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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 29, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 29, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CALENDAR Thursday Shelton's Christmas Tree is information, visit www. the Belfair Community Bap- 1:30-3 p.m., Olympic scheduled for 6 p.m. at Post, tist Church social hall. Din- College Shelton will hold a Office Park. 11 a.m.-4 p.m., A holiday nor is provided for a small worker retraining informa- 6 p.m., The Festival of bazaar will take place at St. donation. tion session for individuals Nativity will take place at David's Episcopal Church, 6:15-8 p.m., The Shelten receiving unemployment in- The Church of Latter-day324 W. Cedar St. Baked Lions Club will meet at Al- surance, who have exhaust- Saints, 916 N. 12th Street. goods, treats and 'gift items pine Way Retirement Apart- ed their benefits within the Homemade cookies, Christ- will be available for sale. ments lounge. Call 426-5821 last 24 months, are displaced mas music and nativity sets Soup, coffee, rolls and tea for more information. The homemakers or are self-em- will all be on hand. A Christ- available for donation• For club meets the first and third ployed in a declining field, mas concert will take place more information, call 426- Tuesdays of each month. For more information, call at 7:30 p.m. For more infor- 8472 or visit 6:30-7:30 p.m., The Shel- 432-5400. mation, call 432-8122. 5 p.m. The Shelton Down-ton Timberland Library will 4-5 p.m., The Shelton 7 p.m., The Shelten Corn- town Merchants and Krist- host E-reader Petting Zoo Timberland Library will munity Cinema will screen mas Town Kiwanis presentfor adults and teens. Librar- present "Robots, Recon- the documentary "Why In Holiday Magic, A Christmas inns will talk about the li- structed" for grades 1-6. Lis- The World Are They Spray- Celebration in Downtown brfiry's downloadable books, ten to books about robots and ing" in the Mason CountyShelton. The annual Christ- audiobooks, movies and mu- then construct your own Mr. Senior Activities Center, 826 mas Parade is scheduled for sic. Bring a smartphone or Potato Head style robot with Railroad Ave. For more in- 5 p.m. on Railroad Avenue. e-reader to follow along. For bits and pieces of tin cans, formation, call 432-3229 or more information, call 426- magnets, bolts and other re- email Tuesday 1362. cycled hardware. Materials Donations encouraged. 1-2 p.m., The Hoodsport provided. Timberland Library presents Wednesday Saturday PageTurners Book Discus-8:30-9:30 a.m., Olympic Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Kitten sion for adults. Join in for a College Shelton will hold a 6 p.m. The Shelton Down- Rescue of Mason County discussion of"Life Sentences" mandatory practical nursing town Merchants and Krist- will hold a bazaar and bake by Laura Lippman. For more information session for those mas Town Kiwanis present sale at420 S.E. State Route information, calk877-9339: interested in learning about Holiday Magic, A Christmas 3, Shelton. One hundred 6 p.m., The North Mason the program. Register by Celebration in Downtown percent of the proceeds ben- Kiwanis Club meets the first email at nursing@olympic. Shelton. The lighting of efit Kitten Rescue. For more Tuesday of every month at edu. Space is limited. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., A repre- sentative from Washington's Vet Corp program will be at Olympic College's Shelton campus (937 W. Alpine Way) to inform active duty service members, veterans and their families on various commu- nity resources available to them. For more'information, call 475-7686. Noon, Bill Taylor will be the guest speaker at the Sons and Daughters of Mason County Pioneer's luncheon meeting at the Elks building on Craig Road. He will speak about the history of the Tay- lor Family and the shellfish company. The public is invit- ed to attend. For more infor- mation, call 426-1925. 3-5 p.m., Shelton Timber- land Library presents Teen Game Lounge. Play Xbox Kinect, Wii and other games, or bring your own laptop and connect to the library's WiFi. Snacks and supplies pro- vided by the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library. For more information, call 426-1362. Dec. 6 3-4:30 p.m., The Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents Manga Support Group for Teens. Sponsored by the Friends of the Shelton Tim- berland Library. For infor- mation, call 426-1362. 4-5 p.m., The Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents Reading Explorers for ages 9-12. Join a book dis- cussion group for kids. The group's mission: finding and talking about books impos- sible to put down. First 10 to register receive a copy of the book to keep. To regis- ter, call 426-1362 or stop by the library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library and the South Sound Reading Foun- dation. 