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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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center will le its meeting ,es in December the Pacific Northwest Salmon lter is changing the day and ie of its regular monthly board zl tings. ginning in December, the lid meetings will be held at 6 .on the second Wednesday of month. The December meet- l[till be held at the Bistro at 41isLand Village in Allyn. tget Sound Blood The upcoming drive will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (with a lunch break from 2 to 2:45 p.m.) on Thursday, November 29, at the Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter, located at 22871 NE State Route 3. Those that would like more information about the drive or the blood center should contact the center at 1-800-398-7888. Licensing office has changed hours for the winterseason * Belfair's vehicle and vessel li- censing office began its winter rice will also be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. The licensing office's new hours will remain in effect until April of 2008. Theler Center will host arts and crafts fair this weekend A Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair will be held at the Mary E. The- ler Community Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, November 30 and December 1. This weekend's event is the Theler Center's annual vendor fair, offering a wide variety of Summons by Pub|Icstlon (SMPB) No. 07 3 00367 1 Superior Court of Washington, County of Island In re: LESLIE A. TRIPP, Petitioner and BRIAN E. HUGHES, Respondent. To the Respondent. • 1. The petitioner has started an action in the above court requesting: the establishment or modification of a parenting plan or residential schedule. 2. The petition also requests that the court grant the following relief: Approve a parenting plan or residential schedule for the dependent children. 3. You must respond to this summons by serving a copy of your written response on the person signing this Summons and by filing the original with the clerk of the court. If you do not serve your written response within 60 days after the date of the first publication of this summons (60 days after the 15th day of November, 2007), the court may enter an order of default against you, and the court 00nter schedules hours November 1. crafts and assorted items in the further a may, without notice to you, enter a Lye November -- The office, located in downtown holiday spirit. The Theler Center decree and approve or provide for other relief Z9 Belfair in the old county annex is located at 22871 NE State Route requested in this summons. In the case of building, is now open from 8:30 3 in Belfair. Those that would like a dissolution of marriage, the court will not enter the final decree until at least 90 days '.e Puget Sound Blood Center a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays through more information about the event after service and filing. If you serve a notice cheduled a blood drive in Bel- Fridays, with a one-hour lunch should contact the center by call- of appearance on the undersigned person, closure from noon to 1 p.m. The of- ing the office at 275-4898. you are entitled to notice before an order of default or a decree may be entered. 4. Your written response to the summons offer seniors and petition must be on form: to WPF PS 15.0300, Response to Petition for Residential Schedule/Parenting Plan/ special driving class Mason County area has a number of senior citizens Ka, Rare interested in attending P Driver Safety Class, but e trouble with early-morning s hours. -_ o accommoaate those folks, I local class instructor has leduled a class in Shelton from a.ra. to 3 p.m. on Thursday and e Retired and Senior Volun- rogram has several volun- Opportunities for North Mason idents. Anyone interested in llPing out can call 360-426-3405 nformation, referring to the ers at the end of the items below. Wetlands Exhibit Host: Meet greet visitors at the indoor ]ler Wetlands Exhibit Cen- ' and Wetlands Trails. Du- include answering phones, ’ributing wetlands informa- Friday, December 6 and 7, with a half-hour break at noon for lunch. The class will be held at Mason General Hospital and is designed to teach senior drivers to compen- sate for normal age-related chang- es that could negatively impact their driving abilities. Participants must attend both days in order to receive a certificate of completion, which may qualify them for a dis- count