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Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 1, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 1, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I I b ; i I MASTERGARDENER " fy " m Extend the hfe o our Christ as ~" h h i' ~ By R. JEANNE for your tree to guarantee sity research as s own No prese REHWALDT freshness, that a cut tree indoorsadditives, v First, the foliage should without water will lastmad~ or commer, Discount ~ Now that Thanksgiving be a solid green for the for only one to two weeks been shown to b~ has come and gone, I have particular species, al-before it becomes a serious ter than water. I seen many cars and trucks though there is some ge- fire hazard. A tree kept in testipg a few yea of the Year! loaded with their fresh, neticvariabilityamongin- freshwater will last for WSU'sresearchJ Mason County-grown dividuals within a species, a month or more in goodin Puyallup s]lo~ ~ Christmas trees. I am sure Thump the butt of the condition and remain fire som~ of these so- See In-Store For many of us have yet totree hard on the ground. If resistant. , preservatives choose a tree and bring it many green needles drop Your tree stand s reser- ducetl tree ~ home. off, look for another tree. voir should hold at least water, either Special RED TAG According to George Only the brown needles four quarts of water, and cold, seems to wc Items S L P T(I 700/0~ ~ Pinyuh, retiredWSUEx- from deeper inside the tree it must be checked everybest. AV[NC : tension agent, there areshould come off in quan-day and refilled as the When locatin~ essentially three kinds of tity. You can also test for water level goes down. Re- tree indoors it m New ~ ~ Christmas trees grown on .needle retention by run-search has shown that a 6- sens# to keep it, farms in Washington: true ning your hand lightly upto 7-foot tree can take up away from any s firs (usually two species, several branches against an entire gallon of water of heat as possib Diamc nd ,, noble and grand), Douglas the needles. Most of the the first day it's set up in places, wood sto' fir and Scotch pine. All green needles should stay the house, board heaters, a Jewel ry ting at : of them will perform well on thebranches. Before settingupyour regiSters are all St~r indoors provided a fresh Take a couple of needles tree, cut an inch or so off mak~ your tree ~ healthy tree is chosen from a branch and bend the base to expose new moisture more r. $49°0 and it's cared for properly them in two. At some point xylem, cells which will thus requiring n while it's in your home.before the ends touch they be able to take up water, quer~t additions Because all of our should snap cleanly andThese water-ab§orbing close ~ trees are grown nearby in exude pitch. If they don't cells generally seal over heat sources ma: New • .... :)~ ~ western Washington and snap or you see no pitch after about six hours of be- downright dang~ ~,:~ NEW!'~ are not subject to warm from the broken ends, look ing cut and re-hydration IQcou have an ib' Holly Yashi !~h weather or long transit for a fresher tree. becomes much less effi-denigg related ql times after they're har-For a cut Christmas cient. For this reason it's please contact a : ~~.~ vested, any tree purchased tree to remain fresh and critical to always keep the Gardener volant, Jewelry b locally is likely to be fresh, safe indoors it must be set water level above the base Mondays at 427- ~! ~n~ to be there in stand that holds of the tree. If it dries out 687 Up to However, sure, up a or you c~_n el g~ ~ are a few tests you can water -- and plenty of it. completely, water perform while shopping Washington State Univer-will be poor. Holidays. FREE Drawing FREE Refreshments SOCK to fill Shelton's Christmas stooc FREE Jewelry Cleaning The Shelton Christmas Bazaar cel- lin (right across the street from Safe- a e t'cket o g g us ebrates its 29th anniversary, this year. way). On Saturday, the bazaar runs or bid in the silent auction. FREE Gift Wrapping sock (Save Our County s Kids) is from 10 a.m. to8 p.m. and on Sunday A great way to spark t: once again the Bazaar's sponsor, and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. .spirit is to browse through 1 Now, about those special treats - mas Bazaar bqfore or cite1 has some special treats in store for all SOCK isn t limiting them to just the Shelton s famous Christm who attend. ' ' The Christmas Bazaar features good girls and boys, but to all who walk light Parade. The parade t booths brimming with holiday gift in the front door. The bazaar will offer p.m. on Satur~lay and end ideas from local vendors and crafters, a bake sale. and also hearty, hot food Transit Community Center. The Bazaar will be open on Saturday and drinks from Ivy's Kitchen, just off For more information