3,500.00. Ehdy Business Set'- vice, 11-2812-5 FOR SALE: lot near tlospi(al. Inquire Shelton Recreation. First and Frank- lin. 1-28tfn. FOR SALE: house will} four large roonm and bath l)artiy Iinished. Newly built double, gnrae. Avail- able for innncdlatepossesslon. Phone 239M or tnquire Capitol Hill Cash Grocery. S11-26 FOR SALE: modern five-room honm near A]derbrook, finished In knotty cedar, Venetian blinds, view of canal and mountaln. lawn. loads of flow- ers end. nursery, etc,, strawberries and raspberries, start of grapes, lo- ganberries, timrnlesa blackberries, frfllt and many other items. Harry Huss Union, Wn. 11-21-28 Ill I I I FOR SALE 4 5-acre tracts, close in, $700 and up. 5-room modern home on Hill- crest, Full basement, built-ins, garden pl0t, fish pond, Nice view. $8,000. 3-room modern home on Bev- erly Heights. Garden space. $2250• Inquire Seger's Grocery Arcadia Road 1 Mile from Log Cabin Service 11/28-12/19 i i _ _ R SAIZE: 4-room house with bath. Three quarters of an acre of land on paved highway seven miles to- ward Olympia, near school and stere, Eugene E. Tayler, Rte, 1, Box I15. 11-21--12-5 FOR SALE: view lot 8th and Turner, Angleslde Add,, $850. Atle Evje, Mc- Cleary, Wn. 11-21--12-5 FOR RENT: 2-room fm'nished house. Electric stove. Inquire Ritner's Cafe. 11-14tfm FOR SALE: 5-room new modern house. Inquire at 915 East Cascade. Ml1-14.28 FOR SALE: lot on Island Lake with 3-room house, water piped In. Part- ly furnished. R. E. Hill,' Rainier, Wash,, or C. A. Hill, Rte. 2, Box 315D, Shelton. 11-14-23 FOR SALE: or TRADE: 120 acres, 7-room house wtth Dolce light sys- tem and 3-piece bath. Sell or trade for small place in Shelton or on Canal. Write Star Route 1, Box 458, Bremorton, Wash. Gl1-14-28 FOR SALE: five-room house, incom- plete, lnquire at 518 Park St. F10-10tfn. FOR SALE: two houses. Apply at rhone 284R or 518 Park St. 7-dtfn FOR SALE: 14 acres, one mile from ulty center. Outbuildings, three-room house and drilled weIl. lnqulre at /Route 3, Box 14. Gll-7-23 FOR SALE 3-bedroom house on Hillcrest, firs- placs, roomy breakfast nook, en- clused back porch, lot 60x120, garage, good view. Price $5,500. M. c. ZIHE% aal, t0, Vhon a7. 5-room modern home on W. RAIN' road Ave, one mile from city cen- ter; large garago, extra big lot, city water. . C. ZINTHEO, phone 157. * * * Partly finished d-room house in Stewart's Addition, witl two lot 1()0 x 139 ft. City water and ele.c- triclty, 1 rice $2500 on terms. , C, ZINTHEO, Pimne 157. 80-acre Improved farm on ttur- stin0 Island, regular ferry service; 12 acres cleared, plenty of timber, small streant, piped water; 6-room house, good barn, chicken house, fandly orchard, hayland re-seeded; price includes some stock, imple- ments and furniture. A real buy at $5,500,00 on ter*hs at 5%. M, C. ZINTHEO, Realtor, phone 157. Attractive modern 3-bedroom home downtown, In A-1 condition; fh'e= place, full cement basement, auto 7 matte oil heat: very well kept yard. Price $9,500. Phone M, C. ZINTHEO ]57, for appointment. • $ * * High-class apartnmnt producing r good steady income, I o details see M. C. ZINTHEO, Realtor. I1-7-14 , B-'LTON.-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL MASON COUNTY In tle Matter of the EstaLe of Pearl Davis, Deceased, NOTICE IS I:IEBEBY GIVEN, that Bert Davis. tho Administrator of tho (,stale of Pearl Davis, Deceased, has filed his petition setting forlh his lin- al account and caking for an Order of Distribution of the above entitled es- tate, and It appearing that the Superior Court of ,Mason County. State of Washlng- ton, has assigned Ssturday, the 711 day of Dccemher, 1.946, st the hem' 10 o'clock, A.M,, of said day as a fit ana proper time to hear said report and to grant an Ordvr of Distribut|on in the above entitled matter, THEREFORE, any persan interest- ed In said estate shall appeal, at i]m Court, I louse in Shelton, Vason Court- ly, Washington, In the eurt room thereof, at said lime, and present their objection, if eny, In writing, to the Pet'tlon of said Administrator, and oont, est the. same. WITNESS THE HONORABLE D. F, Wright, Judger" of the SUDerior Court of Mason Cbunty, Washlngton, this 4th day of Novnber, 1946. (SEAL) Attest : €CLARE ENGELSEN, Clerk of the Superiur Court, , _ 11-7-14-21-28--4t. qp v vvvvv v vv vv,ww . WANTED Los Angeles between (low and Dec- ember 15, Will share expcnscs. Ref- crem,,es. Write, or inquire, Box 1. c-o Jeurnal Offtce. 