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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
November 30, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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November 30, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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«Ft-2 ACTIVITIES KITTEN RESCUE of Ma— son County Bazaar & Bake Sale; December 2, 2023 — 9:00 am. - 4:00 pm. at 420 SE State Route 3, Shelton; Quilt raffle; pet items, gifts, collectible, baked goods, hand—crafted items, art- work, blankets, jewelry, Christmas items, stocking tsuffers, decorations, an— tiques and so much more! Come start your Holiday shopping at Kitten Rescue. 100% of proceeds benefits Kitten Rescue, additional parking located next door to the Kitten Rescue com— plex. (K 11/30) CHRISTMAS VILLAGE Craft Show, 2650 N 13th Street, Shelton; Friday Dec 1st, 10:00 am. to 3:00 pm. & Saturday, December 2nd, 10:00 em. to 2:00 pm. (C 11/23—11/30) HOLIDAY PARTY dates are filling up fast! Plan and book your organization’s event for up to 350 guests. The Pavilion Event Center, (360) 764—0710. (S 2/2 tfn) EAZAARS KITTEN RESCUE of Ma— son County Bazaar Bake Sale; December 2, 2023 — 9:00 am. — 4:00 pm. at 420 SE State Route 3, Shelton; Quilt raffle; pet items, gifts, collectible, baked goods, hand—crafted items, art— work, blankets, jewelry, Christmas items, stocking stuffers, decorations, an— tiques and so much more! Come start your Holiday shopping at Kitten Rescue. 100% of proceeds benefits Kitten Rescue, additional parking located next door to the Kitten Rescue com— plex. (K 11/30) HOLIDAY GIFT Fairs and Bake Sale, St. David of Wales Episcopal Church 324 W. Cedar St. Shelton Dec. 1-2 Friday 10—6, Sat— urday 10—5. Unique Hand— made Gifts and Treats (S 11/23-1 1/30) CARS/TRUCKS FOR SALE CARS $1,995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selection of low priced cars, trucks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced to sell. From Shelton, take State Route 3 E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call (360) 426—2907. (S tfn) COMPUTERS COMPUTER SERVICE at your door and more. Dave’s Computer Service (360) 898—3800. No travel fees, free estimate (D tfn) " . . .. . CONSTRUCTTONI CONTRACTORS KEL’S CAB & Counter. Of— fering custom cabinets, countertops, finish carpen— try, fine furniture repair. Singular service; Licensed, bonded insured. Call (360) 427—0977. M 11/30— 1 2/21 ) J.E. FRY, INC. Quality con- struction. Remodels, addi- tions decks, etc. Jackson Fry Cell (360) 229—2216; licenced and bonded — JE— FRYEF823JB (J tfn) EDUCATION LOOKING FOR quality and stability for your children? Shelton Valley Christian School provides Kindergar- ten — 8th grade education. Strong STEAM program. Small class sizes. Afford— able excellence. Enroll— ing now for next year. See website sheltonvalleychris— tianschoolorg for details or call (360) 426—4198. (8 tfn) PARENTS INCLUDING Homeschoolers: would your 3rd—6th grade student would like to participate in this year’s Children’s Holi— day Greetings art section? Include art of “What the holidays mean to me” with student’s name, grade, age, school and city info and mail to: SMCJ Greetings, PO Box 430, Shelton WA 98584 or scan email to:, or call the Journal office at (360) 426—4412. Dead— line: Nov. 30th. Publication: Dec. 21st. Businesses — to sponsor a greeting ad, con— tact Theresa at the Journal. (J 11/16-11/30) ELECTRICIANS AVEM ELECTRIC, LLC, for all of your electrical needs. Lic #AVEMEEL794DG Call Craig, Shelton office. (360) 463—2507. (A 11/30-1/18) EVENTS JIM & NITA Frye 60th An— niversary Jan 14th from 1:00—3:00 pm. New Hope Church 1521 Monroe St, Please RSVP ASAP: JN— (F 11/23—11/30) CHRISTMAS VILLAGE Craft Show, 2650 N 13th Street, Shelton; Friday Dec 1st, 10:00 am. to 3:00 pm. Saturday, December 2nd, 10:00 am. to 2:00 pm. (C 11/23—11/30) GFVXNGE Events, AA meetings every Thursday 7:00 pm. Call Matt 425-681—1004. For Hall Rental call Bernie 206— 240—7532. Check our Call the Experts ad for extra Reach a Million Readers l’eslivals, Fairs, cur sham, resorts and Page 28 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Thursday, November 30, 2023 events. 