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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ournal of MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT ,Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Daniel H. Slade, 5509 205th Street Court East, Spanaway, $1,121, 365 days, 275 suspended, and reckless driving, $250, 365 days, 275 suspended, $3,793 costs; Da- vid Joseph Audette, 1230 Timber Tides Drive, Union, $3,114, 365 days, and driving while license suspended, second degree, $100, 365 days, and failure to use in- terlock ignition device, $100, 90 days; Wendy Lee Hutzler, 27051 North Highway 101, Hoodsport, two counts, $1,291,365 days, 364 suspended, and $1,389, 365 days, 275 suspended. Negligent driving: Jesse A. Rodriguez, 10139 ll5th Avenue SW, Lakewood, $550, 90 days sus- pended and no valid operator's li- cense, $427 costs. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Larry Died- rich Leader, 17101 North Highway 101, Shelton, third degree, $720, 90 days suspended; Kenneth Paul Yunez, 451 Old Befair Highway, Belfair, third degree, $293, 90 days, 87 suspended; John D. Sput- tier, 4401 Agate Road, Shelton, third degree, $250, 90 days, 80 suspended. No valid operator's license: Jose Hernandez-Godinez, 323 Cookson Street, Shelton, $550; Eu- sebto J. Sebastian, 14640 North Highway 101, Shelton, and speed- ing, $643; Kevin M. Burton, 4388 Phillips, Port Orchard, $820, 90 days suspended; Eileen Murphy, 230 Old Belfair Highway, Belfair, $250, 90 days, 85 suspended, and third-degree theft, $310, 365 days, 360 suspended. No liability insurance: Rob- ert B. Webb, 70 NE Sides Way, Belfair, $260; Aaron J. Witten- berg, 311 East Johns Creek Drive, Shelton, and failure to yield right- of-way, $324; Erin L. Webb, 80 NE Sides Way, and following too close, $424. Speeding: Craig Daniel Lobe, 7947 188th Avenue SW, Rochester, in a school zone, $456; Gina Lynn Vandiver, 17 Rose Lane, Montesa- no, in a school zone, $353; Jeffrey Robert Bjornstad, 11791 Carter Avenue, Port Orchard, in a school zone, $271. Unlawful fishing in the sec- ond degree: Travis M. Springer, 101 East Huckleberry, Grapeview, snagging salmon, $162; Kwon Haeng Lee, 10114 Lakeview Av- enue SW, Tacoma, snagging salm- on and fishing in closed waters, $214; Jason Phillip Romero, 9140 Kristi Court NW, Bremerton, fish- ing in closed waters, $109; James M. Tier, 13140 134th Street, Gig Harbor, continued to fish after reaching limit, $162; George Phil- lip Yakovich, 7205 Lillovet Loop, Aberdeen, possession of Chinook salmon in closed season and fish- ing in closed waters, $268. Fourth-degree assault: El- lis Burton Bouvier, 304 West Pine Acres Way, Shelton, domestic violence, $543, 365 days, 340 sus- pended, and violation of a court or- der, $500, 365 days, 345 suspend- ed, $2,061 costs. Other offenses: Jerry D. Enery Jr., 18113 SE 400th Street, Enum- claw, causing soil erosion with off- road vehicle in Skokomish River, $5oo. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munici- pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Eric E. Moore, 1621 Jefferson Street, Shelton, $1,546, 365 days, 230 suspended, and possession of stolen property in the third degree, $350, five days community service, 360 suspended. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Kathleen K. Eaton, 281 SE Arcadia Road, Shel- ton, two counts, third degree, $343 on each count, 90 days suspended, and 90 days, 85 suspended, five days electronic home monitoring; Shane M. Haddock, 10 SE Spring Place, Shelton, third degree, $150; William R. Jackson, 1784 Jones Road, Shelton, third degree, $443, 90 days, 85 suspended, five days electronic home monitoring; Chris- topher M. Sundaine, 20529 108th Avenue SE, Kent, third degree, $400, 90 days suspended; Lisa C. Brand, 100 East Passage View Road, Shelton, third degree, $100, 90 days, 85 suspended, five days electronic home monitoring. Negligent driving: Justin James Gravatt, 151 East Country Club Drive, Union, first degree, $793, 90 days, 89 suspended. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT New Cases Kay Jewelers against Josh Ma- son, commercial. Sok, Incorporated against Angie Family, Incorporated, Young C. Pak and Ae H. Pak, commercial. Unifund CCR Partners against David L. Ellis, commercial. Washington Department of Rev- enue against Mark D. Nelson, tax warrant. Richard H. Block against Tom McEvoy, transcript of judgment. Portfolio Recovery Associates against Arnold E. Cooper Sr. and Jane Doe Cooper, transcript of judgment. Washington Department of La- bor and Industries tax warrants against Willard A. Brown; Waters Edge Custom Finish, Incorporat- ed. Drew C. MacEwen and Stacy R. MacEwen against Tony Bonner, Lily Bonner, TLN Enterprises, In- corporated and Platte River Insur- ance Company, commercial. Washington Department of Revenue against Douglas C. But- ton and Sharron M. Button, two abstracts of judgment. Washington Employment Se- curity Department tax warrants against Lori A. Pantoja; Victoria Gumeson; Alonzo K. Belen Sr. Housing Authority of Mason County against Dawn Seljestad, unlawful detainer. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: B&G Properties, Incorporated, Caution is urged on space heaters Home heating equipment was involved in an estimated 62,000 home fires throughout the U.S. in 2005, and these fires resulted in approximately 700 deaths and roughly 1,500 injuries. That's the word from the Na- tional Fire Protection Associa- tion, according to Assistant Chief Tim McKern of Fire District 5. He said the majority of heating fire deaths are caused by space heat- ers and most heating fires are caused by creosote build-up in the chimney. #lrrest warrants Warrants were issued for the arrest of two people who failed to appear fbr proceedings on Novem- ber 26 in Mason County Superior Court: Brian Michael Dancel, $10,000, and Amy Raquel Aga, $10,000. "Home heating fires are largely preventable when you know the rules," he said. He offered these suggestions: Keep all things that can burn at least three feet away from heating equipment; turn portable heaters off when going to bed or leaving the room; plug power cords only into outlets with sufficient capac- ity and never into an extension cord; inspect for cracked, frayed or broken plugs or loose connections and replace before using. McKern said chimneys should be inspected each year and cleaned if necessary. A sturdy fireplace screen is important, as is allowing ashes to cool before disposing of them in a metal container. He said smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of a home. Never use an oven to heat a home. "For the best protection, inter- connect all smoke alarms through- out the home," he said. "When one sounds, they all sound." Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 29, 2007 521 East Balmoral Way, Shelton, residence, $108,209.60; Alan Han- son, 190 East Lynnwood Drive, Shelton, residence, $105,485; C. Tucker, 261 NE Newkirk Road, Belfair, residence, $136,898; Al- liance Homes, 31 East Stirling Court, Shelton, residence, $78,028; Adair Homes, Incorporated, 2190 East Crestview Drive, Shelton, residence, $98,109.90; Pioneer Home Services, 300 North Moun- tain View Drive, Hoodsport, resi- dence, $181,249.85; Robert Mc- Carthy, 1171 East Vine Maple Lane, Union, addition, $69,060.90; Hiline Homes, 1900 East Trails End Drive, Belfair, residence, $160,568.80; Philip Jesse, 339 East Pointes Drive East, Shelton, resi- dence, $110,391.05; DB&R Con- struction, 480 East Wood Lane, Shelton, manufactured home, $70,000, and garage, $15,177.60; Eugene Hartshorn, 620 East Cen- terline Road, Grapeview, manufac- tured home, $30,000. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other projects receiving permits during the past week include: Safeway, 600 Franklin Street, fire protection system, no value listed; Harmon Mulligan Enter- prises, 1100 North 12th Street, de- molition, $11,250; Ladies Unani- mous, 130 West Cota Street, demo- lition of parapet, $6,000; Peter and Jenny Sheridan, 128 West Birch Street, residence, $150,445.50. