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December 1, 2011 |
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Santa Claus interacts with a cast of characters in "Santa
Courtesy photo
Sees the
Theatre club presents 'Santa'
Harstine Island Theatre Club presents street magician (Ken Heuman) and police
"Santa Sees the States," which was written officer (Mike Plomski), all explained by an-
and directed by local islander Bob Helm and nouncer Barbara Hubbard.
is an interesting and different play with all Numerous young people are involved in
kinds of unexpected behavior by Santa, the storyline as well and sing and dance
played by Scott Newman. through the play.
Santa is helped along by a highly emo- The clubs would like to thank Carol
tional secretary (Lorna Hink), an account- Fulcher of the Shelton Dance Center and
ing elf (Guy Beaudoin) that tries his hard- Deneen Phelan; these young actors (Audrey
est to keep Santa under control, Mrs. Claus Beaudoin, Josie Beaudoin, Jenifer Meier,
(Karla Lortz), who tries to keep her spouse Grace Phelan, Analise Scott, Jayden Scott,
under reign (no pun intended), a Christmas and Nikolay Meier) are doing a tap dance
Angel (Anita Chandler), who was a former routine to the Elvis Presley hit "Jailhouse
roller derby queen, and two wild and wacky Rock".
roles that one has to see to believe, both Audience members should be prepared to
played by Bill Shoaf. ' laugh and maybe recall some of their own
Other cast members who have a hand memories of travel and vacations. Audience
in the mayhem are Rudolph the Reindeer members will see some imagined and real
(Josie Beaudoin), the toy production elf life events unfold before you during these
(Grace Phelan), young lady in New York donation-only performances. The perfor-
(Analise Scott), child in :New York (Audrey mances will be at 8 p.m. on Dec. 2 and 3 and
Beaudoin), lady in New York (Diane My- at 3 p.m. on Dec. 4 at the Harstine Island
ers), man in New York (Kenny Latimer), Community Hall.
Mason County PUD 3 Commission
to hold hearing on 2012 budget
The Mason County PUD ately following the hearing. PUD commission board-
No. 3 BoardofCommission- The meeting is for dis- room. The Dec. 27, regular
ers has scheduled a public cussion of the 2012 pro-business meeting has been
hearing at 10 a.m. for Tues- posed budget, cancelled.
day, Dec. 6, in the PUD In addition to the regular Copies of the prelimi-
commission boardroom at meeting scheduled for Dec. nary budget will be avail-
307 West Cota Street in 13, another special meet- able. Please contact the
Shelton with a special com- ing has been scheduled at Shelton or Belfair office for
mission meeting immedi- 10 a.m. for Dec. 20, in the a copy.
Hood Canal Kiwanis group
announce community garden plan
The Hood Canal Kiwanis Taking on a project of pate in making this project
group is in the beginning thi~ magnitude is huge for a a success. Those individuals,
stages of planning a com- small Hood Canal Kiwanisorganizations or businesses
munity garden within thechapter. The group is looking interested in sponsoring,
Skokomish Valley of Shel- for commitments from other partnering or learning more
ton. The community garden sources to take part in this about this project should
would benefit the local com- worth-while project. There is contact Art Day 877-5794 or
munity as well benefit the an open invitation to those Tudi'Whitright, 877-6714,
Hoodsport food bank. that would like to partici-
Elvin and Nan Deffenbaugh celebrate 50 years
Elvin and Nan (Robertson) Deffenbaughfrom Snohomish; Shannon and Charles
of Elma are celebrating their 50 years to- Schultheisz of Woodsfield, Ohio and Neil
gether, and Tina Deffenbaugh of Toutle. Elvin and
They were married on December 23, !961 Nan have nine grandchildren.
in Oswego, Kan. Their family will celebrate Elvin was employed at Simpson Timber
their union in Olympia during the holiday Co as a mechanic for 28 years until his re-
season. The'Deffenbaughs have lived in tired in June 1998. Nan was a teacher at
Grays Harbor for 38 years. Mary M. Knight School for 25 years until
The family members who will be attend- she retired in June 2002.
ing the celebration are Peggy Deffenbaugh The couple attends the Shelton Church
from Star, Idaho; Alice and Neff Thannisch of Christ.
Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, December 1,2011
St. Edward's Church
new stained glass win
Towering above the altar of St. Ed- image "bloomed" in his
ward's Church is a new stained glass The theme grew out
window that was installed last week, passage of the Baptism o
and will be blessed in a special cere- River Jordan, when the
mony on Saturday, Dec. 3. and the Holy Spirit desce
The rose window measures 22-feet ly form like a dove:
by 14-feet, and was designed and con- "The light of God
structed by local artist Gary Barber of a dove in divine light des
Octopus Studios in Belfair. us," Barber said about hi
Barber has been working in stainedThe glass came
glass since high school, throughout the United
His studio is located on the Kitsap was carefully shaped
Peninsula above Tahuya. that provided the
Barber had previously installed scriptural image of a
windows in St. Edward's Church that ditional in Catholic chur,
were obtained from a church in Penn- Some glass from the
sylvania that was closing, project was
He describes his inspiration for the Archbishop J. Peter
new window as occurring to him at the the Archdiocese of
Tacoma Home Show when he was doo- the window during a
dling on a scratch pad, and that the p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3
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