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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DIRECTOR OF Nursing. Seeking pro- fessional and energetic Director of Nurs- ing to join our team. We are in search of someone with strong leadership and clinical management skills for a 76 bed senior nursing facility in Shelton. Must have RN license, prefer BS with a mini- mum of 3 years management experi- ence. A thorough understanding of LTC ASSISTANTS FOR adults with disabilities. Olympia area. Must be 18 or older, have driver's license, vehicle and insurance. Extensive training and certifications pro- vided. $8.90 starting plus benefits. Please apply in person at 208 West Bay Dr. NW, Olympia, 98502. For more information and/or directions to our office call Heather at (360) 943-6257 ext. 108. C 11/29-12/20 systems a must. Salary DOE, with a ................................................................. competitive benefits package. Please WEEKEND CAREGIVER - 8 a.m.-5 send your resume to: 153 Johns Court, p.m. through Copes. For elderly para- Shelton, WA 98584, attn: Jayson,or fax lyzed lady. In Shelton. (360) 427-9146. to (360) 427-2563. $11/29 B11/29-12/6 VINTAGE KEYBOARD(S). Ensoniq ESQ-1 synthesizer/midi controller/se- quencer with voice cartridge and sustain pedal. Good condition. $100. Plus, as a special bonus - Ensoniq EPS sampling keyboard/sequencer/midi controller in working condition with many, many sound disks. Free as-is with purchase of CALLING ALL dogs and owners. Pup- py and manners starting every month. Companion or competition dog classes. Certified Trainer. Family friendly. Train- ing gift certificates are perfect for Christ- mas. K9 Kapers, Karen Cannard, CPDT, (360) 432-1478. K11/15-12/6 ESQ-1. (360) 426-9692. A11/29tfn ........................................... ................................................................................... DOG LISTENER, solve and prevent be- ADD ELEGANCE to your event with af- havior problems. In-home behavior con- fordable live music by Shelton cello solo- suits, private and group training. Sep- ist, arranger and composer David Pierik. tember B. Morn (30+ years professional Holiday bookings still available, book now trainer and best-selling training book au- ................................................................................................................ for your company's Christmas party. Hear SOUTH PUGET Sound Community REGISTERED NURSE, Educational Ser- College is creating a part-time Office Assistant 2 pool for the main campus and Hawks Prairie Center campus; $11.36/hr. (no more than 69 hrs./mo., no benefits). Position closes 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 12, 2007. For specific position requirements and appli- cation packet, visit the website at www. An employment applica- tion packet can also be obtained in the Human Resources Office, South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mott- man Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512. Phone (360) 596-5500; or e-mail car- TDD access call (360) 596-5439. AA/EOE. $11/29 APARTMENT MAINTENANCE Techni- cian, part time, call (360) 426-4669 or (360) 943-1069, downtown Shelton. C11/29 vice District 113. Starting salary $20.8115 hourly to $22.9452. Benefits include re- tirement, medical, dental, and sick leave. For additional information and to apply, visit the Public Schools Personnel Co- operative at www.teachinginwashington. com. tOE. E11/29-12/6 STAFF DEVELOPMENT Coordinator - Seeking a licensed nurse who can work well with a great team. Must have a solid clinical knowledge and standards and have the ability to teach and keep orga- nized. Competitive wages. Call Jayson at (360) 427-2575 or deliver applications to 153 Johns Ct., Shelton. $11/29-12/6 APARTMENT MANAGER. Shelton's finest apartment building with 24 units is seeking an apartment manager/s starting January 1, 2008. Perfect for apartment team with ......................................................................... at least one available full-time. Prior expe- THE DEPARTMENT of Natural Re- sources in Olympia is seeking an Ac- counts Payable/Accounts Receivable Supervisor. Salary up to $5,035 plus full benefits package, DOE. For more information visit: tOE. Wl 1/29-12/6 rience and light maintenance ability pre- ferred. Knowledge of Fair Housing, Land- lord-Tenant Laws and good people skills important. Compensation includes large 2 bedroom apartment, electricity, heat and some compensation. Send resume to: Blind Box 661, c/o The Journal, P.O. Box .............................................................. 