on their auto insurance pre- mium. The cost of the class is $10 per person and preregistration is re- quired. Those that wish to register or would like more information about the upcoming class should contact Donald Payne at 360-426- 0590. ANCH 'S BARK AND GRAVEL 5419 GRAPEVIEW LOOP ROAD 275-6698 * 1-800-690-BARK * 27,! -7133 tion and guiding tours. Training provided. Volunteers 16 and older welcome (252637)• • Youth Mentor/Tutor: Help tu- tor youth in reading, writing and math or teach them new hobby skills at the Boys and Girls Club in North Mason (36533). • Home Care Assistance: Help the elderly and physically chal- lenged remain independent in their own home by assisting with light housekeeping, yard maintenance, home repairs or transportation to medical appointments. CCS Vol- unteer Services (36339) and Faith in Action-West Sound (47315). • Food Bank Volunteer: Assist those in need by handing out food, stocking or picking up donations. North Mason Food Bank in Belfair (36490). • Special Events Coordinator: Help plan special events at the Theler Center with event commit- tee manager, including recruiting volunteers. Average of 12 hours a month (252635). Child Support. Information about how to get this form may be obtained by contacting the clerk of the court, by contacting the Administrative Office of the Courts at (360) 705-5328, or Literacy needs tutors Mason County Literacy needs help from people willing to help others improve reading skills or learn English. If you have time to share call 426-9733. from the Internet at the Washington State Courts homepage: 5. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served on time. 6. One method of serving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by certified mail with return receipt requested. 7. Other: This summons is issued pursuant to RCW 4.28.100 and Superior Court Civil Rule 4.1 of the state of Washington. Dated: 10-31-07 Signature of Petitioner or Lawyer/WSBA No.: Leslie A. Tripp Print Name: LESLIE A. TRIPP File Original of Your Response with the Clerk of the Court at: Island County Superior Court 101 NE 6th Street Coupeville, WA 98239 Serve s Copy of Your Response on: Petitioner LESLIE A. TRIPP 665 Scandia Pkwy Camano Island, WA 98282 11/15-22-29-12/6-13-20 6t T°Ple dealing with alcohol issues Yonote the following meetings. holies Anonymous (AA) 01d Belfair Highway laday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. Onday: noon, 7:30 p.m. l'uesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step dr!., Legacy : . dnesday: 7 a.m., noon, 7:30 |aursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big k study NOTICE OF HEARING • rICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the d of Mason County Commissioners will a public hearing in the Commissioners bers of Mason County Courthouse ng I 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, ington 98584, on Tuesday, December )7, at 9:30 am. AID HEARING will be to consider [Mga:son County's Six Year Transportation 'ement Program for years 2008 to Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m. for women, 9 p.m. candlelight. Saturday: 9 a.m., noon, 7:30 p.m. speaker meeting. A potluck is held at 6:30 p.m. on the last Satur- day of every month. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Allyn Historic Church State Route 3, Allyn Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big Book study 2013, 2) Mason County's 2008 Annual Construction Program. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 20th day of November, 2007. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Kelle Medcalf Kelle Medcatf, Office Manager 11/22-29 2t AI-Anon 42 Old Belfair Highway Monday: 7:30 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter 22871 NE State Route 3, Belfair Wednesday: 6 p.m. More information on AA is avail- able at 275-9868 or 275-4395. For A1-Anon, call 275-3833; and for Narcotics Anonymous, call 265- 1602. AG3 Garden Center All About Kids Preschool All Pro Tax & Accounting All Star Boat & RV Storage Arnold and Smith Insurance Agency Ayers Automotive Belfair ComputerLab Belfair Power Equipment Dr. Nancy Isbell • General small animal medicine/surgery • Acupuncture certified, TCM herbs • Internal medicine residency 23730 NE SR3 * LOG CABIN PLAZA * BELFAIR • 10 minutes from Hwy. 16 • 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway Open M-F 8 am-6 pm 360.277.3800 DISCOUNT HEATING OIL $3.129 gal 400 gallon rate* Senior Discount and Payment Plans Automatic Fill up 1-800-339-2491  OUR SINGLE CHOICE FOR FUEL s00:00uE.s" *Price subject to change e • Crushed Driveway Rock 3/4"-11/2" (Black or grey) * (Clean or minus) • • Large River Rock r ......... "1 • • Delivery 5 days a week I ALL DRIVEWAY le • Dark, rich topsoil I GRAVEL CUSTOM I• • Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I SPREAD FREE l* Expires 121il/07. (ash value 1/20tl. L ....... ..