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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, November21aiy. No vomiter 2£ 3946 SYrELTON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL pa vvvvvwrvvvvvv . vvvv*vvv.,--.,vv,.vvvv, X { l] l(S• &apos;dent{' vvvvvvvvv.vv,r,,.vv..v * Th .s 11{ ng the. time .... to exan in  and C) ..... (]])ll d Wa s}I @  }I ]S(' ]k • l- r Allyn Resident ..i,,,.,e I)r( hnnnary budKqS.samere heal-Con_ Sheltou J.W:t'h'v¢c)l re" Thouls}and JanwsA" " i [lie I'Slbl|,l. 2'if- " B elf air C00l.i, meeling at the J 00a.,u00a ,,r ,,1 a s,,n n ,,,.,,, 9 , , ..,,,,,tiY',,f i,ud'.,,, ,v,, ,.outin,,,,l ,'.,w Shelto,, W, ,ta.+'v 'l,'i, MAR(dE S FOR SAI  A 1,rig( c, owd attended the Be tt milking -^--"",.:':,:,;' .IKII/IDIPI ......................... o,,4 .... ,,o, wed .... ,-v ova- '= .............. v .... vvv,, VoocLl I Itlll|'(2N'.ll7 il tono.',,w g S ,.vi, e, i-', T wnscnd. Wn.: :\\;e,'. " t 2 h.p. }Ve install if you wis.,,llL IIIlII]I)|'.L iBy Delblle Thompson) [ uinv Mr- Simmons demonstrated] Tickets are now on sale at fifty lttJot.,o a_atu  d , This I,, ng tile time set for hearing 5Ia,.tno, [.,,x .,31. l,(,m, ,t,u. Wa.  I WW )ws Milk trio Store, 207 Cota Pll0 _ The correspondent n(l husband l  ..7. ,i ,o.,.,.,  ..... .o cents apiece for the ehildren s Mrs Oey Holhrook, 53 a resl- i Ell( gel y Ap )opt ation pc.p.r M..dly, Ne tember 30 19#11 mll[ Akn it Shelton ',\\; | If["NT ,., , u:,e u.(, c..,, ..... ( ........... - - " ,,,t of Allvn for the )ast five n,ti¢', hiving llcen tlvon n apl),,ars Ioard met in (.,niinuod :u..mi,m. All I dJ-lUDImi n-23 ;:IISIt_IIINI_I jtlst l't,t.nrtled fFol'i/ all oxt( nd( (11 ........ , ,. fronl affidavit on file and n ..... w mcnli)ers wet',, pr,,:,cnt. = FOR SALE: baled alfalfahl, in tlle luht(lle west alld el/I-I O}' :Ill elllPl'gency wifici was very Ctaristmas party bcnefit, The Spindrh.r Lemke, Star Route 2, B0)#7[ar-- a--r-r ifornia, lVlr. Ttu)mp:-:(m It,it. tiwi interesting. Mrs, lhna Alhert date is tile 7th---a date worth eel- years, died last Tlmrsday and fu- appearing' t. object, it w.ts moved and Cluims nlh,wed: achine,'°°d used ton. Phone 14F35. l',j }]V|Pf- IY first of .July ,qlai the wril(,r 1.h,, I flare u. most interesting program cbrating, It was decided not to neral rites were held Saturday at m,<.on(h,d that tit,' folh,wing ()r(h!r NO EXTRA 'EE FOR Box 66-A. . i!," .... l.lth of Augnst I,'(m:isting o[ Negro spirituals, have a masquerade but there will EXTRA PASSEIGERS t-(- l"28--12"12 / Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hemingl of the program Mrs. Alhert was basket of groceries. Phone 392 rater. Call T'H : . * and family retnrned from a tw,, ! prc:;ented with a beautiful cor:,age. On Thursday afternoon, Nov. Gll-28tfn f-E.J]uIan, ,, months' trip to Nel)rasl¢:l. tThe hosiesses served a dainty ...... .... Box 259, Slmlto (Near Affl 0_ Mr. :tnd Mr,q. .lacl Th,ml)SOn hmch at the close o£ tile meeting. ,....**..,,,..0,.OOOo..,Io._.....,..,..,..,..,,.,.,....,,o . dte trash :  (lerll Equipment and cla :i i Si.,lov Ann hav wood or ' ' . , Edav,'rd Johnson rettlrned home r., * " " " * " " ' : ' )pal range FOR SAW00i nao\\;'ed ot Port q'owns(qad. .la(,k Is[ thi:-; u'(!el fron the Naval Hos- :,t!i condition, '-et.- Green.. Operated By (,mploycd in the paper mill. at: pital in remerton niter reeover- after 6:00-Never been worn. Reas0[.. !'or, Town:;cmd. ii" An kthat tl-2S--12-5 quire Journal Office. .,,--: ..... .1 OO ' " -- ............ -----ff.