430, Shelton, WA 98584.11/29-12/20 PIONEER SCHOOL District has an ............................................................................. opening for a special education paraed- WANTED, AUDIO-VIDEO specialist to ucator. Download application materials at For more informa- tion, call Kelly Evans at (360) 426-9115. $11/29 MASON COUNTY Transportation Au- thority (MTA) is currently seeking an, IT Analyst. The position is responsible for the acquisition, installation, develop- ment and maintenance of a variety of information and database application systems and equipment. For a complete job description and application packet contact: Mason Transit HR at (360) 426- 9434 x133. Position closes December more songs you love, from eight-plus hour repertoire of romantic pop melodies and holiday favorites. From Bach to The Beatles, Paul Simon to Sting, Celtic, and plenty of hits from the 1940's too. Light, flowing, fun and unobtrusive, each pro- gram is specially selected and prepared to be perfect for weddings, anniversaries, corporate events, banquets, a celebration of life or any special occasion. Availability limited, event rates starting at $100 and up. Paypal Visa available on-line. Visit, e-mail cel- or call cell (360) 490- 4695 for advance bookings. P11/15tfn THANK YOU Narita, thanks. Me. D11/29 FOUND: 2 dogs - one female beagle with folded ear; one bassett mix? Two different colored eyes. Around city limits on Arcadia Road on evening of 11/21/07 hook up Rotel receiver. Price negotia- ble. (360) 426-4926. S 11/22-29 ................................................................................... (Wednesday). Couldn't keep at our TRUCK DRIVER wanted for flatbeds, home, taken to City of Shelton Pound. doubles and triples endorsement re- Lll/29-12/6 quired, home most weeknights, and ............................................................. every weekend. Call Keith (360) 701- FOUND- BLACK female cat, on 101 be- 9232. $11/22-12/13 tween casino and Steamboat. Scrawny, .......................................................................... lost for weeks. (360) 432-7951. Wl 1/26- BULK NEWSPAPER delivery position. 12/6 Deliver Shelton Journal to Shelton stores on Wednesday night and Thursday morn- ing. On-call start time varies on Wednes- day night (usually start delivery anytime between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m.). Approxi- RAT TERRIER puppies. Red and white male and rare high-red chocolate and white female. 2 retired adult show dogs also available; black and tan male and female. $200-$600. (360) 426-7288. K11/22-12/13 FREE AMERICAN Bulldogs, male and female, 31/2 years old. Offspring 21/2 years. Call (360) 484-7812 for appoint- ment to see in Naselle. L11/22-29 mately 3 hours Wednesday night and 11/2 12th at 4 p.m. Mll/29-12/6 hours Thursday morning. Evening and morning hours may vary depending on Wednesday night start time. Must have reliable van, SUV or pickup (with canopy) that can hold 1,000 papers per run. Per- son must be dependable, keep accurate delivery and collection records and be physically able to work at a fast pace. Flat rate compensation of $65 per week. Apply in person at The Journal, 227 West Cota, Shelton. No phone calls please. J11/8tfn EXPERIENCED OYSTER Harvesters TURNING POINTE Domestic Violence Program, a non-profit organization in Mason County is seeking a Bookkeep- er/Grants Compliance Specialist. Indi- vidual will administer local, state and federal grants and contracts, complete billings, payroll, and budgets. Must be willing to coordinate Financial Literacy classes for low-income individuals. $30K a year plus benefits. For informa- tion call (360) 490-3904. Send Resume thor). (360) 432-3633. M9/27tfn LANDSCAPING, QUEEN Anne's. All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte- nance. Q6/7tfn AFFORDABLE CLEANING Service. De- tail oriented cleaning for homes, offices and moveouts. Call Shelly at (360) 432- 8945; (360) 813-2796. G 11/22-12/13 JOLENE'S CLEANING Service. Resi- dential/Commercial. New to area, over 10 years experience. (360) 581-3995 (cell). D11/8-29 STORM CLEANUP. Limbs, cones, leaves, trees. Bush trimming, tree prun- ing. Have truck to haul debris away, if needed. Free estimates. (360) 426- 4504, ask for Randy. H11/8-29 Nora Haugan HOUSE CLEANING - local - monthly, twice monthly, 426-4651. B11/8-29 K&L YARD Services, four types yard work. Landscaping maintenance, roof cleaning Decks, pruning, hauling plus. es, licensed. Free estimates. 5919. Call or record message or 402-1677 Kris. K11/8-29 CALL PAUL Handy Person. 