= ... J • CLOSED SATURDAYS U-HAUL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY • AT INN EOOD SUNDAY', DEC.9 3:00 Come" ;uzt] share a cup of Chrislnms lca and a won(lcrful tradition with special liicnds and loved ()ncs. Sclah hm is bcautififlly decorated, and the sounds of Christmas carols lill the air. IndMdual tea tables ;uc cleg;mdy so! with sparkling china and sih'cr, and herod trays arc loaded with a tabulous variety of sweet and savory [oods. Aduhs $17.50 ° Children under 1158,50 Reservations required. Call 360 275-0916 130 NE l)uhdip l,;mding, Bcltair ()n llood Canal, just past Belfair St;tic Park Belfair Valley Starbucks Boat House Restaurant Boys & Girls Club Catherine Ann Wolf CPA The Children's Closet China Capital The Clipper Barber Shop Copy It Mail It Creative Memories Scapbooking Crown Auto Sales Dragoun's Leir Ehresrnan Family Chiropractic Eternity Salon Faith Ill Action Garden Gate Nursery Heavenly Treasures Hood Canal Family Bistro Hood Canal Interiors Hood Canal Travel Hood Canal Vacation Rentals Hunter Farms Identity Theft Protection and PPL IMPACT Writing & Design Kayak Hood Canal Kelly Day Photography Key Bank in Belfair Lakeland Village Golf Land Title Lea Schwab M.anslmr Tire Mary Kay Cosmetics, Tammey Gzable Newton Master Blaster's Paintball Park in Grapeview McLendon's Hardware Mitchell Lumber Mr. Bill's Sportscarde & Variety North Bay Mortgage Northwest Outdoorsman Old Cedar Forge Olympia Federal Savings Ornamental Stone OUTLOOK Writing & Design Peninsula Topsoil Petersen Chiropractic PowerStream Communications Prudential NW Real Estate Reid Real Estate Selah Inn on Hood Canal Shoreside Gardens Theler Community Center Valley Feed Vivier Interiors West Bay Auto Westsound Bank and Mortgage Wilson Communications Winds of Change Ninjutsu Temple Your Dream Team, Rob & Margie North Mason - Shop Local! Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 center will le its meeting ,es in December the Pacific Northwest Salmon lter is changing the day and ie of its regular monthly board zl tings. ginning in December, the lid meetings will be held at 6 .on the second Wednesday of month. The December meet- l[till be held at the Bistro at 41isLand Village in Allyn. tget Sound Blood The upcoming drive will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (with a lunch break from 2 to 2:45 p.m.) on Thursday, November 29, at the Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter, located at 22871 NE State Route 3. Those that would like more information about the drive or the blood center should contact the center at 1-800-398-7888. Licensing office has changed hours for the winterseason * Belfair's vehicle and vessel li- censing office began its winter rice will also be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. The licensing office's new hours will remain in effect until April of 2008. Theler Center will host arts and crafts fair this weekend A Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair will be held at the Mary E. The- ler Community Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, November 30 and December 1. This weekend's event is the Theler Center's annual vendor fair, offering a wide variety of Summons by Pub|Icstlon (SMPB) No. 07 3 00367 1 Superior Court of Washington, County of Island In re: LESLIE A. TRIPP, Petitioner and BRIAN E. HUGHES, Respondent. To the Respondent. • 1. The petitioner has started an action in the above court requesting: the establishment or modification of a parenting plan or residential schedule. 2. The petition also requests that the court grant the following relief: Approve a parenting plan or residential schedule for the dependent children. 