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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Editor, The Herald: Upset with county Help a family in nee in trouble. The inspector who came to in- spect called my work supplies trash. The county made me tear down my trailer, then fined me be- cause I had a moving van there to put everything in that I had to take out of the trailer. I had family here visiting and was fined for having their tent trailer in my yard. My boyfriend and I are sick with medical problems; his meds cost between $14,000 and $16,000 per month. Do you think the county has any empathy? Hell, no. My son and his wife want to move here. I want to put in a trail- er for them. The county has now informed me that even if I pay all the fines and go through the pro- cess of getting the permits, which cost over $3,000, they could still tell me no and I would be out all the money. My daughter-in-law has medical problems and we all want to help take care of each other. She has been told she can no longer work. Living here with me would be a helpful solution ibr all involved. I own my land, I owe nothing on it and I feel that Mason County is trying to take my land from me. We are supposed to live in the Land of the Free. Not if you live in Mason County. If you think it can't hap- pen to you, THINK AGAIN. My youngest son is fighting in Afghanistan for FREEDOM. I have none here in the United States. People in prison have more rights than I do. Charlotte M. Tucker Belfair Editor, The Herald: I am writing this letter to bring awareness to those who are fight- ing fatal illnesses in our area dur- ing this holiday season. I became more aware of this issue after I recently took my daughter in for an eye exam. The doctor fbund an abnormality behind an eye and wasting no time she refb, rred us to a medical doctor fbr further exami- nation. He also wasted no time in scheduling an MRI and preparing me fbr the possibility of a brain tu- mor. We were scheduled for more blood tests and a visual field test. Thankfully, the results were nega- tive for brain tumors and abnor- malities on the MRI. However, the doctors were concerned about her blood work and prepared me for the possibility of leukemia be- ing the cause of her symptoms and referred us again, this time to an oncologist, a hematologist and then finally a pediatric optometrist at Children's tIospital. In a matter of weeks our lives went from average to anything but. Meanwhile, we both became very aware of many other seriously ill people facing challenges. As I sat in the waiting room at Children's Hospital, mustering up all the cour- age and hope I could find, I saw up close the beginning of a long hard road. Thankfully for us we left that day with good news. "Lucky us," we were so happy to get back to our normal lives. We decided that we would make a do- nation to St. Jude Hospital to help I live in Belfair and have had some problems with the county. I did have many cars on my land which I have had taken away. I have cleaned my land. I had to de- molish a mobile that I have had on my land since 1988. I added onto my mobile with no permit. Now, the county building department is making me tear down everything I have worked for my entire life to own land and have what I want- ed. I know of several other people around me who have built without permits. To say that this is true for over 50 percent of Mason County homes and buildings would be an understatement. The building and environmental departments of Mason County will do nothing about these unless the owners are turned in. They keep telling me to turn in everyone I know who has no permits. That is not my job. When they drive by a place and they can see obvious problems, it is their job to inquire about them. I was turned in by a neighbor. She testified against me for the county in court. She said she could not sell her land because of mine. She testified against me on June 11, 2007. Funny thing was, she had sold her land on June 7, four days before she testified. She sold it to a family member. Living in Mason County is tak- ing on the air of living in a commu- nist land; they can tell you what t6 do and how you can do it. They can trespass on your land and not get COMMUNITY CALENDAR those families fighting leukemia to show our support. When sharing our story with a fl'iend, in this small town, I learned of a family faced with fighting the battle of leukemia living right here locally. The father has been fight- ing his battle for quite some time. He was just released from the hospital after receiving his second round of chemotherapy. This is his second time around with this ill- ness. The leukemia responded the first time around, but unfortunate- ly has returned. He is in his early 30s and has a 5-year-old son who attends school while Morn runs a small business around the sched- ule of her family. The battle is a difficult battle anytime of year let alone during the holiday season. I know my heart goes out to them. I am very aware of this town's sense of com- munity. When sharing their story with co-workers and friends, with- out hesitation I received donations of cash for them. In knowing how this illness does not discriminate, I ever so grate- fully invite you in sharing in the satisfaction of paying it forward, being a secret Santa or just simply caring about others. Help this local Submit a letter through the mail Here at The Belfair Herald we're happy to print as many let- ters to the editor as possible. We do ask that you sign your letter and include a phone number where you can be easily contacted in case there are questions. We also ask that you includeyour ad- dress. We are located in the Log Plaza and our mailing address is P.O. Box 250, Belfair, 98528. Our phone number is 275-6680. family have a happier support them through their lenge by making a donation a Kitsap Credit Union in care( Robert Rutland I made the first donation! the money I collected and it ! my day knowing how really do care. INTERIOR EXTERIOI Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN St. Hu £ We invite you to join Sunday Family Worshipi 10 a.m. • Sunday School 280 E. Wheelwright St., 360-275-8450 Since Valerie Physical Thera 70 NE Medical Center Road 275-4352 Thursday, November 29 8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center in Belfair; card playing, dancing and lunch. For reservations call 479-4874 or 275- 4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4608. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-5300. 5:45 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-6543. Friday, November 30 3:45 p.m., Brownies at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. For more information call 277-0540. Saturday, December 1 10 a.m., Humane Society of Mason County, at QFC upstairs meeting room. For more informa- tion leave message at 275-9310 Sunday, December 2 North Mason invites you to wor- ship at the church of your choice. Noon, Hood Canar Metal Detec- tors Club, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair. For more information call 377-6530. Monday, December 3 2:15 p.m., Girl Scout Juniors, Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter. For more information call 277-0540. 2:30 p.m., Brownies, Mary E. Theler Community Center. For more information call 277-0540. 7 p.m., Lower Hood Canal Wa- tershed Coalition, North Mason School District offices. For more information call 275-0618. 7 p.m., Port of Allyn Commis- sioners' meeting, Port of Allyn Building, Allyn. For more infor- mation call 275-2430. Tuesday, December 4 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center in Belfair; card playing, dancing, and lunch. For reservations call 479-4874 or 275- 4898. Noon, North Mason Kiwan- is, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0302. Noon, Belfair chapter, Puget Sound Genealogical Society, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 4990. 3:30 p.m., Girl Scout Juniors, Prince of Peace Catholic Church. For more information call 277- 0540. 6 p.m., Girl Scout Studio 2B, Prince of Peace Catholic Church. For more information call 277- 0540. 6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous, Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter. For more information call Robin at 275-9262. 6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 7091. 6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up- stairs meeting room. For more in- formation call 372-2613. 6:30 p.m., Girl Scout Cadettes and Seniors, Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center. For more informa- tion call 277-0540. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0528. 7 p.m., Port of Dewatto Com- missioners' meeting, Port of De- watto Building. For more infbrma- tion call 372-2755 or access online at  P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza. KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter Office Telephone (360) 275-6680 .A section of The Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Betfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor. u 7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair. For more information call 674- 7105. Wednesday, December 5 8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Belfair. For more information call 275-3780. 9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For more information call 277-0362. l0 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group, Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair. For more information call 275- 2098. Noon, North Mason Lions Club, Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla- za. For more information call 275- 8135. Thursday, December 6 7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As- sociation no-host breakfast meet- ing, Lennard K's, Allyn. For more information call 275-9744. 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4608. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-5300. Noon, Mason Benson Club monthly seniors potluck. For more information call 427-0785. 1 p.m., North Mason Seniors Association board meeting, Con- ference Room 1, Mary E. Theler Community Center, Belfair. For more information call 275-4898. 5:45 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-6543. Allyn View RV Park Senior park located in quaint beach community. SOUND VIEWS! Walk to services and beach. (360) 275-3120 Space available. Part-time site manager position available to RV owner. Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, November 29, 2007 & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC. Topsoil • Bark. Mulches • Fill Dirt • Rockery Rock Crushed Rock. Land Clearing * Free Estimates * Certified Scales • Accepting Stumps, Brush and Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: N Since1961 Miller Remodeling Building on Your Dreams with Quality and Service • Design/Build • Remodels • Additions Vi • Restorations • Custom Homes to read about our 360-275-5702 360-426-2058 Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Re Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains • Foundation DigoutS Misc. Clearing • Gravel • Perc Holes • Designs Available CROWN AUTO SALES Next to Shell NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair 360-277-3028 See Bob, Mark or Jackie For 11 Years • FREE WARRANTY • "O" INTEREST • 32-POINT SAFETY CHECK • NO or BAD CREDIT "OK" • GOOD SELECTION Editor, The Herald: Upset with county Help a family in nee in trouble. The inspector who came to in- spect called my work supplies trash. The county made me tear down my trailer, then fined