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December 1, 2011 |
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I i
By NATALIE JOHNSON neer Mike Michael asked
the city commission to ap-
The City of Shelton got prove a $250,000 expendi-
good news on Monday ture to buy replacement
about the costly repair of membrane screens for the
its Satellite Water Recla- plant.
mation Plant after faulty In the last week, Mi-
screens caused damage tochael found out that the
the plant earlier this year. supplier of the screens,
Last week city engi- Ovivo, is willing to give the
city a deep discount on the
"They'll give the city the
remaining plates at about
50 percent off," Michael
That means the city
can buy the remaining
membrane plates needed
to complete the repair,
about 3,500, for only about
$30,000 dollars more than
it was prepared to pay for
2,000 plates.
The city could purchase
: the remaining plates for ::::;:!! :~ i: u
~,~i just over $285,000, plus !~::~:~:i::ii:Z:::::::;;:;~
0[ THE TS tax and shipping. ~: i ; 'i:; i~:::~:}i
However the city will ii, iiii:ii::ii:!:iii:!~iiiiiii!~i::~ii}:i:i:ii
likely only purchase 2,000ii~iliiiiii:i:i.!~i~
plates while it waits for a iiii@
resolution with the plant's
contractor and its insur-
Friday, December 2nd ance company.
"We are still working
Kristmas Town Kiwanis with the insurance compa-
in conjunction with the ny," Michael said.
Shelton Downtown Merchants While the city com- : ~*~*
--Presents-- m,s~lon was..pleased . " v lo ment Director Steve Goinsna
with the discount, they Community and Economic De e p __ ,.
reminded the citizens in
• Tree Lighting- 6pm attendance that the city ~:eTltmY:~ioPU~ih:t~Vi:2~:re submersible mixer °ior th9 Satell,te- -" -
• Choral Singing is still pursuing a reso- Y"
lution in which the con-
" Musicians tractor and its insurance ellite Water Reclamation the city buy a replacement has.
comnan,, would ha,, forPlant on Monday. WILD submersible mix- "We believe th
• Marshmallow Roasting the re"alrs v a When the plant was er through a sole source right pump for
These funds come out ofcompleted in summer of agreement, tlon we have, G,
• Kiwanis Kristmas Town Train the sewer reserve fund 2010 the project did not in- The city can purchase While the cul
Rides for kids on Railroad Ave. "This is not resolutionclude some spare parts and this mixer without go- mersible pump
of the issue " Ma,,or John equipment, in order to save ing out to bid, through a ing, Goins said
• Hot Chocolate, Hot Cider, Warrant said J money, sole source agreement, be- replacement pu]
Coffee & Cookies The city also reviewed a Community and Eco- cause it needs the specific vance would mil
pr°videdbyH°llyCah°°n&thecrew°f2"aStreetOesignNativity Skit re.uest to ..urchase a re nomic Development Direc- make and model of mixer pact; to the plaI
--- New this year ~ placement p~rt for the Sat: tot Steve Goins suggested to match the one it already thin went wron~
by 3'd & 4th Grade
Classes of Mason County Christian School
Saturday, December3rd
Collision victim died of natural cau!
STAFF REPORT Nickerson had not sustained any inju- died at the scelle.
Christmas Parade ries in the collision and that he had died A lone passenger was t:
Starts at about 5pro Mason County Coroner Wes Stock- from a probable cardiac arrhythmia as to Mason General Hospit~
Presented by Kristmas Town Kiwanis well reports that Harold B. Nickerson, a consequence of arteriosclerotic and and released.
Sponsored by Little Creek Casino Resort a 73-year-old Puyallup man who died hypertensive cardiovascular disease. The Mason County She]
early in the morning of Friday, Nov. The one-car collision occurred about says that Nickerson lost col
and 25, after a one-vehicle collision on the seven miles west of downtown Shelton vehicle on black ice before ]
' Peninsula Credit Union Shelton Matlock Road, died from natu- on Shelton Matlock Road. Nickerson roadway.
ral causes, was driving a 1999 Ford Ranger west- The vehicle then struci
All Events Above Are FREE! Stockwell said that an autopsy per- bound when the wreck occurred. De-flipi~ed:~strnek a 'stump an
formed on Nickerson confirmed thatspite efforts to revive him, Nickerson reston the'passenger~sdde.
• 50%
"3858 *
for thl
6 to 9 pm WA Old
, Gift Shop, refres~
hot berverage
visiting artists
~e Sunder & Judy
"A Sister
.~ ~ 2 Locations in Kids Hot Cocoa
~ ]ff a l~l ~ n n t~ h r ~ 114 E. Cedar St.. Shelton Pepermint Mocha
~- 1 ]1" B~eelr &~W~n? ~ 11, I ~ ,SOg~:t~:;~::.Road 628 ~3;:ta St.
,~ r'H~@~§|~ 3608776881 360 462 5282
: .............. ~-- , -- - ~ • 317South I Street * Shelton* 360-358-8170 " " " " i
~i~Chrlstmas Parade (Spin), ................. ~ ----- - ~ ~ :;
............ : IDiet + Exercise + Motivation = CurvesComplete I1 1 Iv O [I IPIlllllrl / Cu"cake $1s° • 6 Cuncakes s7s° I
SPONSORS: ~~'~ ]~Sth&Franklin=Shelton 134NorthFrstStreet, SuteB.Sheton L~ "f(l~l~el~
I 718W. Railroad Ave Shelton IINF.2~,d ....... wwwsugar-cakescom,sugar-cakes@live.¢om i
I 462-0550 I ................ ' 4Zb-~.'];Z• 360-229-0434 ,I} J i~.c ~ Fen
heyl:la'" - nk ...... ....
............ .... R~AL ESTATE _. ~ CASINO RESORT~
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, December 1,2011