3. You must respond to this summons by serving a copy of your written response on the person signing this Summons and by filing the original with the clerk of the court. If you do not serve your written response within 60 days after the date of the first publication of this summons (60 days after the 15th day of November, 2007), the court may enter an order of default against you, and the court 00nter schedules hours November 1. crafts and assorted items in the further a may, without notice to you, enter a Lye November -- The office, located in downtown holiday spirit. The Theler Center decree and approve or provide for other relief Z9 Belfair in the old county annex is located at 22871 NE State Route requested in this summons. In the case of building, is now open from 8:30 3 in Belfair. Those that would like a dissolution of marriage, the court will not enter the final decree until at least 90 days '.e Puget Sound Blood Center a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays through more information about the event after service and filing. If you serve a notice cheduled a blood drive in Bel- Fridays, with a one-hour lunch should contact the center by call- of appearance on the undersigned person, closure from noon to 1 p.m. The of- ing the office at 275-4898. you are entitled to notice before an order of default or a decree may be entered. 4. Your written response to the summons offer seniors and petition must be on form: to WPF PS 15.0300, Response to Petition for Residential Schedule/Parenting Plan/ special driving class Mason County area has a number of senior citizens Ka, Rare interested in attending P Driver Safety Class, but e trouble with early-morning s hours. -_ o accommoaate those folks, I local class instructor has leduled a class in Shelton from a.ra. to 3 p.m. on Thursday and e Retired and Senior Volun- rogram has several volun- Opportunities for North Mason idents. Anyone interested in llPing out can call 360-426-3405 nformation, referring to the ers at the end of the items below. Wetlands Exhibit Host: Meet greet visitors at the indoor ]ler Wetlands Exhibit Cen- ' and Wetlands Trails. Du- include answering phones, ’ributing wetlands informa- Friday, December 6 and 7, with a half-hour break at noon for lunch. The class will be held at Mason General Hospital and is designed to teach senior drivers to compen- sate for normal age-related chang- es that could negatively impact their driving abilities. Participants must attend both days in order to receive a certificate of completion, which may qualify them for a dis- count on their auto insurance pre- mium. The cost of the class is $10 per person and preregistration is re- quired. Those that wish to register or would like more information about the upcoming class should contact Donald Payne at 360-426- 0590. ANCH 'S BARK AND GRAVEL 5419 GRAPEVIEW LOOP ROAD 275-6698 * 1-800-690-BARK * 27,! -7133 tion and guiding tours. Training provided. Volunteers 16 and older welcome (252637)• • Youth Mentor/Tutor: Help tu- tor youth in reading, writing and math or teach them new hobby skills at the Boys and Girls Club in North Mason (36533). • Home Care Assistance: Help the elderly and physically chal- lenged remain independent in their own home by assisting with light housekeeping, yard maintenance, home repairs or transportation to medical appointments. CCS Vol- unteer Services (36339) and Faith in Action-West Sound (47315). • Food Bank Volunteer: Assist those in need by handing out food, stocking or picking up donations. North Mason Food Bank in Belfair (36490). • Special Events Coordinator: Help plan special events at the Theler Center with event commit- tee manager, including recruiting volunteers. Average of 12 hours a month (252635). Child Support. Information about how to get this form may be obtained by contacting the clerk of the court, by contacting the Administrative Office of the Courts at (360) 705-5328, or Literacy needs tutors Mason County Literacy needs help from people willing to help others improve reading skills or learn English. If you have time to share call 426-9733. from the Internet at the Washington State Courts homepage: 5. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served on time. 6. One method of serving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by certified mail with return receipt requested. 