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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Christmas comes to the county e spirit of the season is being ex- for the Saints&apos; Pantry food bank as well ressed in many different ways. An era- as more than 20 new children's coats and )Ioyee of Comcast is seeing stars as he more than 100 new unwrapped toys for tangs a Christmas ornament from a light )ole in downtown Shelton; members of Ie Shelton Yacht Club are preparing for heir annual Lighted Boat Parade and ndace Roberts is among the people at ,ittle Creek Casino Resort who collect- d more than a thousand pounds of food distribution to needy families. Kim Bur- row of Little Creek said she was "over- whelmed by the response from their ex- tremely gracious patrons." There's a sto- ry on page 31 about the Skok art bazaar and other activities. County budget to get a hearing The Mason County Commis- sion will take public comment on a proposed 2008 budget at 9 a.m. on Monday, December 3, .at 411 North Fifth Street in downtown Shelton. A preliminary budget pre- sented to commissioners by Mason County Auditor Karen Herr proposes the spending of" about $33.8 million through the Current Expense Fund, the mechanism for day-to-day operations of governmental offices. This represents an in- crease of 7.8 percent over the budget for this year. In anticipation of next year's spending plan, commission- ers voted on November 20 to authorize a budget transfer of $9,500 to the Mason County Sheriff's Office. This will al- low the county to add two new deputies starting with the final month of this year. Commissioners are also re- viewing the county's Transpor- tation Improvement Program for 2008-2013 as well as its 2008 road construction pro- gram. Earlier this month the Ma- son County Transportation Improvement Program-Citizen Advisory Program approved adding three streets located in the Allyn community to the 2008-2013 Six-Year Transpor- tation Improvement Program. The Allyn Community As- sociation requested Wheel- Library has job info The William G. Reed Library in Shelton has an education and job information center which offers a wealth of employment info. Those interested can contact the refer- ence desk at the library. Iurors witness third mistrial 20 and cbarged with illegal pos- session of a 1991 Ford Mustang and punching and kicking a police tracking dog from the Tumwater Police Department who tracked him to a hiding place off California Road near Shelton. The jury was seated on No- vember 16 and heard testimony on November 20 with th(; trial set to resume on November 21. Ju- rors were Steven Reeves, Thomas Smith, Wanda Norman, Jeffrey Coleman, Paula Dugan, Janice Olmstead, Dean Puster, Robert Butler, Ruth Irish, Ryan Wickett, Donna Simms and Janet Embree. The alternate juror, Donna Fret, was excused on November 19 due to a death in the family. Earlier this month, a mistrial was declared when a juror turned to the Internet to seek intbrma- tion in the vehicular-assault trial IIIARY DUNCAN & third mistrial in five weeks I declared in Mason County )erior Court, ending the trial of 4-year-old man accused of the 'tapted harming of a police dog possession of stolen property .e second degree. om S. Cacho, who is also Wn as Temotio Tom Sparr Ca- II, of 40 North Enatai Court on Skokomish Reservation, was ning the third day of trial November 21. He has been in dy at the Mason County Jail t was entering the second floor ttroom when a juror exiting a rra'oom saw a corrections officer )rting Cacho into the court- t2acho was in civilian clothing ci Was not shackled. Court rules designed to prevent jurors seeing a defendant in hand- cuffs or in the custody of a guard. The restrooms which jurors use is in the same area where defendants are brought to the courtroom for trial. The door into the courtroom is about four feet from the door of the men's restroom and the hall- way is about six feet wide. Judge Toni Sheldon asked Offi- cer Anita Watz about the incident. Watz said she heard a flush from the male restroom. "Then I looked eye-to-eye with a gray-haired man with a juror button on. Mr. Cacho was in the doorway." SHELDON GRANTED the mistrial. "It is more than likely the individual did have a view of the officer and Mr. Cacho. Mr. Ca- cho is allowed a trial where it is not obvious he is in custody," she said. Cacho, who was arrested July wright, Wade and Masterson streets be included in the six- year plan to serve the growing needs of Arlyn's urban growth area. The Mason County Com- prehensive Plan has identified these streets as future county roads. The Mas(m Cotmty Commis- sioners have scheduled a pub- lic hearing to consider adopt- ing the 2008-2013 plan for 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 