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Daniel Brown
Daniel Lawrence DEATH NOTICE
Brown, 74, passed away
on Nov. 8, 2012, at his
home in Kamilche.
n .L~.__
He was born on Dec. 19, Detxy
1937, to Daniel and Effie
(Bloomfield) Brown.
He attended Irene S.
Reed High School.
He served two years in
the U.S. Army, mostly in
Daniel married Patty
Dodds on Nov. 29, 1968,
in Mc-
He was
a mem-
ber of the
and was
born in
Daniel the same
Brown home in
which he
Betty V. Costanzo, 74, a resident of Shelton, died on
Nov. 20, 2012, at Shelton Health & Rehabilitation Cen-
ter. Arrangements are by McComb Funeral Home of
Donzetta Moran
Donzetta "Dona" Moran, 83, a resident of Shelton, died
on Nov. 23, 2012, at Fir Lane Health & Rehabilitation in
Shelton. Arrangements are by McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton. A service will take place at 11 a.m. on Nov.
30 at Hope Chapel, 421 W. E Street, with burial to fol-
low at Shelton Memorial Park.
Nancy Ward
Nancy E, Ward, 72, a resident of Sequim, died on Nov.
24, 2012, at Providence St. Peter Hospital of Olympia.
Arrangements are by Mills & Mills Funeral Home of
Croxford, Alexis Croxford,
Ezra Croxford, Kylah
Goodwin, Echo Goodwin
and Jaqueline Croxford;
sisters Peggy Hudson
and Charlene Burns; and
brother Rick Day.
He was preceded in
death by sister Karen
Wood; brother Dale Day;
father Bert Day; mother
Phyllis Day; sister Rober-
'ta McGee and nephew Zac
A service will take place
at 11 a.m. on Nov. 20 at
Shelton Memorial Park.
Memorial donations
can be made at Bank of
America. Make checks
payable to David or Daisy
Croxford, account No.
Afterreturningfrom An important leg cy
military service, he went a
to work in the woods as
Complete obituary information is not only an
appropriate tribute to the deceased but a part of
history. We encourage families to include their loved
ones' interests, memberships and activities, as well
as survivors, in obituaries. The Journal provides
forms and is happy to print information on the lives
of residents and former residents free of charge.
a gypo logger. He worked
with all four of his broth-
ers for a time, but the
majority of his logging
was done with his brother
He loved hunting, fish-
ing, baseball, bowling,
cribbage, pinochle and
his horse Commanche.
He liked all sports, but
especially the Mariners.
He was a youth baseball
Robert Frydenberg
Robert Gene Fryden-
berg, a longtime resident
of Shelton, died on Nov.
21, 2012, at Providence St.
Peter Hospital in Olympia.
Robert was born on
Jan. 22, 1941, in Van-
couver, Wash., to Violet
(Keir) and
berg. He
for many
years at
the Simp-
son Lum-
ber Com-
Robert Robert
coach and could be found
pacing the foul lines at
his children's ball games.
He is survived by
wife Patty Brown of
Shelton; children Paul,
John (Dawn), Jennifer
and Amy; grandchildren
Erica, Krissa, Alex,
Abby, Grace, Casey,
Journey Bear and Jo-
siah of Shelton; sister
Ruth (Stub) Creekpaum
of McCleary; and sever-
al nieces, nephews and
He was preceded in
death by his parents;
brothers Ed, Joe, Bill and
Hank; and sisters Jean
and Sally.
Memorial donations can
be made to the Callanan
Restoration Fund, c/o
Shelton Parks and Recre-
Online condolences
may be sent to the family
Doris Christey
Doris Maude Christey,
99, died on Nov. 21, 2012,
at her daughter's home in
Mexico City.
She was born on May
25, 1913, in a logging
B.C., to
John and
Doris Her
Christey mother
was wid-
owed after
her younger sister Cleo
was born.
She grew up in Seattle,
helping her mother, who
was a seamstress dur-
ing the Depression. She
worked as a secretary
when she met Leroy
Scott Christey and they
were married on Aug. 19,
Doris and Roy had
three children and were
married for 50 years.
After World War II,
they left the United
States for Roy's work as
deputy director of the
Philippine Fisheries Re-
habilitation Program. Af-
ter a brief time in Japan,
they took another over-
seas assignment in San
"Salvador, E1 Salvador.
