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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GUTTER cleaning, repairs Pruning• Skilled labor• Irrigation spe- st, landscaping consultant. Benjamin l) 426-0084. B2/15tfn I,N fix anything and build anything. Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) 008. PERPEC931DL. P11/15- 0e PREP - land clearing, driveways, lvating, utility ditches. Roan Con- tion ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426- I,J11/15tfn LIS AUTO Center Service Depart- . Open Monday thru Saturday, Lit key to any automotive services•" makes and models including mo- K)mes. Call us - some services re- no appointment• W. Hulbert Road d Shelton exit, Hwy. 101• (360) 426- 5. G 1/29tfn ERVE YOUR old photos, slides documents by having them scanned lisc. Retouching and color restora- available• Call Koleen at CometNW, )) 426-0824, for more information. s will be returned in the evening. /25tfn INT anything inside• (360) 490- or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry• 1/15-1/3/08 TIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- landclearing, digouts, utility ditch- curtain drains, perc holes. Union Excavation• UNIONCEO5207. (360) 16; (360) 898-3466. U11/8-29 ,"8 HOME Repair Plus, LCC. Home ir/remodel/new construction• Decks, Sure washing, painting, roof and ter cleaning• (360) 490-0228. TC- 10HR933LN. S 10/18tfn IE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years rience. Landclearing, septic sys- n installation, digouts, rock walls d logging. Just about anything. Silty work the first time• (360) 898- B6 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn K WOKOJANCE window cleaning. ng Mason County for 20 years. 0) 426-9354• W12/1 ltfn , JAY BUTTLES' REE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 LG HandyWorks "Handyman Services" Decks • Floors • Trim Interior/Exterior Repairs Pressure Washing Lance Goehring Lic# LGHAN**981PH 360.507.4470 • 360.432.9649 • 25+ years experience • References = Free estimates • Senior discounts 360-432-8847 36o.490-4985 LIc GARHAP 942KH |re rpdr00YeLOW I .OIL .LUBE .FILTER $25.95* Plus - 00uality Care Multi- Point Inspection UI Fluids, Belts and Hoses Checked dudes complimentary car wash [us tax and disposal shop fees Up to 5 qts 5W-30 bulk oil ome vehicles slightly more d Shelton exit off Hwy 101 360-426-5585 ill ii E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc. 10,000 lb. mini excavator and operator for hire, utilities, foundations, French drains. All types of excavation and land- clearing. Call for details (360) 432-3147. Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16tfn CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- cializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs• Call Mike (360) 459- 0237 (Olympia)• License #CUSTOP- C981RE. C11/9tfn JOEES LANDSCAPING• Brush/view clearing, flowerbed cleaning, hauling, sod installation, pruning• Tree/shrub plant- ing. Rock/stone retaining walls• Land- scape maintenance, bark spreading. Bonded and insurQd. JOELSL*938N7. (360) 432-1900 Garcia. G10/25-12/13 SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, de- molition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047, call Lot Hau}ing. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W. Z3/1 ltfn I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360) 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry. 11/15-1/3/08 W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new construction and repairs• 50 years expe- rience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663. Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn 2003 GOLDWlNG 1800, like new, many extras, never been in the rain, $13,000. (360) 427-9003. L11/29 ONE BUICK too many1 Your choice: 2005 Buick LeSabre, $16,200 or 1996 Buick Regal, $3,500. (360) 877-6723. P11/29-12/6 1984 Ranger 4x4, new ignition, recent tuneup and brakes, custom rims, 30" tires, great 4-wheeler or hunting rig, $700 or best reasonable offer. (360) 426-2383. O11/29-12/20 2002 FORD Taurus SES, 4 dr., auto. trans., AM/FM stereo, many extras. 