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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 1, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 1, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Rojas, 25, of the 3000 block degree. Journa of Johns Prairie Road was Continued from page A-6 booked at 10:08 p.m. forClifton Ray Darrow, 23, DWI. of the 5500 block of Alam- Nov. 18 eda Street was booked at Jacob Raymond Ander- Howard Dwayne En- 9:53 p.m. for unlawful pos- son, 25, of the 1400 block of gen, 66, of the 1900 block session of a firearm first West Railroad Avenue, was of Boundary Street was degree, kidnapping first de- booked at 3:16 p.m. for four booked at 11:54 p:m. forgree, burglary first degree counts of unlawful distribu- physical control of alcohol/ and robbery first degree. tion of controlled substances drugs. to a minor and child rape Nov. 24 third degree. Nov. 22 Harold Floyd Allen, 20, Glen Alfred Roberts, 35, of the 300 block of North Nov. 19 of the 500 block of Arcadia Skokomish Indian Flats Michael Raymond Wil- Avenue was booked at 2:59 Road was booked at 1:44 son, 52, of the 12200 block of a.m. for malicious mischief p.m. for possession of a con- Northwest Cornwell Road, third degree (DV). trolled substance. Portland, Ore., was booked at 11:25 a.m. for stalking (DV). Nov. 20 Calvin C. Hubbard, of the 1100 block of East Mason Lake Drive, was booked at 2 a.m. for DWI. Birch Abril Garcia, 34, of Olympia, was booked at 7:22 a.m. for DWI. Luis Antonio Barragan Nov. 23 Bruce Aaron Saeger, 64, Michale Wayne Robin- of the 1300 block of South- son, 26, of the 2400 block of east Arcadia Road was Franklin Street was booked booked at 9:31 p.m. for DWI. at 10:45 a.m. for physical control of alcohol/drugs, Kayla Rose Wyeth, 20, of possession of less than 40 the 100 block of West Rail- grams of marijuana and road Avenue was booked at drug paraphernalia posses- 10:37 p.m. for theft second sion. degree and six counts of theft third degree. Desiree Dawn Forsberg, 20, a transient, was booked Nov. 26 at 4:06 p.m. for theft second Melissa Diane Moore, 33, of the 300 block of West Amanda Louise Yar- Fredson Road was booked brough, 24, of the 300 block at 1:46 a.m. for possession of North 12th Street was of a controlled substance booked at 11:43 p.m. for as- and possession of drug para- sault fourth degree. phernalia. Danyell Rebekah Ty- ler, 33, of the 15400 block of West Cloquallum Road, Elma, was booked at 1:55 a.m. for DWLS third degree and possession of a con- trolled substance. Nov. 27 Craig M. Firth, 23, of McCleary, was booked at 2:06 a.m. for possession of controlled substance, drug paraphernalia possession, dangerous weapon posses- sion and making false/mis- leading statements. Roger Dumas Miller, 48, of the 17200 block of South- east 387th Place, Auburn, was booked at 6 p.m. for possession of less than 40 grams of marijuana and making false or misleading statements. Goldsborough Creek Apartments is accepting wait list applications for seniors ages 62 and better. HUD subsidized, controlled access, garden setting, minutes from downtown shopping. Non-Smoking Property. 23 1-Br. and one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St., (306) 426-3903 Nov. 29 Michael Edward Womack, 32, who was list- ed in the booking report as living in 100 block of 3rd Avenue, Chesser, MA, was booked at 2:34 a.m. for failure to stop and give in- formation, possession of a controlled substance, pos- session of drug parapher- nalia, firearm possession by a felon, harrassment, resisting arrest and mak- ing false or misleading statements. iiiiii[!iii ' :¸o iiii[iiiiiiiii!!i!iiii!! iiii] iii!ii!iiiii i~iiiii~ ~ l~liii~!~i~ii~i~~¸¸¸¸ i~i~iii~iii~iii~iiiii i! iii Iiiiii!]i!~!ii!~!ii~liii!iii!iiiiii! ~i/vlth GIFT CERTIFICATEa Ruby Berg, LMP for a MASSAGE 1 HourMassage Gift Certificates *Save Sl0 OFF regular price J£CH WA Lic. #MA00011974 728 W. Railroad Ave., Shelton (360) 427-4556 Thank You Mason County and Journal readers for choosing us as your favorite CPA firm. m Michael Wittenberg & Staff ~.~1~#~ Katie Sheri Sheril Mike~ The Journal wishes to apologize to Michael Wittenberg for the errors in our Reader's Choice 2011 Best of Mason County 1st place winners in the CPA Category. 329 W. Railroad Avenue, Suite 200 Shelton, WA 98584 Mason General Hospital and Family of Clinics recently won the 2011 Srnoll T-System Client Excellence Award for creative use of technOlogy in its emergency department. ~O I~I DIST. CO. LUoMCANySBRI T " Electronic medical records earn i I I[" " '~ MAasonG?neraln?tlo?alhaward Wideliver :/ O JI OMPARE OUR L W PRICES! y , , sail" y p e p gr , ur~ We carry kerosene. Locatedat Sanderson Just because youre small doesnt mean 'It's ,kind of a little bubble in a bigger ~ ~ Industrial Park you have to think small, project, he said. ~ ~ "~,.!11!.~1.~]~ That's the attitude Mason General Hos-Combining the T-System and Microsoft ~ m~o~0~" l'~"!! 