This was followed by
two posts in Karachi,
After living in the
Washington, D.C. area,
they then moved to Ka-
duna, Nigeria, as that
emerging nation first got
its independence from
the British Common-
Roy's work with what is
now called Agency for In-
ternational Development
(AID) often involved en-
tertaining the ambassador
and U.S. Consulate VIPs
and Doris was renowned
for her gourmet dinner
Their last post was in
Zomba, Malawi.
Doris and Roy retired
to Shelton in 1968, where
they lived by the Bay-
shore Golf Course for
many years.
Next, they split their
years between Shelton
and a winter home in
Mesa, Ariz.
After Roy died, Doris
lived in Bellingham, re-
siding at the Willows.
Closing her time in Ari-
zona, she lived in Queen
Since 2002, she has
lived at her daughter Lin-
da's home in Mexico City.
Doris enjoyed golf with
a lifetime low handicap
of 11 and club champion
honors at every club she
played. She had a hole-in-
one at age 84.
Her other interests in-
cluded gardening, flower
arranging, entertaining,
gourmet cooking, sew-
ing, competitive bridge
and volunteer work for
many non-profit organi-
She is survived by sons
Gordon Scott Christey
(Patricia) and Robert
Bruce Christey (Diann)
of Bellingham; daughter
Linda Lee Jovin (Bob) of
Mexico City; granddaugh-
ter Jennifer Christey
Marks (Paul) and great-
grandsons Logan and
Jacob; granddaughter
Karen Jovin Lock (Jane)
and great-granddaughter
Elena Sophia; grand-
daughter Denise Mat-
thews (Bill) and great-
grandsons Christian
and Alejandro Braun;
granddaughter Marly Jo-
vin; granddaughter Lisa
Christey Kron (Michael)
and grandson Philip Scott
Doris is preceded in
death by her husband and
A family memorial will
be scheduled at a later
date. Her remains will
be interred at Evergreen
Washelli Cemetery in Se-
Consider donating to
Whatcom Hospice Foun-
dation 2901 Squalicum
Parkway, Bellingham, WA
Frydenberg is sur-
David Day vived by
David W. Day, 54, a daughters
longtime Shelton resident, Dollie O'Neill of Win-
died on Nov. 15, 2012, ston, Ore., Liza Wilson
after a 2-1/2 year battle of Veradale, Wash., and
with cancer. Pat Norman of Spokane;
He was born on Jan. 12,sister Joyce Jackstadt of
1958, to Bert and Phyllis Shelton; brother Dennis
(Drebes) Day in Seattle. Frydenberg of Shelton; 12
Shortly after, the family grandchildren; six great
moved to Shelton. grandchildren; and nu-
On Aug. 30, 1975, he merous cousins, nieces
married Susan Marie and nephews.
Ragan. They raised three A memorial service for
children family and friends will be
~ during held at a later date.
their 32 Cremation is by Funer-
years to- al Alternatives - intern-
gether, ment will be at Shelton
He Memorial Park.
Patricia Herbert Loop
Ann Gib- Herbert E. Loop, 81 of
son on Port Orchard, died on Nov.
Nov. 13, 13, 2012, in Bremerton.
David 2006. In He was born in Shelton
Day their timeon Aug. 19, 1931, to Her-
together bert Enzo and Edna Mae
they (Young) Loop. He gradu-
worked together, in their ated from Irene S. Reed
scrapping business. High School in Shelton.
Over the years, David He spent several years
had many occupations of his retirement in Sun
including logging, truck City West, Ariz., and most
driving, metal scrapping, recently the last year in
machine operator, fisher- Port Orchard, spending
man and mechanic, time with his family. Herb
His hobbies included enjoyed golf, fly fishing,
driving, hunting, work- fly tying, reading and the
ing on cars, riding quads shooting range. He was
and any outdoor activity, a 32nd degree Mason, a
He also enjoyed spending Scottish Rite Shriner and
time with his family, a member of the National
He is survived by his Rifle Association.
wife Patricia Day; daugh- Herb was a commer-
ters Tina (Andrew) Good- cial real estate broker
win of Wasilla, Alaska, in Kitsap County for 38
and Daisy (David) Crox- years, retiring in 2003.