4. Family night at Southside The Southside School Booster Club is sponsoring a family night t?om 6 to 8 p.m. this Friday in the school gym at 161 SE Collier Road. The event is fi-ee and open to all Southside families, who are invit- ed to come and make ,dfts and sip hot chocolate. There will also be a bake sale. SEASON'S GREETINGS of a 36-year-old Lilliwaup man ac- cused of being under the influence of alcohol when he drove a pickup truck offthe road, causing injuries to himself and his passenger. SASCHA R. STOKELY was on trial for vehicular assault in- volving injuries to his passenger, Marilyn J. Smith, a 50-year-old Lilliwaup woman who testified at the trial which began November 13. She sustained severe internal injuries as did Stokely in a crash on Highway 101 near Lilliwaup reported at 6:45 p.m. on Novem- ber 12, 2005. They were airlifted to Harhorview Medical Center in Seattle as Frank and Iris Doe and, according to testimony at the trial, (Please turn to page 8.) W,, have enjoyed hellfing Mason (:Ollllly residents acliilwc ltleir I]nan(:ial goals ovlq. lhc l)asl yt,ar, li is a llleaslire Io lie a nielntier of illi ('(inliniillity! Please join us for a holiday open house tit meet and greet friends anti neight)rs. Date: December 1014, 2007 Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Place: 1717 Olympic Hwy N Janis L Byrd Financial Advisor 1 7] 7 Olympic Hwy N Suite ] O0 Shelton, WA 98584 360-432-8965 Member SIP<: Edward Jones East 1921 H ghway 106, Union, WA 98592 SHIP ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL, FRESH, HANDMADE $329onSt'oent"' USA) , , * 22" I I From: finish size ,, Gift box w/bow ,, Tax & shipping included Alaska or Hawaii extra GIFT ORDER FORM: I I I I I I Phone: I I I I Street Address: I I I I .City: State: ........................................ Zip: I I I I Method of Payment: I I Visa I1 MasterCard i_l Discover IJ American Express t I I I I Card No. Exp. Date: ................ I I PLEASE SEND TO: i I Name: ..... I I I I Street Address: I I (UPS cannot deliver to P.O. boxes) I I I I City: State: Zip: I I I I I would like it to arrive approx. I I I I Your gift card to read as follows: I I I I I I I I I Phone Make payable to Hunter Farms or A Family Farm Tradition t 380-898-2221 East 1921 Highway 106, Union, Wh 98592 OPEN 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 7 DAYS h WEEK Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 Christmas comes to the county e spirit of the season is being ex- for the Saints' Pantry food bank as well ressed in many different ways. An era- as more than 20 new children's coats and )Ioyee of Comcast is seeing stars as he more than 100 new unwrapped toys for tangs a Christmas ornament from a light )ole in downtown Shelton; members of Ie Shelton Yacht Club are preparing for heir annual Lighted Boat Parade and ndace Roberts is among the people at ,ittle Creek Casino Resort who collect- d more than a thousand pounds of food distribution to needy families. Kim Bur- row of Little Creek said she was "over- whelmed by the response from their ex- tremely gracious patrons." There's a sto- ry on page 31 about the Skok art bazaar and other activities. County budget to get a hearing The Mason County Commis- sion will take public comment on a proposed 2008 budget at 9 a.m. on Monday, December 3, .at 411 North Fifth Street in downtown Shelton. A preliminary budget pre- sented to commissioners by Mason County Auditor Karen Herr proposes the spending of" about $33.8 million through the Current Expense Fund, the mechanism for day-to-day operations of governmental offices. This represents an in- crease of 7.8 percent over the budget for this year. In anticipation of next year's spending plan, commission- ers voted on November 20 to authorize a budget transfer of $9,500 to the Mason County Sheriff's Office. This will al- low the county to add two new deputies starting with the final month of this year. Commissioners are also re- viewing the county's Transpor- tation Improvement Program for 2008-2013 as well as its 2008 road construction pro- gram. Earlier this month the Ma- son County Transportation Improvement Program-Citizen Advisory Program approved adding three streets located in the Allyn community to the 2008-2013 Six-Year Transpor- tation Improvement Program. The Allyn Community As- sociation requested Wheel- Library has job info The William G. Reed Library in Shelton has an education and job information center which offers a wealth of employment info. Those interested can contact the refer- ence desk at the library. Iurors witness third mistrial 20 and cbarged with illegal pos- session of a 1991 Ford Mustang and punching and kicking a police tracking dog from the Tumwater Police Department who tracked