(.p,trn Vnt;vu Men FOng rang,i:j " 7.. • • :. H 1 the Sick |;t FOR SALE: 150 gallon ins$ water tank and upright boiler, $80 casl Inquir, A-1, ,i FOR gALE: pair men s shoel size 9 Good condition pll ID CLEARING d.LLDOZING FOR SALE: one set of EMENT EXCAVAT- inch wheels and one saw Inquhc at PershallS Station FOR SALE: large size Cocs LKHEADING tric coolie machine, FOR SALE: Ford Fer !DIIVERS hydraulic loader or Water and 18-inch )erfect- condition. phone 354. FOR SALE: Western nace, oil or wood, Hot air circulator See G C Angle. FOR SALE: cook stove bed, play pen in Mrs. 2tarks, Rte U,i p, .TRUCKS kIire Nfi AND LOGS ale PHONE 645W FOR SALE: two range Ideal for oil burner J. B, Schott, Laurel St, and K from 9:00 am unt Marie Crosswhite was a Snnd:G' evening dinner guest at the Cald- ...................... 2: ...................... --- That Time of Year To Renew Your Magazine Sub- scriptions Or Send Same as Christmas Gifts READER'S DIGEST All Others "THE NEW REPUBLIC" Hen. Henry A. Wallace, , Editor $6.00 pet' Year $10 2 years - $14 3 years Subscribe from Earl H. Harkins Manette Station Bremerton itlg l'l'Oln a l'ecellt operation !vlrs. Hattie Brooks of Brelner- t(m and Mr. and Mrs..Iack Thomp- '.(m and daughter of Port Town- 'cn(I, Wash., spent the week end at the VV B Thompson residence Mr and Mrs Ray Moore and sons and Mrs C G Miller were guests of Mr and Mrs B G Shir- ley the occasion being Mrs Wil- lers birthday Mr Shirley is a nephew o£ Mrs Millet Mrs Art Pelela is substituting as second grade teachex in the Belfair school this week Mr. and Mrs. Art Pelela are leasing the Babrers Cafe this week. They plan to run a business in Happy Hollow. A $5,000 cducation, a starting salary of $75 a month, a complete issnc of clothing, good food and nmdern quarters All these are offered to young men 17 to 30 years of age who enlist in the United States Navy for training as electronics technician mates For further details see your Navy Re- cruiting Office today• DANCE SATURDAY FOR SALE: dinette set 'j, ll-15tfn. , light oak. Four chairs, dr0.. I bit, $25. Blonde. dining ,11. tor Sales ] with buffet oblong table t].. ,ies" First Ii Jersey, $100. S, 7-ltfn' chairs $100'. Onc milk c0 lr cooledJ cadia Road. " ,,,: WOO1. tger, Le-]:FOR SALE: ra'¢ N5-'e: Olympia.  Star Rtc. NO. 2, Lake FEATURING CLIFF KELLY ll-15tfn ]  i " Star RLe. 2, Lake N-ewatZOllJ; e tweed L FOR SALE: Pekingese pu Inquire I chard Hill breeding. 1i" ' and His New 7-Piece Orchestra , k ncw $1050 Ptmne 697 UNIVEBSAL wood range Delight ar tton. Two 6,50 - 16 reca tubes. K. V. Collins, int8 ] Inquire at new store. YES . . . We now have ers, Shelton Electric ae 499 I ' DANCE PAVILION LAKE ISABELLA 0-gal- | s. No l NOVEMBER 30 Delight Park Dance Pavilion Is Now Under the Direct Management of Owner Carl Johnson Admission $1 Per Person (Tax included) FOR SALE: beautiful dlt gagcnlent three very value quire at Cota. FOR gALE: Mahogany gate and buffet Carl Oberg, Wn. FOR SALE: 15 New lets ready to lay. :Martlndale, Rte, £ ton. FOR SALE: billiard taken at once. I,O.O.F. 580W PROF00IOH00 NOLAN 21, Mrs. Ina Hanlin entertained with a tea for Mrs, Martha Rehm- ke. The Rehmkes came here re- cently and are living il one of the Hanlin cottages until Spring ] when they expect to build on their I property between the Knowlton f and Blair ranches. Com't Whist I was played during the afternoon] witi prizes going to Frances Hu. I son and Ranka Rendsland. I)elic. ious refreshments were served and the new neighbor received a warm welcome. Helen Huson has been going to a Seattle specialist. The cause of her trouble, wMch has been supposed to be chronic appendici- tis, has not yet been detcrmined. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Huson are entertaining the entire family for Thanksgiving dinner. It is the first time in several years that.the entire family have been home for the holiday. Mr and Mrs Porter are nold- ig open house Thanksgiving Day to the neighbors from eleven am until three p m The Porters live at Dry Creek Tom Turner and Walter Sar- gent deserve a vote of thanks or clearing the roads tnc diveways of snow during our recent winter Tom Turner furnished the equip menl and gasoline and Walt did the work Elmer? ellis will spend the holi- daY with relatives in Bremerton There has been much sicknes., in the neighborhood de to c0hs The largest railroad shops |n th world are located at Alt0ona, Pa. NO, lS6 IO  gE O]tS ..... 0LMMS .... IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. OF THE STATE O WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY . ' I:N PROBATE In the Matte 0f the Estato ot Roy B. DuRant', DeceaSed • NOTICE' .IS HERE.BY GIVEN tllt the unaerslgned; Rocrt Boad, has ben. appointed a!d has .qualified as Admtmstraor ot in0 estate ot toy . DuRagt, decea.?e,d, an4 hat all per- soms Lnaving ciazns a.ggznst .ue qe- eeaSed dr the saia estae'ar¢ nereoy reaulred to serve the same, duly verl- iel, with the necessary, vouclters at- tch.el, .Upon ,the unarsign6d Ad- mlnmtrator ooert Bead, or his At- torney of Record, Cha, R. Lewls, at the lk office of Chas. R. Lewis, to-wit: Bell BuildLng, 19 South 4th Street Shelton, Mason uqun.ty, Wash- ington the sam0 oemg aeslgnatea as the place for the transaction 0f the business of the saiu estate, t,te SUCh claims with the Clerk (if the above entitled court together with proof ot service within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice to-wit: November 7, 1946 or all claims not so served and filed shall be forever barred. ROBERT BOAD, Administrator of the estate of Roy B. DuRant deceased Address: Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street Shelton iason County, Washington CHA.S. R. LEWIS , • Atto;ney foi" said  estate, Address: Bell Building. 11.9 South 4th Street Sh01ton, 3iasou Count:, Washington. 11-7-1-2-28=--4t, Walter E. Professional FREE ESTI Write PO Box 1, B. Franklin ATTORN EY-AT-t Courthouse, Phone 312 A. K. Personalized 8ervice Address: Rt. 3, Box Phone: Shelton CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL ENG I Eliot Electric Title Insurance Phone 645 Wright and LAWYERS Charles T. Wrl Vr9inla C. Angle Building, Telephone 337 CHARLES R. ATTORNEY AT 119-121 South Fourt Bell Shelton, ALDEN C. ATTORNEY AT Title Insurance Opposite First Phone 23 - WITSIERS FUNERAL Lloensed W. A. Witsiers, Phone 180 - -Sheltoll, ( .... ,," " ..j#e/m" Balance in gasoline is a "must" for peak performanCe in snow-c0vered highlands or sun-bleached lowlands. % Try thenew Richfield gasoline to learn the full meaning of "balanced the job.., in stop and go city driving and on the high-speed stretches of the highways that knit th%WeSt together Give Richfield gasoline your own per. motor fuel" It goes right to work sonalroaltest Buy atankful today at ELLIOT B. on frosty mornings and it stays on your neighborhood Richfield station Acoountlng Tax Bookkeeping " • ' 123 4th SL ; ' INSURANGIi : HERBERT ANGI ! 