11-28---12-12 WILL TAKE CARE of children by hour, day or week. 1411 Railroad. Bll-21--12-5 WANTED: 48-inch "inserted tooill rip saw. center hole 1.-inch. Write or see Leo E, Mundcll, Rural Route 2, Box 129A, Shelton. (Phillip's Lake). 11-21--12-5 WILL PAY TOP PRICES for first or second growttl, fir logs, delivered to our mill. Single loads or contract. Castle Mill, six miles out Bayshore Road, or phone A. Tucker at Shel- ton Hotel. 1I-7--12-26 WANTED: kitchen and dining room help. Contact Hoodsport Cafe, Hoods- port. Phone Hoodsport 2W. Ll1-14-28 WrNTED: young couple, no chll- en, wish to rent furnished house or apartment in Shelton. Perma- nent residents. Phone 541R. Mll-7ttfn, WANTED: wonmn or girl' ,for office work. Inquire Mason County Steam Laundry, ll-7tfn, WANTED: watch charms and fobs. Inquire Journal office. 10-10tfn WANTED: Experienced woman for general housework and care of one ehl, ld. Room, board, good salary. In- qmre Journal. 4-11-tfn WANTED: women to wor as oYsmr ! cullers at Oyster Bay. Oall long dis- tance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for • Oscar Zandoll. 10-18-ffn WAITRESS and kltchen help wanted ppy Hotel Sheltoa Coffee Shop. , 6-4t ] WAT TO BUY: old herpes for."Mi' } eed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4678 col,eel. 1-1tfa WANTE]: ALDER, MAPLE, TOP PRICES. honest scale, short haul. Brains Mill. Lynch Road and HI- way, four miles south of Shelton. 8-29tfn. THE GIFT BOX 200 West 4th Olympia, Wash. We invite you to visit our shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts. 7/8-tfn Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store , ,nd & Raflro, ad Phone 89 I CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Service William Graham Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash. State of Washington OIbFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF ]IYDRAULICS Olympia AMENDED NOTI{}E I)F I, VATEIt I{IGIIT A1)PLICATION NO, 6263 i i ii ,i - Htate of Washlngtm, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: OFFICE OF SUI)ERVlSOR Notice is hereb]ofiven that Harry Deyette, O. L. , Frank Trainer OF IlYDItAULICS and L, SelJcstad of Shelton, State of • Oiylapla Washington, under date of November NOTICE OER RI(;IIT 12, 1946. filed with the State Super- visor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Wash- APPI, ICATION NO. 7523 lngton, an application fcr a permit to TO WHOM IT -CONCERN: divert the public waters 0f an un- Notice is hereby glve that M. M, named pring tributary of Coffee Creek, in the amount of 0.03 secend- Stewart of Lllliwaup, State,of Wash-' foot, subject to existing rights for ington, under date of November 7, 1946, filed with the State "Supervisor the purpose of domestic supply contin- uously; that tle approximate potnt of of Hydraulics Olympia, Washington, diversion is located within SEU of an apppcation for a permit to divert SE4 o.f Scqtiorl 24 Township 20 N, th6 public waters of 'an unnamed angc 4. W,WAVL,I tn Mason County. stream, ill the mnount of 0,10 second- A map snowi,}g the location and plan foot subject to exisiing rights for of said diversion and the place of the "the purpose of domestic and connncr- proposes use is on $11e in the office clal uses continuously; that the ap- of the State upervlsor of