on Come join the and Sunday, Dec. 3 and 4 in the Tran- the main floor of the community cen- mas Bazaar, or to find out • ~ sit Community Center, 601 W. Frank- ter. Those attending may also buy a a vendor, call 259-6098 or FUN! Gift Certificates p d An h lp hol Avmlable De resse nonymous can e I Red, white and green are ing, or not being able to cry hopelessness, worthless- a fear of being the traditional holiday col- and difficulty in smiling or ness, guilt or self-reproach; '" as mentally ~i ors. But, for many people laughing may all be signs possible thoughts of killing sion Anonym there is another color that of depression," said Ron S. one's self and a hard time not hold that overshadows those colors -- "Most people do not knowmaking decisions are just a In DA, skills are blue. why these are occurring Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-5:50 • Sat. 10-5 Have you lost interest in and have a very difficult daily activities, feel that life time admitting something ~: Thanks for voting us Mason County's Favorite Jewelry Store ~ is terrible, or don't want to is wrong. While the holidays ~ 1st & Railroad, Suite 108 ~ do anything?are a time of joy and happi- 426-58 II ,; Z g~ • L You may be suffering de- pression and the local De- pressed Anonymous group may be able ~o help accord- ing ~o Ron S., the local De- pressed Anonymous spokes- person. Depressed Anonymous is an International 12-step or- ganization with headquar- ters in Louisville, Ky. "Fear, anxiety, weep- ness, for many people it can be a very sad time. Being alone or jus~ a memory can produce a blue that doesn't want to go away." Depressed Anonymous lists ~)ther warning signs of depression: changes in appetite; shifts in sleeping patterns; fatigue/lack of en- ergy; agitation or increased activity; feelings of sadness, few. overcome this If anyone has four or more man emotion. of these signs for several "People learn, t weeks, Depressed Anony-, the very first time mous said they should talk a choice to stay to somebody, do It may be a close friend, a only doctor, a counselor, or a de- ing pression self-help group, butis the talk to somebody. "Depression is part of ev- Shelton eryone's life sooner or lat- er," Ron S. said. "The first 7 on thing a person needs ~o do is ~o admit that something For information is wrong. Their reluctance Sheldon groups to seek help may s~em from at 2~9-9788. [r 5 of SHELTON FIRST Grace Baptist Church ii!iiii!il;il Contact us: Mailing address: for the faith ofthe~ospd ~ P0 B0x 1025, 6h0it0n, SVA 98584 f~' ~-" __ Phone: (360)462-1611 .?'~~,~hna-centered" Church Times of Services: ~ ~,~ ~ E nlai]: Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. V~ Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m. ~,~ hsten on Sut~d~ Memi,gWolshtp Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting ..... 7 p.m. ~~e¢a KMASIO3OAM i lraeti0nal4:~5 a ¢~. :3O . lO:OO,,,, Agate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop Rd, ! Oorler~Ferar~:~33 am, S~da' 9:30 a.m., 728 Railroad Ave. i .................. ................................................ Pastor Steve Olsen Paster Brian Weinberer L2L! Connection St ~ton, W~ (360) 426.8611 EL JE t 8ibm, ~u~y 'fO~h.~,~tivities ¢ Fa~ C0r~r~unit'/ Ohildcae Center (N-f} CrossPoint ServiceTraditional Service ...... ,, .......... ,, ....... :: thai begins at 5100 AM thai begins al .... /- Praise Band • Praifierl*Oalll 10145 AM • Contemporary Message L'hoir Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both services NEED WEEKDAY CHILDCARE? [~'~. 360-426-5089 ~ ~. Shelt0n United Methodist Church ~ ,¥0uth Gr:Utd: Cth;l:;: :'SsA~:[i~it:;[:ir2t~alc::;wth Classes , Intergenerati0nal Ministries, Dynamic Worship Experience ... for love of the worM/ Ooen hearts. Ooen minds. Onen doors. ".1'he People of Shelton United Methodist Church 9:OO AM [ Celebration Service IO:30 ~ I Celebration Service Attended Nursery Children's Classes 4:oo ,'M I :Gateway to Recovery Chlldcare Provided i.) n sd " rvi Nursery to 2 Yc, ars Children's Classes SOuLFi~ YOUTH 6~U £2rtJ Grade i Th~purpos~of~~i't° hr'lP # peopte become ~/~ ~7~ ~d~ through Worship, ADO~ES5 [ 405 S. 7t2q St, Shelton PHONe 1360-426-2758 WeBSITE I vevv~v,gatewaycEcom Call 426-4412 to place your ad Mt. Olive Lutherma Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m. Christian Education ................. 9:45 am, Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 a.m Office 426-6353 Daycare 4273165 Refreshed - Restored - Renewed in Rivers of Grace $icd In PainfCome Sunday Night Worship 6 p,m. Worship for all ages Senior Center • 826 W Railroad Ave 438-8531 Merning Worship i ,, Schoo~ for ~ll ages Se rviiio en Espa6ol • Wedhesdays 6 pm Cedar St. ':30 & 10:30 of Sunday WORSHIP 8:30 and 10: at the 360-898-78 Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 1,2011