3 o'clock from Witsiers Funeral Home with Reverend Hardwick W Harshman in charge Burial was in Shelton Memorial Park She was born September 12 ]883 in Elmore Minn She is survived by her husband Earl I Holbrook Allyn; four daughters, Mrs Coild Nelson Shelton Mrs Delores Sargant Miss Irene and Miss Joy Wynn and one son, How ard Wynn all of Allyn; two broth- crs, Frank Martin of Longbranch, and William Martin of Ilwaco Wash and six grandchildrcn C!oquallum Mrs Hazel Bethworth and Mrs Albert LeGault gave a very inter esting account of the National Grange session in Portland last week which they attended They also visited in Eugene and Forest Grove Gilbert Woodruff of Everett is a guest at the home of his moth- er Mrs L eGault where he will visit for the next two weeks Many cars were stalled along the side of the road for short in- te;als due to the heavy snow on the highways last weekend. It was necesaary to keep double crews working the snow plows to assure open and passable roads in the district. • Mrs. C0rgv Owens of Abe,'- dce as a, Vilsitox. r¢antly at the Win. Betworth hoe. • 1r. an, !!s, Jean Davla are the par'ents of,  n 9!aulte,. ' Mr, an.d lrs. M%rx;i Bai'ton of cetra$ia are new r0aid¢ts in the coin.glt and Mrs. "AnC6raon of Centralia ited With thn Wed nesciay evelng Mr larton s lath@ ba s, a &wmili to,cared in, this dlli!¢t ess A¢rs0 of Auburn was a u3( V igitol at th C. L[ Ander- so 0 Wl$¢re they ar doing some tatorto, r, fln lsh The Olo, quat[uI Grhg held an e!ectm of officers Ndvember 8 aU4 they elected the following: Mike Selimac master; George Johnson, overseer;' Mrs, Hazel Bethworth, lecture; Mrs. Zella Makov, ine46 chaplain; Marguerite Makoviney, Cel,eS; Narilyn Love- gr0nn Flora; Marjorie Hlibold, po/nona; an(( Thelma Loersther, home eeon0mtes Oxii;man. Henry Ko:zettio{vski had the isfortupe t0 hve ]/is car side- Swiped by a truck during the snow fast wee.k. The drivex Of the car was un]l0wrL Seyeral others wero d[mabed temporarily by the anon, The !Vie)ere broth6s found it necessary o call a wrecke from helton to get their car back op. the oad and Joe McAlfery had to i wait for the snow plow to rescue him: The Leorsther brothera are busy lracking bar which have killed a great deal of their stock Er- nest} Leers tiler returned home last riday evening He has been era- played by a logging company m Qregp 0r the pst s.0vrzl we# '[14dy had to loh camp because of the snow Mr and Mrs John Makoviney were buSine& visitors in Elma on WeAesday. Bob Chapman. who is in the ar- my, was home one day last week to visit at thc LeGault home for a silort time• Jack Keeline was with him Every U S gold coin is now a rare coin Franchise Aplllcatton No. 1777 , NOrlCE OF llEARING In the Matter of the Application of THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TEL'EGRAIH COMPANY, a corpora- tlon, for a franchise to constract, op- erate and maintain a telephone and jtelegraph line upon, along and across a portion of Primary State Highway ]No. 9 In :Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS. THE PACIFIC TET, E- PHONE ' AND " TELEGRAPH COM- PANY, a corporation, has filed with the Director of Highways of the State of Washington, under the provisions of Chap.ter 53 Lgws of 1937, an appli- cation for a' franlrhlse to construct. operate and maintain a telephon and telegraph line uuon along and across a portioa of Pr]ma'ry State Highway No. 9 in Mason County, Wa.hington, for a 'period of twentY-five (25) years, at the following deMgnated points, to-wit : Beginning at a point o) the .West- emy side of ?rimarY State Highway .No. 9, as now located and of record n the office Of the Director of Hit.h: ways at Olympia Washington, sam _.i]'fl being .0polt approx,matelY .. g gy EngmCera S{ation 337+00 iu tne NW% of NW of Section 22, Township 21 North Range 4 West, W.M.; thence