55,600 miles. Well maintained, drives and looks great• Senior citizen no longer driving• $7,950 OBO. Call Dave, (360) 426-8635 eves. A11/29tfn 1998 DODGE Dakota Sport V8, 4x4, 5-speed. Black/gray interior, 127,000 miles. $6,000 OBO. Reuben, (360) 877- 9611. P11/29-12/20 DIESEL SCHOOL buses• Johnny's Auc- tion, Rochester, off I-5, exit #88. Auction is Saturday, December 1st at 4 p.m (preview noon-sale). Pictures and infor- mation at J11/29 1996 FORD F250 HD XLT, 460 with overdrive. Tow package, new rear tires, dual DVD player ($1,000 in stereo equip- ment alone)• 180,000 miles. Looks/runs great. $5,800 OBO. (360) 870-9397. J11/29-12/20 25' SAILBOAT - 1984 McGregor, 71/2 h.p. Honda, trailer, $4,900. (360) 426- 1453 afternoons and evenings• Dll/8- 29 SAILBOAT AUCTION• December 1, 2007, 1 p.m. Jarrell's Cove Marina, Harstine Island, (360) 426-8823. Aban- doned boats for public auction: 27' Bay- liner Buccaneer; 22' 1979 Catalina; 20' 1988 Bayliner. Sell for cash to highest bidder. Vessel preview starts at 10:30 a.m. J11/15-29 Hurry and Save! Thas sale only happens once a year! POULSBO RV 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA 07 WINNEGABO ACCESS 29T $416m00. VIN # 1FDXE45528[)A46945 MSRP $74,555 Dealer Cost Price $80,895 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! 07 WINNEBAGO ASPECT 26A VIN # 1FDX,4,%.S16DI34136£1 MSRP $87,936 Dealer Cost $478m;. Price $70,044 Hurry and Save! 08 GEORGETOWN 350DSBK VIN # 1FONF53Y470A06528 MSRP $109,451 Dealer Cost $564 ro. Price $82,883 1-888-680-0111 1-360-697-4445 GET YOUR SALES TAX DEDUCTION BEFORE THE YEAR ENDS! Towables 08 Wildcat 29.SRKBS1 MSRP $42.389 Now $30,232 VIN # 4X4FWCE288T009442 08 Thor Oenali 31.SRGBS MSRP $43,002 Now $31,243 VIN tt 47CFD15298P619829 07 Keystone Everest 293.5P MSRP $52,960 Now $36,800 VIN # 4YDF293247E771075 08 Flutwood Gearbox 37.5 MSRP $65069 Now $47,145 VIN # 4X4FWCE288TO09442 Motorized 08 Sunseeker 3120DSPT MSRP $92,805 Now $67,004 VIN # I FDXE45598DAO0404 07 Winnebago Vista 30B MSRP $83,788 Now $68,625 VIN # 1F6MF53Y560A12302 08 Winnebago Outlook 31H MSRP $94,834 Now $76,450 r, VIN # 1FDXE45S47DB07777 08 Winnebago View 24H MSRP $97,982 Now $76,139 f VIN It WDXPF445379347363 POULSBO RV 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA www.poulsborv.©om 1-888-iSil0-0111 1-360-697-4446 *Subject to credit approval. Payments based on 20% €lown cash or trade, PlUS taxes, licensing and POl cherges with Uer I credit rating on approval by lender. Terms: (1) 8.25% @ 240 me, Pdcse and pay* nnnts do not include tax, license or mmatery PDI srge $525 to $2,000 (PDI charges are included in all Rainier models). All units may be different from Images shown and are I only. The dealer may cherge 8 docun sewlce fe of up to $50. Prices ere not applicable to dealers er .  ends 12/31/07. All offers not to be contolned with any other offers, and am not valid oll previOUS deals. See dealer for comlm details. JEEP CHEROKEE parts• 1986-1993 models. Call with needs. (360) 791- 1152 or (360) 426-9023 please leave message. L11/15ffn 1999 SUBURBAN 1500 LT, 5.7L V-8. Automatic, 4x4, 3rd seat, leather, lots of extras, 103,000 miles. Very well main- tained, motivated seller• $10,000 OBO. (360) 432-7879. G11/15-12/6 NOW SELLING consignments• Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907• S1/25tfn TWO BEAUTIFUL Caddies, 1999 and 2001. Priced right• Must sell. For details, (360) 790-5874. R11/22-29 CARS UNDER $2,000• Good selection• Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn 1966 MUSTANG Coupe - 289 V8, 31,500 milesJ Auto, power steering, new candy apple red paint. Detailed engine• Great interior. Qualified buyers only. $15,500• (360) 426-8389. F11/15-12/6 2003 SATURN L200, 37,000 miles, good condition, $8,950. (253) 347-5035. W11/15-12/6 1988 BRONCO. Full-size 4x4, auto, 351, Sony stereo, alloy wheels with 33xI2.50- 15LT Super Swampers, tow package. Ran when parked, but has not been driven for 5 years. Needs TLC. Must go - $2,450 OBO, (360) 427-0767 