ford of Marysville; son He worked for Park Shore
Duane (Catrina) Teagar- Real Estate for 30 years
den of Ellensburg; grand- and then for Herb Loop
children Victor Goodwin, and Associates for eight
Linaya Goodwin, Spencer years. He was very instru-
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Funeral Alternatives proudly serves all faiths, venues and cemeteries
Includes an attractive casket and }rofessional services
Shelton Memorial Park ex ,enses are additional
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Families using
Shelton Memorial Park
mental in many develop- Suquamish; brothers
ments in Kitsap County, Chris (Nancy) Loop, Enzo
including Parkwood and (Bev) Loop, both of Port
South Park Shopping Cen- Orchard, Wendel Loop of
ter in Port Orchard. He Shelton, David (Sandy)
worked as a land surveyor Loop of Port Ludlow; and
and also served in the U. sister Bess (Norman) O1-
S. Navy as a radio mechan- son of Port Orchard.
ic during the Korean War. A memorial service
He is survived by son will take place at 3 p.m.
Kevin Loop of Port Or- on Dec. 8 at Rill's Life
chard; daughters Saman- Tribute Center in Port Or-
tha Loop (Jim Boscola) of chard. Online memorial at
Bremerton, Robin (Gregg)
Scott of Port Orchard,
and Jeramee Hixson of See Obituaries on page B-6
A Reputation Built on Service
Shelton - (360) 427-8044
.... i
@ Eileen Ethel Davis
Born in Seattle, WA. on December 2, 1942. Passed away peacefully
on November 8, 2012. Survived by her daughter, Julie Kilts; son, Dan
Davis; sisters, Marlyn Patrick and Nancy Hang; grandchildren, Joshua
and Tyler Kilts, Jannelle Weythman, Zachary and Casey Davis; great-
grandchildren Aiden and Carter Weythman and many nephews and
Eileen loved spending time with her family and had a very gentle,
kind and loving heart. She had a wonderful sense of humor and will
be greatly missed. She loved playing Scrabble and cards, reading,
traveling, and knitting.
The family extends a special thank you to the Assured Hospice team
for your generosity and compassionate, loving care.
We love and miss you Mom, but know heaven has gained an angel and
we will see you again someday with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Dorothea Virginia Brickert
Dorothea V. (Fox) Brickert,
was born August 15,
1923 in Yakima,
WA and departed
this earthly life
November 25, 2012.
The daughter of
Harvey Bryan and
Gladys Tiny Fox,
Dorothea was the
youngest of three
children. The family
moved from Yakima
to Seattle, WA early
on and in 1941 Dorothea
graduated from Queen Anne
High School. Known as "Sis" even
to her teachers, Dorothea didn't become known as "Dottie"
until she went to work as a secretary for the Toledo, Peoria
and Western Railroad located in the Joseph Vance Building
on Third Avertue and University Street in Seattle.
Dottie enrolled at the University of Washington to enhance
her secretarial skills. She met her sweetheart, Bill Brickert,
in 1942, and married him June 3, 1944. They were just 25
days shy of their 68th wedding anniversary at his passing
May 9, 2012.
In 1952 Dottie went to work as the city editor for the
Northern Kittitas County Tribune in Cle Elum when the
youngest of her three young children was in Kindergarten.
Bill took a job in Shelton in the fall of 1954. Dottie went
on ahead to scout for housing and a job. She worked as a
secretary at the old Shelton Hospital for a year and a half,
before being employed at the Mason County PUD #3.
Dottie was one of the first computer operators of the PUD's
"new" large mainframe computer. She retired in January
Dottie excelled in both swimming and roller-skating, and
served as president of the American Legion Auxiliary and
the Jaycee Wives. In 1962 Dottie was installed as Worthy
Matron of the Order of Eastern Star, Welcome Chapter #54.
Throughout her marriage, she devoted her life to supporting
the interests of her husband, Bill, and family.
Dottie is preceded in death by beloved husband, Bill, her
parents and two brothers, Robert and Ralph Fox, and is
survived by daughter, Wendy (Gerald) Selde; sons, Brian
(Chriss) and Mike (Diane) Brickert; grandchildren, Dan
(DeaDea) Brickert, David (Darcy) Brickert, Ryan Selde, Joy
(Greg) Fulling, Donovan (Jena) Russell, foreign exchange
student, Per Nolen of Sweden, and 13 great grandchildren.
Donations may be made to the charity of your choice. A
private service will be held for the family as according to
her wishes.
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012 - Page B-5
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