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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 28, 2019     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 28, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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’ uprohfil’irifljuH'fli‘rrlu‘llhupuir"Ihohluilflflr" W LOWS 005 ML TOW PAPERS WWWAVE Ll‘li SHELTON-MASON COUNTY i l: i; I «7; z i 2 “WWW. Nov. 23! 2019 City gears up for holidays tree scheduled for next i i , i l 1 l l i i l ‘ gordon@masoncounty. com The annual Christmas parade, a tree lighting in Post Office Park and trips through a Christmas tree maze are among the highlights of holiday events staged Dec. 6 and 7 in down- town Shelton. ' . During the Holiday Magic First Friday on Dec. 6, downtown business- es will open until 8 p.m. A snow globe will be hidden at one of the busi— nesses, and everyone who spots it will receive a raffle ticket to enter a draw- ‘ing to win a variety of gift baskets; The raffle tickets need to dropped , off at Cooper Studios, 409 W. Railroad Ave, before 8:15 p.m. to be entered { into the drawing. The 2018 film “Dr. Seuss’ The Grinc will be screened at 4 p.m. Dec. 6. at Shelton Cinemas. Admis- sion is free with the donation of non- perishable food. West Railroad Avenue in the down- town corridor will be closed to vehicle traffic starting at 3 p.m. for the First _ see HOLIDAY music, page Ads g A ‘Santa PaWs’ sighting Hank. a 6-year-old pitbull mix with three legs,~sits on Santa Claus" lap with handler Jeannette , .Quimby on Saturday at Scott McLendon's Hardware in ,Belfai‘r. Fo‘r v $20. residents could ,get their pet’s photo‘with santa, also known as Jeff Berger. Proceeds Went .to the Humane Society of Mason County. For more photos of the event, ; seepage A-23.fJourna/ photo Shawna Whelan 0U r na mm The Voice of Mason County Since 1886 Vol. 132, No. 48 $1.50 Moments after a jury found 62-year-old Bruce Frank Fanning guilty of second-degree murder in the April 2017 shooting death of 31 -year—old Nathaniel J. Rosa, the victim’s mother, Linda Ann Rosa, right, embraces Charity Dorcy on .Nov._ 21 in Mason County Superior Court in Shelton. Journal photos Michael Heinbach Fanning found gUilty of murder Jury convicts 62-year-old Belfair man on lesser second-degree «charge By Michael Heinbach ' michae/ “Well, I guess I’ll see you in about 20 years.” ‘ That’s what Bruce Frank Fanning told courthouse security the morning of Nov. 21 as Mason County Sher- iffs Office Sgt. Bill Philpott led the 62-year-old Belfair man to Mason. County Jail in Shelton. Moments ear- lier, a 12-member jury found Fanning guilty of second-degree murder in the April 2017 shooting death of Nathan- iel J. Rosa, a lesser charged offense than the first-degree premeditated murder charge argued for Mason County Prosecutor Michael Dorcy. . Dorcy and Richard Woodrow,'Fan- ning’s defense attorney, wrapped up closing arguments late in the day Nov. 19 before the eight—male, four-fe- male jury began deliberating the fol- lowing morning. About 24 hours later, the jury reached its verdict. Multiple sources within the Mason County Prosecutor’s, Sheriff’SjaiId Su— perior Court Clerk’s offices confirmed to the Shelton-Mason County Journal that the jury initially voted 11-1 to convict Fanning of the premeditated murder charge before agreeing unani- mously on a second-degree murder conviction. That relieved Fanning of Fanning to Mason Cdunty Jail. the burden of premeditation. “The truth is, there’s frustration to the extent that it is a premeditat— ed murder. I truly believe that,_and the jurors that I did have a chance to speak with, they saw that and felt ‘ that same way pretty quickly,” Dorcy said. “That’s a form of vindication for the way I’ve always seen the case.” Dorcy told the Journal that with a five-year enhancement for using a firearm, Fanning’s sentence will range Mason County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Bill Philpott escorts Bruce Frank ' ' was...“ between 183 months (15 years, three ,months) and 280 months (23'years four months). His sentencing hearing is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Dec. _17 in Mason County Superior Court. “We were hoping for a not-guilty decision,» but I undefstand the jury’s verdict,” Woodrow said. “That was our feet to tell the truth, because when Mr. Fanning gave his statement to see GUILTY, page A—1S INSIDE ODAY ‘ ‘ ' llllllllllll 00111 l; 8 Students learn to budget at Financial Reality Fair Page A-2 Home sales rising, but Page A-8 North Mason remembers local economystill lags ,_ ’ long-time baseball c‘oach Page A—20