26 experience, reasonable rates. ences. (360) 427-5941. K1 HOUSE-SITrING AND other Dependable and reliable. bonded and insured for your of mind. Call today. (360) A11/8-29 FURNITURE REFINISHING and at reasonable rates. Call Walter at 275-8421. A11/15-12/6 &W Timber Cruising and Check Scaling Small backhoe operations and removal Steve Gibbons Owner/Operator (360) 426-9722 or (360) 590-1422 piim==mil=m me m maw I ' TOP SOIL I Sludge-free I Composted Top Soil I Double-screened ! $299/22 yds Shelton I -- This price is within city limits only I LAND CLEARING I Site Preparation • Landsca I Ponds •Rockeries I AND MORE I Demolition • Excavating I I Hauling • Drainage I We buy timber! J Bill McTurnal I 360.432.0971 • I Senior Discount Available BILLME981BN L u == m nil=  m m m  m m m am Mondays and Thursdays in She/ton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn include gentle exercises, memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit to: Turning Pointe, PO Box 2014, Shel- ton, WA 98584. T11/22-29 MASON COUNTY Transportation Au- thority (MTA) is currently seeking an Ad- ministrative Assistant. The position is re- sponsible for the day-to-day completion of the agency's receptionist and front office duties. Other responsibilities include cor- preferred. Must have WDL. Hourly pay, with production bonuses DOE. Immedi- ate openings, (360) 426-0379 or (360) 490-4964. G11/22-29 FULL TIME workers for small shellfish company. Submit resume to Blind Box 660, c/o The Journal, P.O. Box 430, porate records management, bus pass Shelton, WA 98584. 11/22-12/13 sales, agency wide administrative support EXPERIENCED FRAMERS needed. and customer service including providing Call K&T Construction, (360) 413-9987. information to the public regarding transit Kll/15-12/6 services and schedules. For a complete ..................................................................................... job description and application packet contact: Mason Transit HR at (360) 426- 9434 x133. Position closes December 12th at 4 p.m. M11/29-12/6 f ₯ S R V C WE NEED YOUR HELP! Mason County is in need of therapeutic Foster Parents for Youth 11-17. Community Youth Services offers $1,200 per month reimbursement, 24-hour support services, monthly respite and ongoing training. For more information call Susan Kir- choff at 360-789-4923 or skirchoff@ 11/22-12/13 i H,II i OLYMPIC SECURITY Services seek- ing full time security officer for Cushman Dam project. Must have valid driver's license, clean record. Pass drug test and background check. Willing to work outside. Contact Robert Kenmir (253) 779-7203 or Ruben Gonzalez (253) 502-8779. O11/15-12/6 PART-TIME PHYSICAL Therapy Aide. No calls or drop-ins. Fax resume to (360) 898-7849. H11/8-29 PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPER, 10-20 hours per week, $8.50 per hour start DOE. (360) 877-9522. G11/8-29 FULL TIME Medical Assistant needed at busy OB/GYN clinic. Must be a self starter, team player with excellent computer and clinical skills. Benefit package available. Bilingual encouraged to apply. Resume to: 2300 Kati Ct, Ste. A, Shelton, WA 98584; fax (360) 427-1268. G11/15-12/6 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af- fectionate companion cats and kittens. Adoption fee includes altering, immuni- zation, testing and parasite control. No- vember only 1/2 price sale. Contact us at (360) 426-2455 or cell (360) 584-0594; website: K11/8-29 I woolen ". ! mittens and " .Q whiskers on .: kittens... .'.o  Find your favorite o.o 'things in TheJournalo.0000 classitieds_._ . , .o INSTRU(:TION MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes music theory, ear training and advanced tech- niques. Over 20 years experience. Eve- nings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and mu- sical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail for available times. P5/25tfn INSTRUCTI()N Everest No di or GED? We may be able f0 help! "'*'"*°*h'MEDICAL FIELDI Get started... TRAIN NOW! Everest I COLLEGE Formerly Bn/man College KIMBER Look for our MONEY-SAVING COUPONS in the SHELTON DEX YELLOW PAGE00; under "contractors general" 360-8-5125 Mason County  360-458-4240 Pierce/Thurston Counties Lmmm Licensed • Bonded • Insured • KIMBECI977CG Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C. Network System Engineering Services Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery Repair- Maintenance - Upgrades ISpecializing in Microsoft, Novell & Group WiS Onsite Service for Office & Home " Call for Free Estimate ,:  360-490-7043 or 360-898-3801 A Full.Service General Contractor • All types of projects welcome • New homes • Excavating • Remodels • Additions • French drains • Foundations • Siding • Finish • Decks Freeestimates 360.432.3147 • Framing • Garages • Logging • Roofing Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 