him to a hiding place off California Road near Shelton. The jury was seated on No- vember 16 and heard testimony on November 20 with th(; trial set to resume on November 21. Ju- rors were Steven Reeves, Thomas Smith, Wanda Norman, Jeffrey Coleman, Paula Dugan, Janice Olmstead, Dean Puster, Robert Butler, Ruth Irish, Ryan Wickett, Donna Simms and Janet Embree. The alternate juror, Donna Fret, was excused on November 19 due to a death in the family. Earlier this month, a mistrial was declared when a juror turned to the Internet to seek intbrma- tion in the vehicular-assault trial IIIARY DUNCAN & third mistrial in five weeks I declared in Mason County )erior Court, ending the trial of 4-year-old man accused of the 'tapted harming of a police dog possession of stolen property .e second degree. om S. Cacho, who is also Wn as Temotio Tom Sparr Ca- II, of 40 North Enatai Court on Skokomish Reservation, was ning the third day of trial November 21. He has been in dy at the Mason County Jail t was entering the second floor ttroom when a juror exiting a rra'oom saw a corrections officer )rting Cacho into the court- t2acho was in civilian clothing ci Was not shackled. Court rules designed to prevent jurors seeing a defendant in hand- cuffs or in the custody of a guard. The restrooms which jurors use is in the same area where defendants are brought to the courtroom for trial. The door into the courtroom is about four feet from the door of the men's restroom and the hall- way is about six feet wide. Judge Toni Sheldon asked Offi- cer Anita Watz about the incident. Watz said she heard a flush from the male restroom. "Then I looked eye-to-eye with a gray-haired man with a juror button on. Mr. Cacho was in the doorway." SHELDON GRANTED the mistrial. "It is more than likely the individual did have a view of the officer and Mr. Cacho. Mr. Ca- cho is allowed a trial where it is not obvious he is in custody," she said. Cacho, who was arrested July wright, Wade and Masterson streets be included in the six- year plan to serve the growing needs of Arlyn's urban growth area. The Mason County Com- prehensive Plan has identified these streets as future county roads. The Mas(m Cotmty Commis- sioners have scheduled a pub- lic hearing to consider adopt- ing the 2008-2013 plan for 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 4. Family night at Southside The Southside School Booster Club is sponsoring a family night t?om 6 to 8 p.m. this Friday in the school gym at 161 SE Collier Road. The event is fi-ee and open to all Southside families, who are invit- ed to come and make ,dfts and sip hot chocolate. There will also be a bake sale. SEASON'S GREETINGS of a 36-year-old Lilliwaup man ac- cused of being under the influence of alcohol when he drove a pickup truck offthe road, causing injuries to himself and his passenger. SASCHA R. STOKELY was on trial for vehicular assault in- volving injuries to his passenger, Marilyn J. Smith, a 50-year-old Lilliwaup woman who testified at the trial which began November 13. She sustained severe internal injuries as did Stokely in a crash on Highway 101 near Lilliwaup reported at 6:45 p.m. on Novem- ber 12, 2005. They were airlifted to Harhorview Medical Center in Seattle as Frank and Iris Doe and, according to testimony at the trial, (Please turn to page 8.) W,, have enjoyed hellfing Mason (:Ollllly residents acliilwc ltleir I]nan(:ial goals ovlq. lhc l)asl yt,ar, li is a llleaslire Io lie a nielntier of illi ('(inliniillity! Please join us for a holiday open house tit meet and greet friends anti neight)rs. Date: December 1014, 2007 Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Place: 1717 Olympic Hwy N Janis L Byrd Financial Advisor 1 7] 7 Olympic Hwy N Suite ] O0 Shelton, WA 98584 360-432-8965 Member SIP<: Edward Jones East 1921 H ghway 106, Union, WA 98592 SHIP ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL, FRESH, HANDMADE $329onSt'oent"' USA) , , * 22" I I From: finish size ,, Gift box w/bow ,, Tax & shipping included Alaska or Hawaii extra GIFT ORDER FORM: I I I I I I Phone: I I I I Street Address: I I I I .City: State: ........................................ Zip: I I I I Method of Payment: I I Visa I1 MasterCard i_l Discover IJ American Express t I I I I Card No. Exp. Date: ................ I I PLEASE SEND TO: i I Name: ..... I I I I Street Address: I I (UPS cannot deliver to P.O. boxes) I I I I City: State: Zip: I I I I I would like it to arrive approx. I I I I Your gift card to read as follows: I I I I I I I I I Phone Make payable to Hunter Farms or A Family Farm Tradition t 380-898-2221 East 1921 Highway 106, Union, Wh 98592 OPEN 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 7 DAYS h WEEK Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3