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT November 24:12:23 p.m., smoke investigation, 1100 North 12th Street; 8:31 p.m., smoke investiga- tion, 3000 Johns Prairie Road. SHELTON POLICE Monday, November 19 A caller from the 1900 block of Summit Drive reported receiving threats over the telephone. Vandalism to a vehicle parked in a lot in the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard was reported by a caller. Vandalism to a window of a residence in the 600 block of North Sixth Street was reported. Suspected drugs @ere found at the jail. Tuesday, November 20 A caller reported an ongoing problem with people who are not students loitering around CHOICE High School and Evergreen El- ementary School. A caller from a business in the 2500 block of Olympic Highway North reported an ongoing prob- lem with a person harassing a re- ceptionist. Vehicle vandalism in the 400 block of Dearborn Avenue was re- ported. Wednesday, November 21 A caller reported seeing a pile of clothes at the corner of North Third and West Cedar streets. A caller from a business in the 100 block of West Alder Street re- ported being threatened by a sus- pected shoplifter. At around 11 a.m. officers re- ceived a report of a disturbance involving students from Oakland Bay Junior High School and Shel- ton High School. Vehicle vandalism in a park- ing lot in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard was reported. Thursday, November 22 A few minutes after midnight a caller reported a fight in the 200 block of Wingwood Place. Vandalism to a window of a van in the 200 block of West H Street was reported. A caller from the 100 block of West University Avenue reported harassment. Friday, November 23 A caller reported vehicle van- dalism in the 300 block of West E Street. A brown Ford Escort was re- ported stolen while the driver left the vehicle running to go into a business in the 100 block of Alder Street. Officers responded at 6:07 p.m. to a report of a disturbance in the 1400 block of Ellinor Street. Saturday, November 24 At 12:49 a.m. officers respond- ed to a report of a disturbance in a parking lot in the 2500 block of Olympic Highway North. At 1:49 a.m. two callers reported a fight in progress in the 100 block of South First Street. A few minutes after 3 a.m. a caller reported a prowler in the 1100 block of North 12th Street. A stereo and other items were reported stolen from a vehicle parked in a lot in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. A caller from the 1600 block of King Street reported the theft of checks. Sunday, November 25 At 3:30 a.m. a caller complained about noise in the 200 block of Turner Avenue. Trespassing at a business in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard was reported. Monday, November 26 A caller reported the theft of a laptop computer and other items from a vehicle in the 2000 block of Callanan Street. A caller from the 1800 block of Boundary Street reported damage to a fence from a hit-and-run col- lision. At 11:06 a.m. officers responded to a report of a disturbance in the Emergency Room at Mason Gen- eral Hospital. A burglary at a residence under construction in the 2300 block of King Street was reported. A hit-and-run collision involving two vehicles was reported at 4:58 p.m. in the 1700 block of Olympic Highway North. A 1992 green Honda Civic was reported stolen from the 1600 block of Holman Street. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail recorded populations as follows during the past week: Tuesday 113, Wednesday 110, Thursday 108, Friday 108, Satur- day 104, Sunday 105, Monday 107, Tuesday 111. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Monday, November 19 A vehicle prowl on East Dart- moor Drive near Shelton was re- ported and a caller from a place about three miles out East Pick- ering Road near Shelton reported vehicle vandalism. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a report of a fisheries viola- tion at Eagle Creek. A caller from a residence on North Highway 101 reported a theft. A caller from East Wokojance Lane near Shelton reported the theft of mail. An alleged sex offense was re- ported. A caller reported the theft of pow- er tools and other items from a ga- rage on NE Tee lake Road, Tahuya. Squaxin Island tribal officers r- ceived a report of an alleged drug law violation at a place on Old Olympic Highway. A caller from SE Squaxin Lane reported the theft of an outdoor security flood- light and other items. Deputies responding at 8:34 p.m. to a report of a burglary in progress at a place on SE Mill Creek Road near Shelton request- ed the assistance of Shelton police officers. Tuesday, November 20 Burglaries at a business on NE Peninsula Boulevard, Belfair, and at the Lumbermen's storage facility on SE State Route 3 were reported. A break-in at a residence on East North Bay Road, Belfair, was re- ported. Detectives received a report of possible child pornography. A 2001 silver Pontiac Grand Am was reported stolen from a