me be- cause I had a moving van there to put everything in that I had to take out of the trailer. I had family here visiting and was fined for having their tent trailer in my yard. My boyfriend and I are sick with medical problems; his meds cost between $14,000 and $16,000 per month. Do you think the county has any empathy? Hell, no. My son and his wife want to move here. I want to put in a trail- er for them. The county has now informed me that even if I pay all the fines and go through the pro- cess of getting the permits, which cost over $3,000, they could still tell me no and I would be out all the money. My daughter-in-law has medical problems and we all want to help take care of each other. She has been told she can no longer work. Living here with me would be a helpful solution ibr all involved. I own my land, I owe nothing on it and I feel that Mason County is trying to take my land from me. We are supposed to live in the Land of the Free. Not if you live in Mason County. If you think it can't hap- pen to you, THINK AGAIN. My youngest son is fighting in Afghanistan for FREEDOM. I have none here in the United States. People in prison have more rights than I do. Charlotte M. Tucker Belfair Editor, The Herald: I am writing this letter to bring awareness to those who are fight- ing fatal illnesses in our area dur- ing this holiday season. I became more aware of this issue after I recently took my daughter in for an eye exam. The doctor fbund an abnormality behind an eye and wasting no time she refb, rred us to a medical doctor fbr further exami- nation. He also wasted no time in scheduling an MRI and preparing me fbr the possibility of a brain tu- mor. We were scheduled for more blood tests and a visual field test. Thankfully, the results were nega- tive for brain tumors and abnor- malities on the MRI. However, the doctors were concerned about her blood work and prepared me for the possibility of leukemia be- ing the cause of her symptoms and referred us again, this time to an oncologist, a hematologist and then finally a pediatric optometrist at Children's tIospital. In a matter of weeks our lives went from average to anything but. Meanwhile, we both became very aware of many other seriously ill people facing challenges. As I sat in the waiting room at Children's Hospital, mustering up all the cour- age and hope I could find, I saw up close the beginning of a long hard road. Thankfully for us we left that day with good news. "Lucky us," we were so happy to get back to our normal lives. We decided that we would make a do- nation to St. Jude Hospital to help I live in Belfair and have had some problems with the county. I did have many cars on my land which I have had taken away. I have cleaned my land. I had to de- molish a mobile that I have had on my land since 1988. I added onto my mobile with no permit. Now, the county building department is making me tear down everything I have worked for my entire life to own land and have what I want- ed. I know of several other people around me who have built without permits. To say that this is true for over 50 percent of Mason County homes and buildings would be an understatement. The building and environmental departments of Mason County will do nothing about these unless the owners are turned in. They keep telling me to turn in everyone I know who has no permits. That is not my job. When they drive by a place and they can see obvious problems, it is their job to inquire about them. I was turned in by a neighbor. She testified against me for the county in court. She said she could not sell her land because of mine. She testified against me on June 11, 2007. Funny thing was, she had sold her land on June 7, four days before she testified. She sold it to a family member. Living in Mason County is tak- ing on the air of living in a commu- nist land; they can tell you what t6 do and how you can do it. They can trespass on your land and not get COMMUNITY CALENDAR those families fighting leukemia to show our support. When sharing our story with a fl'iend, in this small town, I learned of a family faced with fighting the battle of leukemia living right here locally. The father has been fight- ing his battle for quite some time. He was just released from the hospital after receiving his second round of chemotherapy. This is his second time around with this ill- ness. The leukemia responded the first time around, but unfortunate- ly has returned. He is in his early 30s and has a 5-year-old son who attends school while Morn runs a small business around the sched- ule of her family. The battle is a difficult battle anytime of year let alone during the holiday season. I know my heart goes out to them. I am very aware of this town's sense of com- munity. When sharing their story with co-workers and friends, with- out hesitation I received donations of cash for them. In knowing how this illness does not discriminate, I ever so grate- fully invite you in sharing in the satisfaction of paying it forward, being a secret Santa or just simply caring about others. Help this local Submit a letter through the mail Here at The Belfair Herald we're happy to print as many let- ters to the editor as possible. We do ask that you sign your letter and include a phone number where you can be easily contacted in case there are questions. We also ask that you includeyour ad- dress. We are located in the Log Plaza and our mailing address is P.O. Box 250, Belfair, 98528. Our phone number is 275-6680. family have a happier support them through their lenge by making a donation a Kitsap Credit Union in care( Robert Rutland I made the first donation! the money I collected and it ! my day knowing how really do care. INTERIOR EXTERIOI Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN St. Hu £ We invite you to join Sunday Family Worshipi 10 a.m. • Sunday School 280 E. Wheelwright St., 360-275-8450 Since Valerie Physical Thera 70 NE Medical Center Road 275-4352 Thursday, November 29 8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center in Belfair; card playing, dancing and lunch. For reservations call 479-4874 or 275- 4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4608. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-5300. 5:45 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-6543. Friday, November 30 3:45 p.m., Brownies at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. For more information call 277-0540. Saturday, December 1 10 a.m., Humane Society of Mason County, at QFC upstairs meeting room. For more informa- tion leave message at 275-9310 Sunday, December 2 North Mason invites you to wor- ship at the church of your choice. Noon, Hood Canar Metal Detec- tors Club, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair. For more information call 377-6530. Monday, December 3 2:15 p.m., Girl Scout Juniors, Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter. For more information call 277-0540. 2:30 p.m., Brownies, Mary E. Theler Community Center. For more information call 277-0540. 7 p.m., Lower Hood Canal Wa- tershed Coalition, North Mason School District offices. For more information call 275-0618. 7 p.m., Port of Allyn Commis- sioners' meeting, Port of Allyn Building, Allyn. For more infor- mation call 275-2430. Tuesday, December 4 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center in Belfair; card playing, dancing, and lunch. For reservations call 479-4874 or 275- 4898. Noon, North Mason Kiwan- is, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-0302. Noon, Belfair chapter, Puget Sound Genealogical Society, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 4990. 3:30 p.m., Girl Scout Juniors, Prince of Peace Catholic Church. For more information call 277- 0540. 6 p.m., Girl Scout Studio 2B, Prince of Peace Catholic Church. For more information call 277- 0540. 6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous, Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter. For more information call Robin at 275-9262. 6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel- fair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275- 7091. 6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up- stairs meeting room. For more in- formation call 372-2613. 6:30 p.m., Girl Scout Cadettes and Seniors, Mary E. Theler Com- munity Center. For more informa- tion call 277-0540. 7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 277-0528. 7 p.m., Port of Dewatto Com- missioners' meeting, Port of De- watto Building. For more infbrma- tion call 372-2755 or access online at  P.O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience there is a mail slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza. KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter Office Telephone (360) 275-6680 .A section of The Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Betfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor. u 7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair. For more information call 674- 7105. Wednesday, December 5 8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, Belfair. For more information call 275-3780. 9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321, Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For more information call 277-0362. l0 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group, Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair. For more information call 275- 2098. Noon, North Mason Lions Club, Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla- za. For more information call 275- 8135. Thursday, December 6 7:30 a.m., Allyn Community As- sociation no-host breakfast meet- ing, Lennard K's, Allyn. For more information call 275-9744. 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition Program, Mary E. Theler Commu- nity Center in Belfair; card play- ing, dancing and lunch. For reser- vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898. 9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-4608. Noon, North Mason Rotary Club, LakeLand Village Club- house, Allyn. For more informa- tion call 277-5300. Noon, Mason Benson Club monthly seniors potluck. For more information call 427-0785. 1 p.m., North Mason Seniors Association board meeting, Con- ference Room 1, Mary E. Theler Community Center, Belfair. For more information call 275-4898. 5:45 p.m., TOPS Chapter 1197, Belfair Community Baptist Church. For more information call 275-6543. Allyn View RV Park Senior park located in quaint beach community. SOUND VIEWS! Walk to services and beach. (360) 275-3120 Space available. Part-time site manager position available to RV owner. Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, November 29, 2007 & LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC. Topsoil • Bark. Mulches • Fill Dirt • Rockery Rock Crushed Rock. Land Clearing * Free Estimates * Certified Scales • Accepting Stumps, Brush and Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: N Since1961 Miller Remodeling Building on Your Dreams with Quality and Service • Design/Build • Remodels • Additions Vi • Restorations • Custom Homes to read about our 360-275-5702 360-426-2058 Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Re Risers Installed • Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains • Foundation DigoutS Misc. Clearing • Gravel • Perc Holes • Designs Available CROWN AUTO SALES Next to Shell NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair 360-277-3028 See Bob, Mark or Jackie For 11 Years • FREE WARRANTY • "O" INTEREST • 32-POINT SAFETY CHECK • NO or BAD CREDIT "OK" • GOOD SELECTION