Nortieasterly along the westerly side of said highway to a point opposite approximately Highway ":ngineers Station 456+00 in ttm wy 9f SE% of Section 10 Township 21 orth, Range 4 West,' W.M,; tlience crossing said highway to the easterly qide here0f. IS NOW THEREFORE NOTICE HEIBY GIVEN ' said That a hearing will be held on . application by the Director of High- Ways of tim State of Washington at xts office in the Transportation Build- ing Olympia Washington on the 10th clay of Decelnbcr 194(] at 10 o'clock A.M,, or as soou' thereafter as hear- ing may be had, CLARENCE :B. SHAIN, Dh'ector ot I-lllf.14.,.25_3t.hwa S 30,M[MJSSION Elfi 13ROCEFDINGS SEPTEIER, 1946 B Tujsday,. September 3, 1946 0rd met m C0nBnueu sessxon. All present as of prEious meeting. Claims allowe¢l: .... Harstine ferry receipts xor wee ndlng JBre 30, in the amount of 26.7,[ wag recdl,ed and turned over o Treaaurer for the credit of County ogd. Remittance in the amount of $5.00 'romHeI:n.y Rlsht.q, or pu.rcbase of n old horse grac0r, recelvecl ana urncd OVer to Treasurer for the cred- t of County Road Dist 3 Reimbursemdnt from Dept of So- 'lal Security in the amount of $7,- i4752 received and turned over to rreasurer for the credit of Public Assistance Application for lLcenses were approv- ed its f611ows: Transfer of License from Etta Anrlerson to Harold Ridley Mountain View Center Mabel Ander- son Sprin Water Camp James L and Alice M Bleeker White Spot Donal H Hutchins Lllliwaup Motel Stretch Island Wilery Inc Grape- view Charles Seiners, St Charles Winery Grapcvlew  . Employment Contract wnn pectat Attorne to represent Mason County In the matter of payment in lieu of taxes n Federal Lands in Mason county was signed E Hill resi Letter from Mrs C _ P . - dent of Masou CountZ D,str/ct ga" e'atiolt of Women's club.s, Enctoht.n.g three Copies 0i; AppraiSer.or' P9',I1€ Health Resourcea and s_ery.tga o[ Me- s6n-Thurston-Olympia Futn£ h0alth District. "by the club, rcoived and fil: ed., II. Oopy of prcllnliuary,budget for P. ;D 3 received und file, r:,nting he approved, Carried, %Vedncsday, Neptcmber -i, 1!)4(; loal'd illet iu coatintlo(I g*'ssion All present Iis /)f yeslel'da.v, Cltlfi nL allowed. I11 the lllaltCl' of C(lulty acqlliring c,)ntrol €)1' Shelton Air{)ort Public Hearing I)ecn held, a! which tilosc 1resent were in laver ¢)r {ason C(1L}n- V ollterJng bite agTee]lleut with U. S, avy, il was nl0ved thnt ]:(!vocab[e Perluit by Nuvy bc :lcc0pted and that county enter into agreeulcnl, Unaal ° ino u,.ly carried ]t wa nipped /lad seconded lhll| a ('all for proposals [t)r (}pel.aling Air- l)o#t, to bc nlade and propostds bc ;I)elle(l ot 2:00 p./tL, Friday, Sel)tclB- iwr 27, 1946. 5.tee(lag continued until Friday, Sep- le.lnber 6. 1946, Friday, Nepteml)er 6. t9i6 Board ii'l( I Jn contil|tled seas|on. All prosen[ IIS of ]lrev|ok|. inoetillg'. Claluls allowed. Petition o1!2 IC, lI. And(wsol!, el Ill, sined by residents of Allyn ol)- ie('tillg tO Vat ati¢)n O[ strcels lind tl[- leys named ill PetiLion of Fre(l Bud- itt, received and filed. Meeting was eontiaued until Monday, September 9. 