evenings• B10/25fin LAWTON APARTMENTS - studio apart- ments available, $420 per month. W/S/G paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds. Call: (360) 426-0674• Address: 711 W. Pine Street. P6/14tfn RV SPACE $365 monthly• Historic Robin Hood Village on Hood Canal. Walk to oys- ters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes to Wal- Mart. or (360) 927- 1105. B7/19-12/27 WE ARE accepting applications for low income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom apart- ments for elderly. Controlled access, minutes from downtown shopping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Goldsborough Creek Apartments, 303 South 7th, (360) 426-3903• G2/15tfn $350 - UNFURNISHED bedroom shares home in the Shelton area. Includes all plus broadband and nationwide long distance. Credit check, non-smoking, deposit, 6 month renewable lease. (360) 432-8269. H11/8-29 HOODSPORT - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living and family rooms. High speed ca- ble. New hardwood floors, cabinets, fix- tures. All appliances except refrigerator. 2-car garage. No pets/smoking. $1,100 monthly, references. (360) 877-9977. L11/8-29 STORAGE BUILDING/shop. Hoodsport. Heated, 101/2' roll-up door. 25'x27'x11' $250 month. 3 bays available - $50 each. (360) 877-9977. L11/8-29 HOUSE ON north end Harstine, private forest sanctuary, 5 bedroom, 3 bath, acre- age, garage, no pets/smoking. $1,395. Possible lease/purchase. (360) 426-1861. Mll/8-29 MATLOCK STORAGE now open• As- sorted sizes and outside storage avail- able. Call (360) 427-6370 8 a.m.-5 p.m. B11/15-12/6 SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one and two bedroom sJx-plex units come with their own dishwasher, washer, dry- er, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. $795- $895. (360) 490-0569; (360) 427-3131. C10/18ffn $1,475: HUGE 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath Island Lake waterfront home. 2 car ga- rage, located in Mt. View School District, available now, lease negotiable. Call John L. Scott (360) 426-3319• J11/29 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath completely remod- eled with big carport on 1/2 acre near town. $725 monthly. (253) 537-9215. A11/15-12/6 TWO BEDROOM cabin, $800 monthly plus utilities. Hartstene Pointe amenities. Call (360) 427-8120. S l 1/15-12/6 2 BEDROOM," 11/2 bath townhome in Shelton. W/D hookup, covered parking, well maintained grounds and building. $715 monthly plus deposit. (360) 701- 3888. R11/15ffn NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. W/D, carport, in Lake Limerick. No pets. $875 monthly. Available now. (360) 870-0926. L11/29-12/6 SHELTON - LOWER level of bi-level house includes 2 bedrooms, 3/4 bath, family room. Use of shared kitchen. $400 monthly includes utilities. Will consider before and/or after school childcare for partial rent. Leave message, (360) 229- 0913. A11/29-12/6 3-5 BEDROOMS, 1 plus two 1/2 baths, Mt. View home with carport• Fenced yard, no smoking or pets. W/D hookups, dishwasher, refrigerator, and range• $500 damage deposit. Month to month, $1,000 rent. (360) 426-7300. Fll/29- 12/6 2 BEDROOM apartment, small kitchen. Includes all utilities. $600 monthly. $500 deposit• Rental references• No pets. (360) 426-0240. M 11/29-12/20 SPACIOUS NEWER 2 bedroom plus den, 2-car garage, W/D hookup, tile/car- pet floor, $825 monthly• Available 1/1/08. (360) 490-2870. R 11/29-12/6 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $735 monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country set- ting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855 T11/29-12/20 $325: SMALL studio apartment with pri- vate balcony, located downtown. Shared restroom, coin operated laundry, W/S/G and power included. $325. deposit• Call John L. Scott, (360) 426-3319. J11/29 $950: IMMACULATE, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home at Union Heights• Situated on 4 acres, 2 story shop and more• $950 de- posit. Call John L. Scott (360) 426-3319• J11/29 $650: CUTE 1 bedroom overlooking Hood Canal in Union. 