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Veteran public engineer is Shelton's new public works director
Clark has 35 years
of experience in
the public sector
Greg Clark, who has 35
years of experience in pub-
lic sector engineering, is
the new public works direc-
tor for the City of Shelton.
The city has been with-
out a full-time public
works director since 2008,
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Closed Sundays
when the city consolidat-
ed the public works and
community and economic
development departments
under a single director,
Steve Goins.
In July, City Adminis-
trator Dave O'Leary ad-
vised the Shelton City
Commission to hire a full-
time public works director,
pointing out that the two
programs are juggling as
many as 30 to 40 city proj-
ects while preparing for
the proposed Shelton Hills
Clark, a 59-year-old
Black Diamond resident,
starts work on Dec. 13.
"I'm excited to join the
team and help the commu-
nity take on new challeng-
es," said Clark, a senior li-
censed civil engineer•
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Join us for
For the
....... ~ past year,
~ Clark
served as
the public
works di-
rector for
the City
of Fir-
crest. He
Greg managed
• Clark a staff of
10 who
were re-
sponsible for Fircrest's
street and streetlight sys-
tems and water, sewer and
storm utilities under a pro-
fessional services contract
through the Tacoma con-
sulting firm Parametrix.
Clark has been a project
manager with Parametrix
since 2008.
Before that, Clark
worked for 30 years with
the public works depart-
ment for the City of Ta-
coma, most recently as an
assistant division manager
in their public works de-
After three decades
working for a big city,
Clark said he enjoyed his
job in Fircrest.
"I loved the small town
feeling," he said. "It felt
like more people knew each
other, and (the job) was
more diversified."
Clark said that experi-
ence inspired him to look
for a job as a public works
director in a small town.
As an avid hiker and fish-
erman, he's always loved
the Olympia-Shelton re-
gion, he said.
Clark said he is excited
County sets
hearings for
comp plan
The Mason County Board
of Commissioners voted at
its Nov. 20 regular meeting
Holiday Special
Massage I
Special I
with Jennifer
or Sarah Sarah
Special good through 12/5/12.
Some restrictions apply.
about the city's proposed
600-acre Shelton Hills de-
velopment, which includes
as many as 1,600 dwell-
ing units, a 50-acre busi-
ness park, a new school,
six neighborhoods and a
sports park.
He also said he is en-
couraged by the recent
completion of the $39-mil-
lion upgrade to the City of
Shelton wastewater treat-
ment plant.
"It's always nice to have
new stuff that doesn't
break as much," he said.
About 35 to 40 people
applied for the job, and five
were interviewed, O'Leary
The city had a long list
of qualities it was seeking
in its public works direc-
tor, including the abili-
ties to communicate well,
understand engineering
issues, manage money,
understand complex and
challenging federal pro-
grams and listen in seek-
ing solutions, O'Leary said.
Clark "did very well
given the scope of what we
were looking for," O'Leary
said. "He's goal-oriented
-- there's a lot to do in a
public works department
... We're very fortunate to
have him."
Clark earned a Bachelor
of Science degree in civil
engineering from the Uni-
versity of Washington in
He earned a certificate
in public administration
and management from Ta-
coma Community College
in 1993.
to set several public hear-
ings at 9:30 a.m. Dec. 11,
most of which are related
to the annual update of the
Mason County Comprehen-
sive Plan.
The commission agreed
to set one public hearing to
consider requests from the
Green Diamond Resource
Company to consider re-
zones for portions of proper-
ty located on Lake Nahwat-
zel and a separate hearing
to consider a rezone along
Hanks Lake.
The commission also set
public hearings at the same
time to consider a request
by Ray and Grace Lucas,
Joseph Kessler and Allyn
View LLC to rezone four
parcels within the Allyn
Urban Growth Area from
Village Commercial Zone to
Medium-Density Residen-
tial (R-2) Zone.
The commission set an-
other public hearing to re-
view a request by Timber
Services, Inc. to redesiguate
one 22.82 acre parcel from
Long-term Commercial for-
est to Rural Residential 5
hea[ih' wellness;fiiniss ..... •
360-427-3189 :q Finally, the commission
i~'1 scheduled a hearing to con-
2505 Olympic Highway North, Suite 1~1 MasonSider approvalcounty Comprehen-°f the 2013
(Behind ...... 'as) ~ sive Plan at 9:30 on Dec. 11.
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approves $59
The Mason County PUD
3 Board of Commissioners
voted Tuesday to approve a
balanced $59 million 2013
The commission previ-
ously discussed the budget
at a public hearing on Nov.
The budget includes a 3
percent retail power rate
increase and a 10 cent daily
customer charge increase,
both effective on April 1,
The budget includes
roughly $2 million more
than the 2012 budget, tak-
ing into account increased
wholesale power costs from
Bloomfield and Matt Ma-
The board also created
positions for representa-
tives from the Squaxin Is-
land and Skokomish tribes.
The advisory commit-
tee has been created to
study the possibility of a
county-funded fair. It's
term will tend on Feb. 28,
2013, unless extended by
the Mason County Com-
the Bonneville Power Ad- sex offender
ministration, as well as
increased contributions
to conservation programs
within the PUD.
to fair
The Mason County Board
of Commissioners appoint-
ed about a dozen members
to the newly created Fair-
grounds Financial Study
Advisory Committee at the
comission's regular meeting
Tuesday evening.
The appointments in-
clude county residents
Richard Adamson, Cynthia
Brehmeyer, Julie Gray,
Steve VanDenover, Mar-
vin Faughender, Ed Ma-
koviney, John Dobson, Eric
Schallon, Heidi McCutch-
eon, Jack Krause, Steve
caught in
Absconded level 3 sex of-
fender Izak Lee Shackelford
was apprehended Monday
at a Shelton home by the
Shelton Police Department.
Shackelford, 20, has been
classified as absconded
since Nov. 1 when he failed
to meet his sex offender reg-
istration requirements.
In recent weeks, Mason
County Sheriffs Deputies
have been getting the word
out to county residents
to call 911 if they see ab-
sconded sex offenders, like
Shackelford, said Detective
Bill Adam of the sheriffs of-
On Monday evening,
owners of a home Shackel-
ford was staying at called
911, and Shelton Police Of-
ricers placed him into cus-
• Compiled by Natalie
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Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012