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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
December 1, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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December 1, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CALENDAR Friday 9 a.m.-8 p.m., the Down- town Merchant's Associa- tion hosts its annual First Friday event, encouraging merchants to stay open un- til 8 p.m. for holiday shop- ping. In-store prizes and art walk will be featured in this event, lighting up the down- town core for the Christmas Tree Lighting and other fes- tivities. 11:30 a.m.-1 p,m., Busi- ness Builder workshop at Grove St. Brewhouse, 233 S. First St., Shelton. This month's free workshop is a Microsoft Community Con- come to attend. We will dis- cuss the current week of ac- tion in Olympia. 6 p.m., Tree lighting and Christmas festivities in downtown Shelton hosted by the Kristmas Town Ki- wani at Post Office Park. Railroad will be ablaze with holiday spirit and bonfires. Saturday 9 a.m., holiday bazaar sponsored by the New Com- munity Church in Union at the Union fire hall, 50 East Seattle Street, Union. Gifts, treats and more to benefit the church. ble lessons, skits and small groups to help your kids get the most out of every week- end. For more information contact Melody at 427-9092 Monday 9 a.m., TOPS #1402 meets every Monday at the Harstine Island Commu- nity Hall, 3371 E Harstine Island Road N. If you are looking for a support group to Take Off Pounds Sensi- bly, come and join us. More • information please contact Marlene at 427-3873. Tuesday a friend. For more informa- tion call 426-1362. 3-5 p.m., Shelton Tim- berland Library presents Teen Gaming Lounge, for teens. Play Xbox Kinect, Wii and other games, watch movies and have refresh- ments with friends. Snacks wMP3"s nections program. Todd Whitley from Brightwire networks will present tips and tricks to help you though Windows 7 and new MS Office. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Fiercely Independent El- ders meets in the Washing- ton Room. Contact Ray at 898-2316 for more informa- tion. 11:30 a.m., Annual Soup and Sound event, which is in its 29th year, is spon- sored by the Shelton Unit- ed Methodist Church, free homemade soup and rolls, followed at 12:15 p.m. by the music program pre- sented by Bronn Journey 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Kitten Rescue of Mason County will hold their annual Holi- day Bazaar and Bake Sale in Shelton at 420 SE State Route 3 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Christ- mas Bazaar and Bake Sale, hot soup and bread, coffee and tea, as you shop for Holiday gifts and yummy baked goods inside St. Da- vid's Episcopal Church. 324 W. Cedar St., downtown Shelton. All purchases sup- port outreach ministries. 1--3 p.m., Cancer sup- port group meets at Mason General Hospital. For more information call 456-8266 (meet 1st Saturday of each 7:30 a.m., The Govern- ment Affairs Committee meets the 1st Tuesday of the every month at Roost- ers Restaurant 3001 Olym- pic Hwy N, Shelton 6:30 p.m., Equestri- enne's of Mason County regular meeting at Denny's Restaurant, 301 E. Wallace Kneeland Blvd. Wednesday 9:30 a.m., monthly meet- ing of the Lewis-Mason- Thurston Area Agency on Aging at 4419 Harrison Ave NW, Olympia WA 98502 Noon, Mason County Pioneers will meet for lunch at the Shelton Elks Lodge, .Gameboy Advance and supplies provided by i!!i! !~ic!!!!!I the Friends of the Shelton ::: :: Timberland Library. For p "i~ ~@ J ................... : ................ ::: r Events Assoclatlon~!~('~i~:% ; [ more information call 426- Present, the *~it~ii~ii 1362. ~; 4-6 p.m., ribbon cutting ~ 2011 HOODSPORT TREE LIGHTiNG(~ .. at Brittany Michael's Hair & Community Holiday Pa~ylI!:;:~ Co. & Spa, 2923 Northview Cir, Shelton, h0rs d'ouevres ::: WHEN S d D ~ .............................. ................................. : un ay ecember4th 4:00 pm and beverages will be pro- .......................... WHERE: Hoodspor[ Dock for the Tree Lighting ili:iiii!~!i:ii;:ii~ii:iii:i!~!i : ~; ;iiiiiii;!iii)i!!i!ii~!iil]il ii!:iiii!::ii:ii)ili:ii!:!!i!! , Hoodsport Fire Hall • Finch Creek Road iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ................................ ii~iliiiiii~iiii!:ili~ilililil !iiii:ii:ii:iii!i!i:i;iiii:i!i JoinusfortimewithSanta, giftsforthecl~ildren iiii!iiiii!::i!i!i!i!iiiiiii[iil music, singing, foodandfun. ":"!ii!i!i!ili!)ili!iiii!!!ii!ii!i TIME: 4:00 pm for Tree. Lighting, a visit by The Lady Alderbrook cruise boat and carolers. 5:00 pm for SANTA'S arrival and other festivities at the Hoodsport Fire Hall COST: There is a suggested $3.00 donation forfamily !iii!iiiiiiii~iii~ii~iii~ii~il pictureswithSanta, iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ...... i~!iiii~iii~ilili;iii~iiiii~iii The LadyAIderbrook Cruise iiii!i!iiiiiii!iiiiii!!i!iiiiil $15.00 per person ~i~i~i~i,i~i~i~i~i~i;i~i~i~i~i NO reservations, pay atthe dock. !i!~!~:]!i!iiiiiiiii!iii!iiiii!iiiiiiii! Board at 3:00, departure, 3:15 ii~ii~i~i~i~i~i~i~i~ .......... ii:ii!~iiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Cruisequestions?CallCindyat3604905748 i!i!!i!!ii!iiii!!iiiil)i~ on the Harp. This is being held at the Shelton United Methodist Church at 1900 King Street. Everyone is welcome to attend. There is free childcare provided. For more information, call the Church at 426-4174. 3--4:30 p.m., Shelton Timberland Library pres- ents Japan Culture Club for Teens. Enjoy the sights, sounds and crafts of Japa- nese pop culture: rock mu- sic, anime, manga and Kanji calligraphy. Japa- nese snacks provided by the Friends of the Shelton Tim- berland Library. For more information call 426-1362. month) 4-7 p.m., Toys for Tots 741 S.E. Craig Rd. Norman and Marian Eveleth will vided 7 p.m., The Mason Coun- ty Sportsman's Association general meeting is held the first Wednesday of each month at the indoor range located at 521 W Business Park Rd (at the Shelton Air- port). drive -join Fournier Insur- ance Solutions and Service Master of Tacoma in this year's Toys for Tots drive. All donations will go to the local Toys for Tots Foun- dation for local children in need. Fournier Insurance solutions is located at 625 W Railroad Ave, Shelton 5 p.m., Christmas Town USA Christmas Parade in downtown Shelton spon- sored by Peninsula Credit Union. The route winds through downtown and Railroad Ave present a program on their road scholar trip to Hawaii and describe their adven- tures on the USS Missouri stationed at Pearl Harbor. Noon-l:30 p.m., Shel- ton Timberland Library presents Reading Not Re- quired, a Book Group for Busy People, for adults. Join in a lunchtime book group celebrating the art of the short story. No prepara- tion is necessary - listen as librarians read well-crafted short stories aloud, followed by a group discussion of the stories and ~nforma- iii iiiiii:!i ii ili ili iiiiiiil ii ii!iiiiiiili!iii iil ii:iiiii Thursday, Dec. 8 10-11 a.m., TOPS meets at the Shelton Christian Church every Thursday. For more information call Ruth at 432-0870. 6:30-7:45 p.m., Shelton < .:. Timberland Library pres- ents Holiday Music, for all : ages. Enjoy seasonal mu- sic performed by the Shel- ton High School Chamber : The Hoodsport Community Events Association thanks you for joining us! Singers and the Oakland 4-5 p.m., Occupy Shel- ton will hold a meeting at the Shelton Public Safety Building. All who support the Occupy effort are Tel- Sunday 10 a.m.-noon, Kidztown at Olympic Middle School kids K-6th grades crafts, games, breakfast, music, bi- tion about the authors. Two stories by separate authors will be read each session. Arrive and leave as you please. Bring a lunch and Bay Junior High School Honor Choir. Director Paul Nakhla will lead the two advanced choirs in carols to usher in the holidays. The Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library will serve light refreshments. The library closes at 7 p.m. and will only be open for the presentation after that time. For more information call 426-1362. 6:30 p.m., Hood Canal Lions club meetings at the Union fire Hall, 4th St. in Union (!st and 3rd Thurs- WREATHS your handsaw days) or share ours' 7-10 p.m, John Lu- cas and Randy Linder will ~~~ perform at Taylor Station, Restaurant and Lounge on Thursdays ~ Friendly Critters a t Cocoa & Cider ~i~~[]] OPEN Fri - Sat - Sun 9 -/4 Pony Rides & Santa) Mason County Literacy shares spotlight with Saturday & Sunday. NOON December 3 & 4th • Dec 10th & llth Anna's Bay Chorale during third annual event Anna's Bay Chorale and the South Shore Chamber Orchestra will Donate the Difference to Mason Coun- ty Literacy at their Decem- ber 10 performance of Han- del's Messiah. This year marks the third annual performance of the beloved holiday mas- terpiece. Tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door. ;Patrons who pur- chase tickets at the door on December 10 will have the option of donating $3 to Mason County Literacy and admission to the con- cert for $12. Donate the Difference encourages the sound learning provided by both organizations. Funds raised from this performance will be used to underwrite Anna's Bay's work to supplement in- school music education and MCL's classroom instruc- tion for adults. The concert begins at 7 p.m., preceded by a brief presentation by Mason County Literacy represen- tatives. Mason County Litera- cy's mission is to educate adults to be equipped to succeed and contribute in our society. The non-profit organizatibn is changing its name to Sound Learn- ing in 2012. Come See Our 1st-Run M OVl ES! www.SH Corner of 5th & Franklin Breaking Dawn Daily 4:20, 6:45pm Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:05pro Sat-Sun 2:00pm I Kick Off FIRST FRIDAY with i The Santa Clause[-~ t Friday Only - 3:45 p.m! Admission: 1 N~~m Servlnfi all orfianlc, fair trade espresso firings * AI~VAYS FEWER THAN 8 MIN. OF PREVIEWS * " New Year Celebration Doors open 5 pm New Year's Eve Dinner at 6 pm Prime Rib or Salmon Dancing starts at 9 pm to the music of Casanova TWO CHAMPAGNE TOASTS East Coast Toast at 9pm -plus- Traditional Toast at Midnight Includes party hats and favors $40 / person, advance reservations only Contact Shelton Elks Lodge 426-2322 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 1,2011 - Page B-3