1 car garage plus washer/dryer included• $650 de- posit. Call John L. Scott (360) 426-3319. J11/29 $1,350: LOW bank salt waterfront home with 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath and 2 car ga- rage. Month-to-month or 6 month lease available. Call John L. Scott (360) 426- 3319. Jll/29 LOW COST, 2 bedroom apartment with coin-op laundry. $510 rent, $510 depos- it. Available around Christmas. Owner pays W/S/G ($125 value)• No pets. Call Invest Realty, LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/29 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment with washer, dryer hookups• Convenient downtown location• Owner pays W/S/G ($125 value). $625 rent, $625 deposit• Available soon. No pets. Call Invest Re- alty, LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/29 ALDERBROOK. This spacious 3 bed- room home on the golf course comes with 2 baths (one is master bath with garden tub plus shower and huge walk- in closet). Double garage and large deck. No pets, no smoking. $1,195 rent/S1,195 deposit. Available soon. Call Invest Realty, LLC at (360) 426- 3567. I11/29 FAWN LAKE - 2 bedroom, 2 bath newer manufactured home with 2-car garage/ shop. Big dack with view of lake. Owner pays for water and sewer ($90 value). $785 rent/S785 deposit, available now. Call Invest Realty, LLC at (360) 426- 3567. I11/29 LOW COST - one bedroom apartment with coin-op laundry. $450 rent/ $450 deposit. Available around Christmas. Owner pays for water/sewer/garbage ($100 value). No pets. Call Invest Re- alty, LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/29 GATED COMMUNITY MVING Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den, spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car garage, large master suite, natural gas forced air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access, RV storage, extra storage units, professionally landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000 per month. cau Lake Park LLC for more information 360-462-0171 I I IIIIII I I I I I I Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35 GUTTER cleaning, repairs Pruning• Skilled labor• Irrigation spe- st, landscaping consultant. Benjamin l) 426-0084. B2/15tfn I,N fix anything and build anything. Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) 008. PERPEC931DL. P11/15- 0e PREP - land clearing, driveways, lvating, utility ditches. Roan Con- tion ROANCC*941PB, (360) 426- I,J11/15tfn LIS AUTO Center Service Depart- . Open Monday thru Saturday, Lit key to any automotive services•" makes and models including mo- K)mes. Call us - some services re- no appointment• W. Hulbert Road d Shelton exit, Hwy. 101• (360) 426- 5. G 1/29tfn ERVE YOUR old photos, slides documents by having them scanned lisc. Retouching and color restora- available• Call Koleen at CometNW, )) 426-0824, for more information. s will be returned in the evening. /25tfn INT anything inside• (360) 490- or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry• 1/15-1/3/08 TIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- landclearing, digouts, utility ditch- curtain drains, perc holes. Union Excavation• UNIONCEO5207. (360) 16; (360) 898-3466. U11/8-29 ,"8 HOME Repair Plus, LCC. Home ir/remodel/new construction• Decks, Sure washing, painting, roof and ter cleaning• (360) 490-0228. TC- 10HR933LN. S 10/18tfn IE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years rience. Landclearing, septic sys- n installation, digouts, rock walls d logging. Just about anything. Silty work the first time• (360) 898- B6 JOEPFE*015MR. F3/30tfn K WOKOJANCE window cleaning. ng Mason County for 20 years. 