1946, Mend tY, Septemb,,r' 9, lMtl Board met in eoniinucd session All present as of previous nleotinl2'. Clainls allowed. Ferry receipts in the alllOUnt of $'[5.75 for week endhlg Sel)'tclnher 7, 1946, received and turica over to Treasux'er for (rcdit )f County Road. Bond of J. l,', I/'orbes, cozBrnetor, in the amount of $48,95,'0d for faith- ftil porfovnlnnco of' hi! cont,'act on l[ason c,mnty pad p eject No 85 was approved This bein the time set for hear- lug on Pehtion of Fred Buding for the Vacation of certain Streets and Avenncs ill Allyn, 1)roper notice hnv- ilg been given as appears fro[u affi-. davit on file, pctiti.n of E. }I. An- derson et al, signed b.y 21 residen[s of Allyn oh}eeting to Vacations asked for ill petition of Fred Buding receiv- ed, a/'gunmnts wcrc heard for and a'gainst, BecatlsC of extensive argtL- nlents against the Vacation it was moved and seconded that Petition ef Fred Bnding be denied Carried This being tim time set for opening bids on Mason County Road Project No 6 the following bids were rc celved and ol)en0d Y oell Inc d/h/a Dlcsel Oil Sales Co $.9,88150; W. D Brea, $2750750 Both bids being nmre than 10% above Engineer's esti- mute it was moved and seconded that both hids be rejected and that both certified checks bc returned Carried Applications for licenses wore ap- proved as follows: Agnes and Pelcr Hansen Hanson s Service Station; Fred Hanson, Miner- va Mere.; Frcd R. Payne. Hoodsl)ort Grocery. Meehng was continued until Mon- day, September 16, 1946. Monday, September 16, 1946 Board met in continued session All present as of previous meeting, Claims allowed. Ferry receipts for week ending Sep- tcmbm, 14, 1946. tn the amount of $24.00 received and lurned over to Treasurer for the credit of County Road Fund It was moved and seconded that Jolm Ryan be notified to remove his books from law llbrary. Carried. Notice froln ll0uor control board that license issued tO Etta 4n!e:son d/b/a Mountain View  Cenfer, nad been transferred to Esther and Ilar- old Rldley, .ame trade name, receiv- ed and filed, Benefit Dance License wan issued ', • Delight Resort, •   ; w. issued to L, A, Welsh for public dances at Hatcher hall for lln'ee months 1)eglnning Sep- temtler 15th and ending l)ecember 15th, 1946, '/'him being the thne set for hearing on Petition of Jessie Bowen Pritchard et al, for tle Vacatlon €11' Portion of Railroad Ave. in 1st Addition to Lfillwaup Falls. except counly roads: pFoper Ilotiee having been given as appears from affidavit on file, Frank Robhlson appeared Lo object on the groBlRls that Railroad At'(*. is not ill ' 1st ,Addition to Lilliwaup Falls, but ' In. Ortginal Plat of LIlhwaup Fails, arid also. that Italh.oad Ave, had never been dedicated to the public, but had I)en reserved and therefore tile board had no right to Vaqat' dame,. Mr. Ehoer Beardslgy' an Mr, A. P. appeared with their Attorney Doane lrodie and asll;od th,t if Va- c.tlon were ordered that tdl roads nOW ill use SS well as connty roads be excepted It was moyed and ccond- ed that in view of o:leetlons and the fact that Raihoad is not a dedicated street, that Petition be denied. Car- rind. In the matter of Petition of H. E. Lockwood et al, for the Location and Estal)lisllnlent of County Road 60 ft ill widtl commencing at abont the - .) line between Sees. 7 and 8, 2Wp. 2. N. B. 4 W. on present South Fork /.oad t|ence Easterly ah,ng the U. S. Forest Service Preliminary Suvvey 9£ ,ushman Daln Detour Road at.ross, the North Fork of Skokomish River bqlow Cushnmn Dam and ending at lhe Lake Cushman County Road near tke SE corner of NW of NE sec. 9- 2:-4, a distance of 2: mites, R, of W, h.ving been secured and engineer's report having been reeehed {t was moved and seconded that Monday Oc tober 14 at 2:00 p.m, commiss'ioners room court house Sholton Yasiltng- ton be designated as the time arid plgce for hearing on same Carried W O Watson appeared witl me- posed Plat of Mading's Sunny Shore Aldltlon and requested that a date oi hearing be set on same: It was moved