place on East Mountain View Drive, Allyn. An attempted rape was report- ed. A caller reported the theft of 2,000 pounds of tree boughs from property on East Pickering Road. Wednesday, November 21 An attempted break-in at a business on West Golden Pheasant Road was reported. A caller from East Constantine Court, Union, reported receiving threats. A burglary at a residence on West Star Lake Drive was report- ed. The caller said a cat and three dogs were missing. Skokomish officers received a report of a fisheries violation on Purdy Creek. A disturbance on North Enatai Court was reported at 10:12 p.m. A caller from a place near Mile- post 7 of East State Route 106 re- ported identity theft. A break-in at a travel trailer on West Underline Road, Belfair, was reported. A caller reported trespassing and a possible break-in at a resi- dence on West Elk Hill Road. Vandalism to the window of a residence in the 1700 block of SE Holman Street near Shelton was reported. The caller said' was the second such incident month. Thursday, November 22 Around 8 a.m. a caller plained about off-road property off NE Road. A caller from Alderbrook in Union relorted vandalism to boats and the theft of boat motors. A caller from West Ford Road near Matlock ceiving threats. Friday, November 23 Fire District 3 responded at a.m. to a possible fire at 1611 Sand Hill Road and at 1 p. a request for a burn investig at 31 NE Wagon Wheel Road, fair. A caller reported seeing pe shooting fish in a stream near l nedy Creek off Highway 101. A caller from East Saint drews Drive reported the from the mail of checks total $5,000. Skokomish officers received report of a fisheries violation Purdy Creek. Officers around 11 p.m. to the report disturbance in the area of Dog Casino requested the tance of deputies. Squaxin Island officers respo ed at 12:33 p.m. to a report ot disturbance at Kamilche Tradi Post. A caller from SE Craig 1 near Shelton reported harassme An attempted suicide at Wa ington Corrections Center was r ported. At 10:47 p.m. a disturbance at! business about 7.4 miles out WeJ Shelton-Matlock Road in the Da ton area was reported. Saturday, November 24 Fire District 2 responded at a.m. to a report of a brush fire NE North Shore Road. Squaxin Island officers recei a report of a vehicle prowl at Li! tie Creek Casino. Around 6 p. officers and deputies responde to the report of a large bonfire SE Taylor Road. At 7:53 p.m., disturbance at Kamilche TradiV Post was reported. The caller saJ a man threatened an employee well as the caller. Skokomish officers received report of a 10-foot boat full of and a net drifting in Hood Ca near Lilliwaup. Around 8 p.m. a caller co plained about fireworks on E Island Lake Drive near Shelton. A hit-and-run collision at De Creek Store on East State Route was reported. Sunday, November 25 / Fire District 2 responded at 5:1 p.m. to a report of a chimney fire 390 NE Gladwin Road, Belfair. Squaxin Island officers respo ed at 2:14 a.m. to a report of a tron attempting to steal a stackC# gambling chips. The report was ferred to deputies because the s pect was not a tribal member. 3:29 a.m., vandalism at the casiiii was reported. At 5:39 p.m. tre passing at Kamilche Trading po# was reported. ' Skokomish officers received  report of a fisheries violation o! Purdy Creek. Vandalism to mailboxes on la [ Nelson Road, Allyn, was reported, A caller reported interrupting JJ[ burglary in progress at a residenCe on NE Santa Maria Lane, Belfair. L, A caller from West Blakely Drive  reported being threatened. ,L A caller complained about a di bike on East Rauschert Road, Gr view, and a caller from East Trail End Drive, Belfair, complain about an all-terrain vehicle. .,T A caller reported a 27-foot sail;iL boat adrift in Hood Canal off th Happy Hollow area. |l A caller complained about fir¢ works on East North Bay Road! [ Belfair. Monday, November 26 A burglary at a residence ne¢ Milepost 22 of NE North Sho Road, Tahuya, was reported and i caller reported the theft of a had. ' gun and other items from a rest dence on NE Old Belfair HighwaY, Belfair. Trespassing on property on 1 ROy Boad Road, Belfair, was re" ported. I A caller reported an ongoi problem with the theft of chris tl mas trees from property on N Sand Hill Road, Belfair. A 1984 Toyota pickup truck w s reported stolen from the park-and" ride lot at State