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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FANTASY FOREST features books and bears, clowns and crafts, gala lights at night and a cheerleader standing at attention by a tree. 00irthing beds funded ontinued from page 2.) alich, the owners of of Hi- tha Corporation. "They are generous as individuals and a a corporation," Stock said. I'Iiawatha is a forest products a that donated all of the ev- 'greens used to decorate The vilion at Sentry Park, which 'late has provided a venue for teh Fantasy Forest events held 0vember 14-17 as the gala ball big people in formal wear, the y bear tea for little people with an interest in stuffed ani- mals and dancing to the music of Swing Fever, a group of local jazzoids with a big-band sound. "They're a huge participant," Stock said of Hiawatha. As the event sponsor of the gala ball, Hiawatha helps to set the table for fund-an-item. Last year this particular fund-raiser generated $35,000 for the pur- chase of three baby warmers and this year fund-an-item gen- erated $59,000 for the purchase of a bronchoscope and two birth- ing beds, the former used to ex- amine lung tissue and the latter being instrumental to Mason General's goal of helping wom- an patients deliver more babies here in 2008. Hospital officials will be working to recruit to the community a physician quali- fied to assist in the delivery of newborns and increase by 10 percent the number who see the first light of day at Mason Gen- eral. k,,, CHRISTMAS WREATH PLACEMENT Holiday greetings from Shelton Cemetery Association and staff at Shelton Memorial Park. We would like to announce that we are offering Christmas wreaths at Shelton Memorial Park for grave placement. The price for the wreaths will be $25.00 (tax included). Wreaths may be ordered immediately for placing on graves from December 10th to the 14th. All orders must be received no later than December 7th. We cannot guarantee placement of orders received later than this date. se use the order blank printed below. Be sure to indicate how many. It is not necessary you to know the location of the grave, but it is helpful to print your phone number in case re are any questions. We cannot accept any orders without payment. Please use this form for dering. Your cancelled check or money order stub will be your receipt. Make checks payable to Shelton Cemetery Association 1605 Van BUren, Shelton h,,..,, ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... me(s) on grave: Quantity: ount Enclosed: Purchaser's Name: Address: College offers testing for 2008 enrollment Winter quarter classes at Olympic College Shelton start on January 7. There are a number of new clases scheduled to begin dur- ing the winter quarter, includ- ing theater appreciation, elec- tronics, rock-and-roll music and ideas, politics and literature and welding. New students wanting to take English or math classes should take a college place- ment test prior to meeting with an advisor and registering for classes. New student registration be- gins on Thursday, December 6, and continues into January. The Shelton campus will pro- vide college "placement tests on the following dates: 1:30 p.m. on Monday, December 3; 9 a.m. on Saturday, December 8; 3 p.m. on Tuesday, December 18; and 9 a.m. on Thursday, December 27. There is a $15 testing fee and students receive their results at the completion of their test. Students interested in attend- ing can sign up for a placement test and meet with an advisor by calling 432-5400. County delays action on Shelton plan to next year The Mason County Commis- sion has voted to delay 4mtil next year a vote on the proposed Shel- ton Urban Growth Area Sub- Area Plan. A decision not to decide on the plan until January 15 at the earliest was made last week af- ter commissioners decided they didn't have the documents they need to proceed. Work on developing the plan began in 2002, and the next year the county and the City of Shel- ton signed a memorandum of understanding that outlined the comprehensive planning process. After some delays, the county completed an update to the coun- ty comprehensive plan by late 2005. This included a new popula- tion allocation for Shelton for the 20-year planning horizon. As a result, the city reassessed the ca- pacity of designated residential lands to ensure that the residen- tial growth built into the draft plan aligned with the new popu- lation target. It then determined that the residential development capacity in the plan was much greater than the allocated popu- lation and needed to be reduced. The boundary of the urban growth area has been refined to address the situation of a num- ber of split parcels. Last year the city began a new phase of the planning process with an updated capacity analy- sis and a draft of a future land- use plan. Earlier this year the city hosted a series of four open houses to spread information about developments to the pub- lic. Issues identified during this process are reflected in changes to the draft UGA plan and land- use plans. City officials conducted public hearings about the proposed plan in May and October and have de- cided to wait for adoption until after the county has completed its public process. , ,,,,,,, ,, DISCOUNT HEATING OIL $3.129 gal 400 gallon rate" Senior Discount and Payment Plans Automatic Fill up 1-800-339-249 ! "Price subject to change EVENT SAVE To $400 on qualifying gas fireplace hearth solutions O SAVE $400 when you buy a select gas fireplace & hearth solution SAVE $200 when you buy a qualifying gas fireplace unit only 'O#el olet'lel pon Heerih(iad HomeTe(lmloies, In(. (HHT) 1 only. Valid on lif?t HIlT il pu@oses mode   solelm only. Vol of robote ttl on omuni of qlino pse on  nilfns sulllsd list poiei ond i   (obitled with o nv oihet dlsm ei' d. limilldioi'ls oP, Ii?, nololllexlll#,t!ll, See leetollilioldeloik Oltel nolellible to emph,leeol Heoiitl & ttmeTedmtllies, hx.,iiSllel of subidkiIy mnIpn  oi offiflatilt ©Heo & Hollm ii@ne4oQm, fat, 2007 Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11 FANTASY FOREST features books and bears, clowns and crafts, gala lights at night and a cheerleader standing at attention by a tree. 00irthing beds funded ontinued from page 2.) alich, the owners of of Hi- tha Corporation. "They are generous as individuals and a a corporation," Stock said. I'Iiawatha is a forest products a that donated all of the ev- 'greens used to decorate The vilion at Sentry Park, which 'late has provided a venue for teh Fantasy Forest events held 0vember 14-17 as the gala ball big people in formal wear, the y bear tea for little people with an interest in stuffed ani- mals and dancing to the music of Swing Fever, a group of local jazzoids with a big-band sound. "They're a huge participant," Stock said of Hiawatha. As the event sponsor of the gala ball, Hiawatha helps to set the table for fund-an-item. Last year this particular fund-raiser generated $35,000 for the pur- chase of three baby warmers and this year fund-an-item gen- erated $59,000 for the purchase of a bronchoscope and two birth- ing beds, the former used to ex- amine lung tissue and the latter being instrumental to Mason General's goal of helping wom- an patients deliver more babies here in 2008. Hospital officials will be working to recruit to the community a physician quali- fied to assist in the delivery of newborns and increase by 10 percent the number who see the first light of day at Mason Gen- eral. k,,, CHRISTMAS WREATH PLACEMENT Holiday greetings from Shelton Cemetery Association and staff at Shelton Memorial Park. We would like to announce that we are offering Christmas wreaths at Shelton Memorial Park for grave placement. The price for the wreaths will be $25.00 (tax included). Wreaths may be ordered immediately for placing on graves from December 10th to the 14th. All orders must be received no later than December 7th. We cannot guarantee placement of orders received later than this date. se use the order blank printed below. Be sure to indicate how many. It is not necessary you to know the location of the grave, but it is helpful to print your phone number in case re are any questions. We cannot accept any orders without payment. Please use this form for dering. Your cancelled check or money order stub will be your receipt. Make checks payable to Shelton Cemetery Association 1605 Van BUren, Shelton h,,..,, ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... me(s) on grave: Quantity: ount Enclosed: Purchaser's Name: Address: College offers testing for 2008 enrollment Winter quarter classes at Olympic College Shelton start on January 7. There are a number of new clases scheduled to begin dur- ing the winter quarter, includ- ing theater appreciation, elec- tronics, rock-and-roll music and ideas, politics and literature and welding. New students wanting to take English or math classes should take a college place- ment test prior to meeting with an advisor and registering for classes. New student registration be- gins on Thursday, December 6, and continues into January. The Shelton campus will pro- vide college "placement tests on the following dates: 1:30 p.m. on Monday, December 3; 9 a.m. on Saturday, December 8; 3 p.m. on Tuesday, December 18; and 9 a.m. on Thursday, December 27. There is a $15 testing fee and students receive their results at the completion of their test. Students interested in attend- ing can sign up for a placement test and meet with an advisor by calling 432-5400. County delays action on Shelton plan to next year The Mason County Commis- sion has voted to delay 4mtil next year a vote on the proposed Shel- ton Urban Growth Area Sub- Area Plan. A decision not to decide on the plan until January 15 at the earliest was made last week af- ter commissioners decided they didn't have the documents they need to proceed. Work on developing the plan began in 2002, and the next year the county and the City of Shel- ton signed a memorandum of understanding that outlined the comprehensive planning process. After some delays, the county completed an update to the coun- ty comprehensive plan by late 2005. This included a new popula- tion allocation for Shelton for the 20-year planning horizon. As a result, the city reassessed the ca- pacity of designated residential lands to ensure that the residen- tial growth built into the draft plan aligned with the new popu- lation target. It then determined that the residential development capacity in the plan was much greater than the allocated popu- lation and needed to be reduced. The boundary of the urban growth area has been refined to address the situation of a num- ber of split parcels. Last year the city began a new phase of the planning process with an updated capacity analy- sis and a draft of a future land- use plan. Earlier this year the city hosted a series of four open houses to spread information about developments to the pub- lic. Issues identified during this process are reflected in changes to the draft UGA plan and land- use plans. City officials conducted public hearings about the proposed plan in May and October and have de- cided to wait for adoption until after the county has completed its public process. , ,,,,,,, ,, DISCOUNT HEATING OIL $3.129 gal 400 gallon rate" Senior Discount and Payment Plans Automatic Fill up 1-800-339-249 ! "Price subject to change EVENT SAVE To $400 on qualifying gas fireplace hearth solutions O SAVE $400 when you buy a select gas fireplace & hearth solution SAVE $200 when you buy a qualifying gas fireplace unit only 'O#el olet'lel pon Heerih(iad HomeTe(lmloies, In(. (HHT) 1 only. Valid on lif?t HIlT il pu@oses mode   solelm only. Vol of robote ttl on omuni of qlino pse on  nilfns sulllsd list poiei ond i   (obitled with o nv oihet dlsm ei' d. limilldioi'ls oP, Ii?, nololllexlll#,t!ll, See leetollilioldeloik Oltel nolellible to emph,leeol Heoiitl & ttmeTedmtllies, hx.,iiSllel of subidkiIy mnIpn  oi offiflatilt ©Heo & Hollm ii@ne4oQm, fat, 2007 Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11