November 29, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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November 29, 2007 |
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| " •
lhe Greatest True Story
st over 20 centuries ago, a series of events be-
hat together constitute the greatest true story
to man. Some of the events were common
aby was born; some were unusual- the baby
0rn in a stable and a manger substituted for
Idle; some were unique, to say the least - the
r Was born to a virgin and the birth was an-
e.d to shepherds in surrounding fields by a
latude of angels. Many of the events that took
0ver the next 30-odd years were, plainly and
Y, miracles of God ending with the baby, now
man, fbllowing his crucifixion, being bur-
.surrected on the third day, making several
ly appearances to men, then ascending to
a where he sits at the right hand of God and
D for us and offers us the path to our salva-
Ually this is really only a chapter in a longer
-one with no beginning and no end. A portion
se events which occurred weeks or months
ng the birth, is recorded in Matthew 2:1-12.
us was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during
ifln Herod. About that time wise
of King
om eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, ask-
Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We
his s!ar as it rose, and we have come to wor-
him." King Herod was deeply disturbed when
i rd as was everyone in Jerusalem. He
meeting of the leading priests and teachers
ious law and,a, sked, Where is the Messiah
ed to be born? In Bethlehem in Judea, they
;for this is what the prophet wrote: "And you, 0
lehem in the land of Judah, are not least among
ling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from
h "
o wdl be the shepherd for my people Israel.
t bIerod called for a private meeting with the
ten, and he learned from them the time when
*tar first appeared. Then he told them, "Go to
ehem and search carefully for the child. And
Y u find him, come back,, and tell me so that
go and worship him too. After this interview
ise men went their way. And the star they had
n the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went
of them and stopped over the place where the
.tOas. When they saw the star, they were filled
,oy! They entered the house and saw the child
is mother, Mary, and they bowed down and
liped him. Then they opened their treasure
and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and
It. When it was time to leave, they returned to
Own country by another route, for God had
warned them in a dream not to return to Herod.
• There is much to be learned from these verses.
The thing that jumps right out at me is the thct
that from the very beginning the Jews, whose long-
awaited Messiah Jesus was born to be, ignored
Him, largely rejected Him or were simply unaware.
That was in the beginning and of course it went
downhill from there.
Gentiles were more inclined to believe. The
Magi were Gentiles and they believed. We know
this from the fact of the long and difficult journey
they undertook to seek Him out to worship Him
and present gifts to Him. We also note from that
when they arrived in Jerusalem, the mother city
of 3"udaism, they didn't ask if the King of Jews had
been born. They knew He had been born and sim-
ply wished to know where. We know from Luke's
account of the events that a multitude of angels
had announced the birth to shepherds tending the
flocks in the fields, that the shepherds went to see
Him, and after seeing Him they spread the word
of what they had seen. News of the birth of the
Messiah should have swept the Jewish world like
a dessert sandstorm, but apparently no one in Je-
rusalem had heard about it and could answer this
question as to where the baby was. They fbund
Him by following a star GOd miraculously provided
to lead them.
King Herod believed and tried to find Jesus, al-
beit for a sinister purpose rather than to worship
Him and offer gifts. Even King Herod apparently
could find no one in Jerusalem who knew of the
birth and where or when it occurred. He even sum-
moned the chief priests and teachers of the law. The
best they could do was to tell him what had been
prophesied in this regard in the Scriptures. He had
to query the Magi as to the time of the birth.
Even though the Jews largely continue to this
day to deny that Jesus is the Messiah, I, for one,
am glad to know that they still rank as a special
people in God's eyes and that He has a special pro-
vision for them in His plan of redemption.
So, for th Jewish and the non-Jewish (Gentile)
world, God provided His Messiah. He (God) drew
near by giving His on Emmanuel a title that lit-
erally means, "GOd visits us." And you know the
really "Good News" in this whole story? God will
visit you this season if you'll but open the "stable
door" that is your heart's door and let Him in. Love
in Christ.
Jack Keith is pastor of Hood Canal Community
Call goes out for
the art of science
Entries for the 2008 Mason
County Science & Engineering
Fair art contest are due by Fri-
day, ,January 4.
The contest is open to all stu-
dents in grades four through
eight who attend school or are
home,schooled in Mason Coun-
ty. The 2008 science fair will be
held on March 15 at Shelton High
All entries become the property
of Skookum Rotary and will not be
returned. Entrants must create
a 10-by-12-inch black-on-white,
ink-on-paper design. The winning
image will be used on a poster
and garments for the event. The
original artwork must include the
slogan, "Science Fair 2008." All
other information about the event
should not be included in the de-
Entrants must also include
their names, addresses, schools
and grade levels on a 3-by-5-inch
card attached to their entries and
not appearing on their artwork.