61 W.Beeville Rd. Matlock, Wa. (tfn) FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM, one bath, Twanoh Falls,Beach Rights, $800 per month. randle- Dan. 360—496-1635 (I 11/30— 12/5) DOWNTOWN MINI Storage available units from $40 — $125 monthly. Safe and se— cure. 122 S. 3rd St., Shel— ton (360) 426—6061 (B tfn) FOR SALE STANDARD POODLE pups for sale: 9 wk old black standard poodle pups. Both parents purebred (pups not papered) Re— homing fee applies. Gor— denia (253) 225—4446 0N 11/30) GARAGE SALES TWO DAY Farm Barn Clearance: Bring a box to fill make offer — Friday, Dec. 1st 2nd; 10:00 am. to 2:00 pm. 8525 117 SW, Olympia, WA 98512 off of Endicott in Little Rock area (worth the drive). Saddles and larger items not includ- ed. (R 11/30) LOOKING FOR someone to buy leftover garage sale items; bread—maker, New Home sewing, machine, outboard motor, two smok— ers, etc. No junk! (360) 877— 5841. (no address posted, please call) (R 1 1/30) HELP WANTED ONE ADULT, with vehicle, needing help with light household tasks, errands and occasional local trans— portation. One to four hours per week, depending. $20.00/hr + gas Afternoons preferred. 360—229-5500 any time. (W 11/23—11/30) THE 40et8 VETERAN’S Club in Shelton is looking for a Bar Manager to over— see daily operations. 20- 29 hours/wk. Hourly rate $18—20/hr. Email resume to fortyet83helton@gmail. corn. Application deadline is 12/5/2023. (T1 /30) PART TIME Clu Manager and Bartender, Shelton, WA — 40 et 8 Veterans Club Please email your resume and cover letter (or ques- tions) to fortyet8shelton@ gmailcom with the subject line: “Bar Manager Ap- plication ‘Your Name.” NLT 12/05/2023 Hours per week: 20-29 (negotiable) Hourly rate: $18-20 per hour Full details can be found at www.worksource— (K 11/23—11/30) ONE—ADULT with vehicle for light household tasks, errands and occasional local transportation. One to four hours per week depending. $20.00/HR gas Afternoons preferred. 360—229—5500 any time. (W 11/23—11/30) ACCOUNTING TANT: Accounts Payable Thurston Public Utility Dis— trict (PUD) Full-Time, Per- manent. Open until filled; Pay: $23.03 — $29.42 per hour ($3,992 — $5,100 per month) DOQ. A new pay range will be effective January 1, 2024! Join our Finance, Accounting, and Customer Service Team! Incredible Benefits Includ— ing: Excellent Health, Den— tal, and Optical Insurance, Washington State Retire— ment, 12 Paid Holidays, 12 Vacation Days (starting), 12 Sick Days, Life and Disabil— ity Insurance, HRA VEBA Account, Possible Hybrid Work Option. Submit a let— ter of interest and resume for consideration. Review the job description on the PUD’s website at: www. thurstonpudcrg. Ques— tions? Call (360) 357—8783 or email HR@thurstonpud. org. (P 11/16—12/7) LANDSCAPING GROWING LANDSCAP— ING for Lawn Maintenance, Brush Clearing, Hauling, Bark, Tree Services, Re— taining Walls, Roof Gutter Cleaning, Moss Removal, Decks & Fences. Domingo (360) 972-8920 (G tfn) ZJ’s LANDSCAPING, Con— struction Tree Service LLC, Residential, commer- cial, free estimates. Brush clearing, edging, thatch- ing, hauling, lawn mowing, drainage, weeding, brick laying, moss removal, paint- ing, firewood, gutters roof cleaning, pressure wash— ing, fencing, snow removal, concrete pouring, sprinkler systems, construction, retaining walls, land clear- ing, remodeling, excavat— ing. Licensed, bonded, in— sured. General contractor #ZJLADLK84BDC Find us on Facebook and Google+ free estimates, call or text, references available. Zacharias (360) 463-4834. zj.yardmaintenance@ gmailcom also, check out website:https://www.zjlser— vicescom/ (Z tfn) LOST 8: FOUND SMALL JEWELERY chest with personal items lost @ Arcadia and Lynch Road. Missing for a few weeks now; reward for return. Contact Karthonat@aol. com 564—669—9162 (L 11/23—12/3) MISCELLANEOUS SEE MLB games at Fen— way Park, Yankee Stadium, ' FREE 7~Year Extended .,, etc. Quality game tickets, hotels and motorcoach. Call/text for free brochure: 507—217—1326. (W tfn) LOW COST health cover— age. Government subsidies available for families earn— ing $111,000 or less a year. See if you qualify. Call for your free quote! 