0) 426-9354• W12/1 ltfn , JAY BUTTLES' REE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 LG HandyWorks "Handyman Services" Decks • Floors • Trim Interior/Exterior Repairs Pressure Washing Lance Goehring Lic# LGHAN**981PH 360.507.4470 • 360.432.9649 • 25+ years experience • References = Free estimates • Senior discounts 360-432-8847 36o.490-4985 LIc GARHAP 942KH |re rpdr00YeLOW I .OIL .LUBE .FILTER $25.95* Plus - 00uality Care Multi- Point Inspection UI Fluids, Belts and Hoses Checked dudes complimentary car wash [us tax and disposal shop fees Up to 5 qts 5W-30 bulk oil ome vehicles slightly more d Shelton exit off Hwy 101 360-426-5585 ill ii E.I. KRISTYN & Son Construction Inc. 10,000 lb. mini excavator and operator for hire, utilities, foundations, French drains. All types of excavation and land- clearing. Call for details (360) 432-3147. Lic. #EIKRIKS950QD. E8/16tfn CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- cializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs• Call Mike (360) 459- 0237 (Olympia)• License #CUSTOP- C981RE. C11/9tfn JOEES LANDSCAPING• Brush/view clearing, flowerbed cleaning, hauling, sod installation, pruning• Tree/shrub plant- ing. Rock/stone retaining walls• Land- scape maintenance, bark spreading. Bonded and insurQd. JOELSL*938N7. (360) 432-1900 Garcia. G10/25-12/13 SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and driveways, tree removal, excavating, de- molition work, rockeries, retaining walls, storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047, call Lot Hau}ing. Lic. #ZIRKLTS1410W. Z3/1 ltfn I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360) 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for Jerry. 11/15-1/3/08 W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new construction and repairs• 50 years expe- rience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663. Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn 2003 GOLDWlNG 1800, like new, many extras, never been in the rain, $13,000. (360) 427-9003. L11/29 ONE BUICK too many1 Your choice: 2005 Buick LeSabre, $16,200 or 1996 Buick Regal, $3,500. (360) 877-6723. P11/29-12/6 1984 Ranger 4x4, new ignition, recent tuneup and brakes, custom rims, 30" tires, great 4-wheeler or hunting rig, $700 or best reasonable offer. (360) 426-2383. O11/29-12/20 2002 FORD Taurus SES, 4 dr., auto. trans., AM/FM stereo, many extras. 55,600 miles. Well maintained, drives and looks great• Senior citizen no longer driving• $7,950 OBO. Call Dave, (360) 426-8635 eves. A11/29tfn 1998 DODGE Dakota Sport V8, 4x4, 5-speed. Black/gray interior, 127,000 miles. $6,000 OBO. Reuben, (360) 877- 9611. P11/29-12/20 DIESEL SCHOOL buses• Johnny's Auc- tion, Rochester, off I-5, exit #88. Auction is Saturday, December 1st at 4 p.m (preview noon-sale). Pictures and infor- mation at J11/29 1996 FORD F250 HD XLT, 460 with overdrive. Tow package, new rear tires, dual DVD player ($1,000 in stereo equip- ment alone)• 180,000 miles. Looks/runs great. $5,800 OBO. (360) 870-9397. J11/29-12/20 25' SAILBOAT - 1984 McGregor, 71/2 h.p. Honda, trailer, $4,900. (360) 426- 1453 afternoons and evenings• Dll/8- 29 SAILBOAT AUCTION• December 1, 2007, 1 p.m. Jarrell's Cove Marina, Harstine Island, (360) 426-8823. Aban- doned boats for public auction: 27' Bay- liner Buccaneer; 22' 1979 Catalina; 20' 1988 Bayliner. Sell for cash to highest bidder. Vessel preview starts at 10:30 a.m. J11/15-29 Hurry and Save! Thas sale only happens once a year! POULSBO RV 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA 07 WINNEGABO ACCESS 29T $416m00. VIN # 1FDXE45528[)A46945 MSRP $74,555 Dealer Cost Price $80,895 FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! 07 WINNEBAGO ASPECT 26A VIN # 1FDX,4,%.S16DI34136£1 MSRP $87,936 Dealer Cost $478m;. Price $70,044 Hurry and Save! 08 GEORGETOWN 350DSBK VIN # 1FONF53Y470A06528 MSRP $109,451 Dealer Cost $564 ro. Price $82,883 1-888-680-0111 1-360-697-4445 GET YOUR SALES TAX DEDUCTION BEFORE THE YEAR ENDS! Towables 08 Wildcat 29.SRKBS1 MSRP $42.389 Now $30,232 VIN # 4X4FWCE288T009442 08 Thor Oenali 31.SRGBS MSRP $43,002 Now $31,243 VIN tt 47CFD15298P619829 07 Keystone Everest 293.5P MSRP $52,960 Now $36,800 VIN # 4YDF293247E771075 08 Flutwood Gearbox 37.5 MSRP $65069 Now $47,145 VIN # 4X4FWCE288TO09442 Motorized 08 Sunseeker 3120DSPT MSRP $92,805 Now $67,004 VIN # I FDXE45598DAO0404 07 Winnebago Vista 30B MSRP $83,788 Now $68,625 VIN # 1F6MF53Y560A12302 08 Winnebago Outlook 31H MSRP $94,834 Now $76,450 r, VIN # 1FDXE45S47DB07777 08 Winnebago View 24H MSRP $97,982 Now $76,139 f VIN It WDXPF445379347363 POULSBO RV 19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA www.poulsborv.