29, 2007 DIRECTOR OF Nursing. Seeking pro- fessional and energetic Director of Nurs- ing to join our team. We are in search of someone with strong leadership and clinical management skills for a 76 bed senior nursing facility in Shelton. Must have RN license, prefer BS with a mini- mum of 3 years management experi- ence. A thorough understanding of LTC ASSISTANTS FOR adults with disabilities. Olympia area. Must be 18 or older, have driver's license, vehicle and insurance. Extensive training and certifications pro- vided. $8.90 starting plus benefits. Please apply in person at 208 West Bay Dr. NW, Olympia, 98502. For more information and/or directions to our office call Heather at (360) 943-6257 ext. 108. C 11/29-12/20 systems a must. Salary DOE, with a ................................................................. competitive benefits package. Please WEEKEND CAREGIVER - 8 a.m.-5 send your resume to: 153 Johns Court, p.m. through Copes. For elderly para- Shelton, WA 98584, attn: Jayson,or fax lyzed lady. In Shelton. (360) 427-9146. to (360) 427-2563. $11/29 B11/29-12/6 VINTAGE KEYBOARD(S). Ensoniq ESQ-1 synthesizer/midi controller/se- quencer with voice cartridge and sustain pedal. Good condition. $100. Plus, as a special bonus - Ensoniq EPS sampling keyboard/sequencer/midi controller in working condition with many, many sound disks. Free as-is with purchase of CALLING ALL dogs and owners. Pup- py and manners starting every month. Companion or competition dog classes. Certified Trainer. Family friendly. Train- ing gift certificates are perfect for Christ- mas. K9 Kapers, Karen Cannard, CPDT, (360) 432-1478. K11/15-12/6 ESQ-1. (360) 426-9692. A11/29tfn ........................................... ................................................................................... DOG LISTENER, solve and prevent be- ADD ELEGANCE to your event with af- havior problems. In-home behavior con- fordable live music by Shelton cello solo- suits, private and group training. Sep- ist, arranger and composer David Pierik. tember B. Morn (30+ years professional Holiday bookings still available, book now trainer and best-selling training book au- ................................................................................................................ for your company's Christmas party. Hear SOUTH PUGET Sound Community REGISTERED NURSE, Educational Ser- College is creating a part-time Office Assistant 2 pool for the main campus and Hawks Prairie Center campus; $11.36/hr. (no more than 69 hrs./mo., no benefits). Position closes 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 12, 2007. For specific position requirements and appli- cation packet, visit the website at www. An employment applica- tion packet can also be obtained in the Human Resources Office, South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mott- man Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512. Phone (360) 596-5500; or e-mail car- TDD access call (360) 596-5439. AA/EOE. $11/29 APARTMENT MAINTENANCE Techni- cian, part time, call (360) 426-4669 or (360) 943-1069, downtown Shelton. C11/29 vice District 113. Starting salary $20.8115 hourly to $22.9452. Benefits include re- tirement, medical, dental, and sick leave. For additional information and to apply, visit the Public Schools Personnel Co- operative at www.teachinginwashington. com. tOE. E11/29-12/6 STAFF DEVELOPMENT Coordinator - Seeking a licensed nurse who can work well with a great team. Must have a solid clinical knowledge and standards and have the ability to teach and keep orga- nized. Competitive wages. Call Jayson at (360) 427-2575 or deliver applications to 153 Johns Ct., Shelton. $11/29-12/6 APARTMENT MANAGER. Shelton's finest apartment building with 24 units is seeking an apartment manager/s starting January 1, 2008. Perfect for apartment team with ......................................................................... at least one available full-time. Prior expe- THE DEPARTMENT of Natural Re- sources in Olympia is seeking an Ac- counts Payable/Accounts Receivable Supervisor. Salary up to $5,035 plus full benefits package, DOE. For more information visit: tOE. Wl 1/29-12/6 rience and light maintenance ability pre- ferred. Knowledge of Fair Housing, Land- lord-Tenant Laws and good people skills important. Compensation includes large 2 bedroom apartment, electricity, heat and some compensation. Send resume to: Blind Box 661, c/o The Journal, P.O. Box .............................................................. 