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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HAPPY moment for Michelle Fox occurred she was named Student of the Month. ons recogn zing Fox her work m school &apos;chelle Fox of CHOICE Alter- ty involvement and high academ- pve School was selected as Stu- ic achievements while attending t of the Month for October. CHOICE. ae 18-year-old was recognized her accomplishments at the oI and was honored by mem- of" the Shelton Lions Club a they met on October 16. Iichelle s parents are Ken and rothy Fox. She is currently :iag piano lessons and has dis- rred a love [br rock climbing. also has realized she has a at tbr writing and wants to ue that as a vocation. Her unity activities include Ping in canned food drives lithe Community Kitchen and teering at SOCK, Save Our aty's Kids. She is also active [the after-school program called SY. .:aff and faculty at CHOICE rise Michelle for her dedication Community service and high tievements within the alter- tire high school. She plans to !tinue her education at a com- Iity college and study for an tOciate's degree. he Student of the Month pro- a is sponsored by the Shelton arts Club and is designed to ,Ogmze sttldents who possess ali,i of exceptional communi- loard acts on 00wer system i Rustlewood e Mason County Commission elltly made a couple of money Yes related to waste manage- t with the appropriation of $4 lion to the Belfair Wastewater Water Reclamation Utility d, $800,000 to the Ru;stlewood er and Water Utility ] und and ,153 to the Combined Utilities Dainistration Fund. a related development on ember 20, commissioners au- 5zed the Mason County De- traent of Utilities and Waste aagement to apply for rural de- Vilment funds from the U.S. De- nent of Agriculture to pay for on the Rustlewood system. SHELTON School District #309 REAKFAST & LUNCH M£100t/ ; December 3-7 , ONDAY: Breakfast: Cold cereal, ..tlrros, fruit or fruit juice, milk. uch: I:iw  Star .";mart Bar." Main '!ne: Corn dim, animal crackers ilk. Speed Line: Chicken nuggets.' UESDAY: Rreakfast: Pancake, sau- arge link, fruit or fruit juice, milk. tnch: liw:, 5tar ,llldt( [df." Main ine. Cheese pizza chocolate milk. heed i_ini,: Cheest:burger. IDNFSDAY: Breakfast: Blueberry uffin, fruit or fruit juice, milk. tWK:h: five Star Smart Bar: Main ine: Bn m( h l})r lun(h - French toast, 'sausae links, potato wedges, milk. Pee(t'Lme: i I )t Pocket. I'HURSDAY: Breakfast: Breaktas! !Zza, fruit or fruit juice, milk. Lunch: We Star Smart Bar: Main Line: BBQ chicken sluggers mashed pot 1toes ith gravy, dinner rol'l, mill<. Speed Ine: lose Ole soft taco. Early Re- teasel FRIDAY: NO SCHOOl! This menu sponsored by UMBERMENS SHELTON 114 E. Cedar St. 360-426-2611 HOODSPORT 150 N. Lake Cushman Rd. 360"877"6881 Public hearing ].VIonday on Brinnon re:;00)rt plan Jefferson County commission- ers are getting close to making a decision about a huge resort pro- posed at Black Point on Hood Ca- nal south of Brinnon. The commissioners will hear public comment on the proposal at a meeting scheduled for 5 p.m. next Monday, December 3, in the Jefferson County Courthouse Su- perior Courtroom. They are ex- pected to make a decision on De- cember 10. The "master planned resort" is not yet a project, technically, but rather is a proposed amendment to the Jefferson County Comprehen- sive Land-Use Plan. Proponents seek to amend the comprehensive plan to allow the MPR to be devel- oped on 256 acres at Pleasant Har- bor Marina. THE PROJECT would include a golf course, resort, additional commercial enterprises and 890 residential units, many of which would be occupied seasonally. A four-member subcommittee of the Jefferson County Planning Commission recommended 3-1 that the full nine-member plan- ning commission approve the proj- ect and pass it on to the county commissioners, who have the final say on changes to the comp plan. The full planning commission ap- proved the project 7-2 on Novem- ber 14. The $300-million resort is one of the largest development plans ever proposed in Jefferson County and has drawn much support and opposition. Supporters hope the project will boost the economy in little Brinnon, and opponents are concerned about the effect of such a large project on the rural char- acter of little Brinnon and Hood Canal. County planners have received 413 letters on the proposal, 126 of which mentioned favoring the project by The Statesman Group of Canada and 111 of which men- tioned opposition. In addition, two petitions in favor and two petitions in opposition have been submitted to the county. ONE OF THE letters of oppo- sition was from the Hood Canal Environmental Council, signed by board member Donna Simmons of Hoodsport. The council, in its letter commenting on the draft environmental-impact statement (Please turn to page 20.) Panel taking close look at airport plan The Sanderson Field Advisory Committee will meet from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, December 6, in the comrnission chambers at the Port of Shelton Administra- tion Building, 21 West Sanderson Way. The advisory committee will review the draft Inventory and Forecasts chapters fbr the update to the Sanderson Field Airport Master Plan. The meeting is open to the public and interested citi- zens are encouraged to attend. ': :' ::::'' :'": :::i i" ¸, i!!!:: "ii::: ¸ :!::",, :"" :' ::": :: :': i I:I: i:i::i i:ii: Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton'Mason