Route 3 and pick" ering Road. 00ournal of MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT ,Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Daniel H. Slade, 5509 205th Street Court East, Spanaway, $1,121, 365 days, 275 suspended, and reckless driving, $250, 365 days, 275 suspended, $3,793 costs; Da- vid Joseph Audette, 1230 Timber Tides Drive, Union, $3,114, 365 days, and driving while license suspended, second degree, $100, 365 days, and failure to use in- terlock ignition device, $100, 90 days; Wendy Lee Hutzler, 27051 North Highway 101, Hoodsport, two counts, $1,291,365 days, 364 suspended, and $1,389, 365 days, 275 suspended. Negligent driving: Jesse A. Rodriguez, 10139 ll5th Avenue SW, Lakewood, $550, 90 days sus- pended and no valid operator's li- cense, $427 costs. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Larry Died- rich Leader, 17101 North Highway 101, Shelton, third degree, $720, 90 days suspended; Kenneth Paul Yunez, 451 Old Befair Highway, Belfair, third degree, $293, 90 days, 87 suspended; John D. Sput- tier, 4401 Agate Road, Shelton, third degree, $250, 90 days, 80 suspended. No valid operator's license: Jose Hernandez-Godinez, 323 Cookson Street, Shelton, $550; Eu- sebto J. Sebastian, 14640 North Highway 101, Shelton, and speed- ing, $643; Kevin M. Burton, 4388 Phillips, Port Orchard, $820, 90 days suspended; Eileen Murphy, 230 Old Belfair Highway, Belfair, $250, 90 days, 85 suspended, and third-degree theft, $310, 365 days, 360 suspended. No liability insurance: Rob- ert B. Webb, 70 NE Sides Way, Belfair, $260; Aaron J. Witten- berg, 311 East Johns Creek Drive, Shelton, and failure to yield right- of-way, $324; Erin L. Webb, 80 NE Sides Way, and following too close, $424. Speeding: Craig Daniel Lobe, 7947 188th Avenue SW, Rochester, in a school zone, $456; Gina Lynn Vandiver, 17 Rose Lane, Montesa- no, in a school zone, $353; Jeffrey Robert Bjornstad, 11791 Carter Avenue, Port Orchard, in a school zone, $271. Unlawful fishing in the sec- ond degree: Travis M. Springer, 101 East Huckleberry, Grapeview, snagging salmon, $162; Kwon Haeng Lee, 10114 Lakeview Av- enue SW, Tacoma, snagging salm- on and fishing in closed waters, $214; Jason Phillip Romero, 9140 Kristi Court NW, Bremerton, fish- ing in closed waters, $109; James M. Tier, 13140 134th Street, Gig Harbor, continued to fish after reaching limit, $162; George Phil- lip Yakovich, 7205 Lillovet Loop, Aberdeen, possession of Chinook salmon in closed season and fish- ing in closed waters, $268. Fourth-degree assault: El- lis Burton Bouvier, 304 West Pine Acres Way, Shelton, domestic violence, $543, 365 days, 340 sus- pended, and violation of a court or- der, $500, 365 days, 345 suspend- ed, $2,061 costs. Other offenses: Jerry D. Enery Jr., 18113 SE 400th Street, Enum- claw, causing soil erosion with off- road vehicle in Skokomish River, $5oo. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munici- pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Eric E. Moore, 1621 Jefferson Street, Shelton, $1,546, 365 days, 230 suspended, and possession of stolen property in the third degree, $350, five days community service, 360 suspended. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Kathleen K. Eaton, 281 SE Arcadia Road, Shel- ton, two counts, third degree, $343 on each count, 90 days suspended, and 90 days, 85 suspended, five days electronic home monitoring; Shane M. Haddock, 10 SE Spring Place, Shelton, third degree, $150; William R. Jackson, 1784 Jones Road, Shelton, third degree, $443, 90 days, 85 suspended, five days electronic home monitoring; Chris- topher M. Sundaine, 20529 108th Avenue SE, Kent, third degree, $400, 90 days suspended; Lisa C. Brand, 100 East Passage View Road, Shelton, third degree, $100, 90 days, 85 suspended, five days electronic home monitoring. Negligent driving: Justin James Gravatt, 151 East Country Club Drive, Union, first degree, $793, 90 days, 89 suspended. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT New Cases Kay Jewelers against Josh Ma- son, commercial. Sok, Incorporated against Angie Family, Incorporated, Young C. Pak and Ae H. Pak, commercial. Unifund CCR Partners against David L. Ellis, commercial. Washington Department of Rev- enue against Mark D. Nelson, tax warrant. Richard H. Block against Tom McEvoy, transcript of judgment. Portfolio Recovery Associates against Arnold E. Cooper Sr. and Jane Doe Cooper, transcript of judgment. Washington Department of La- bor and Industries tax warrants against Willard A. Brown; Waters Edge Custom Finish, Incorporat- ed. Drew C. MacEwen and Stacy R. MacEwen against Tony Bonner, Lily Bonner, TLN Enterprises, In- corporated and Platte River Insur- ance Company, commercial. Washington Department of Revenue against Douglas C. But- ton and Sharron M. Button, two abstracts of judgment. Washington Employment Se- curity Department tax warrants against Lori A. Pantoja; Victoria Gumeson; Alonzo K. Belen Sr. Housing Authority of Mason County against Dawn Seljestad, unlawful detainer. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: B&G Properties, Incorporated, Caution is urged on space heaters Home heating equipment was involved in an estimated 62,000 home fires throughout the U.S. in 2005, and these fires resulted in approximately 700 deaths and roughly 1,500 injuries. That's the word from the Na- tional Fire Protection Associa- tion, according to Assistant Chief Tim McKern of Fire District 5. He said the majority of heating fire deaths are caused by space heat- ers and most heating fires are caused by creosote build-up in the chimney. #lrrest warrants Warrants were issued for the arrest of two people who failed to appear fbr proceedings on Novem- ber 26 in Mason County Superior Court: Brian Michael Dancel, $10,000, and Amy Raquel Aga, $10,000. "Home heating fires are largely preventable when you know the rules," he said. He offered these suggestions: Keep all things that can burn at least three feet away from heating equipment; turn portable heaters off when going to bed or leaving the room; plug power cords only into outlets with sufficient capac- ity and never into an extension cord; inspect for cracked, frayed or broken plugs or loose connections and replace before using. McKern said chimneys should be inspected each year and cleaned if necessary. A sturdy fireplace screen is important, as is allowing ashes to cool before disposing of them in a metal container. He said smoke alarms should be installed in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of a home. Never use an oven to heat a home. "For the best protection, inter- connect all smoke alarms through- out the home," he said. "When one sounds, they all sound." Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 29, 2007 521 East Balmoral Way, Shelton, residence, $108,209.60; Alan Han- son, 190 East Lynnwood Drive, Shelton, residence, $105,485; C. Tucker, 261 NE Newkirk Road, Belfair, residence, $136,898; Al- liance Homes, 31 East Stirling Court, Shelton, residence, $78,028; Adair Homes, Incorporated, 2190 East Crestview Drive, Shelton, residence, $98,109.90; Pioneer Home Services, 300 North Moun- tain View Drive, Hoodsport, resi- dence, $181,249.85; Robert Mc- Carthy, 1171 East Vine Maple Lane, Union, addition, $69,060.90; Hiline Homes, 1900 East Trails End Drive, Belfair, residence, $160,568.80; Philip Jesse, 339 East Pointes Drive East, Shelton, resi- dence, $110,391.05; DB&R Con- struction, 480 East Wood Lane, Shelton, manufactured home, $70,000, and garage, $15,177.60; Eugene Hartshorn, 620 East Cen- terline Road, Grapeview, manufac- tured home, $30,000. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other projects receiving permits during the past week include: Safeway, 600 Franklin Street, fire protection system, no value listed; Harmon Mulligan Enter- prises, 1100 North 12th Street, de- molition, $11,250; Ladies Unani- mous, 130 West Cota Street, demo- lition of parapet, $6,000; Peter and Jenny Sheridan, 128 West Birch Street, residence, $150,445.50. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT November 24:12:23 p.m., smoke investigation, 1100 North 12th Street; 8:31 p.m., smoke investiga- tion, 3000 Johns Prairie Road. SHELTON POLICE Monday, November 19 A caller from the 1900 block of Summit Drive reported receiving threats over the telephone. Vandalism to a vehicle parked in a lot in the 100 block of East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard was reported by a caller. Vandalism to a window of a residence in the 600 block of North Sixth Street was reported. Suspected drugs @ere found at the jail. Tuesday, November 20 A caller reported an ongoing problem with people who are not students loitering around