430, Shelton, WA 98584.11/29-12/20 PIONEER SCHOOL District has an ............................................................................. opening for a special education paraed- WANTED, AUDIO-VIDEO specialist to ucator. Download application materials at For more informa- tion, call Kelly Evans at (360) 426-9115. $11/29 MASON COUNTY Transportation Au- thority (MTA) is currently seeking an, IT Analyst. The position is responsible for the acquisition, installation, develop- ment and maintenance of a variety of information and database application systems and equipment. For a complete job description and application packet contact: Mason Transit HR at (360) 426- 9434 x133. Position closes December more songs you love, from eight-plus hour repertoire of romantic pop melodies and holiday favorites. From Bach to The Beatles, Paul Simon to Sting, Celtic, and plenty of hits from the 1940's too. Light, flowing, fun and unobtrusive, each pro- gram is specially selected and prepared to be perfect for weddings, anniversaries, corporate events, banquets, a celebration of life or any special occasion. Availability limited, event rates starting at $100 and up. Paypal Visa available on-line. Visit, e-mail cel- or call cell (360) 490- 4695 for advance bookings. P11/15tfn THANK YOU Narita, thanks. Me. D11/29 FOUND: 2 dogs - one female beagle with folded ear; one bassett mix? Two different colored eyes. Around city limits on Arcadia Road on evening of 11/21/07 hook up Rotel receiver. Price negotia- ble. (360) 426-4926. S 11/22-29 ................................................................................... (Wednesday). Couldn't keep at our TRUCK DRIVER wanted for flatbeds, home, taken to City of Shelton Pound. doubles and triples endorsement re- Lll/29-12/6 quired, home most weeknights, and ............................................................. every weekend. Call Keith (360) 701- FOUND- BLACK female cat, on 101 be- 9232. $11/22-12/13 tween casino and Steamboat. Scrawny, .......................................................................... lost for weeks. (360) 432-7951. Wl 1/26- BULK NEWSPAPER delivery position. 12/6 Deliver Shelton Journal to Shelton stores on Wednesday night and Thursday morn- ing. On-call start time varies on Wednes- day night (usually start delivery anytime between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m.). Approxi- RAT TERRIER puppies. Red and white male and rare high-red chocolate and white female. 2 retired adult show dogs also available; black and tan male and female. $200-$600. (360) 426-7288. K11/22-12/13 FREE AMERICAN Bulldogs, male and female, 31/2 years old. Offspring 21/2 years. Call (360) 484-7812 for appoint- ment to see in Naselle. L11/22-29 mately 3 hours Wednesday night and 11/2 12th at 4 p.m. Mll/29-12/6 hours Thursday morning. Evening and morning hours may vary depending on Wednesday night start time. Must have reliable van, SUV or pickup (with canopy) that can hold 1,000 papers per run. Per- son must be dependable, keep accurate delivery and collection records and be physically able to work at a fast pace. Flat rate compensation of $65 per week. Apply in person at The Journal, 227 West Cota, Shelton. No phone calls please. J11/8tfn EXPERIENCED OYSTER Harvesters TURNING POINTE Domestic Violence Program, a non-profit organization in Mason County is seeking a Bookkeep- er/Grants Compliance Specialist. Indi- vidual will administer local, state and federal grants and contracts, complete billings, payroll, and budgets. Must be willing to coordinate Financial Literacy classes for low-income individuals. $30K a year plus benefits. For informa- tion call (360) 490-3904. Send Resume thor). (360) 432-3633. M9/27tfn LANDSCAPING, QUEEN Anne's. All aspects of landscape installation, reor- ganization and reclamation, toxic-free. Consultations. Extensive references. (360) 426-4598. No mowing or mainte- nance. Q6/7tfn AFFORDABLE CLEANING Service. De- tail oriented cleaning for homes, offices and moveouts. Call Shelly at (360) 432- 8945; (360) 813-2796. G 11/22-12/13 JOLENE'S CLEANING Service. Resi- dential/Commercial. New to area, over 10 years experience. (360) 581-3995 (cell). D11/8-29 STORM CLEANUP. Limbs, cones, leaves, trees. Bush trimming, tree prun- ing. Have truck to haul debris away, if needed. Free estimates. (360) 426- 4504, ask for Randy. H11/8-29 Nora Haugan HOUSE CLEANING - local - monthly, twice monthly, 426-4651. B11/8-29 K&L YARD Services, four types yard work. Landscaping maintenance, roof cleaning Decks, pruning, hauling plus. es, licensed. Free estimates. 5919. Call or record message or 402-1677 Kris. K11/8-29 CALL PAUL Handy Person. 