7. Other: This summons is issued pursuant to RCW 4.28.100 and Superior Court Civil Rule 4.1 of the state of Washington. Dated: 10-31-07 Signature of Petitioner or Lawyer/WSBA No.: Leslie A. Tripp Print Name: LESLIE A. TRIPP File Original of Your Response with the Clerk of the Court at: Island County Superior Court 101 NE 6th Street Coupeville, WA 98239 Serve s Copy of Your Response on: Petitioner LESLIE A. TRIPP 665 Scandia Pkwy Camano Island, WA 98282 11/15-22-29-12/6-13-20 6t T°Ple dealing with alcohol issues Yonote the following meetings. holies Anonymous (AA) 01d Belfair Highway laday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m. Onday: noon, 7:30 p.m. l'uesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step dr!., Legacy : . dnesday: 7 a.m., noon, 7:30 |aursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big k study NOTICE OF HEARING • rICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the d of Mason County Commissioners will a public hearing in the Commissioners bers of Mason County Courthouse ng I 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, ington 98584, on Tuesday, December )7, at 9:30 am. AID HEARING will be to consider [Mga:son County's Six Year Transportation 'ement Program for years 2008 to Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m. for women, 9 p.m. candlelight. Saturday: 9 a.m., noon, 7:30 p.m. speaker meeting. A potluck is held at 6:30 p.m. on the last Satur- day of every month. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Allyn Historic Church State Route 3, Allyn Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big Book study 2013, 2) Mason County's 2008 Annual Construction Program. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, 427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 20th day of November, 2007. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Kelle Medcalf Kelle Medcatf, Office Manager 11/22-29 2t AI-Anon 42 Old Belfair Highway Monday: 7:30 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous Mary E. Theler Community Cen- ter 22871 NE State Route 3, Belfair Wednesday: 6 p.m. More information on AA is avail- able at 275-9868 or 275-4395. For A1-Anon, call 275-3833; and for Narcotics Anonymous, call 265- 1602. AG3 Garden Center All About Kids Preschool All Pro Tax & Accounting All Star Boat & RV Storage Arnold and Smith Insurance Agency Ayers Automotive Belfair ComputerLab Belfair Power Equipment Dr. Nancy Isbell • General small animal medicine/surgery • Acupuncture certified, TCM herbs • Internal medicine residency 23730 NE SR3 * LOG CABIN PLAZA * BELFAIR • 10 minutes from Hwy. 16 • 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway Open M-F 8 am-6 pm 360.277.3800 DISCOUNT HEATING OIL $3.129 gal 400 gallon rate* Senior Discount and Payment Plans Automatic Fill up 1-800-339-2491  OUR SINGLE CHOICE FOR FUEL s00:00uE.s" *Price subject to change e • Crushed Driveway Rock 3/4"-11/2" (Black or grey) * (Clean or minus) • • Large River Rock r ......... "1 • • Delivery 5 days a week I ALL DRIVEWAY le • Dark, rich topsoil I GRAVEL CUSTOM I• • Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I SPREAD FREE l* Expires 121il/07. (ash value 1/20tl. L ....... ..= ... J • CLOSED SATURDAYS U-HAUL BY APPOINTMENT ONLY • AT INN EOOD SUNDAY', DEC.9 3:00 Come" ;uzt] share a cup of Chrislnms lca and a won(lcrful tradition with special liicnds and loved ()ncs. Sclah hm is bcautififlly decorated, and the sounds of Christmas carols lill the air. IndMdual tea tables ;uc cleg;mdy so! with sparkling china and sih'cr, and herod trays arc loaded with a tabulous variety of sweet and savory [oods. Aduhs $17.50 ° Children under 1158,50 Reservations required. Call 360 275-0916 130 NE l)uhdip l,;mding, Bcltair ()n llood Canal, just past Belfair St;tic Park Belfair Valley Starbucks Boat House Restaurant Boys & Girls Club Catherine Ann Wolf CPA The Children's Closet China Capital The Clipper Barber Shop Copy It Mail It Creative Memories Scapbooking Crown Auto Sales Dragoun's Leir Ehresrnan Family Chiropractic Eternity Salon Faith Ill Action Garden Gate Nursery Heavenly Treasures Hood Canal Family Bistro Hood Canal Interiors Hood Canal Travel Hood Canal Vacation Rentals Hunter Farms Identity Theft Protection and PPL IMPACT Writing & Design Kayak Hood Canal Kelly Day Photography Key Bank in Belfair Lakeland Village Golf Land Title Lea Schwab M.anslmr Tire Mary Kay Cosmetics, Tammey Gzable Newton Master Blaster's Paintball Park in Grapeview McLendon's Hardware Mitchell Lumber Mr. Bill's Sportscarde & Variety North Bay Mortgage Northwest Outdoorsman Old Cedar Forge Olympia Federal Savings Ornamental Stone OUTLOOK Writing & Design Peninsula Topsoil Petersen Chiropractic PowerStream Communications Prudential NW Real Estate Reid Real Estate Selah Inn on Hood Canal Shoreside Gardens Theler Community Center Valley Feed Vivier Interiors West Bay Auto Westsound Bank and Mortgage Wilson Communications Winds of Change Ninjutsu Temple Your Dream Team, Rob & Margie North Mason - Shop Local! Thursday, November 29, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3