CHOICE High School and Evergreen El- ementary School. A caller from a business in the 2500 block of Olympic Highway North reported an ongoing prob- lem with a person harassing a re- ceptionist. Vehicle vandalism in the 400 block of Dearborn Avenue was re- ported. Wednesday, November 21 A caller reported seeing a pile of clothes at the corner of North Third and West Cedar streets. A caller from a business in the 100 block of West Alder Street re- ported being threatened by a sus- pected shoplifter. At around 11 a.m. officers re- ceived a report of a disturbance involving students from Oakland Bay Junior High School and Shel- ton High School. Vehicle vandalism in a park- ing lot in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard was reported. Thursday, November 22 A few minutes after midnight a caller reported a fight in the 200 block of Wingwood Place. Vandalism to a window of a van in the 200 block of West H Street was reported. A caller from the 100 block of West University Avenue reported harassment. Friday, November 23 A caller reported vehicle van- dalism in the 300 block of West E Street. A brown Ford Escort was re- ported stolen while the driver left the vehicle running to go into a business in the 100 block of Alder Street. Officers responded at 6:07 p.m. to a report of a disturbance in the 1400 block of Ellinor Street. Saturday, November 24 At 12:49 a.m. officers respond- ed to a report of a disturbance in a parking lot in the 2500 block of Olympic Highway North. At 1:49 a.m. two callers reported a fight in progress in the 100 block of South First Street. A few minutes after 3 a.m. a caller reported a prowler in the 1100 block of North 12th Street. A stereo and other items were reported stolen from a vehicle parked in a lot in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. A caller from the 1600 block of King Street reported the theft of checks. Sunday, November 25 At 3:30 a.m. a caller complained about noise in the 200 block of Turner Avenue. Trespassing at a business in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard was reported. Monday, November 26 A caller reported the theft of a laptop computer and other items from a vehicle in the 2000 block of Callanan Street. A caller from the 1800 block of Boundary Street reported damage to a fence from a hit-and-run col- lision. At 11:06 a.m. officers responded to a report of a disturbance in the Emergency Room at Mason Gen- eral Hospital. A burglary at a residence under construction in the 2300 block of King Street was reported. A hit-and-run collision involving two vehicles was reported at 4:58 p.m. in the 1700 block of Olympic Highway North. A 1992 green Honda Civic was reported stolen from the 1600 block of Holman Street. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail recorded populations as follows during the past week: Tuesday 113, Wednesday 110, Thursday 108, Friday 108, Satur- day 104, Sunday 105, Monday 107, Tuesday 111. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Monday, November 19 A vehicle prowl on East Dart- moor Drive near Shelton was re- ported and a caller from a place about three miles out East Pick- ering Road near Shelton reported vehicle vandalism. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a report of a fisheries viola- tion at Eagle Creek. A caller from a residence on North Highway 101 reported a theft. A caller from East Wokojance Lane near Shelton reported the theft of mail. An alleged sex offense was re- ported. A caller reported the theft of pow- er tools and other items from a ga- rage on NE Tee lake Road, Tahuya. Squaxin Island tribal officers r- ceived a report of an alleged drug law violation at a place on Old Olympic Highway. A caller from SE Squaxin Lane reported the theft of an outdoor security flood- light and other items. Deputies responding at 8:34 p.m. to a report of a burglary in progress at a place on SE Mill Creek Road near Shelton request- ed the assistance of Shelton police officers. Tuesday, November 20 Burglaries at a business on NE Peninsula Boulevard, Belfair, and at the Lumbermen's storage facility on SE State Route 3 were reported. A break-in at a residence on East North Bay Road, Belfair, was re- ported. Detectives received a report of possible child pornography. A 2001 silver Pontiac Grand Am was reported stolen from a place on East Mountain View