County Journal - Page 13 HAPPY moment for Michelle Fox occurred she was named Student of the Month. ons recogn zing Fox her work m school 'chelle Fox of CHOICE Alter- ty involvement and high academ- pve School was selected as Stu- ic achievements while attending t of the Month for October. CHOICE. ae 18-year-old was recognized her accomplishments at the oI and was honored by mem- of" the Shelton Lions Club a they met on October 16. Iichelle s parents are Ken and rothy Fox. She is currently :iag piano lessons and has dis- rred a love [br rock climbing. also has realized she has a at tbr writing and wants to ue that as a vocation. Her unity activities include Ping in canned food drives lithe Community Kitchen and teering at SOCK, Save Our aty's Kids. She is also active [the after-school program called SY. .:aff and faculty at CHOICE rise Michelle for her dedication Community service and high tievements within the alter- tire high school. She plans to !tinue her education at a com- Iity college and study for an tOciate's degree. he Student of the Month pro- a is sponsored by the Shelton arts Club and is designed to ,Ogmze sttldents who possess ali,i of exceptional communi- loard acts on 00wer system i Rustlewood e Mason County Commission elltly made a couple of money Yes related to waste manage- t with the appropriation of $4 lion to the Belfair Wastewater Water Reclamation Utility d, $800,000 to the Ru;stlewood er and Water Utility ] und and ,153 to the Combined Utilities Dainistration Fund. a related development on ember 20, commissioners au- 5zed the Mason County De- traent of Utilities and Waste aagement to apply for rural de- Vilment funds from the U.S. De- nent of Agriculture to pay for on the Rustlewood system. SHELTON School District #309 REAKFAST & LUNCH M£100t/ ; December 3-7 , ONDAY: Breakfast: Cold cereal, ..tlrros, fruit or fruit juice, milk. uch: I:iw  Star .";mart Bar." Main '!ne: Corn dim, animal crackers ilk. Speed Line: Chicken nuggets.' UESDAY: Rreakfast: Pancake, sau- arge link, fruit or fruit juice, milk. tnch: liw:, 5tar ,llldt( [df." Main ine. Cheese pizza chocolate milk. heed i_ini,: Cheest:burger. IDNFSDAY: Breakfast: Blueberry uffin, fruit or fruit juice, milk. tWK:h: five Star Smart Bar: Main ine: Bn m( h l})r lun(h - French toast, 'sausae links, potato wedges, milk. Pee(t'Lme: i I )t Pocket. I'HURSDAY: Breakfast: Breaktas! !Zza, fruit or fruit juice, milk. Lunch: We Star Smart Bar: Main Line: BBQ chicken sluggers mashed pot 1toes ith gravy, dinner rol'l, mill<. Speed Ine: lose Ole soft taco. Early Re- teasel FRIDAY: NO SCHOOl! This menu sponsored by UMBERMENS SHELTON 114 E. Cedar St. 360-426-2611 HOODSPORT 150 N. Lake Cushman Rd. 360"877"6881 Public hearing ].VIonday on Brinnon re:;00)rt plan Jefferson County commission- ers are getting close to making a decision about a huge resort pro- posed at Black Point on Hood Ca- nal south of Brinnon. The commissioners will hear public comment on the proposal at a meeting scheduled for 5 p.m. next Monday, December 3, in the Jefferson County Courthouse Su- perior Courtroom. They are ex- pected to make a decision on De- cember 10. The "master planned resort" is not yet a project, technically, but rather is a proposed amendment to the Jefferson County Comprehen- sive Land-Use Plan. Proponents seek to amend the comprehensive plan to allow the MPR to be devel- oped on 256 acres at Pleasant Har- bor Marina. THE PROJECT would include a golf course, resort, additional commercial enterprises and 890 residential units, many of which would be occupied seasonally. A four-member subcommittee of the Jefferson County Planning Commission recommended 3-1 that the full nine-member plan- ning commission approve the proj- ect and pass it on to the county commissioners, who have the final say on changes to the comp plan. The full planning commission ap- proved the project 7-2 on Novem- ber 14. The $300-million resort is one of the largest development plans ever proposed in Jefferson County and has drawn much support and opposition. Supporters hope the project will boost the economy in little Brinnon, and opponents are concerned about the effect of such a large project on the rural char- acter of little Brinnon and Hood Canal. County planners have received 413 letters on the proposal, 126 of which mentioned favoring the project by The Statesman Group of Canada and 111 of which men- tioned opposition. In addition, two petitions in favor and two petitions in opposition have been submitted to the county. ONE OF THE letters of oppo- sition was from the Hood Canal Environmental Council, signed by board member Donna Simmons of Hoodsport. The council, in its letter commenting on the draft environmental-impact statement (Please turn to page 20.) Panel taking close look at airport plan The Sanderson Field Advisory Committee will meet from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, December 6, in the comrnission chambers at the Port of Shelton Administra- tion Building, 21 West Sanderson Way. The advisory committee will review the draft Inventory and Forecasts chapters fbr the update to the Sanderson Field Airport Master Plan. The meeting is open to the public and interested citi- zens are encouraged to attend. ': :' ::::'' :'": :::i i" ¸, i!!!:: "ii::: ¸ :!::",, :"" :' ::": :: :': i I:I: i:i::i i:ii: Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton'Mason County Journal - Page 13