1—877-765— 1117. (W tfn) DONATE YOUR car to charity. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details, 855-635-4229. (W tfn) ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris— blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Se— nior Military Discounts. Call 1-888-360-1582. (W tfn) PREPARE FOR power out— ages today with a Generac home standby genera— tor. $0 money down low monthly payment options. Request a Free Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1—888—674-7053. (W tfn) MUSIC LIVE CELLO solos make your event special. From Bach to the Beatles. Ideal for weddings, receptions, celebrations of life, holiday parties etc. Reasonable rates, call Dave (360) 490- 4695. (P tfn) ORGANIZATIONS MASONS, GUESTS: Union City Lodge #27 F. & A.M. meets across the street from the Lucky Dog Ca— sino, North of Shelton at 19331 US Hwy. 101, on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Dinner 6:30, Lodge 7:30. (June, 1st Thursday.) Sojourners welcome! Email (U tfn) PETS FOR SALE STANDARD POODLE pups for sale: 9 wk old black standard poodle pups. Both parents purebred (pups not papered) Re- homing fee applies. Gor— denia (253) 225—4446 (W 11/30) PET SERVICES PYR HOPE Farm dog day— care, lodging & park. Invest in your pets’ health and wellness. Dog daycare, dog lodging, dog park. (360) 482—3225, pyrhope-, 440 W. Bulb Farm Rd., Shelton (P tfn) SYLVAN PEI' Lodge has created a low—stress, GUTTER PROTECTION EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! «IONS a IRMA?" MOHAth Leaf Filter‘ 13414 349M“ healthy environment with soft lighting, music, a regu— lar exercise program, and frequent, individualized at- tention. We treat every pet with affection, respect and kindness. Now also offer— ing pet grooming! Call (360) 426-3052. 270 SE Spring Place, Shelton, WA 98584 E—mail: (S tfn) KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County. Our adoption pric- es have been lowered... Cats and kittens are avail— able to indoor only homes. Website kittenresqnet, contact (360) 427-3167. (K 5/23 tfn) PERSONAL PERSONAL SHOPPER for the Holidays; will shop alone or drive you and help you gift—wrap. Don’t stress, call Tosha. (949) 356—8369 (M tfn) ROOFING ASCEND ROOFING Com- pany. Residential and Commercial roofing spe— cialists. New Construction, Re—Roofs and Repairs. Contractor License: AS- CENRC780DP. Financing options available. Call our office for your free esti- mate. (360) 868-2730 or Fax: (360) 868—2625. 1800 Olympic Hwy S, Shelton WA 98584 (A tfn) FIKES ROOFING Con- struction. Call us at (360) 490-0013 for a free esti- mate. Fikesroofingcom or find us on Facebook! FIKESRC863LK (F tfn) SERVICES AVEM ELECTRIC, LLC, for all of your electrical needs. Lic #AVEMEEL794D6 Call Craig, Shelton office. (360) 463—2507. (A 11/30—1/18) ALL COAST Renova— tions LLC Concrete. and so much more! GC# ALL— COCC7830M, Bond# 46-CF806276 lns# 06983352310 www.All—, Travis Pierce, Lead Foreman, 360— 810—1323 travis@allcoast— concretecom (A tfn) MASON ENERGY LLC, specializing in ductless heat pumps. Rebate-approved contractor, serving Mason County since 2010. Duct— work cleaning, heating/AC installation & repair. Call Kelly Stevens (360) 556- 8540 or email outdoor— Lic. MASONEL852LS. (M tfn) EVERGREEN STATE Roof- ing Lic.#EVERGSR81SBG (360) 462-0800, www.esr— Serving Shelton and all of Mason County. (E tfn) (LOG-FREE GUTTERS "I FOREVER \ CALL US TODAY FOR Q‘A FREE ESTIMATE 1-888-360-1582 SO MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (888) 674-7053 Mon 11me mm 11pm, In Sat Bum 3pm, sun 1pm 8pm i at golfrrmrses [0W the results they get! ' Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT FREE GUTTER (LEANING‘ GENERAC' Inquire at this newsaper or callf36j0-«344—293