Drive, Allyn. An attempted rape was report- ed. A caller reported the theft of 2,000 pounds of tree boughs from property on East Pickering Road. Wednesday, November 21 An attempted break-in at a business on West Golden Pheasant Road was reported. A caller from East Constantine Court, Union, reported receiving threats. A burglary at a residence on West Star Lake Drive was report- ed. The caller said a cat and three dogs were missing. Skokomish officers received a report of a fisheries violation on Purdy Creek. A disturbance on North Enatai Court was reported at 10:12 p.m. A caller from a place near Mile- post 7 of East State Route 106 re- ported identity theft. A break-in at a travel trailer on West Underline Road, Belfair, was reported. A caller reported trespassing and a possible break-in at a resi- dence on West Elk Hill Road. Vandalism to the window of a residence in the 1700 block of SE Holman Street near Shelton was reported. The caller said' was the second such incident month. Thursday, November 22 Around 8 a.m. a caller plained about off-road property off NE Road. A caller from Alderbrook in Union relorted vandalism to boats and the theft of boat motors. A caller from West Ford Road near Matlock ceiving threats. Friday, November 23 Fire District 3 responded at a.m. to a possible fire at 1611 Sand Hill Road and at 1 p. a request for a burn investig at 31 NE Wagon Wheel Road, fair. A caller reported seeing pe shooting fish in a stream near l nedy Creek off Highway 101. A caller from East Saint drews Drive reported the from the mail of checks total $5,000. Skokomish officers received report of a fisheries violation Purdy Creek. Officers around 11 p.m. to the report disturbance in the area of Dog Casino requested the tance of deputies. Squaxin Island officers respo ed at 12:33 p.m. to a report ot disturbance at Kamilche Tradi Post. A caller from SE Craig 1 near Shelton reported harassme An attempted suicide at Wa ington Corrections Center was r ported. At 10:47 p.m. a disturbance at! business about 7.4 miles out WeJ Shelton-Matlock Road in the Da ton area was reported. Saturday, November 24 Fire District 2 responded at a.m. to a report of a brush fire NE North Shore Road. Squaxin Island officers recei a report of a vehicle prowl at Li! tie Creek Casino. Around 6 p. officers and deputies responde to the report of a large bonfire SE Taylor Road. At 7:53 p.m., disturbance at Kamilche TradiV Post was reported. The caller saJ a man threatened an employee well as the caller. Skokomish officers received report of a 10-foot boat full of and a net drifting in Hood Ca near Lilliwaup. Around 8 p.m. a caller co plained about fireworks on E Island Lake Drive near Shelton. A hit-and-run collision at De Creek Store on East State Route was reported. Sunday, November 25 / Fire District 2 responded at 5:1 p.m. to a report of a chimney fire 390 NE Gladwin Road, Belfair. Squaxin Island officers respo ed at 2:14 a.m. to a report of a tron attempting to steal a stackC# gambling chips. The report was ferred to deputies because the s pect was not a tribal member. 3:29 a.m., vandalism at the casiiii was reported. At 5:39 p.m. tre passing at Kamilche Trading po# was reported. ' Skokomish officers received  report of a fisheries violation o! Purdy Creek. Vandalism to mailboxes on la [ Nelson Road, Allyn, was reported, A caller reported interrupting JJ[ burglary in progress at a residenCe on NE Santa Maria Lane, Belfair. L, A caller from West Blakely Drive  reported being threatened. ,L A caller complained about a di bike on East Rauschert Road, Gr view, and a caller from East Trail End Drive, Belfair, complain about an all-terrain vehicle. .,T A caller reported a 27-foot sail;iL boat adrift in Hood Canal off th Happy Hollow area. |l A caller complained about fir¢ works on East North Bay Road! [ Belfair. Monday, November 26 A burglary at a residence ne¢ Milepost 22 of NE North Sho Road, Tahuya, was reported and i caller reported the theft of a had. ' gun and other items from a rest dence on NE Old Belfair HighwaY, Belfair. Trespassing on property on 1 ROy Boad Road, Belfair, was re" ported. I A caller reported an ongoi problem with the theft of chris tl mas trees from property on N Sand Hill Road, Belfair. A 1984 Toyota pickup truck w s reported stolen from the park-and" ride lot at State Route 3 and pick" ering Road.