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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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irst h [ttY DUNCAN 8-year-old Shelton man has arrested in the stabbing of Year-old man from whom he a room at a Timberlakes bee. ard William Mahaney pled ilty on Monday to a charge fault in the first degree. He residing at 511 West Timber- l}rive at the time of' the inci- ported just befbre midnight ember 14. haney is accused of stab- Robert D. Lawry while the d victim was sleeping in his Lawry reportedly shot Mah- and both men were airlifted irborview Medical Center in |e. Mahaney was booked into [ason County Jail on Novem- }, on outstanding warrants. ,ives from the Mason County e's shot, then he's charged injured on his left side and shoul- der and was wearing a wrap which extended the entire length of his arm. According to, information in the case, there was some sort of altercation between Mahaney and Lawry, who was renting two rooms at the residence, one to Mahaney and one to John Ma- lick. Additional investigation led detectives to conclude Lawry was stabbed multiple times in his bed as he slept. During the assault, Lawry was able to defend himself against the attack by arming him- self with a handgun and shooting Mahaney. The r6port indicates the shots were fired in an upward angle consistent with shots hav- ing been fired from a defensive position. Malick told officers he was in his residence and called fbr medical help. Lawry was fbund inside his bedroom. There were knife punc- tures on the outside of the bedding and corresponding blood evidence on the inside of the bedding where Lawry was sleeping. Detectives served a search war- rant at the residence and report- edly recovered a handgmn and a kitchen knife consistent with the stab wounds. LAWRY PROVIDED a state- ment to detectives on November 19 at Harborview. He said he was asleep when Mahaney entered his bedroom and attacked him with a knife, stabbing him in the left leg, left hand and chest. Lawry said Mahaney left his bedroom af- ter he was able to take the knife away, but Mahaney returned with a second knife and that's when Judge ,James Sawyer set bail at $50,000 and ordered Mahaney to have no contact with Lawry or Ma- lick. Sawyer set: future court dates including an omnibus hearing on December 17, a pretrial hearing on January 7, a trial readiness hearlng on January 11 and trial during the jury term beginning January 15. Lawry was released from Harborview Medical Center on Thanksgiving Day and is at home recovering from his injuries, ac- cording to information from the sheriffs office. .ol00y sp.00t00, ..... OYSTER WHITE & RHUBARB • two Chenin Blanc • two Sauvignon Blanc * two Chardonnay • two Madeleine Angevine * four Rhubarb $O,oq per bottle Special $11()88 12-bollle case ALL STAR REDS • four Orca Merlot • four Cabernet Sauvignon JUST REDS two bottles each • Syrah • Orca Merlot • Lemberger-Cab TM • Island Belle" • MerFot • Cabernet-Merlot • Cabernet SauviRnon $11.66per botffe Special $I 3092 12-bottle case FAMOUS FRUITS • two Raspberry • two Blackberry • two Rhubarb • two Apple ts Office went to Harborview im into custody upon his Y WAS wearing a 1 gown when he appeared aignment on Monday. He is bedroom watching a movie and did not see the altercation but did hear a gunshot. He said he came out of his bedroom and found Mahaney outside Lawry's bedroom. He said he took Mahaney to a neighboring he shot him. Lawry said he heard Mahaney and Malick leave the residence and went to get his tele- phone before losing consciousness. He was found in the doorway of" the residence. liktorek resigns police post a comment on his resignation. Wiktorek returned to his as- signment with the Shelton Police Department in late 2005 after be- ing assigned as a detective with the West Sound Narcotics Enforce- ment Team for several years. Several law-enforcement offi- cers declined comment on the res- ignation. Lieutenant Dave Eklund of the Shelton Police Department confirmed Wiktorek's resignation but said he could not comment about the circumstances and re- Y Wiktorek, a Shelton po- 'lticer and owner of Renegade 10n Olympic Highway North, lied his law-enforcement po- } recently. . gun-dealer license is vahd, 'Cling to a spokesperson from Vashington State Department . asmg, who said Wednesday i had been no recent activ- l the license. Renegade Guns Pened fbr business Wednes- fternoon, but Wiktorek did hturn calls to The Journal for lamoy is.charged narcotics case