First prize is $50 cash plus a
sweatshirt silkscreened with the
winning design. Second prize is
$25 cash.
Entries should be submitted
to Skookum Rotary Club Science
Fair, P.O. Box 849, Shelton, or
dropped off at the Washington
Sea Grant Program office, 221
West Railroad Avenue, Suite 7.
For more information, call 432-
Workers get county pins
The Mason County Com-
mission presented Green Star
Pins to Officer Cindy Brehm-
eyer of the Mason County Jail
and Deputy Jim Morini of the
Mason County Sheriff's Office.
They were recognized on 'No-
vember 20 tbr receiving unso-
licited praise from people they
had served.
Brehmeyer was thanked by
a person who appreciated her
kindness while she booked the
frightened individual into 'the
jail tbr the first time. Morini
assisted residents, who started
out disgruntled and ended up
very thankful for his help.
Pins were also presented to
Bob Anderson, Kelly Frazer,
Bob Kays, Brooke Ogg, Mike
Rutter, Kurt Simmons and
Dawn Twiddy for their work at
the Mason County Fairgrounds.
They were named in a letter of
thanks from Skookum Rotary
for their support of this year's
E x t r e m c A u t o B o d y
3 6 0 -i"
,, 2 - 3 6 2 5
"'Insurance-friendly repair facility j,,.
':// 1383 Shelton Springs |ld.
I|' Shclton, WA 98584
i3 Fax 360-43,.,-3614
NOw Sterlin:00 has
more options
than ever!
100 Years Ago
L the November 29, 1907, Ma-
laUnicipal election comes next
9, but as there is but the one
la the field the interest is lack-
thelton schools this week made
lenerous Thanksgiving contri-
the Washington Children's
lading Society.
35 Years Ago
the November 30, 1972, Shel-
don County Journah
City commission at its meet-
day night voted to accept for
oa an 80-acre tract of prop-
aging to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Recent orders from McDonnell-
Douglas and Boeing have brought a
substantial increase in employment at
Certified Manufacturing here, accord-
ing to Alan C. Renn, president of the
10 Years Ago
From the November 27, 1997, Shel-
ton-Mason County Journal:
The Washington State Board of
Public Education late last week gave
Pioneer School District its unanimous
approval to become an emerging high-
school district.
The Shelton School District seeks
parents and residents to join six com-
mittees being formed to make far-
reaching changes in what is taught
and how it's taught in the district.
Upcoming Seminars
ing able to live at home can be one of the most important
rts in a senior's life. Our carefully selected CAREGivers sM help
tke that possible, with a wide range of non-medical services,
brne companionship and a ready smile. At Home Instead Senior
Ve treat each senior as we would a member of our own family.
S I:!: N () I¢ ( '\\; R
With. little help from o friend.
Serving the South Sound Region
lnstcat Senior Care Franchi, office is independently owned and operated.
Introducing NEW Medicare Advantage Health
and Prescription Drug plans for 2008
Two great health plans.
Monthly Premiums as low as $15"
Two health plans that include
Part D prescription drug coverage
starting at $28* per month.
Two prescription drug plans including
one with coverage through the "gap".
• Call today to register I
for a seminar in your area |
or for an appointment I
with a local agent.
Toll-free: !
1-866-217-3666 [
1-888:858-8567 [
Real People. Wise Choices."
Underwritten by Sterling Life Insurance Company
Wed., Dec. 5- 1:00 pm
Theler Community Center
22871 NE State Route 3
Belfair, WA
Refreshments will be provided!
Thurs., Dec. 6 & 20 - 9:00 am
Little Creek Casino
91 W. State Route 108
Shelton, WA
Breakfast buffet will be provided!
Thurs., Dec. 13- 12:00 pm
Godfather's Pizza - Banquet Room
301 E. Wallace Kneeland Blvd. # 210
Shelton, WA
Lunch buffet will be provided!
Mon., Dec. 17- 10:30 am
Shelton Timberland Library
Meeting Room
710 W. Alder Street, Shelton, WA
Refreshments will be provided!
Sterling Life Insurance Company is a Medicare Advantage organization contracting with the federal
government. Anyone entitled to Medicare Part A and enrolled in Medicare Part B may apply. You
must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. A Medicare Advantage Private Fee For Service
Plan works differently than a Medicare Supplement plan. Your doctor or hospital must agree to
accept the plan's terms and conditions prior to providing healthcare services to you, with exception of
emergencies. If your doctor or hospital does not agree to accept our payment terms and conditions,
they may not provide healthcare services to you, except in emergencies. Providers can find the
plan's terms and conditions on our website at *Limitations and/or cost
sharing apply. Call the numbers above for accommodation of persons with special needs at sales
meetings. A licensed agent will be on hand with information and applications.
Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19
| " •
lhe Greatest True Story
st over 20 centuries ago, a series of events be-
hat together constitute the greatest true story
to man. Some of the events were common
aby was born; some were unusual- the baby
0rn in a stable and a manger substituted for
Idle; some were unique, to say the least - the
r Was born to a virgin and the birth was an-
e.d to shepherds in surrounding fields by a
latude of angels. Many of the events that took
0ver the next 30-odd years were, plainly and
Y, miracles of God ending with the baby, now
man, fbllowing his crucifixion, being bur-
.surrected on the third day, making several
ly appearances to men, then ascending to
a where he sits at the right hand of God and
D for us and offers us the path to our salva-
Ually this is really only a chapter in a longer
-one with no beginning and no end. A portion
se events which occurred weeks or months
ng the birth, is recorded in Matthew 2:1-12.
us was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during
ifln Herod. About that time wise
of King
om eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, ask-
Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We
his s!ar as it rose, and we have come to wor-
him." King Herod was deeply disturbed when
i rd as was everyone in Jerusalem. He
meeting of the leading priests and teachers
ious law and,a, sked, Where is the Messiah
ed to be born? In Bethlehem in Judea, they
;for this is what the prophet wrote: "And you, 0
lehem in the land of Judah, are not least among
ling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from
h "
o wdl be the shepherd for my people Israel.
t bIerod called for a private meeting with the
ten, and he learned from them the time when
*tar first appeared. Then he told them, "Go to
ehem and search carefully for the child. And
Y u find him, come back,, and tell me so that
go and worship him too. After this interview
ise men went their way. And the star they had
n the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went
of them and stopped over the place where the
.tOas. When they saw the star, they were filled
,oy! They entered the house and saw the child
is mother, Mary, and they bowed down and
liped him. Then they opened their treasure
and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and
It. When it was time to leave, they returned to
Own country by another route, for God had
warned them in a dream not to return to Herod.
• There is much to be learned from these verses.
The thing that jumps right out at me is the thct
that from the very beginning the Jews, whose long-
awaited Messiah Jesus was born to be, ignored
Him, largely rejected Him or were simply unaware.
That was in the beginning and of course it went
downhill from there.
Gentiles were more inclined to believe. The
Magi were Gentiles and they believed. We know
this from the fact of the long and difficult journey
they undertook to seek Him out to worship Him
and present gifts to Him. We also note from that
when they arrived in Jerusalem, the mother city
of 3"udaism, they didn't ask if the King of Jews had
been born. They knew He had been born and sim-
ply wished to know where. We know from Luke's
account of the events that a multitude of angels
had announced the birth to shepherds tending the
flocks in the fields, that the shepherds went to see
Him, and after seeing Him they spread the word
of what they had seen. News of the birth of the
Messiah should have swept the Jewish world like
a dessert sandstorm, but apparently no one in Je-
rusalem had heard about it and could answer this
question as to where the baby was. They fbund
Him by following a star GOd miraculously provided
to lead them.
King Herod believed and tried to find Jesus, al-
beit for a sinister purpose rather than to worship
Him and offer gifts. Even King Herod apparently
could find no one in Jerusalem who knew of the
birth and where or when it occurred. He even sum-
moned the chief priests and teachers of the law. The
best they could do was to tell him what had been
prophesied in this regard in the Scriptures. He had
to query the Magi as to the time of the birth.
Even though the Jews largely continue to this
day to deny that Jesus is the Messiah, I, for one,
am glad to know that they still rank as a special
people in God's eyes and that He has a special pro-
vision for them in His plan of redemption.
So, for th Jewish and the non-Jewish (Gentile)
world, God provided His Messiah. He (God) drew
near by giving His on Emmanuel a title that lit-
erally means, "GOd visits us." And you know the
really "Good News" in this whole story? God will
visit you this season if you'll but open the "stable
door" that is your heart's door and let Him in. Love
in Christ.
Jack Keith is pastor of Hood Canal Community
Call goes out for
the art of science
Entries for the 2008 Mason
County Science & Engineering
Fair art contest are due by Fri-
day, ,January 4.
The contest is open to all stu-
dents in grades four through
eight who attend school or are
home,schooled in Mason Coun-
ty. The 2008 science fair will be
held on March 15 at Shelton High
All entries become the property
of Skookum Rotary and will not be
returned. Entrants must create
a 10-by-12-inch black-on-white,
ink-on-paper design. The winning
image will be used on a poster
and garments for the event. The
original artwork must include the
slogan, "Science Fair 2008." All
other information about the event
should not be included in the de-
Entrants must also include
their names, addresses, schools
and grade levels on a 3-by-5-inch
card attached to their entries and
not appearing on their artwork.