427--1 pital and Family of Clinics takes, especially HealthVault technology, the website My- after winning the national 2011 T-System allows patients to look at Client Excellence Award for Emergency De- their medical records from Mason General partment Excellence. online. "We want to provide the highest quality "You can go to the website and create a care-just because we're small doesn't mean login and password, then select your name," we can't be the best," said Jen Capps, Chief Hornburg said. "The information manage- Development Officer at Mason General. ment department matches you to your re- The award came as a result of using T- cord." System, Inc. software to help patients get Hornburg said the system is as secure as more connected to their treatment, said a banking website. Tom Homburg, Chief Information Officer While there are plans to expand the at Mason General. • service in the future, the online medical Emergency patients at Mason General records have only been available for eight can now view a summary of their Emergen- months and have already attracted 260 us- cy Department (ED) visit electronically and ers to the website. from their own home. The hospital has also won the "Most This helps patients keep track of their Wired" award for its use of technology four treatment, said Sabrina Lyons from the years running. hospital's emergency department. So far, hospital staff members have heard "Especially patients with clinic illnesses a lot of positive reviews of the new services. who really need to keep up their health ... I "The feedback I have heard is that people think to understand how to do this will re- who can log in to it and look at it really like ally help them," she said. "The biggest thing it," Capps said. is getting education out there, getting the Capps mentioned the service is particu- patient to be an active part in their health- larly convenient for hospital clients who care." aren't full time residents of Mason County. Being able to view summaries of emer- "I've heard really good feedback," she gency hospital visits is rather unusual, said. Hornburg said. In the past, many patients Eric Moll, Chief Administrative officer never saw their medical records, now they for the hospital, commended the emergency can access them online, department for their hard work. "It's unusual to the fact that they have "Especially in the emergency depart- a place to see their records," he said. "It's ment, it's a very fast-paced stressful depart- building that personal health record for ment. To be able to make these tools work each patient. The project was patient en- for them it takes a lot of work on their part," gagement with their healthcare." he said. "It's nice to get external recognition The emergency visit summaries aren't for work that staffhas been doing." Donations Shirley Sechler, $30; anonymous, $35; anonymous, $50; Bob and Andrea Ar- Continued from page A-1 manino, $250; Larry and Toni Stevens, $100; anonymous, $50; Howard and Nancy Club, $ 50; Aero Controls, $500; Miles and Bauer in memory of Ed, $125; in Memory of Roxanne Silverthorn, $200; Boyd Bowles Bob and Lillian Sheldon, $100; Barbara and and Carolyn Gravatt-Bowles, $25; Edee David Hamlin, $100; Gordon and Esther Larson, $200; Puget Sound Enduro Riders, Osberg, $25; anonymous, $50; anonymous, $500; D.F. and M.L. Homer, $25; Alvin and $50 [ " 7 I I RECEIVE GAS DISCOUNT Present this coffpon for your FREE KTP Club Card. Good for ALL FUTURE GAS PURCHASES at Kamilche "lhdmg Post. Open Mon-Thur 6am-12am • Fri-Sat 6am-2am. Sun 6am-llpm I Dfive-thru open Sun-Thur 7am-gpm, Fri-Sat 7am-10pm I@l 360-426-5254 t Located at the intersection of Highway 101 and 108, just minutes away from Olympia and Shelton A Sk00kum Tobacco Factory Have A Safe & Happy Holiday! ( Cigarette Prices Starting at ~° =~ #1-Intersection of Hwy 101 & 108~ • l ° KTP #2- 6233 Steamboat Island Roadl $ $. • =~ ~ross .= 0,d 0l~pia ~. N.,Itn,r.~11~.ff ~ssorted12Pac~ ~~ v" v"~''b //Pepsi/I ~ **4~?~zlc~ I ,~, ,~ ~ // / ~ *2~~.nFREEJ lflUe uunny e~ ii~i / ( Red Baron mngms ) ' Deep Dish Supreme Pizza Um uaPremmm Re $599 Pq //~.. ~ll~2forSAS91 • Ice Cream ~ s3~ ~ Check Us Out on FACEBOOK -- Prices subject to change without notice - * Made Fresh at Skookm Creek Tobacco Factor~ Shelton $ is $ is $ 5 Extra Small 10 oz .......... 5 Medi~ 16 oz ................ 7 Mamla Clams ~mb.g ........ 8 ' I $ 59 $ 99 $ 19 Extra Small 16 oz .......... 8 Large 10 oz .................... 4 Oysters i dozenbag ............. 7 ' [ $ 29 $ 59 Small 10 oz ................... 5 Large 16 oz .................... 7 Smoked Oysters 8 oz....'1299I $ 29 $ 29 1 Small 16 oz ................... 8 Stew Meat 16 oz ............ 5 (Original. Teriyaki. Cajun) ) $ 09 $ 49 Medi~ 10 oz ..... , .......... 5 Stew Meat 64 oz .......... 17 Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, December 1,2011 - Page A-7