uary 28, a trial readiness hearing on February 1 and trial during the jury term beginning February 5. She was arrested November 6 when deputies served a search warrant at the property on Bi- etzel Drive, where she lives in a trailer. Officers reportedly found a wooden box which contained 20.3 grams of a substance which field- tested positive for meth, $1,150 in cash, scales, packaging materials and a hand-written ledger. ielfair woman who was ar- !d after a month-long inves- orl by the Mason County s Office into selling of arnphamine appeared for gament on November 21 in )a County Superior Court. trlys B. Samoy, 47, of 480 1 Drive NE, entered a not- i plea to a charge of posses- hf methamphetamine with ;to deliver and is scheduled omnibus hearing on Janu- a pretrial hearing on Jan- unty commiss!on roundup ntinued from page 7.) Authorized a memorandum eterans Assistance Fund as of understanding with Teamsters ended b; the Veterans Local 252 to add the position of ngCommittee. community health program as- a public hearing for 9:30 sistant to the personal health ser- vices unit of the collective bargain- ing agreement. In a related action commissioners authorized a mem- orandum of understanding with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union to clarify the beginning of service as it is used to calculate longevity pay. • Made note tfiat Commissioner Lynda Ring-Erickson is currently serving as vice president of the Washington State Association of Counties. • Authorized a total of $2,000 in grants from the Veterans Assis- tance Fund. 0ri Tuesday, December 4, to ler testimony on the on-site e system management plan. learing will be held in the llissioners Chambers at 411 Fifth Street in downtown )I1. !business on November 20 hissioners: tathorized Dave Loser, man- .f the Equipment Rental and !lying Fund, to call for bids to Iah the county with asphalt egte and tack coat as well as services for the year 2008. iag of bids for both was set ao a.m. on December 12. Party ght awa, sta ferred queries to Chief Terry Dav- enport, who was out of the ottice on Wednesday attending a confer- ence in Tacoma. City Administrator Dave O'Leary told The Journal person- nel matters, such as Wiktorek's resignation, are sensitive issues due to potential liability issues. Detective Roy Alloway of West- NET also said his superior, De- tective Carlos Rodriguez, was not available for comment due to tak- ing a sick day on November 28. Chief Deputy Dean Byrd of the Mason County Sheriffs Office said the office had no comment on Wik- torek's resignation. Gents Wedding Bands 1 4Kw/14Ky Starting at $19200 S17500 ! 4Ky Multi-Color Pearl Necklace t • two Island Belie TM • Cabernet-Merlot Vintage Case • Rhubarb * Raspberry * Sauvignon Blan, • Chardonnay • Apple • Chenin Blanc • Lemberger-Cab • Island Belte-Merlot • Orca Merlot * Pinot Noir • Cabernet-Merlot • Cabinert Sauvignon SO00 per bottle * 5119,88 per (as: • two Pear * two Bella Cranberry Sq.qo per bottle Spe.cial S I I q.88 12-bottle case SAMPLE cASE ............. " Rhubarb • Raspberry • Sauvignon Blanc • Chardonnay •Chenin Blanc • Pear • Orca Merlot • Island Belle • Syrah • Island Belle-Merlot • Lemberger-Cab • Cabernet Sauvignon $9.99 per bottle • SI19.88 per cas HOODSPORT WINERY'S  K HooDsPORT RASPBEKRY  GOURMET COFFEES ' [ ] WINE CHOCOLATE | ..., ..,,q.,'o,..r,,.*..,l wh,,,.B,..,,,',,ll,,,. I l  TRUFFLES l ii 1’ o/ haqs I l ( u, /w'l I'xch,!,lw' ha*l(Ldl ) )I'd chocotalel 1 Reg. SI2.qqSpecial'Price$10.99 I | Large Gift Box (8 oz.)S15,99 / " [Four jumbo truffles e.ach individually] ,,,..,Is,,,,,, ,,..,,,,,,,. ,,,,,, • H,;.,,, ......... ,,* v,,!,:J  boxed (90Z.) $16.00 J r Wine Card "3 Phone: 1-800-580-9894 [ oth case is half price { or 1-360-877-9894 [ (-,,,-7,,7(:,-,_;7,.,,,,.. I Fax 1-360-877-9508 I It', I [-.-:-:'-:.'--:---J email: Order early .... case specials are limited * Must order full case for discount OPEN EVERY DAY -- YES, WEEKENDS I0 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Shippirg and mailers are an additional cost Select Premium Washington State Wines • N. 23501 Hwy, 101 ! 4Kw Cross Sl,225oo s84oo 1 Carat Diamond Ring 14K two tone rounded solitaire $2,450 °° Reg. $3,500 Platinum Men's Band s696oo Reg. sI,750 Rag. s120 Reg. s995 M0issanite Earrings Tahitian * V Carat PEARL * Lab-created EARRINGS Reg. $840 pair Reg. $129 SAL]E S588 pair NOW S90.30 & up Diamond Oval Pendant Reg. $780 SALE $546 GOLD CHAINS Reg. S65 NOW $45.50 & up SILVER CHAINS Reg. $I0 NOW $7 & up. SHOP  O II4 PA R E our prices on USTOM-DESIGN Je ww00#ry and REPAIR! Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page g irst h [ttY DUNCAN 8-year-old Shelton man has arrested in the stabbing of Year-old man from whom he a room at a Timberlakes bee. ard William Mahaney pled ilty on Monday to a charge fault in the first degree. He residing at 511 West Timber- l}rive at the time of' the inci- ported just befbre midnight ember 14. haney is accused of stab- Robert D. Lawry while the d victim was sleeping in his Lawry reportedly shot Mah- and both men were airlifted irborview Medical Center in |e. Mahaney was booked into [ason County Jail on Novem- }, on outstanding warrants. ,ives from the Mason County e's shot, then he's charged injured on his left side and shoul- der and was wearing a wrap which extended the entire length of his arm. According to, information in the case, there was some sort of altercation between Mahaney and Lawry, who was renting two rooms at the residence, one to Mahaney and one to John Ma- lick. Additional investigation led detectives to conclude Lawry was stabbed multiple times in his bed as he slept. During the assault, Lawry was able to defend himself against the attack by arming him- self with a handgun and shooting Mahaney. The r6port indicates the shots were fired in an upward angle consistent with shots hav- ing been fired from a defensive position. Malick told officers he was in his residence and called fbr medical help. Lawry was fbund inside his bedroom. There were knife punc- tures on the outside of the bedding and corresponding blood evidence on the inside of the bedding where Lawry was sleeping. Detectives served a search war- rant at the residence and report- edly recovered a handgmn and a kitchen knife consistent with the stab wounds. LAWRY PROVIDED a state- ment to detectives on November 19 at Harborview. He said he was asleep when Mahaney entered his bedroom and attacked him with a knife, stabbing him in the left leg, left hand and chest. Lawry said Mahaney left his bedroom af- ter he was able to take the knife away, but Mahaney returned with a second knife and that's when Judge ,James Sawyer set bail at $50,000 and ordered Mahaney to have no contact with Lawry or Ma- lick. Sawyer set: future court dates including an omnibus hearing on December 17, a pretrial hearing on January 7, a trial readiness hearlng on January 11 and trial during the jury term beginning January 15. Lawry was released from Harborview Medical Center on Thanksgiving Day and is at home recovering from his injuries, ac- cording to information from the sheriffs office. .ol00y sp.00t00, ..... OYSTER WHITE & RHUBARB • two Chenin Blanc • two Sauvignon Blanc * two Chardonnay • two Madeleine Angevine * four Rhubarb $O,oq per bottle Special $11()88 12-bollle case ALL STAR REDS • four Orca Merlot • four Cabernet Sauvignon JUST REDS two bottles each • Syrah • Orca Merlot • Lemberger-Cab TM • Island Belle" • MerFot • Cabernet-Merlot • Cabernet SauviRnon $11.66per botffe Special $I 3092 12-bottle case FAMOUS FRUITS • two Raspberry • two Blackberry • two Rhubarb • two Apple ts Office went to Harborview im into custody upon his Y WAS wearing a 1 gown when he appeared aignment on Monday. He is bedroom watching a movie and did not see the altercation but did hear a gunshot. He said he came out of his bedroom and found Mahaney outside Lawry's bedroom. He said he took Mahaney to a neighboring he shot him. Lawry said he heard Mahaney and Malick leave the residence and went to get his tele- phone before losing consciousness. He was found in the doorway of" the residence. liktorek resigns police post a comment on his resignation. Wiktorek returned to his as- signment with the Shelton Police Department in late 2005 after be- ing assigned as a detective with the West Sound Narcotics Enforce- ment Team for several years. Several law-enforcement offi- cers declined comment on the res- ignation. Lieutenant Dave Eklund of the Shelton Police Department confirmed Wiktorek's resignation but said he could not comment about the circumstances and re- Y Wiktorek, a Shelton po- 'lticer and owner of Renegade 10n Olympic Highway North, lied his law-enforcement po- } recently. . gun-dealer license is vahd, 'Cling to a spokesperson from Vashington State Department . asmg, who said Wednesday i had been no recent activ- l the license. Renegade Guns Pened fbr business Wednes- fternoon, but Wiktorek did hturn calls to The Journal for lamoy is.charged narcotics case uary 28, a trial readiness hearing on February 1 and trial during the jury term