Hydraulics, proximate point of divershm .is located Olympia, W ashlngt0n. "together with within the S of Government Let 3 of Section 34, "Township 24 N,, Range such otner mtormation as is required by law. 3 W,W.M., in Mason County. A *nap Any p, erson, flrm er corporation showing the location aud phm of said whose right will bc Injuriously af- diversion and tbe place of the proposed fected, by.said application may ftlc use is on file in the office of the with tile ate eiuperVisor of Hydrau- State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olym- p i,a, W aa..hlngton, together wl.lh such llcs at ulymPta, Washington, such objections or representations, tn writ- otner mLornuttlon as is required by ing, a ne may desire to make, within law. " ¢ '  thirtY.t?0) days after date of last Any person, fim or corps.allen whose right will be hlju'lously af- publtcalon, which date |e November 28, 1946. fectcd by said application nmy file Wiiness my hand and officlal seal with the State Supcrvisor of Hydrau- tiffs 14th day of Nevember. A.D,. 19{6, Tics, at Olympia, Wasllington, 8u(:h (SEAL) RODNEY RYKER. objections ar representations, in wrLt- State Supervlsor of /-lydraulics. tng ss }l may desire to lnake, within hir.ty (30) clays after date 0f. last 11-21-262t. pubhcation, which date is Deccmbta. 5, ]946, Witness lny hand and official seal NOTICE OF SAI, E OF STATE ],ANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ,That this 14th day of November, A.D, ]946, on Tuesday, the Srd day of December, (SEAL) RODNEY RYKER, 1945, commencing at ten o'clock In the State, Supervisor of ttydraulics, forenoon of said day, tn front of the , 11-28--12-5---2t. main entrance door to the County Numher 1782 [Court House in the city of Shelton, county of Mason, Stat of Washing- NOTICE of Settlement of Final Ae- ton. by the County Alldltor of said count and Petition for an Order of county, the following dtmcribcd state ])lstrlhution. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE lands, together with tile improvements situated thereon, .will be sold at pub- STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR Itc auction to the hlgnet bidder there- for. to-wlt: [ NOTE-No one except citizens of 'the United States, or persons who have declared their Intention to b. conm such, can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. 19479 SWi of NEt6 and Lot 2 Of sec- tlon 36, townshlp 21 north, range 2 I west, W.M., containing 78 acres, more or less, according to. the government survey thereof, alpramed at $.500.00. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraises vame above stated and upon [he terms ana conditions  following: Not less thou ono-tenlh of the pur- [chase prive must bo pald at the time of sale. The pLu'cnaser, It he bc not the owner of the lmprovenents', must ferthwllh pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of tile ap- praised value of th 9 hnprovcments, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must. be paid annually thereafter will, interest on all de- ferred payments at tn rate of six per centum per annum: Prpvided, That any purchaser may DaKe fun pa'ment of principal interest, anu statutory ees at any' time a.,a obtain deed. The purchaser oi: tuna. containing tim- ber or other valllaDle materials Is prohibited by law fro.m cutting or re- movlng anF such thueer or matelals wLthout first obtaiulng consent o$,ithc Classified Ads Classified Service vice on all makes honle azld auto radios, Across from Junior :High school, 1221 Franklin. Phone l12W. Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leavc work at Kilhher Electric. 11-7tfn. IRESCRIPTION SERVlCE on medi- cal contracts, old ago assistance, or direct with you on your doctor's order, Prepp's Drug Store, Second and Railroad. 