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issile oe
$50 cash prize to men's
and women's race winners
The second annual MissileToe Mile is on Sat-
urday in downtown Shelton.
The race begins with the women competing at
4 p.m., followed by
~the men. course
starts near Franklin
Second annual and Second streets,
MissileToe Mile: heads west on Frank-
lin Street to 10th
When:4 p.m. Saturday; sla~ wilh Street, turns left and
women's race; men's race follows then left again onto
Wl~re: Begins at Franklin and Second Railroad Avenue,
streets heading east to a
Cost Free for children yoo~jeHhan14 and screaming fast 750
addtso~tfian 70; $5 for eveo/~ else meters" to the finish.
limesto bear, Men -- 4:32, setby Children 14 and
Andrew'Prentice 10styear; Women-- younger will race for
5:54, set by Kenna Volentich lost year free, as will folks 70
years and older. Ev-
eryone else pays $5
for entry.
All registration takes place prior to the start
of the race near the post office park. Allow time
See MissileToe on page C-3
Olympic College seeks Shelton XC runners
By EMILY HANSON Shelton campus runners and tant because they don't want The Olympic College team
enzi/yf~¢ma, they would got to the Bremer- to commute to Bremerton for just finished its cross country
................................... ton campus' meets." practice." season two weeks ago, so any
Dittmer coaches under As a Shelten High and interested athletes would
The coaching staff of the Olympic College head coach Olympic College alumnus, participate on next season's
Olympic College's Bremerton Daryl Schruhl, who started Dittmer said he has a person- team. Currently, to be eli-
campus is looking for Shelten the cross country program up al interest in starting this pro- gible, the runners must be
campus runners interested in three years ago. gram up. He ran for the High- enrolled in 12 credits.
participating in cross country. "If there are former High- climbers on the school's first "If there is some interest,
"I got to talking with climber athletes or just Shel- cross country team in 1965. we would like to see if we can
(Shelten High School head ton campus runners interest- He said he would oversee fill that void," Dittmer said.
coach) Daryl White and we ed in continuing at the com- practices for Shelton cam- Dittmer said he is also
realized there are more than munity college level, what pus runners and would work looking for Shelton runners
200 students at the Shelton can we do to help them make them around class schedules for the upcoming spring track
branch, but no sports," Olym- that happen?" Dittmer asked, as much as possible, and field season. He said in-
pic associate cross country 'Tee're trying to create an o~- '%Ve need at least three to terested runners should
head coach Dan Dittmer said. portunity if there are Shelten five runners to make it worth contact him at his Olympic
"If we can get some numbers, campus students who would my time to drive down there," College email at ddittmer@
I would do workouts with the like to compete, but are hesi- Dittmer said.
Wrestlers maintain weight while others gorge
During Thanksgiving, a lot of
people enjoy copious amounts
of turkey dinner and all of the
This is a tough time for one spe-
cific group of people, however. This
group's members must maintain
their weight in order to compete and
stay lean to keep up during prac-
These people are wrestlers, and
for them, Thanksgiving can be tough.
"We coach them to eat Thanks-
giving meals, but to control their
portions," Shelton head coach Chris
Lacy said. "Or, we tell them if they
eat a lot to get some good workouts
When I lived and worked in
Tonasket, I heard of one wrestler
who loved Thanksgiving so much
and was so upset that he couldn't get
the fantastic dinner, that his mother
would remake Thanksgiving din-
ner for him every February. It just
became a part of his family's life:
Thanksgiving in February.
Curious, I asked
a few of the Shelton
wrestlers how they
handle maintaining
their weight while
everyone around
them pigs out on
turkey. It turns out
most of them are
By EMILY pretty well-disci-
HANSON plined.
Senior Shelby
Salisbury, who wres-
tles at 152, said he just eats really
small portions and then goes running
when he's done.
Senior heavyweight Ben Anderson
said it's easy for him.
"I eat as much as I want because
I'm a heavyweight," he said.
Junior Kaitlyn Woods, who wres-
tles at 120, said she also eats small
portions and works out more.
At 145 pounds, senior Malachi
Conklin detailed how he eats on the
big day.
"I usually just get one to two slices
of turkey and eat five deviled eggs
that fills me up pretty well," Conk-
lin said. "I've been wrestling for 14
years, so it's become a habit, not eat-
ing very much for Thanksgiving."