©om 1-888-iSil0-0111 1-360-697-4446 *Subject to credit approval. Payments based on 20% €lown cash or trade, PlUS taxes, licensing and POl cherges with Uer I credit rating on approval by lender. Terms: (1) 8.25% @ 240 me, Pdcse and pay* nnnts do not include tax, license or mmatery PDI srge $525 to $2,000 (PDI charges are included in all Rainier models). All units may be different from Images shown and are I only. The dealer may cherge 8 docun sewlce fe of up to $50. Prices ere not applicable to dealers er .  ends 12/31/07. All offers not to be contolned with any other offers, and am not valid oll previOUS deals. See dealer for comlm details. JEEP CHEROKEE parts• 1986-1993 models. Call with needs. (360) 791- 1152 or (360) 426-9023 please leave message. L11/15ffn 1999 SUBURBAN 1500 LT, 5.7L V-8. Automatic, 4x4, 3rd seat, leather, lots of extras, 103,000 miles. Very well main- tained, motivated seller• $10,000 OBO. (360) 432-7879. G11/15-12/6 NOW SELLING consignments• Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton, (360) 426-2907• S1/25tfn TWO BEAUTIFUL Caddies, 1999 and 2001. Priced right• Must sell. For details, (360) 790-5874. R11/22-29 CARS UNDER $2,000• Good selection• Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3. Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426- 2907. S3/ltfn 1966 MUSTANG Coupe - 289 V8, 31,500 milesJ Auto, power steering, new candy apple red paint. Detailed engine• Great interior. Qualified buyers only. $15,500• (360) 426-8389. F11/15-12/6 2003 SATURN L200, 37,000 miles, good condition, $8,950. (253) 347-5035. W11/15-12/6 1988 BRONCO. Full-size 4x4, auto, 351, Sony stereo, alloy wheels with 33xI2.50- 15LT Super Swampers, tow package. Ran when parked, but has not been driven for 5 years. Needs TLC. Must go - $2,450 OBO, (360) 427-0767 evenings• B10/25fin LAWTON APARTMENTS - studio apart- ments available, $420 per month. W/S/G paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds. Call: (360) 426-0674• Address: 711 W. Pine Street. P6/14tfn RV SPACE $365 monthly• Historic Robin Hood Village on Hood Canal. Walk to oys- ters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes to Wal- Mart. or (360) 927- 1105. B7/19-12/27 WE ARE accepting applications for low income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom apart- ments for elderly. Controlled access, minutes from downtown shopping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Goldsborough Creek Apartments, 303 South 7th, (360) 426-3903• G2/15tfn $350 - UNFURNISHED bedroom shares home in the Shelton area. Includes all plus broadband and nationwide long distance. Credit check, non-smoking, deposit, 6 month renewable lease. (360) 432-8269. H11/8-29 HOODSPORT - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living and family rooms. High speed ca- ble. New hardwood floors, cabinets, fix- tures. All appliances except refrigerator. 2-car garage. No pets/smoking. $1,100 monthly, references. (360) 877-9977. L11/8-29 STORAGE BUILDING/shop. Hoodsport. Heated, 101/2' roll-up door. 25'x27'x11' $250 month. 3 bays available - $50 each. (360) 877-9977. L11/8-29 HOUSE ON north end Harstine, private forest sanctuary, 5 bedroom, 3 bath, acre- age, garage, no pets/smoking. $1,395. Possible lease/purchase. (360) 426-1861. Mll/8-29 MATLOCK STORAGE now open• As- sorted sizes and outside storage avail- able. Call (360) 427-6370 8 a.m.