10-3tfn, WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- rial guaranteed, Vern Davidson, 903 Ellinor, Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tfn ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and supplies. Free pickup and delivery. Jack Maniey. only authorized fac- tory representative. Phone Hoodsport 2W2 or Kilhner Electric, phone 664. 7-18tfn. PORTABLE STEAM CLEANER for truck and auto motors. Work eve- nings and Saturdays. Ernest Booth, 411 Harvard phone 478-J 6-20tfn, DANCING every Saturday at Hatchery Grange Itall. Good music good time. ' W5-20tfn, IH v Classified Service SEWING MACItINE REPALRING, also parts for all makes of sewing machines. Phone 596J. B10-3tfn CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and *neat rinding. Have your locker meat cut y an experienced meat cutter. Beef, i)ork, veal and elk and deer in sea- son, Cut, wrappcd and trin(mings ground. 3c pound, Don "Williams, 604 Dearborn, Phone 381M. 9-12tfn USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B, Smith Co., Legion and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. U. S. Tires and batteries, ll-15tfn. HEMSTITCHIN_G: 10c yar, also but- tonholing. -rs. Ellis Wells', 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Areadis and Boundary SLreets,) 2-28-tfn HEMSTITCHING I 'ARD, Knife nd s(!i.ssor sharpening. Would like conunue with Mrs, Twohy's cus- tenters, Mrs. Fred Elson, 427 Belle- vue. 9-7-tin IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS contact C. L. Col- lins, Business Agent, 1612 Division. Phone 240W. 3-30tfn i ii NEW BEARING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND • .TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shelton Phone 628 Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine  Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING XMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER 8x30 Prism Binoculars, $85 plus tax. French Binoculars, $65 plus tax. Oil Paint Sets, and extra col- ors. 'Exacto Knife Sets, and extra blades. Books on Photography Print Boxes Photo Lab Index Dark Room Lamps Double Reflector Stand Lamps ANDREWS STUDIO 119 Railroad - Phone 152 i I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED SWEDISH MASSAGE Zone Therapy And Mineral Bath MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 iiii1| RAY'S JEWELRY o Prompt Wg.tch Repairing O 117 Cota Street Phone 633 Phone 236-RX Prompt Service AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK oo EATON Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 84 Shelton • FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furnlture Repair  Appliance Repair Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX i iiii DON'T READ THIS Ualess Your Radio Needs Repair THEN CALL BURGESON RADIO SERVICE Phone 112-W 1221 Franklin Closed Saturday Or Leave Work at Killmer Electric C enmfl.sioner of Public Lands, until tl,O zun amount of the purchase price ha s..bcen paid and deed issued All sales ot state Jands are 'made subject to tlle reservations of oils, ges, coal, Ores minerals aud fossils of (*.very nab,e, 'kind and dcsertption, and to the additional terms and con- ditions reseribed in section 3 of ClaPit r la% ofWill '°La: ld°t'slug7"ct to the terms cond of " itlons and reserve. lions q chapter 312 of the Session Laws, .of 1927. relating to easements fer.rlgnts,ot,way and the carrying of timber, Stone, minerals and other pro- ducts ove tho samc. TTO A CASE uonlmlssionr of P'ublic Lanes. 