Satisfied with the healthy and ma-
ture way the wrestlers were handling
what I consider to be a sad fate -- I
love Thanksgiving dinner -- I talked
to former Highclimbers Johnathen
Dennis, who now wrestles for North
Idaho College in Couer d'Alene.
"We have to run, exercise when we
can and eat small portions," Dennis
said. "Mostly, I stay away from food
that comes in a box. Homemade is
not as fatty."
With the holiday now over, the
rest of us have returned to our regu-
lar eating habits, but the wrestlers
still have to maintain weight. I'm
glad to see that so many of them ap-
pear to be doing that in a healthy
way and hope the rest are as well.
Finally, on a completely unrelated
note, I'm still totally jazzed Washing-
ton State won the Apple Cup.
3 p.m., Shelton bowling
vs. Mt. Tahoma at Westside
Lanes in Olympia
6 p.m., Mary M. Knight
varsity girls' basketball vs.
Three Rivers
7:30 p.m., Mary M.
Knight varsity boys' bas-
ketball vs. Three Rivers
10 a.m., Shelton varsity
• -,. . wrestling at Timberline
Plannea . Varsity Tournament
Parenthood 10 a.m., Shelton Axemen
Cmre. No matter what, ~1 at dual meet in Enumclaw
5:45 p.m.,, Shelton junior
varsity girls basketball vs.
ons ')1
¢'~ I / I")~ LUBRICANTS (~|
.......... COM.AN¥
We de'i* rl TIN ; Oitll
We carrv kerosene. Located at Sanderson
" ,ndustrialPark
........... 8 9 ~k~l
Capital 7 p.m., Shelton varsity Yelm
7:30 p.m., Shelton var-boys' basketball vs. River 5:45 p.m., Shelton junior
sity girls'basketballvs. Ridge varsity girls' basketball at
Capital 7 p.m., Shelton varsityTumwater
girls' basketball at North 7 p.m., Shelton varsity
Monday Mason boys' basketball vs. Yelm
3 p.m., Shelton bowling7:30 p.m., Mary M. 7:30 p.m., Shelton junior
vs. Central Kitsap at All Knight varsity boys' bas- varsity girls' basketball at
Star Lanes in Silverdale ketball vs. Ocosta Tumwater
4:30 p.m., Mary M.
Knight junior varsity boys' Tuesday Dee. 6
basketball vs. Ocosta 6 p.m., Shelton varsity3 p.m., Shelton boys'
5:15 p.m., Shelton junior wrestlingat Bellarmineswimming vs. Timberline
varsity boys' basketball vs. Dual 6 p.m., Shelton varsity
River Ridge wrestlingat Timberline
5:15 p.m., Shelton junior Wednesday Dual
varsity girls' basketball at 3 p.m., Shelton bowling
North Mason vs. Wilson at Tower Lanes • To have items placed
6 p.m., Mary M. Knight in Tacoma in the sports calendar,
varsity girls' basketball vs. 5:15 p.m., Shelton junior send information to emily@
Ocosta varsity boys' basketball vs.
WRESTLING Smith rec. forfeit. 145: M. Girls' wrestling
Conklin p. A. Almejo. 152: 120: K. Woods p. S. Fratello.
B. Olivas def. S. Salisbury.
Boys' wrestling 160: D. Corey p. H. Gaspar. BOWLING
Saturday -- Shelton 170: B. Gentry def. C. Heft-
Challenge Night man. 182"F. Hunter rec. for- Nov. 20 -- Shelton 1,520,
feit. 195: B. Garcia rec. for- North Thurston 1,394
106: T. Haskell p. R. Riffe. feit. 220: D. Meacham def. 1, Lindsey Cox, 334; 2, Cait-
113: C. Williams-Ragsdale K. Vance. 285: B. Anderson lyn Borys, 320; 3, Holly Hay-
def. J. Dishon. 126: G. Ra- rec. forfeit man, 313; 4, Lilian Zacarias,
rues rec. forfeit. 132: E. 296; 5, Brittany Smith, 257
o Zumba Toning
, Zumba Classes
. Sauna/Steam Room • Personal Training
• Weight Training. Swimming. Aerobics Classes
, Tae Kwon Do Classes
Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m.
FREE with membership
° Kettlebell Classes
Now in progress-
See schedule at
• Racquetball. Tanning. Cardio • Massage
Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3
Stop in today at 707 South First Street
Call 426-1388 or email us;
Check us out on the web at
Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm, Sat & Sun 7am-3pm
Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012