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November 29, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2012
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By NATALIE JOHNSON nataZie@'~na, A group of Mason County singers had the time of their lives in New York last week- end, and made history while they were at it. The Anna's Bay Chorale traveled to New York to sing in both the annual Lincoln Center performance of G.F. Handel's "Messiah" on Nov. 25 and to open for the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular on Thanksgiv- ing. "It was pretty amazing. It could not have gone any bet- ter," said Matthew Blegen, the director of the Anna's Bay Chorale. At the end of its perfor- mance at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center, the group received an 8-minute stand- ing ovation, invitations to re- turn, and a review from the New York Times calling the performance "ravishing." Members of the choir, and family members traveling with them, flew out of Sea- Tac International Airport on two red-eye flights on Nov. 21, bound for the Big Apple, and the biggest concerts of any of their musical careers so far. They touched down in New York at about 7:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, and were more or less homeless, as Blegen said, until they could check into their hotel at 3 p.m. The group spent the time exploring the town and watching the Macy's Thanks- giving Day Parade. After getting settled, about two-thirds of the group traveled to Radio City Music Hall to open for The Rock- ettes, an almost 90-year-old dance group which is based in the theater, at their an- nual Christmas Spectacular. A few days before depart- ing, several choir members emailed Blegen to ask what the group's plans for Thanks- giving dinner were. The day before the group departed for New York, Blegen ~aid there were few places where so large a group could eat. "Almost everyone in the choir is going out to Thanks- giving dinner at a renais- sance-themed diner because it's the only place within walking distance that was open," he said. The choir spent all of Fri- day and Saturday practicing for the Lincoln Center per- formance, but still had time to check out shows on Broad- way, and explore the city. For Blegen, who grew up in New York, the trip was not so much a chance to explore, but a chance to go home. Members of the Anna's Bay Chorale recently performed at the Lincoln Center in New York. Members of Anna's Bay Chorale pose by the Lincoln Center's sign before the group performs there. From left, the students are Ronnie Penn, Rachel Manning, Clayton Mott, Jillian Micas, Erica Wilson, Morgan Wiktorec, Wanda Tweed, Courteny Mills, Hana Tweed and Lyda DelBosque. On Sunday morning, the the "Messiah" concert, and group had its first rehears- that night, they, along with al with a full orchestra for the five other participating PREFERRED PROVIDER for Washington Dental Service/Delta dental plans . Friendly Staff . 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Karen i:i~: New • ? patients ~. and Leah wdl be happy to help yore omy : 426- www.MySheltonDentist., Courtesy photos choirs, performed at Lincoln After the Lincoln Center"When does Mason County Center. performance, the choraleget singled out for the quality After a black-tie gala with got a standing ovation, and of its performing arts?" he all of the performers on Sun- Blegen said concert organiz- asked. day night, the group packed ers told him the Anna's Bay Blegen, who is currently their bags and came .home group was the most profes- working on a doctorate in Monday morning, sional choir at the concert, musical conducting at the Bringing 70 members, theand would be welcomed back University of Washington, Anna's Bay Chorale was the any time. said his time in Seattle is also largest choir at the perfor- A film crew from KBTC helping Anna's Bay getrecog- mance. The chorale sang the Public Television out of Ta- nition beyond Mason County. entire concert, rather than coma has been following the "Our community is getting half of it, as is traditional in choir through their practices a huge spotlight at UW," he the annual Lincoln Center and their performances, said. "Every single professor performance. The documentary will fo-I have is holding up Anna's "We're the only group ever cus on how the choir wasBay as an example, which I in history singing the whole formed, and its road to New wasn't counting on." concert," Blegen said. York, in addition to its mis- The Anna's Bay Chorale Of the choir's 70 members, sion to use music to build has several local performanc- 18 are under 21, and many of community, Blegen said. es of Handel's "Messiah" com- them are still in high school, "I want people outside of ing up this December. he said. Mason County to get a better The chorale will perform "It's been amazing the sense of how diverse and vi- highlights of "Messiah" at transformation (of the choir) brant this community is," he noon Saturday at the Capitol over the last two years," he said. Rotunda in Olympia. said. "Four years ago it was The road to the concert The chorale, together with pretty much a retired group." wasn't easy, Blegen said. The the South Shore Chamber Blegen said he c&ldn't be group had to raise $140,000 Orchestra, plan to perform happier with how the choir's to attend t~o concert, and a "Messiah~. at 7 p.m. on Dec. youngest members, students few weeks before the trip, a 7 at the Shelton Performing from Shelton High School, choir member died. Arts Center at Shelton High performed at the concert, However, no matter how School; at 7 p.m. Dec. 8 at the calling them "wonderful." difficult the road to New York Minneart Center for the Per- "Their professionalism was, the chorale made it, and forming Arts in Olympia; and was just off the charts," he gave Mason County a goodat 4 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Shel- said. name on a national stage, ton Performing Arts Center. SKOOKUM CREEK TOBACCO FACTORY OUTLET . 360-426-5254 *Premis *Traditions *Com lete ....... P $ 3s 7s $ 99 $ 49 $ 4s 7s [ l/pack 38 /cazt0n 4 /lack 17 /carton / ....... = m /pack ....... 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