First prize is $50 cash plus a
sweatshirt silkscreened with the
winning design. Second prize is
$25 cash.
Entries should be submitted
to Skookum Rotary Club Science
Fair, P.O. Box 849, Shelton, or
dropped off at the Washington
Sea Grant Program office, 221
West Railroad Avenue, Suite 7.
For more information, call 432-
Workers get county pins
The Mason County Com-
mission presented Green Star
Pins to Officer Cindy Brehm-
eyer of the Mason County Jail
and Deputy Jim Morini of the
Mason County Sheriff's Office.
They were recognized on 'No-
vember 20 tbr receiving unso-
licited praise from people they
had served.
Brehmeyer was thanked by
a person who appreciated her
kindness while she booked the
frightened individual into 'the
jail tbr the first time. Morini
assisted residents, who started
out disgruntled and ended up
very thankful for his help.
Pins were also presented to
Bob Anderson, Kelly Frazer,
Bob Kays, Brooke Ogg, Mike
Rutter, Kurt Simmons and
Dawn Twiddy for their work at
the Mason County Fairgrounds.
They were named in a letter of
thanks from Skookum Rotary
for their support of this year's
E x t r e m c A u t o B o d y
3 6 0 -i"
,, 2 - 3 6 2 5
"'Insurance-friendly repair facility j,,.
':// 1383 Shelton Springs |ld.
I|' Shclton, WA 98584
i3 Fax 360-43,.,-3614
NOw Sterlin:00 has
more options
than ever!
100 Years Ago
L the November 29, 1907, Ma-
laUnicipal election comes next
9, but as there is but the one
la the field the interest is lack-
thelton schools this week made
lenerous Thanksgiving contri-
the Washington Children's
lading Society.
35 Years Ago
the November 30, 1972, Shel-
don County Journah
City commission at its meet-
day night voted to accept for
oa an 80-acre tract of prop-
aging to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Recent orders from McDonnell-
Douglas and Boeing have brought a
substantial increase in employment at
Certified Manufacturing here, accord-
ing to Alan C. Renn, president of the
10 Years Ago
From the November 27, 1997, Shel-
ton-Mason County Journal:
The Washington State Board of
Public Education late last week gave
Pioneer School District its unanimous
approval to become an emerging high-
school district.
The Shelton School District seeks
parents and residents to join six com-
mittees being formed to make far-
reaching changes in what is taught
and how it's taught in the district.
Upcoming Seminars
ing able to live at home can be one of the most important
rts in a senior's life. Our carefully selected CAREGivers sM help
tke that possible, with a wide range of non-medical services,
brne companionship and a ready smile. At Home Instead Senior
Ve treat each senior as we would a member of our own family.
S I:!: N () I¢ ( '\\; R
With. little help from o friend.
Serving the South Sound Region
lnstcat Senior Care Franchi, office is independently owned and operated.
Introducing NEW Medicare Advantage Health
and Prescription Drug plans for 2008
Two great health plans.
Monthly Premiums as low as $15"
Two health plans that include
Part D prescription drug coverage
starting at $28* per month.
Two prescription drug plans including
one with coverage through the "gap".
• Call today to register I
for a seminar in your area |
or for an appointment I
with a local agent.
Toll-free: !
1-866-217-3666 [
1-888:858-8567 [
Real People. Wise Choices."
Underwritten by Sterling Life Insurance Company
Wed., Dec. 5- 1:00 pm
Theler Community Center
22871 NE State Route 3
Belfair, WA
Refreshments will be provided!
Thurs., Dec. 6 & 20 - 9:00 am
Little Creek Casino
91 W. State Route 108
Shelton, WA
Breakfast buffet will be provided!
Thurs., Dec. 13- 12:00 pm
Godfather's Pizza - Banquet Room
301 E. Wallace Kneeland Blvd. # 210
Shelton, WA
Lunch buffet will be provided!
Mon., Dec. 17- 10:30 am
Shelton Timberland Library
Meeting Room
710 W. Alder Street, Shelton, WA
Refreshments will be provided!
Sterling Life Insurance Company is a Medicare Advantage organization contracting with the federal
government. Anyone entitled to Medicare Part A and enrolled in Medicare Part B may apply. You
must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. A Medicare Advantage Private Fee For Service
Plan works differently than a Medicare Supplement plan. Your doctor or hospital must agree to
accept the plan's terms and conditions prior to providing healthcare services to you, with exception of
emergencies. If your doctor or hospital does not agree to accept our payment terms and conditions,
they may not provide healthcare services to you, except in emergencies. Providers can find the
plan's terms and conditions on our website at *Limitations and/or cost
sharing apply. Call the numbers above for accommodation of persons with special needs at sales
meetings. A licensed agent will be on hand with information and applications.
Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19