-5 p.m. B11/15-12/6 SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one and two bedroom sJx-plex units come with their own dishwasher, washer, dry- er, and spectacular view of Oakland Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills. $795- $895. (360) 490-0569; (360) 427-3131. C10/18ffn $1,475: HUGE 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath Island Lake waterfront home. 2 car ga- rage, located in Mt. View School District, available now, lease negotiable. Call John L. Scott (360) 426-3319• J11/29 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath completely remod- eled with big carport on 1/2 acre near town. $725 monthly. (253) 537-9215. A11/15-12/6 TWO BEDROOM cabin, $800 monthly plus utilities. Hartstene Pointe amenities. Call (360) 427-8120. S l 1/15-12/6 2 BEDROOM," 11/2 bath townhome in Shelton. W/D hookup, covered parking, well maintained grounds and building. $715 monthly plus deposit. (360) 701- 3888. R11/15ffn NEW 3 bedroom, 2 bath house. W/D, carport, in Lake Limerick. No pets. $875 monthly. Available now. (360) 870-0926. L11/29-12/6 SHELTON - LOWER level of bi-level house includes 2 bedrooms, 3/4 bath, family room. Use of shared kitchen. $400 monthly includes utilities. Will consider before and/or after school childcare for partial rent. Leave message, (360) 229- 0913. A11/29-12/6 3-5 BEDROOMS, 1 plus two 1/2 baths, Mt. View home with carport• Fenced yard, no smoking or pets. W/D hookups, dishwasher, refrigerator, and range• $500 damage deposit. Month to month, $1,000 rent. (360) 426-7300. Fll/29- 12/6 2 BEDROOM apartment, small kitchen. Includes all utilities. $600 monthly. $500 deposit• Rental references• No pets. (360) 426-0240. M 11/29-12/20 SPACIOUS NEWER 2 bedroom plus den, 2-car garage, W/D hookup, tile/car- pet floor, $825 monthly• Available 1/1/08. (360) 490-2870. R 11/29-12/6 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath townhome, $735 monthly. Pets okay. Quiet country set- ting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-5855 T11/29-12/20 $325: SMALL studio apartment with pri- vate balcony, located downtown. Shared restroom, coin operated laundry, W/S/G and power included. $325. deposit• Call John L. Scott, (360) 426-3319. J11/29 $950: IMMACULATE, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home at Union Heights• Situated on 4 acres, 2 story shop and more• $950 de- posit. Call John L. Scott (360) 426-3319• J11/29 $650: CUTE 1 bedroom overlooking Hood Canal in Union. 1 car garage plus washer/dryer included• $650 de- posit. Call John L. Scott (360) 426-3319. J11/29 $1,350: LOW bank salt waterfront home with 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath and 2 car ga- rage. Month-to-month or 6 month lease available. Call John L. Scott (360) 426- 3319. Jll/29 LOW COST, 2 bedroom apartment with coin-op laundry. $510 rent, $510 depos- it. Available around Christmas. Owner pays W/S/G ($125 value)• No pets. Call Invest Realty, LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/29 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment with washer, dryer hookups• Convenient downtown location• Owner pays W/S/G ($125 value). $625 rent, $625 deposit• Available soon. No pets. Call Invest Re- alty, LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/29 ALDERBROOK. This spacious 3 bed- room home on the golf course comes with 2 baths (one is master bath with garden tub plus shower and huge walk- in closet). Double garage and large deck. No pets, no smoking. $1,195 rent/S1,195 deposit. Available soon. Call Invest Realty, LLC at (360) 426- 3567. I11/29 FAWN LAKE - 2 bedroom, 2 bath newer manufactured home with 2-car garage/ shop. Big dack with view of lake. Owner pays for water and sewer ($90 value). $785 rent/S785 deposit, available now. Call Invest Realty, LLC at (360) 426- 3567. I11/29 LOW COST - one bedroom apartment with coin-op laundry. $450 rent/ $450 deposit. Available around Christmas. Owner pays for water/sewer/garbage ($100 value). No pets. Call Invest Re- alty, LLC at (360) 426-3567. I11/29 GATED COMMUNITY MVING Prestigious 2 bedroom duplexes with den, spacious floor plan, with 2 full baths, 2 car garage, large master suite, natural gas forced air heat, fireplace, high speed Internet access, RV storage, extra storage units, professionally landscaped and maintained grounds. $1,000 per month. cau Lake Park LLC for more information 360-462-0171 I I IIIIII I I I I I I Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35