5:30-6:45 p.m., The Shel- ton Timberland Library presents PageTurners Book Discussion for adults. For more information, call 426- 1362. Don'tMiss Toys 4 Kids + Live Auction at Bob's Tavern Saturday, December 8th at 1:00 p.m. This green '96 Ford Taurus was donated to Toys4Kids+ by D&L Automotive. Parts were donated by Shelton NAPA and labor also donated by D&L Automotive, so it runs well. More photos at D and L Auto facebook, or preview it at D&L prior to the auction. & AUTOMOTIVE 2033 Olympic Highway North ° Shehon 426-1467 !!i Thursday 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- ative yoga, d6nation of $1 suggested 9 a.m.-noon, EZ Crafters 9 a.m., intermediateJad- vanced line dancing 10:30 a.m., blood pressure checks, free 10:45 a.m., Zumba fitness classes 12:30 p.m., bridge, partici- pants are asked to sign up at least one day prior 1 p.m., mahjong, bingo Friday 8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi 9 a.m.-noon, fabric dona- tion sorting 9-11 a.m., open line dance 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., piano bar with John Rosen- green 1 p.m., Mason County Senior Activities Association is offering a members-only movie at Shelton Cinemas. Cost is $3.50 at the theater. 1 p.m., bingo, $1 for three cards Monday 8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi 9 a.m:, beginning line dancing 10 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 12:30 p.m., game day 1 p.m, chess, cribbage, pi- nochle Tuesday 8:05 a.m., gentle, restor- ative yoga, donation of $1 suggested 8:15-8:45 a.m., "Medita- tion: Embracing the Still- ness" class offered by Chuck Nesmith. A donation of $2 per class is requested. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., sewing circle 9 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 10:45 a.m°, Zumba fitness classes, no classes held third Tuesday of each month 12:30 p.m., bridge, partici- pants are asked to sign up at least one day prior 1 p.m., bingo with Adele, every fourth Tuesday of the month, no charge Wednesday 8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi 9 a.m., beginning line dancing 10 a.m., intermediate/ad- vanced line dancing 1 p.m., pinochle Turkey Continued from page B-1 and geography skills along the way. "We're going to see how many states we can hit be- fore the end of the year," he said. "Between 350 and 400 of Washington" s Wild Cat Sanctuary .... ~ Collser21a tion ¢gZAnlmal Wetfare You can save a life! Tax-deductible donations: Wild Felid Advocacy Center of Washington 311"1 E. Harstine Island Rd. N. Shelton, WA 98584 "~ (360) 427-4466 't~°°~ ~ the school's 520 students participate in the club each day it takes place. "Almost everybody (in the school) has done at least one lap," Clark said. For overy 2 miles a stu- dent runs, he or she gets a foot shaped pendant. If a student runs a full mile in one day, which Clark said is difficult consider- ing the students gener- ally only have 10 to 15 minutes to run, they get a pendant shaped like .a runner. "If you watch our stu- dents, a lot of them are wearing necklaces with tokens on them," He said. "They're very proud of it." Students from Kinder- garten through fifth grade participate in the lap club. While the younger stu- dents can only run a lap at a time, many of the fifth graders make it several laps around Loop Field each lap day. "We have some really ~ii i!~iiiiiiii iii!iiii~2!;i !ii!i Slie~iii~iii:i;10f i!~!Cana~i! iil i good runners," Clark said. Before coming to Shel- ton, Clark ran a similar intramural program while teaching P.E. in Albuquer- que, N.M. Students have the opportunity to spend their short recess after lunch at several other in- tramural programs run through the school's music and library departments. The lap club isn't the only activity at Evergreen designed to make exercise fun. On Nov. 21, all of Ev- ergreen's students partici- pated in the annual Tur- key Trot. "A lot of students really look forward to the Turkey Trot," Clark said. During the annual trot, Clark dresses up as a tur- key, while classes race af- ter him. In each class, the top boy and girl winners get turkeys to take home, while second, third and fourth place runners get a chicken, a game hen, and a dozen eggs, respectively. "Some of the students have been running their laps at lap club because they want to do well in the Turkey Trot," he said. While the Turkey Trot is a race, and many students work hard to win, Clark said he tries to stress that competing and trying your best is more important than taking home the prize "turkey, or even the eggs, for that matter. "It doesn't have to be a race," he said. ~'I don't want them to be disappointed. Be proud of yourself for doing your best whatever place you take." THE GATHERING Nondenominational Fellowship & Bible Study Services 5pm Sundays Meets at the new pUD#3 building 2621 E. Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton office phone: rJGo)789-1209 www. p rinciplesf or lif !! .... = ii!!!iii!i!i!?i/!!!!!i!i~i!!iiiiiiii!i