26 experience, reasonable rates. ences. (360) 427-5941. K1 HOUSE-SITrING AND other Dependable and reliable. bonded and insured for your of mind. Call today. (360) A11/8-29 FURNITURE REFINISHING and at reasonable rates. Call Walter at 275-8421. A11/15-12/6 &W Timber Cruising and Check Scaling Small backhoe operations and removal Steve Gibbons Owner/Operator (360) 426-9722 or (360) 590-1422 piim==mil=m me m maw I ' TOP SOIL I Sludge-free I Composted Top Soil I Double-screened ! $299/22 yds Shelton I -- This price is within city limits only I LAND CLEARING I Site Preparation • Landsca I Ponds •Rockeries I AND MORE I Demolition • Excavating I I Hauling • Drainage I We buy timber! J Bill McTurnal I 360.432.0971 • I Senior Discount Available BILLME981BN L u == m nil=  m m m  m m m am Mondays and Thursdays in She/ton 9 to 2 Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn include gentle exercises, memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit to: Turning Pointe, PO Box 2014, Shel- ton, WA 98584. T11/22-29 MASON COUNTY Transportation Au- thority (MTA) is currently seeking an Ad- ministrative Assistant. The position is re- sponsible for the day-to-day completion of the agency's receptionist and front office duties. Other responsibilities include cor- preferred. Must have WDL. Hourly pay, with production bonuses DOE. Immedi- ate openings, (360) 426-0379 or (360) 490-4964. G11/22-29 FULL TIME workers for small shellfish company. Submit resume to Blind Box 660, c/o The Journal, P.O. Box 430, porate records management, bus pass Shelton, WA 98584. 11/22-12/13 sales, agency wide administrative support EXPERIENCED FRAMERS needed. and customer service including providing Call K&T Construction, (360) 413-9987. information to the public regarding transit Kll/15-12/6 services and schedules. For a complete ..................................................................................... job description and application packet contact: Mason Transit HR at (360) 426- 9434 x133. Position closes December 12th at 4 p.m. M11/29-12/6 f ₯ S R V C WE NEED YOUR HELP! Mason County is in need of therapeutic Foster Parents for Youth 11-17. Community Youth Services offers $1,200 per month reimbursement, 24-hour support services, monthly respite and ongoing training. For more information call Susan Kir- choff at 360-789-4923 or skirchoff@ 11/22-12/13 i H,II i OLYMPIC SECURITY Services seek- ing full time security officer for Cushman Dam project. Must have valid driver's license, clean record. Pass drug test and background check. Willing to work outside. Contact Robert Kenmir (253) 779-7203 or Ruben Gonzalez (253) 502-8779. O11/15-12/6 PART-TIME PHYSICAL Therapy Aide. No calls or drop-ins. Fax resume to (360) 898-7849. H11/8-29 PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPER, 10-20 hours per week, $8.50 per hour start DOE. (360) 877-9522. G11/8-29 FULL TIME Medical Assistant needed at busy OB/GYN clinic. Must be a self starter, team player with excellent computer and clinical skills. Benefit package available. Bilingual encouraged to apply. Resume to: 2300 Kati Ct, Ste. A, Shelton, WA 98584; fax (360) 427-1268. G11/15-12/6 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Af- fectionate companion cats and kittens. Adoption fee includes altering, immuni- zation, testing and parasite control. No- vember only 1/2 price sale. Contact us at (360) 426-2455 or cell (360) 584-0594; website: K11/8-29 I woolen ". ! mittens and " .Q whiskers on .: kittens... .'.o  Find your favorite o.o 'things in TheJournalo.0000 classitieds_._ . , .o INSTRU(:TION MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes music theory, ear training and advanced tech- niques. Over 20 years experience. Eve- nings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and mu- sical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail for available times. P5/25tfn INSTRUCTI()N Everest No di or GED? We may be able f0 help! "'*'"*°*h'MEDICAL FIELDI Get started... TRAIN NOW! Everest I COLLEGE Formerly Bn/man College KIMBER Look for our MONEY-SAVING COUPONS in the SHELTON DEX YELLOW PAGE00; under "contractors general" 360-8-5125 Mason County  360-458-4240 Pierce/Thurston Counties Lmmm Licensed • Bonded • Insured • KIMBECI977CG Dave's Computer Service, L.L.C. Network System Engineering Services Support - Troubleshooting - Data Recovery Repair- Maintenance - Upgrades ISpecializing in Microsoft, Novell & Group WiS Onsite Service for Office & Home " Call for Free Estimate ,:  360-490-7043 or 360-898-3801 A Full.Service General Contractor • All types of projects welcome • New homes • Excavating • Remodels • Additions • French drains • Foundations • Siding • Finish • Decks Freeestimates 360.432.3147 • Framing • Garages • Logging • Roofing Page 34 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, November 29, 2007