10-31--11-7-14-21-28--5tl FOR SALE FOR SALE: two double-unit n)ilking machine with pump and 2 h.t). lllO[Ol'. ,.'Ol)lpleto for 20 C0WS. Milk ('ooler. Bert Rau, baseulent Shell.on p.o. 11-28 WANTED TO TRADE: new Spindrier washing machine for a good used wringer type washing macb inc. James Dcrick, St, Rte. 1. Box 66-A. 11-28--12-12 FOR SALE: one light weight Vaughn drag. saw and one wood heater. Call evemngs at 829 Franklim G11-28tfn FOR SALE: one used white trash burner with coils, burns wood or coal. one used Colonial wood range with coil both [n good condition. Phone Hoodsport 11W4 after 6:00 p.m. Mc11-28--12-5 FOR SALE: Pagan Zylaphone 2% oc- tave, $20.00. Phone 479, Cll-28--12-5 KITCHEN cabinets, linen closets, store fixtures, and custom mill work. made to order. For free estimates Phone 217R2 or 217R3, Pcterson Bros, 3-1tfn. FOR SALE BOATS & LAUNCHES 27 t.ft CABIN CRUISER, powered with 4-cylinder Con- tinentaL Priced for quick sale, only ....................... $1350. Also have an 18-ft. stock.mod- el, Vee bottom, 6 h.p. air- cooled inboard motor boat .... $860.00 For Particulars See L. E. Miskella Refrigeration At Mud Bay "Y" Olympia Highway 11/25-12/5 CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE. to oil, See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co.. Legion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. 11-15tfn. I FOR SALE: see Olympic Motor Sales I for auto pnrts and accessories. First I • and Mill Streets. nhone 595. 7-tfn gas engine. Smith and Binger, Le-'] glen Way and Cherry, Olymvia. ] Phone 7753. 11-15tfn ! FOR SALE: two men's blue tweed Ort ackets, size small. Inquire urnal. 8-22tfn. HILLCRtST HARDWARE Builders' Supplies - Paints Sporting Goods Plumbing & Heating 1209 Olympic Hwy., Phone 499 We have a few 40 and 50-gal- lon Electric Water Tanks. No priority needed. And a few 2-h.p. Evinrude Outboard Motors. All Steel Lawn Mowers $26.45. Get one for Spring. Range Conversion Burnersand lots of copper tubing and fit- tings. LOOK '',, OVER You will find lots of hard to get merchandise at our store. Christmas Tree lights I Dbm6stic F100r FUrnaces 1 ...... Therm Oil Range Burners sacques, caps, boottees and soakers. 'Oil and Electric Wafer Heat- I Assortment on hand or orders taken, } Mrs W. A. Brodt, 121 E. Cedar ers I Street. Phone 582.1". 10-24tfn Floor Lamps Pin-Up Lamps ' one a drop leaf. Co01erator, one Now Available at hqatcr, one small wo6d ad coal KILLMER cook stove, one commedo tahle, kit- cimn stool, bedroom set inelnding ELECTRIC dresstng table, chest of drawers, and bed. Turn right at Pine's Court, two blocks, turn left, second house. House Wiring & Appliances N.E. White• ll-14tfn. Oil Burners, Heaters And Radios PHONE 26 for home milk delivery, Mll-l{tfn. 207 Cota St. - Telephone 664 FOR SALE : combination heating stove. 6,000 feet ceiling and floor- ing. G. E. Shaver, Sherwood Creek MITCHELL'S Road, Allyn. 11-14-2--a. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE: man's Tuxedo. size 4O. Worn very little, :May be seen at Journal. D11-14-28 MACHINE SHOP O SPECIALIZING IN MOTOR RBUILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILD'NG BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton iii KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL i New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Sclssors and Garten Tools of all kinds DO YOU WANT A'VACUUM CLEAN- ,ER? Or a Rexair? Phone 594W. Free demonstration, Fl1-14-28 FOR SALE: "Gcm -Dandy" electric barrel churn. Frank W. Guyer, Rte, I Box 222, Sheltou (Isabclla VaN ley). Phone 7F13. 11-14-26 FOR SALE: woman's clotll covert win- ter coat, size 40. Same as new. A $40 value for $25. Phone 69IW. Ql1-14-28 FOR SALE: Jaeger 3-S concrete mixer. Practically new. Rubber-tlred wheel barrows. 