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November 29, 2012 |
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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Terri JeffTeys, left, is sworn in on Tuesday as Mason County Commissioner for District 3 by county auditor Karen Herr.
By NATALIE JOHNSON sity of Washington School of Public lam counties, and Olympic Vista Water.
nataZid~masoneounty,com Health• Working with a doctor in In that position, Jeffreys said While she had never previously
.......................................... the early 1990s, Jeffreys told the she worked with local and state sought public office, when the Ma-
Journal she helped create an in- lawmakers to implement policies son County Commission seat for
Terri Jeffreys sat in her first ternational health program at the that encouraged growth. District 3 became available after
meeting as a Mason County Com- school, and helped secure grant While working for the associa- commissioner Jerry Lingle died in
missioner Tuesday evening, and funding to improve the health care tion of Realtors, Jeffreys said she August, 2011, Jeffreys threw her
told the Shelton-Mason County system in Mozambique, Africa. became familiar with "consensus- hat in the ring and was one of 16
Journal she was "ready to roll." About 19 years ago, Jeffreystype rlegislation," meaning that she people to apply for the appointment.
"I'm so excited ... I can hardly moved to Mason County. Between and lawmakers focused on making While she made the second
contain myself," she said. 1998 and 2000, she worked as the a piece of legislation agreeable to round of interviews, Steve Bloom-
Jeffreys, 53, was elected with sales and catering director at the all parties, field was selected by the Mason
52 percent of the vote earlier this Alderbrook Resort and Spa, getting '~at's the type of policy making County Commission to fill the va-
month, beating former county com- her first experience with the impor- I want to bring to the county corn- cancy until after the 2012 election•
missioner Ross Gallagher. tance of tourism in Mason County. mission," she said. "If you had told me a year and
This is Jeffreys' first elected po- "That's when I decided to go back In August 2009, Jeffreys took a half ago that I was going to be a
sit|on, but not her first foray into to school," she said• over as the director of the Shelton county commissioner, I would have
politics• In 2003, Jeffreys graduated from Mason County Chamber of Corn- laughed," she said• "I always told
In 1978, at the age of 19, Jef- The Evergreen State College with merce, myselfI would only run for election
freys got her first taste of politics as a bachelor's degree in public policy, "I wanted to come back to the if it was an open seat•"
a staff member for U.S. Rep. Jack which she called her "first love," community that I'd cut my policy As a county commissioner, Jef-
Cunningham from Washington'sfocusing on land use and growth teeth in (while working for the freys said she wants to increase
7th Congressional District• management planning. Washington Association of Real- citizen input, responsibly manage
Two years later, Jeffreys went After completing internshipstors)," she said. the county's money and implement
back to Washington to work for with the Washington State Senate In February 2011, she resigned performance measures across coun-
another congressman from South and the Washington Association of to help build a company with her ty departments.
Dakota. Realtors, Jeffreys took a job as the husband. 'The county has been in survival
Jeffreys has held several jobs local government affairs director That company, Jeffreys Manage- mode since 2009 at the start of the
over the years, including a position for the association, covering Grays merit Services, manages the Hart- recession," she said. "Now is the
in the dean's office at the Univer- Harbor, Mason, Jefferson and Clal- stene Pointe Water-Sewer District time to start looking at the future."
dies after
n(~talie@mxLs.oncoun(v corrt
A Mason County woman
is dead after an early morn-
ing shooting on Nov. 21 at
her residence near Jensen
Thurston County Coro-
ner Gary Warnock identi-
fied the victim Monday as
Barbara Michelle Giles, 30.
Giles died of her wounds
on Saturday at Providence
St. Peter Hospital in Olym-
Mason County sheriff's
deputies received a call re-
porting a shooting at 3:38
a.m. Nov. 21 on Tyler Lane,
four miles north of Shelton.
According to the sheriffs
office, Giles was awoken by
a knock at her door. Giles
was shot four times, author-
ities said.
Two witnesses hid in the
back of the home after shots
were fired and were not in-
jured, authorities said.
Deputies responded
shortly after the call, then
established a perimeter to
search for the suspect, a
man who was seen leaving
the scene on foot, authori-
ties said.
Chief Deputy Dean Byrd
of the Sheriffs Office said
Wednesday morning that
detectives have not discov-
ered the identity of the sus-
pect yet, and are continuing
to investigate.
Byrd said the office does
not believe the shooting was
a random act. According to
the investigators, "the vic-
tim is known to the sheriffs
Anyone with information
regarding this incident is
encouraged to call the sher-
iff's office at 427-7761.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012 - Page A-3