beginning February 5. She was arrested November 6 when deputies served a search warrant at the property on Bi- etzel Drive, where she lives in a trailer. Officers reportedly found a wooden box which contained 20.3 grams of a substance which field- tested positive for meth, $1,150 in cash, scales, packaging materials and a hand-written ledger. ielfair woman who was ar- !d after a month-long inves- orl by the Mason County s Office into selling of arnphamine appeared for gament on November 21 in )a County Superior Court. trlys B. Samoy, 47, of 480 1 Drive NE, entered a not- i plea to a charge of posses- hf methamphetamine with ;to deliver and is scheduled omnibus hearing on Janu- a pretrial hearing on Jan- unty commiss!on roundup ntinued from page 7.) Authorized a memorandum eterans Assistance Fund as of understanding with Teamsters ended b; the Veterans Local 252 to add the position of ngCommittee. community health program as- a public hearing for 9:30 sistant to the personal health ser- vices unit of the collective bargain- ing agreement. In a related action commissioners authorized a mem- orandum of understanding with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union to clarify the beginning of service as it is used to calculate longevity pay. • Made note tfiat Commissioner Lynda Ring-Erickson is currently serving as vice president of the Washington State Association of Counties. • Authorized a total of $2,000 in grants from the Veterans Assis- tance Fund. 0ri Tuesday, December 4, to ler testimony on the on-site e system management plan. learing will be held in the llissioners Chambers at 411 Fifth Street in downtown )I1. !business on November 20 hissioners: tathorized Dave Loser, man- .f the Equipment Rental and !lying Fund, to call for bids to Iah the county with asphalt egte and tack coat as well as services for the year 2008. iag of bids for both was set ao a.m. on December 12. Party ght awa, sta ferred queries to Chief Terry Dav- enport, who was out of the ottice on Wednesday attending a confer- ence in Tacoma. City Administrator Dave O'Leary told The Journal person- nel matters, such as Wiktorek's resignation, are sensitive issues due to potential liability issues. Detective Roy Alloway of West- NET also said his superior, De- tective Carlos Rodriguez, was not available for comment due to tak- ing a sick day on November 28. Chief Deputy Dean Byrd of the Mason County Sheriffs Office said the office had no comment on Wik- torek's resignation. Gents Wedding Bands 1 4Kw/14Ky Starting at $19200 S17500 ! 4Ky Multi-Color Pearl Necklace t • two Island Belie TM • Cabernet-Merlot Vintage Case • Rhubarb * Raspberry * Sauvignon Blan, • Chardonnay • Apple • Chenin Blanc • Lemberger-Cab • Island Belte-Merlot • Orca Merlot * Pinot Noir • Cabernet-Merlot • Cabinert Sauvignon SO00 per bottle * 5119,88 per (as: • two Pear * two Bella Cranberry Sq.qo per bottle Spe.cial S I I q.88 12-bottle case SAMPLE cASE ............. " Rhubarb • Raspberry • Sauvignon Blanc • Chardonnay •Chenin Blanc • Pear • Orca Merlot • Island Belle • Syrah • Island Belle-Merlot • Lemberger-Cab • Cabernet Sauvignon $9.99 per bottle • SI19.88 per cas HOODSPORT WINERY'S  K HooDsPORT RASPBEKRY  GOURMET COFFEES ' [ ] WINE CHOCOLATE | ..., ..,,q.,'o,..r,,.*..,l wh,,,.B,..,,,',,ll,,,. I l  TRUFFLES l ii 1’ o/ haqs I l ( u, /w'l I'xch,!,lw' ha*l(Ldl ) )I'd chocotalel 1 Reg. SI2.qqSpecial'Price$10.99 I | Large Gift Box (8 oz.)S15,99 / " [Four jumbo truffles e.ach individually] ,,,..,Is,,,,,, ,,..,,,,,,,. ,,,,,, • H,;.,,, ......... ,,* v,,!,:J  boxed (90Z.) $16.00 J r Wine Card "3 Phone: 1-800-580-9894 [ oth case is half price { or 1-360-877-9894 [ (-,,,-7,,7(:,-,_;7,.,,,,.. I Fax 1-360-877-9508 I It', I [-.-:-:'-:.'--:---J email: Order early .... case specials are limited * Must order full case for discount OPEN EVERY DAY -- YES, WEEKENDS I0 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Shippirg and mailers are an additional cost Select Premium Washington State Wines • N. 23501 Hwy, 101 ! 4Kw Cross Sl,225oo s84oo 1 Carat Diamond Ring 14K two tone rounded solitaire $2,450 °° Reg. $3,500 Platinum Men's Band s696oo Reg. sI,750 Rag. s120 Reg. s995 M0issanite Earrings Tahitian * V Carat PEARL * Lab-created EARRINGS Reg. $840 pair Reg. $129 SAL]E S588 pair NOW S90.30 & up Diamond Oval Pendant Reg. $780 SALE $546 GOLD CHAINS Reg. S65 NOW $45.50 & up SILVER CHAINS Reg. $I0 NOW $7 & up. SHOP  O II4 PA R E our prices on USTOM-DESIGN Je ww00#ry and REPAIR! Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page g