130 Plne, or phone 6R. Ali-14-28 FOR SALE: one weed and coal circu- lator heater, nearly new, cheap, In- quh'0 East Fairmont, Phone 280R. Wl1-I4-28 I'OR SALE: prewar- man's bicycle, good condition good tires. $30 cash, Inquire Journa A-L All-7tfn. FOR SALE: hospital bed, complete with mattress. Just like new, .,$90 cash, Inquire Journal A-1. All-7tfn FOR SALE: picked King apples, $1.50 per box, 7 boxes $10, Bring con- tainers. ,Jacoby Ranch, Route 2, o phone 6F12, J11-112-5 CARD (}1' THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for "the syn)patlly, kindness and asistancc, also the beautiful fief al efferings given us dm'ing the loss of our loved one, Mary Carlson, Mr. and 'Mrs. George Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Iko Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McManmny CARD OF TIIAN]¢S We wish to thank the nmuy friends for the beautiful floral offerings and kind words of synlpathy extended to us on thc death of our deal" husband and father, Horace M. Duubv.r. Minnie L, Duubar, Clifford M. Dunbar, Mrs. Mauri(:e Quinn, Mrs. Arthur Jones. Arvllla E. Dunbar. CARD OF TtlANKS We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kiudness and assistance, also tile be.autihd flor- al offerings gvcu us during the lo.s of our loved onc. Frank Martin. Mrs. Gladys Sanderlin. Mrs, Fay Kempten, Art Heizntan N 0 T I C E During the last snow stornL the nlail carriers l]lrollghout the, county c¢)nlt*lained that thc snow had uot boen cleared away frost the mail boxes. Sonl pt'oph" ('Xl)C('ted and ask- (,d road crews to do so wit]* tim ruad l)lougl|s. During It snow stern1 cur road crews are busy night and day trvhlg to ]¢ecp the roads open for Ihe. pt'lblic and ('(tnnot possthly spare the neces- sary thne for this service, therefore, we a)k your cooperation in takhlg i.are of your nmil boxes so that the crews can bend every effort toward keeping the roads open. H. R. DICKINSON, ROY CARR LYLE O'DELL. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASttINGTON, 11-28--12-5-12-19--4t, Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's FiXit Shop Third and Cots PHONE 243 OIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 types to change your wood or coal range for oil. Same units as used by actory mod- els. CAt WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phqnq 10 or 17 Thursday, November , No.october 2S,. ] 94( FOR RANGE OIL CONERSI We install if you wish. trle Store, 207 Cots, 0000000000iI(IMBEL P"°00':00i!LOGGING ton Phone 14F35 a .... y . ton..oa 4F5. ,:::: UIVIVAIN 1 WILL "PAY CASI=I for useat?;, macbine, Phbn-596J. :,' --oV-- isa e-.--;-;7-E. -u]fan, / Box 259, Shelto--(Near A _ 0tern Equipment suit, box jcakct. Green., perated By Never bccn worm Reas0 quire Journal Office--,,__t ..... .1 F--.. ....................... I, FOR FOR "', SALE : w 150 ater tank hni-"tt'l')r{ght:, D.. • trailer, $80 cash. Inqul,. " , CLEARING A-1. " ..... ' LL FO---RL" DOZING size 9. Goo-d condition, PiiTCHll NG FOR SALE: one set of ,EMENT EXCAVAT- inch wheels and one saw, Inquh'e at Pershall'S Station. FOR SALE large slze COCS LKHEADING tric tion, end ....... LVERS FOR SALE: Ford Fcr or Water with hydraulic gravel and 18-inch plow in perfect-condltiom-, I...TRUCKS len, Union, phone 354. I, ire FOR SALE: Western NG AND LOGS nace, oil or wood, ale. Hot air circulator See G. C. Angle. PHONE 645-W FOR SALE: cook stove, bed. play pen in Mrs. Marks, Rte. FOR SALE: two range Ideal for oil burner J. B. Schott. Laurel St and K from 9:00 a.m. ant DAN( FOR SALE: dinette set. ligbt oak, Foul, chairs, ble, $25. Blonde dinin with buffet, oblon chairs, $100. One Jersey, $100. Stella cadia Road. FOR SALE raw wool "'(:" Star Rte. NO. 2, Lake Ne/ FI FOR SALE Pekingese puP, I, chard Hill breeding. ;sl,!" all Star Rte. 2, Lake N'Swat011J FOR SALE: 39 inch box spry! new. $10.50. Phone 697i: 'UNIVERSAL wood rangc. D  V I Uon. Two 65o - 16 rec,y;j:: tubes. K. V. Collins. Arca''. 5 elt co. v]v: DANCE FOR SALE: beautiful diaJ!i: gagcment ring, quarter c' three chips on each side, :; very little, $200 value fori, "".F"6bgr', i  ' , :'2,; . Delight P : Direct M NOLAN B. Franklin ATTO R N EY- Courthouse, CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL ENGIr Eliot Electric E( Title Insurance Phone 645 ALDEN C. / Opposite First Naris €1i, WlTSmRS0000, FUNERAL H01i Lloen=ed Emblmeal:" A¢oountlng Tax 05'/ Bookkeeping symtel' 123 4th, SL