and seconded that Monday O@ tober 14 at 10:00 am commlioners room. court house, Sholt0 Wash.. bc 9¢signated as the time and 1lae for hearing on sarne. Carrled. • It was moved and seconded that resolution he approved re Easement, City of Tacoma. Carried. :Resolution re Mason County Road Project No. 85. Statb Ddoefopnlent 0ard Fund, Approved. Meeting contifiued tmtil tomorrow at 2:01) p.m, Tuesday, Septemhe3. l, 1940 Board me hz continued ssslon, All Present as of previous meetlag. Thls vffeeting Is called In conJuctle) wlth DSstrict Health Dept,, as a itearlfig on advisability of enfordhg mllk Ore d[nance at this thne, an e',tesion t tI(ne. , having I)een, graBted ht)"to this time. A good repreactatlolf of pro- dneers were present. After a discus- slbn it was moved and, secon(hd that the t'oIIowlnK amendtBcht No, 2 to Hlk Reolution I)e app;oved. Carried. There being no further ' business, lRceting was adjourned. MondaY, September 2;}, 1946 Board met in continued sess{on. A{| Desent as of previous mecting. Claims allowed : Ferry receipts ill the anlount of $41,25 for week ending September 21, received and turned over to'"Yr& for the credit of County Road, Remittance in tle amount of $50.00 from Harvey L, Rendst'd for the purchase of old Hard TiF6d Flat Becl received and turned over to Treqsurer for the credit ol Count Road 15qst No. 2 Remittance in the amount of $4.28 from Pacific Tel. and Tel. CO., being 155,  of box opening No. 702,1 on Har- stlne Island. reeeh, ed and Lurned over to Treasurer for credit of Currcnt Ex- Pense. It was moved and seconded that the following resolutions be approved. Bes- olution re Ape[fencer s License approv- ed. Petition of D D Deputy et ux for Vacation of nnnsmed street in Pleas- mit Cove Beach Tracts No. 2, received It was moved and seconded tha:l i Peti finn be accepoted and that Monday, October 21 at :00 p m eo#mussmner s room court house Shelton Wash.. be designated as tile time and place for haring on same Carried Notice from Port Orchard Machine Marine and Iron Works that Keu- n0tb F. Peterson was no longer con- nected with firm and has no right to sign contracts or collect money, re- ceived and filed Letter from Washington State Patrol in re Truck fenders und anti-spray de- vices, received and filed Meetin continued until Friday Sep- temher 27 1946 to open proposals for operaHon of Airport, ,_ l:7'day Sentnll,'er 27, 1£-t6 , oart l{iet 'in ¢ounu¢cl seaston. PrbJieltt, 1: :R DicleLl$0n Chai)'mttn: Ly]s O'Dell cnailssi6¢n'. ,}r/d l!ath'y Dvtte. oh. k of the aoara: .:Tlii being th0 tinw st for..openjag proposals on Ope 'ation Of Shelton All ', port, the followhlg proposals were re eehed and opened: Olympia Aviatton I'C I'ry i'c¢'eipis ill {he atlll)ttlll (1[ $12,50 for week ondillg Se{;i,'ldmr 2 I'(wcived ttllt'l  ILI]'ll0,d i,%(,1' I() TJ'¢qlSLII'I'U .A lllll.llll lltllTdl I Ve I'ellOl'l lllld Colll- billed llllntlal i'o[iol't el' ('otlnty Ex- ltl]lioll Work¢!l':-i by C. ()]:(,rsLl'(,tll %V/Lq 'xitiltillCd Itlld Itp])l't}vt'!{[. Notico of aPl)ll('atlon:l fl)| |h,onsc. v,'ero alq)roved ItS ftdh,ws: Don l)l't,s - cdt. ('an|I) Wll.z(l: Wayn,, J. AIhql, ]:[a )kY Hollow Store; Slllll |'{. Thu[l!F, Belfa r: Salll 11. Thoh'v, }h,lfair Tav- orn: A. E. al'i. 1llrds GroCcl .fair; FI. W. [¢ueI1. Kuett's John W. Hi|soil. TIIhLLVa, I.,etter fl'olll W. O. McCloskcy, ask- ing if 5{dson i'ct nv has Tilx Tith' tan(ls ill 2¢)(} II('lq' lrll('[N el' lllt)l'i' [or SlIIC, i'ec,i,,,od illld reply ol'dored, Le tPr }'roll) Sl)o('Jlil AttltrIley lAluds Div{sion, D,l)l, of JBsth'p, ill re Dev- laralioll of Taking rind t'otition ill (,ondeillnation, United States--.V. Leo- nore Callanan and L E. Callanan Do- ekvt 9:¢8. r,,cOivcd and filed, Slalo warl'anI in the all/oLlut ¢}f $261.50 refund for war tlnw electioIlS, rt*(,eivtd /ind tUl'lled OVCl t0 qI'oliStl|'er for the crcdit of CLlrL'ent [i]XDens(!. R0soltltion re Honncvilie Tran.s/nl- sloe Line Ea,cnlcBt approved. Meeting continued until October 7, 1946. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONIF:S. MASON "OUNTY, WASIIINGTON II, R. r)ICKINSON, C, Imirman. Attest : HARRY DEYETTE Clerk at28 Calvttry Pentecostal Church 120 a, st Bine St. Sunday. v$o0--9:45 %. m, Morning %Volsh[l--11:0{ R. rt,, Sunday Evange!tig, :00 p. In. Wednesday prayer Meatlng, 8:00 p.m'. Friday Regular Meeting 8:0.0 p, m. EVERYONm, WELCOME Rev. R, D. Caddy, Paat0f WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT anti . IN TRUTH a Assembly of God Tabernacle 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M Rev, Sam McGilI, Pastor While full prviaion is made in Chriatim Sci ence for specific tet meat for the sii0 !a people have be h not a few of t!t0m vhi t h e i r condition lad seemed hopeless, s!ttply hrough the tla0htfql rea, ding of the Christian SciIce textbook SCIENCE and ATI with Key to th0 Sr.i[x- tn:es by Mary ]aV Eddy To countleg tlA0g, anchl, this inspirkg yl, una, through its rivl- tion of l'ruth, ba b%ougt not ordy the cure of' sickness 1)Ut re lease from other diffimfl- ides and dans, iu creased capabilit$ at0" cess. a0d happlnoss. lax simple, di.reet la,n,, guage, the book presotta the scientifically Cl!i tian method 0 tlee demonstrations, t0gih- er With the coraptet¢ ex-. plnation of hriatian Science A book for everyone to understand an use. $3.50 Welcome TO THE Church of Christ 10am and7 pm Each Sunday ROUTE 2, BOX 315 Shelton W. Kobe] Minister ......................... := ........................ = L,-: L. First Baltfist Church J.O. Bovee, pastor 5th at Cota PaUl Sweeney, AssistI! Young Pooplc's Meeting 6:30 P ln Evcnlnff Servioe 7:30 Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Moraing Worship 11 a,m. Christian Scieao0 Reading Ro0 302 Alder Street Shelton Hours: 2-4; also Wed 6:45 7:45 This Reading room is open to the tlbHc f0" the study of tlm Bible, th works of Mary Bak;0r d- dy, and other Clri[stian Science literature, w|th- out charge, and for he purchase of these puhllca- tie I1:-'.. Mt. Olive Lutheran Churc5 The Church of the Lutheran Hour HILLCRIST -. HIGHWAY AT CASCADE Telephone 395-M and 230 Sunday School 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 11 ,m LISTEN TO THE LUTHERAN HOUR Every Sunday,, at 9 a.m. over KGY, KTW, KVI--2 p.m. KGY, 6 p.m. K0/., First Methodist Chur00It "A Friendly Church In a Friendly Community" out and Pine Sunday 1ol at 9:45 a, m. Morning Qolship 11:00 a• m. Sermon Topic: "God's Plan For Reconvers0q,.,. HARDWICI W. HARSHMAN, Minister Parsonage 320 N. 41!] ' Telephone 276 First Church of Christ, Scientist .o,,o, .o.o,. -" o $t6; 'all,. ..... Sunday: "Ancient nd Neormaney, Al!as 9 MesmerL, Denounced. SUNDAY MQB ;E AT 11 O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY E ING AT 8 O'CLOCK Reading Poom Alder Street open 2 to 4 o'clock. and 7:45 o'clock All are  services and visit the CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET '[- Everyaue Weloome At YOUTH for CHRIST Interdenominational Program SATURDAY  7:30 P.M. SpeakerAI Cunninflham of Seattle SINGtNG, SPECIAL MUSIC  Johnson Trio and a 801illl MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CIIURGH ON MOUNTAIN VIEW